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, welcome to The Mines of Nemrac (an ADnD campaign)

08:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Group 0 2024 OOC thread...

Posted by DMJSCFor group 0
Lionel Lizardbane
player, 1415 posts
23/23 hp
AC 2, 9ch
Fri 3 May 2024
at 22:45
  • msg #89

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Calista says hi to those playing there :)
Beelo Bigfoot
player, 463 posts
Hairy-Footed Explorer
HP 24/24 AC 6
Sat 4 May 2024
at 14:29
  • msg #90

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

I hate to quit in the middle of a fight. Heck, that was the beginning of a fight. Does this mean we were set upon by those hungry blighters and were never seen again?
player, 1072 posts
Half-Elf 6th Ftr/7th Wiz
AC: -6, HP: 45/45
Sun 5 May 2024
at 13:15
  • msg #91

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Thanks Jeff. I enjoyed playing Lycurgus. It's been fun, especially having had a stable group for many years - with Sam, Graes, Gwire in particular - for many years. Harukai has been good as well, though not as long. Was looking forward to getting to know Stone better but alas, it was not meant to be.

Lycurgus started off level 1/1 and though he got a bit of a lift from the others who were a bit higher level, it wasn't that much. So mostly he earned each level on his own, climbing up level after level reaching 6/7 Fighter/Mage - the level 7 being a benefit from the Librium. He also was the one to find the secret door that earned us the most wondrous stash of magic items we found the entire duration of the game. You had me rolled a d12 and I rolled a 1. At the time, before I knew the outcome or even what the roll meant, I knew that was either really good or really bad. Turned out good.

There have been other twists and turns along the way. The shocking death of Samitha, after years of play. I had thought that raise dead scroll we got from the above magic hoard would never be used. Also worried Sam might not make her Raise Dead survival check (she passed). Was glad the dice weren't bad that day! Then there was the time when we were almost overwhelmed by a Ghast together with a group of Ghouls. We had thought we were ok because Sam's Protection from Evil keeps Ghouls at bay but not Ghasts! It was Sam and I and maybe 3 1st levelers. Sam and 2 of the 1st levels all got paralyzed. Lycurgus had to make 2 saving throws - which he fortunately did - because I don't think the first leveler would have had a chance. There were other anecdotes - won't mention them all.

My favorite, though, was when Lycurgus was young (low level) and was adventuring with Elornia (spelling?/something similar). There was a young Green Dragon flying towards us and there was a near-consensus, not including Lycurgus, that we should try to talk to it. I think it was wishful thinking but when it started diving and roaring Lycurgus had enough and fired an arrow at it, hitting it for max damage. There were a few recriminations for Lycurgus winging it and statements like now we're going to have to fight it. However, it was all in good fun and worked out for the best (no one died except the dragon).

Best wishes!
This message was last edited by the player at 19:42, Sun 05 May.
Tern D'Guul
player, 1642 posts
Human fighter 4
AC2, HP 28/28 THAC0 16
Mon 6 May 2024
at 22:47
  • msg #92

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

I put an rtj in for the West Marches game a few days ago. Haven't heard back yet though.
Lionel Lizardbane
player, 1416 posts
23/23 hp
AC 2, 9ch
Mon 6 May 2024
at 23:45
  • msg #93

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

It's been a slow burn for the last few months
Ara Fay
player, 16 posts
Half-Elven Magic-User
HP: 04/04; AC: 10
Tue 7 May 2024
at 00:29
  • msg #94

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

If anyone's looking for...

Revised 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons: Over on Myth-Weavers, there is a gestalt game lounge called "The Realm Folded Tavern".  You can start from 1st to 3rd level.

5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons: Adventurers League is anticipating an uptick in activity, but I'm sure if a bunch of people came flooding in, the Dungeon Masters would be delighted and spurred to run a game or two...   ðŸ˜¼ðŸ˜¹ Especially with that Vecna adventure coming up!  In any case, "Aldara Figments" or "Dilemma" sent you!
AL games are organized play, so there's generally very stable rules, and you can expect to complete an adventure.  More information can be learned at the Adventurers League section of the Wizards of the Coast website for Dungeons & Dragons.  And, Adventurers League is VERY newbie-friendly -- the Dungeon Masters I play with, and the AL people there in general, have a very "there is no such thing as a stupid question" attitude about things, which won me over.

