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23:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC)  Prequel: Joren.

Posted by Wheel of TimeFor group 0
Wheel of Time
GM, 521 posts
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 17:11
  • msg #1

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren spent most of the day trying to find a job but everyone knew his dad and wouldn't provide any work. Everything seemed desperate. His dad was in denial, and their marrage was suffering. Everything he worked so hard to obtain to become a Admiral was tossed aside by some people who Joren believed were Darkfriends. Everyone steer clear of him and his family. Their home was full of rot, the boards decaying. His mom relied on him to keep the family aflot but nothing seemed to work. He swore people followed him but when he turned to look back, he saw nothing. The young man just wanted to give up. He had no friends as they turned against him when his dad was kicked out of the navy for apparently selling secrets and other very bad things. His dad had no proof, his allies seemed to not want to help him out. Maybe they were paid off or threatened. Or both. Joren was alone. He headed to the farm. People refused to buy anything so the crops were bad. With just himself and his dad to work it they needed the help but found no one. Darkness started to envelope the land. It was normal but just something seemed different.

As the dai'dore started to head back, someone on horseback appeared. They were thrown down from the mount and it took off.

Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 4 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 14:22
  • msg #2

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren took a moment to stare after the horse, fixing its direction in his mind as it galloped away, and he absently leaned the pitchfork against the wall of the barn.  Horses were valuable, if costly to keep, and if the worst was true for its rider he would see it sold at the market.  He did have the eye for horseflesh of his father, or surprisingly, his sister, but he was certain that he would be able to get a good deal for what seemed a quality, if spirited, mount.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting as he sprinted toward the downed figure, but he called a greeting, working to keep the bitterness out of his voice that was appearing more and more of late.  "That was quite a spill, are you alright?"
Wheel of Time
GM, 522 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 00:30
  • msg #3

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

As he got to the rider or was a rider, Joren slowly move it onto its back. Its a young girl, covered in mud and dirt and has several scrapes, blood and bruises. Her clothes are torn and she seems to be unconsious and she has a satchel attaches. A slight wheezing sound comes from her.
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 5 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 01:00
  • msg #4

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

In a flash, all thought fled and he stood still over her; his limbs frozen and head feeling feeling thick, like he'd been turned into a wooden doll.  He felt like one of Mistress Resari's tailor figurines, posed in a stance of shock to show off the new clothes she was sewing.  He listened to the wheeze of her breath, and saw that she was injured, but for a brief moment-that-was-forever all he could do was stare at her.  The very next thing he knew, she was light in his arms, and he was flying over the ground.  He had a thought to stare in the direction from which she had come, in case it was an enemy, or a group of them that had been the cause of this.  He did not, because while he felt like his feet were barely landing on the ground, her satchel on its long strap banged on his legs as he ran, he was terribly afraid of a trip and a fall and what that might do to her.  So he ran to the house, hoping that he did not feel an arrow in his back, or hear the sound of hoofbeats behind him.

"MAMU!"  He realized he'd been shouting, "MAMU COME QUICK!"  He called his mother in the old tongue, one of the only phrases he knew.  It was a joke between them, a family joke so old that it became her name, and he shouted it without thinking.  "MAMU SHE IS HURT!"
Wheel of Time
GM, 523 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 18:45
  • msg #5

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

No response comes from his mother or anyone else. Its silent as Joren carries the woman inside. Sitting at the table is his father, slumped over and un-moving. Across from him is his mother. Her head is raised upwards. No emotion on her face and her eyes are closed. Resting between them is a pitcher with two cups. One close to his father is on its side and has some brown liquid across part of the surface of the table. Same as the other but its straight up. Some breakfast items are near the pitcher as well untouched. Motionless. just motionless.
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 7 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 19:33
  • msg #6

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

"...Mamu?"  Joren took in the scene in a single glance; their silence, the inanimate quality of their limbs, and somehow he just knew.  "Oh, Mother."  If he hadn't had a task, someone relying on him, perhaps for her life, he'd have sunk to his knees and been lost in the overwhelming strangeness of it all.  Instead he carried his young charge into his room and laid her carefully onto his bed.  He would deal with the awful reality in the kitchen when he was done here.

