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01:06, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Puerto Serena Score.

Posted by The AdmiralFor group 0
Occultist, 78 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 21:09
  • msg #18

Puerto Serena Score

"If they abanson the house, hey aren't going to leave the silver behind" Orlov pointed out. "Save the zombies. Keep them hidden for now. This time, I want the guards out. Next time, I want the guards to stay inside."

"Hey, are you any good with guns?"

OOC meaning, do you have any points in Blast?

The Admiral
GM, 132 posts
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 22:54
  • msg #19

Puerto Serena Score

Blast is specifically a Ship action that governs your character's ability with operating cannons. Just regular ranged combat could be either Skulk, Finesse or even Brawl, depends on the situation.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:13, Sun 24 Mar.
Occultist, 81 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 02:35
  • msg #20

Puerto Serena Score

"Help! Help!"
Orlov ran up the ornate drivewau, his soldier's uniform dirty and dishevelled. He stopped at the base of the steps and bent over, trying to catch his breath. "The slaves are rising up! They have broken out and set the fields on fire! We need every man you can spare or the Governor's not going to get a crop next year!"

Coughing, Orlov turned and started back up the path.

15:22, Today: Orlov rolled 7 using 2d6 with rolls of 4,3.  Sway guards to leave.

Disguise gives extra effect?

Pushing himself for an extra dice so +1 stress.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:36, Mon 25 Mar.
The Admiral
GM, 137 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 03:11
  • msg #21

Puerto Serena Score

Push Yourself gives you 2 Stress.

Let's say your starting position is Risky and effect Normal due to the disguise.

You got Mixed result, which means you do it, but there's a Complication, Harm, Reduced Effect or you end up in a Desperate position.

So, I'm gonna say that you succeed in getting a significant number of the soldiers (about two thirds of them) to go to the fields, but their sergeant will stay behind with a few of his men, stop you and question you, which would be a Desperate situation to be in for you.

You can choose to resist this Consequence by rolling Insight. If you do, the sergeant will ignore you for now and go check it out with his men. One third of the men will still stay behind, but they'd trust you for now. The men who'd stay behind would be a Small Gang, enough for your group to take on head-on if you wished to.

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:19, Mon 25 Mar.
Occultist, 82 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 03:47
  • msg #22

Puerto Serena Score

16:44, Today: Orlov rolled 15 using 3d6 with rolls of 5,5,5.  resist insight.

I have added 2 stress to character sheet–

Occultist, 84 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 08:06
  • msg #23

Puerto Serena Score

When Orlov finished finally finished coughing, he staggered to his feet and back up the path in the direction of the compound, and once out of sight circled round to the others.

By the light of the moon he pulled out the map, and discussed what to do next. "We are here, there is a coal entrance here. Carina gave me this key which she seduced off the governor when she was inside, and made a copy. There are a couple of guards on the door."

"Have you got any ideas? We could just rush the place. Or we could try to talk the door guards into surrendering."

Witch Doctor, 11 posts
Witch Doctor
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 01:28
  • msg #24

Puerto Serena Score

Wiremu gives a scornful cough of a laugh.  "Poor guards?"  He nods toward the slaves.  "Ask them about poor 'guards.'  Me think we kill all.  Let gods sort."

Wiremu scratches his beard and sighs.  "Time short.  Others come soon, so us hurry.  Me send the dead men at front, fight guards.  You and free men go coal house, sneak in.  Me front, you back."  The witch doctor raises his hands and claps them together.  "Done and done.  House ours."
Occultist, 86 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 06:58
  • msg #25

Puerto Serena Score

"Aye, but don't kill them. If we slaughter the Governor and his family the Navy will be hounding us for months. We've got enough heat as it is. Chase them up stairs, get them to barricade themselves in a room" Orlov said.

Taking the sailors and slaves with him, he made his way to the coal chute and quietly entered. Once inside, they waited for the sounds of screams and yells from the front of the building before rushing forward to subdue the guards at the door.
Witch Doctor, 12 posts
Witch Doctor
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 01:31
  • msg #26

Puerto Serena Score

Wiremu gives a shrug.  "You boss."

The Waturey gathers up his zombie minions and takes count to ensure none have wandered off in the meantime.  He gives Orlov a few minutes to get over to the coal chute then sends the zombies on their way to the front entrance.  He stayed behind the group a few paces and waited until they were close enough for the guards to see what was coming.

"There!  There your masters!  Tear thems flesh!  Break thems bones!  Eat dems souls!"
The Admiral
GM, 139 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 02:17
  • msg #27

Puerto Serena Score

Alright, so, Orlov, Wiremu, make action rolls.

For Orlov, probably Skulk or Finesse (Skulk would give you better effect). I'd say it's a Controlled position (due to the distraction Wiremu provides) and Great effect if you use Skulk, while Finesse would be Standard effect.

With Wiremu, either Command or Attune (Attune would give you better effect). Risky position, Limited effect if you use Command (they are zombies) and Standard effect for Attune.