I'm not terribly sure if there's a rule against what I just said, since in around 2012, when I registered here, I do recall seeing something about not talking about games on other forums, or telling people to look there, or something.  Regardless, if you like gestalt v3.5 (gimme Epic6) or 5th Edition games, head on over.  They'd love to see you there.
Wehostan, son of Bardolf
player, 1504 posts
Halfling Adventurer
Gang Green
Tue 7 May 2024
at 01:27
  • msg #95

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Don't worry, Ara. Gang Green are no snitches!
Tern D'Guul
player, 1643 posts
Human fighter 4
AC2, HP 28/28 THAC0 16
Tue 7 May 2024
at 17:35
  • msg #96

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

In reply to Ara Fay (msg # 94):

I'd be interested in learning 5e and getting in a campaign, but I'm not into Living Campaigns and I like it here. I tried playing on Unseen Servant, great people and games, I just couldn't get used to it and came back here. I don't even like Discord.
Errol One-Eye
player, 2044 posts
Rat-god / gnome / monarch
Gang Green Member
Thu 9 May 2024
at 14:52
  • msg #97

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Wehostan, son of Bardolf:
Don't worry, Ara. Gang Green are no snitches!

* Unless there is an appropriate profit margin or it means our heads remain firmly attached to our shoulders.
Ara Fay
player, 17 posts
Half-Elven Magic-User
HP: 04/04; AC: 10
Thu 9 May 2024
at 23:38
  • msg #98

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

I, too, am non-Evil with terms and conditions applying!
Ara Fay
player, 18 posts
Half-Elven Magic-User
HP: 04/04; AC: 10
Fri 10 May 2024
at 02:08
  • msg #99

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

In reply to Ara Fay (msg # 98):

And, we have the Dungeon Master of Sons and Daughters of Fortune, an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition game, also willing to take on more!  I talked to them briefly about it.  That game's been running for a spell!

 link to another game

DM's pretty cool, and the group's got great footing.  The creation rules seem to have changed since the game's conception.  If you show up, "Ilean Istarma" sent you!

If you look at Offsite and like Old School Essentials, we've also got someone looking for OSE adventurers.
Erwyn Madyys
player, 55 posts
Human Thief 1
AC 7 - HP 6/6
Fri 10 May 2024
at 10:57
  • msg #100

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

My longest running campaign is Blackmoor Living World (Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2e) and new players are always welcome: link to another game
Solomon Silverstream
player, 646 posts
Local Ranger 2
Itinerate parson 3
Fri 10 May 2024
at 11:46
  • msg #101

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

In reply to Ara Fay (msg # 99):

I may have to see about that
Everyone needs a Ranger / Cleric and a big furry beast
Tern D'Guul
player, 1644 posts
Human fighter 4
AC2, HP 28/28 THAC0 16
Fri 10 May 2024
at 11:49
  • msg #102

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Same here. Already working on it. The DM is a bit illiterate, I guess I can deal with that! :-)
Wehostan, son of Bardolf
player, 1505 posts
Halfling Adventurer
Gang Green
Fri 10 May 2024
at 14:50
  • msg #103

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Tern D'Guul:
Same here. Already working on it. The DM is a bit illiterate, I guess I can deal with that! :-)

I'm in his Star Wars game, he's in my Gamma World game. He's not a native English speaker, but he's fluent.
Tern D'Guul
player, 1645 posts
Human fighter 4
AC2, HP 28/28 THAC0 16
Fri 10 May 2024
at 15:00
  • msg #104

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Ahh! That explains the spelling errors! I play with now, and GM'd a French player, RegisP. I understand! Thanks! He's quite fluent too, but English grammar takes a lot of getting used to, and, most Americans have very crappy grammar as well. My grammar has greatly degraded with age and being exposed to many functionally illiterates, and it does drag you down! ;-) Most kids today ARE functionally illiterate due to our education system being screwed over by folks more interested in power than teaching the kids. But I digress! Thank God there are still so many great teachers and educators, just wish we could clear out the bad ones!
Solomon Silverstream
player, 647 posts
Local Ranger 2
Itinerate parson 3
Fri 10 May 2024
at 15:58
  • msg #105