He straightened her limbs, laying her hands gently down next to her small body, and placed the satchel that was looped around her shoulder on the bed next to her.  He was too shocked by the emotional turmoil he felt to suffer any of the expected awkwardness between a young man and a young woman alone in his bedroom.  However, it was with a certain lack of confidence that he examined her.  He knew next to nothing about medicine, the herbs and poultices that his mother would craft in her workshop, despite his fathers urging that she pay someone else to do it and take her ease.  Before the... before the Darkfriends, she'd even had regular patients despite her status as the Admiral's Wife, those friends of hers who trusted her potions more than the apothecary, and some local poor folk who couldn't afford anything but the pittance she charged.  She was fiercely proud of her knowledge and the trust of others that she'd earned.  But when the Dragon's fang appeared painted onto their door, the patients had stopped coming immediately, and never returned.

He filled a bowl with water from the cauldron that his mother kept on hand, carefully not looking at the table, and took clean rags from the basket. Then he went back into his bedroom and started to clean her face and hands of the mud and blood that covered them.  He was numb, and having trouble thinking clearly, and he didn't know what else to do.  When she was as clean as he could manage without disturbing her clothes, he covered her in his blanket and went back downstairs to find a shovel, so that he could dig some holes.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:09, Thu 18 Apr.
Wheel of Time
GM, 525 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 19:48
  • msg #7

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

As the man was outside digging the holes, the girl wakes up. Startled, she looks around and bites her lip. Not seeing anyone, she grabs the blanket and covers herself up. Looking down ather petite form, she sighs and stands up. Grabbing her satchel, she starts to head downstairs. Not seeing anyone but realizing something was wrong, she pokes her head out and sees Joren outside with the two bodies. Her eyes open wide and she just stands there dumbfounded. The girl goes to say something but no words come out. She looks petrified seeing Joren and his dead parents lying there. As he works, she steps forwards and grabs a rake holding it out in front of her as the blanket comes off. Her eyes narrowed, she looks like shes ready to fight.
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 8 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 17:09
  • msg #8

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren stopped digging abruptly, failing like a gleeman's puppet with a broken string, and only his bare chest moved, heaving like a bellows and gleaming in the sunlight.  Sweat poured down his face and stung his eyes mercilessly, so he reached for his discarded shirt to wipe his forehead, and he just appreciated for a moment how much his back ached, and his arms and shoulders burned.  The pain was a very welcome reprieve from his thoughts, and if he could have lifted the shovel again without a rest, he would have continued.

The graves were deep enough and then some, he knew, but acknowledging that fact meant that he must move onto the next step; if he stopped digging... then it was time to bury his parents.  He glanced up to the sky to judge the angle of the sun and caught a glimpse of her, defiant in the doorway to his house.  Even his his stupor of exhaustion, he took in her shocked face, and the rake she wielded like a spear, and the sudden understanding made him want to laugh.  Instead, to his surprise he found that tears were washing away the sweat from his eyes, and he didn't know for how long they'd been streaming.  He dropped the shovel to the ground, and put up his arms, even though they shook slightly from his exertion.

"I am Joren Nawaz," his voice was rough from dust and choked sobs, "and by the Light and my hope of rebirth you are not in danger from me, unless you be a Darkfriend.  You are free to go if you like, I will not keep you.  I found you fallen from your horse just over there," he nodded his head to indicate, "and brought you into my house to have my mother look after you.  And then..."  His voice broke and he had to fight to continue, "...then I found them sitting at their own kitchen table, with their own cups in their hands.  They waited until I was at my chores and gave me no warning of their plans."  He sank to his knees, and he couldn't see her any longer, the world was too blurry.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:12, Mon 22 Apr.
Wheel of Time
GM, 526 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 00:01
  • msg #9

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Dropping the rake, the woman moves to him and kneels down. She watches him for a moment and goes to place her hands under his chin so she can look at him. With narrowed eyes, the girl bites her lip. She looks at Joren, with cracked glasses and just sits there, not sure of what to do. Can she trust him? She stands up and speaks "I was travelling to Tar Valon.  But got attacked by darkspawn. Trollocs. I'm Bella."
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 9 posts
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 05:50
  • msg #10

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren shuddered as she spoke to him.  She sounded kind, in a way he hadn't heard ever since his family's fall from grace, and it felt like a balm.  He wiped his eyes and replayed what she'd said, and though he was exhausted, he finally started to think instead of react.  "Tar Valon?  You know that you are in Arad Doman?"  He studied her, looking for clues to her origin.  "Bella, you are no Domani, what are you doing here if you are on your way so far east?  Or maybe you can not tell me that.  Tell me about the Darkspawn instead.  Where were you attacked, and by how many?"
Wheel of Time
GM, 527 posts
Sun 5 May 2024
at 20:21
  • msg #11

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

"You talk a lot. No, I'm from Cairhien. I was travelling with Lesa and her warder. No one told me where we were going, just that I was going with them." The girl bit her lip and adjusted her broken glasses "I don't know. At least twenty or more. One moment they were gone but the next...." Bella just seems out of it. Quiet and calm despite what happened.
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 10 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 19:10
  • msg #12

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren's heart rate doubled as she spoke, and her words began to sink in.  Trollocs!

"Bella, are you telling me there are twenty or more Trollocs somewhere nearby?  On the road?  In the farmer's fields?  And an Aes Sedai and her Warder?"  He looked out toward the direction she'd come from, scanning what he could see of the horizon, wondering if he'd already wasted too much time with his grief.  There are more darkspawn than just Trollocs, in the stories.  He covered his parents with his cloak, and left the shovel where it lay, feeling suddenly exposed and vulnerable without his weapons.  He would return to his parents when he was better prepared.

"Bella, come with me into the house where we are not visible for a mile, and I will wash and then make some food.  You must tell me your story, starting with what happened to Lesa Sedai, and if you think she needs help."
NPC, 1 post
Fri 17 May 2024
at 01:48
  • msg #13

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

"I don't know. We were falling asleep near the road. Not sure what one per say. The warder heard something and as he was standing up I tried to focus. And the Aes Sedai did the same. The warder went into the woodlands but didn't return. And the Aes Sedai was in pain. Trollocs came out of the woods and I took off. I was afraid, very afraid. My mentor...." The young girl lowers her head "....I took a horse and fled. Not sure how long and I collapsed. Here. With you." She adjusts her broken glasses.

As the two entered the house, Bella stops at the table. She picks up the cup and examines it before going over to a water pitcher. She puts some inside of it and shows it to Joren "See? Your parents didn't take their lives. They were poisoned." She notes half the water seems to steam up and turn black. Much like the coffee but had a odd purple hue to it. If not look at it at a angle it looked like coffee.  "You didn't drink this I assume?"
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 16 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 02:57
  • msg #14

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

The plate of cheese and bread dropped a few inches from where Joren had let go of it, his hand suddenly nerveless, and clattered loudly on the surface of the table.  He stared wide-eyed at the girl, as she casually upturned his life once again.  "You... they... what?  WHAT?"  He looked helplessly around the kitchen, the familiar shelves and cabinets, the meat spit, and the cauldron, and despite how familiar it all was everything had a new sinister feel as he tried to absorb her words.  "Bella, how do you know?  How can you know this?  I've been here all day, HOW COULD I NOT KNOW?"  He was half shouting at the end, the pain of loss as raw as though he'd just discovered their bodies anew, slumped at the table.

He couldn't help it, his mind flashed back to the scandal, the conspiracy against his family.  The pain of his father's lost career, and the friends that had turned their backs.  The fights he'd been in with the other scions of wealthy, influential families like his had been such a short time ago.  He felt the sting of injured pride, and the hatred of the Darkfriends he knew were responsible.  "Bella, help me understand," he whispered.
NPC, 2 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 03:17
  • msg #15

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

"Stop yelling at me Joren. Stop. Just STOP!" A plate is thrown towards the man and slams into the wall. It shatters. But Bella didn't throw it. Just raised up and bamm. She seems to be afraid of him now, tears coming down her cheeks "I know herbs. And when something seems off your parent apparently dying. The layout of the kitchen which shows two people were here. Two plates, two cups...." She backs away from the man "I should...I should go."
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 17 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 03:49
  • msg #16

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren ducked purely by reflex, and the surprise seemed to snap him out of his fugue.  He stood gaping for a moment, staring slack-jawed at her until he seemed to pull himself together.