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Is it just me or whenever someone talks about grammar I always picture the scene from Idocracy when the guy approaches the crowd and the narrator describes how he sounds to them?
Erwyn Madyys
player, 56 posts
Human Thief 1
AC 7 - HP 6/6
Fri 10 May 2024
at 16:23
  • msg #106

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

The world of RPoL feels smaller and smaller... isn't it?
Tern D'Guul
player, 1646 posts
Human fighter 4
AC2, HP 28/28 THAC0 16
Fri 10 May 2024
at 16:42
  • msg #107

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

It does. Hard to find any games I'm interested in any more. The DMs are retiring, leaving, or dying. I've been in, and am in, a few highly enjoyable games, but they get fewer and further between it seems. Odd and new systems I don't play. The ones I do play, no one runs any more hardly. After StarMaster passed away last year, almost no Traveller games now. I'm in a CT game that rarely posts now and is winding down to the end, and one Mongoose 2nd edition game. StarMaster ran 6 himself! Plus an unknown number of other system games I wasn't in. I had 3 lady DM's, I was in 10 games between them, all disappeared within a month! It's getting rough out there!
Ara Fay
player, 19 posts
Half-Elven Magic-User
HP: 04/04; AC: 10
Fri 10 May 2024
at 23:31
  • msg #108

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Erwyn Madyys:
The world of RPoL feels smaller and smaller... isn't it?

I'm doing what I can to get people over here, but it's all horses and water.

And I bet that hypothetical Cleric/Ranger would be MIGHTY appreciated by everyone!
Solomon Silverstream
player, 648 posts
Local Ranger 2
Itinerate parson 3
Fri 10 May 2024
at 23:38
  • msg #109

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Ara Fay:
And I bet that hypothetical Cleric/Ranger would be MIGHTY appreciated by everyone!

Actually with the house rules over there, I am going to be slightly different
Ara Fay
player, 20 posts
Half-Elven Magic-User
HP: 04/04; AC: 10
Sat 11 May 2024
at 00:13
  • msg #110

The post you've been expecting for a while now...


Oh, yeah, the DM said to give me names of people, but I just kind of shrugged, since you might be playing someone different there than here... If you wanna tell me you've applied or want to, you can, so that the DM can get an idea.
Tern D'Guul
player, 1647 posts
Human fighter 4
AC2, HP 28/28 THAC0 16
Sat 11 May 2024
at 00:29
  • msg #111

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

I'm in as Birahu Blackstaff.
Erwyn Madyys
player, 57 posts
Human Thief 1
AC 7 - HP 6/6
Sat 11 May 2024
at 11:23
  • msg #112

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Erwyn Madyys was my second character in this campaign. The first character I had was Hootuk Madyys, a fighter that retired at level 4 and went back to his little town (Curtal) to build and run a inn called The Face of Helios (with features aligned to the sun cult of Helios, such as a facade painted in yellow, exposure to south with big windows allowing light in, etc.
Hootuk had a hired follower to carry stuff for him and minding his alpaca (Hootuk had a full plate armour, so he couldn't carry much with him...) and the follower was a relative. When he retired, I decided to play Hootuk's follower and made up that he was his cousin Erwyn.
In practice, all this was to participate with a little piece of the jigsaw to Nemrac's world building, adding a notable location (an inn called The Face of Helios, in Curtal) to the big picture :)
This message was last edited by the player at 11:17, Sat 25 May.
GM, 19260 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 02:22
  • msg #113

The post you've been expecting for a while now...

Hey gang, couple of things of note to share with you:

While prepping a Coyote and Crow game at the LGS last week, I was invited by the convention organizer herself to come run C&C at the Midwinter Gaming Convention in Pewaukee, WI! That's a suburb of Milwaukee, about 30 min from the lake. It's not until January but event submission is already open so I have to get on that to get my preferred times. Neat, huh?

My health continues to improve - I'm now 45 pounds lighter since last July!

Now for less popular news, I'm sure:

Starting July 1st, I will be deleting the oldest OOC and IC threads to prepare this game for deletion. Please be sure to save what you want if you haven't already. As a matter of principal when I delete games I empty the Ic and OOC threads so they can't be ready by nosy folks.
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