"I'm sorry.  I don't mean to yell, it's... it's just..." He waved helplessly at the kitchen table, taking in the cups and pitcher and scattered china.  "Bella, you don't have to go. I'm done yelling.  I've been a terrible host, but maybe you'll forgive me given the shocks we've had today."  He rummaged in the cupboard, and pulled the tea down as though to make some, but then he looked at the container and then back to the kitchen table, and let it fall.  "We should probably both go.  Whoever murdered my parents might return to see if they've been successful.  I'll bury my parents, and then we should go.  If I haven't scared you too badly, we could travel together, at least to see if your Aes Sedai is still alive.  I have a horse, and maybe we can retrieve yours."
NPC, 3 posts
Thu 23 May 2024
at 01:43
  • msg #17

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

'I don't think she is." Bella sighs and sits down. She watches the man and tilts her head "Shouldn't we talk a look around, take whatever we can and lock it up? I can help you if you want." She responds quietly.
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 19 posts
Thu 23 May 2024
at 15:46
  • msg #18

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

"I am already packed." Joren reached for a broom and began tidying the shards of the plate, idly marveling at how wide spread the fragments were scattered.  "But you're right we should take one last look around.  I was planning on leaving today anyway.  My sister Soraya is returning with her husband from the capital soon, and I didn't want to be around when he moved in."  Joren's face tightened with anger for a moment, before his exhaustion smoothed it out again.  "I must bury my parents.  I can't let her find them like that.  If..." he turned to look at her, silent for a moment while he tried to ask a total stranger to help him, "...could you please help me investigate, I would like to leave a note so that they do not think it was me.  My parents were Farid and Laila Nawaz, and they were good people, and deserve a better son to be their legacy."

He was quiet for a few minutes, and then after he'd finished sweeping and dumped the remains of the plate into the trash, he abruptly continued, "Come, I will show you around the house, so that maybe one more person will remember my home as it was, before I flee the fall of the Nawaz."

[Do I need to roll something to search?]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:06, Thu 23 May.
Wheel of Time
GM, 537 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 01:54
  • msg #19

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

"You have a sister? Perhaps leaving a note would be good if she arrives. And I will help you bury the parents. Must be careful though as if the poison is just their bodies or can be placed by..." Bella bites her lip "Not the time. I apologize."

Checking the first room-the parents finds little. Just pictures of the family. Joren looks under the bed on one side and Bella the other. She tilts her head as they see a music box. She goes to gently take it and place it on the bed <yellow>"Interesting. I had one when I was a little kid. Puts me to sleep."</yellow: She sighs.

The next room, Joren seems hesitant and bella goes to gently place a hand to his shoulder. She walks in, behind the man and both check it out. Most of what Joren has is in the saddlebags but a few trinkets are placed by Bella on the bed. Oddly enough they find under a floorboard a rusty sword but half of it is missing. A note is on it to Joren so Bella gives it to him. Its just the handle and part of the blade.

Nothing is found in the living room of importance or in the bathroom other then simple bathing supplies. And some ointment. Bella asks if she can take it.

Joren doesn't find anything of value in the kitchen besides a few basic kitchen supplies and Bella finds two big containers of cheese.

Within the basement, its dark and dirty. Just tools for working the farm, some of which looks like they haven't been used. A chest is found behind the stairs. Pulling it open, it has just a few scraps of what looks like old patches for Joren's old man. And a odd kurki-shaped dagger but it doesn't have a edge.

First one-Joren +1
Second one-Bella +10
Odd Ointment
Two bags of cheese
Old Patches
Kurkri-shapped dull dagger

Items Found:
Music Box
A few pictures
Broken Blade
Note to Joren

1. Master Bedroom-parents 12/12
2. Joren's room 17/30
3. Living/Dining Room 9/11
4. A bath area 4/21
5. Kitchen 15/27
6. Basement 18/18

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:04, Wed 29 May.
Joren Nawaz
Domani Dai'Dore, 23 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 18:57
  • msg #20

(IC)  Prequel: Joren

Joren surreptitiously wiped his eyes with the back of his hand when he was sure Bella was engrossed in studying the ointment.  He could feel the catch in his throat, and knew that if he relaxed his guard he would collapse again.  This was it.  His whole life spent here and in his father's offices in the city, and this was all he had to show for it, this collection of... stuff.  No, he thought, this is what the darkfriends have left me from stealing my entire life.  And now I can't even keep the house because they will likely be back.  Then, resolved, he picked up the note that Bella had found and opened it, having no idea what he would find.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:55, Wed 29 May.
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