You can Push Yourself at the cost of 2 Stress as normal for a +1d to the roll or +1 level of Effect.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:18, Wed 27 Mar.
Occultist, 90 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 03:57
  • msg #28

Puerto Serena Score

Orlov and his crew tried to sneak up on the guards...

16:55, Today: Orlov rolled 12 using 2d6 with rolls of 6,6.  Orlov skulk (untrained). – 12
Witch Doctor, 13 posts
Witch Doctor
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 00:06
  • msg #29

Puerto Serena Score

Wiremu follows behind his mob.  It will be chaos in there.  I can't have the zombies attack the slaves. n He pauses a moment and pictures what the slaves look like: emaciated, ragged.  "Leave them be," he says, feeding his will into his words.  "Remember who you were and who hurt you.  Take your pain out on the clean and well-fed.  Spare your brothers and sisters."


16:57, Today: Wiremu rolled 4,6 using 1d6,1d6 with rolls of 4,6.  Attune 2 dots.

The Admiral
GM, 145 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 00:24
  • msg #30

Puerto Serena Score

Both Orlov and Wiremu archieved a Good result, so they just do it without any complications.

Orlov and Wiremu both moved forward with their plan. Unknown to them, there was another small group of governors soldiers who came in from inside the mansion to reinforce the back entrance.

From the Alert clock which filled up in the background, I kept it hidden.

Yet it did not matter.

Wiremu set his zombies upon the soldiers, who shouted in fear as the zombies lunged at them with ferocity of feral beasts.

Then Orlov and his men ambushed the soldiers from behind and the men fell before they even had a chance to realise what was happening. When all's said and done, all that's left of the governor's soldiers near the back entrance is a pile of bodies, on which Wiremu's zombies are starting to feast upon.

The coal chute is now accessible to you and with Orlov's map, you know it's gonna take you to the basement near the vault, which itself is a repurposed portion of a wine cellar. Who knows what awaits you there...

Score Clock (3/4)
Occultist, 94 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 04:43
  • msg #31

Puerto Serena Score

Elated that they had defeated the guards without even any shots fired, Orlov danced a jig in celebration by the bodies of the fallen.

Before anyone else joined in or worse yet began cheering, he abruptly ceased his antics and made wide clear "hushing" gestures with his arms, bidding people to quiet.

"Wiremu, take your zombies and have them wander around the front door. If they get shot at, or you hear fighting inside, attack. You Watura people, arm yourselves" he said, gesturing towards the swords and pistols lying on the ground.

"Pirates and Watura, with me. Let's see if we can get to the vault. Stay quiet."

This message was last edited by the player at 04:47, Thu 28 Mar.
Witch Doctor, 14 posts
Witch Doctor
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 16:19
  • msg #32

Puerto Serena Score

Wiremu sends the zombies toward the front door.  "Go!  Break down the front door.  Destroy everything!"
The Admiral
GM, 151 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 19:15
  • msg #33

Puerto Serena Score

Alright, going to move Orlov along, gonna wait for confirmation from Wiremu as to what he's doing before I move things along for him. So, Orlov, while you were snooping around the mansion, you've heard that the governor has some high-value hostage in his possession. Apparently, he was keeping her in a cell in the basement because she tried to flee several times before and he deemed her highly dangerous.

One by one, Orlov, the crewmembers and the freed slaves that decided to join you slide down the coal chute into the basement. Once the coal dust settles, alongside what they expected to find in the basement, you also see a small, barred cell and a woman inside it who's wearing strangely fancy clothes considering her predicament (Signorina Selvaggia). As for the Vault, you know that one part of the basement that previously served as a wine cellar was recently converted to a vault, but you don't know which one. Still, it shouldn't take long to find it. The basement room you are in is some kind of entrance room of the basement and there's two tunnels leading further into the basement, one to the east, the other to the north next to the woman's cell.

Alright, so, Signorina Selvaggia, you can jump in and basically roleplay with Orlov the scene in which you are gonna join the crew. The cell is of course locked, but what seems to be the key for it is hanging from the wall near the entrance to the basement. We're gonna say that your character's starting items are stored in a crate next to the entrance to the basement, so you can easily recover them once Orlov lets you out of your cell.
Occultist, 96 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 21:21
  • msg #34

Puerto Serena Score

"I had heard a rumor that there was a person of such dangerous beauty that the Governor had her locked up so she wouldn't seduce the prince and ruin his daughters wedding. Personally, I never believed such a tale, I always thought she got caught trying to steal a key for a room locked with silver bullion" Orlov said, leaning against the cage.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:36, Sat 06 Apr.
Signorina Selvaggia
Courtesan, 1 post
Stress: 0/9
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 00:29
  • msg #35

Puerto Serena Score

Her arms crossed with a kind of petulant listlessness, the woman stands leaning against the cell’s back wall, apparently unconcerned by her silken dress touching the rough stone. She frowns at the coal dust exploding from the chute, but once it has become clear that whatever is going on here isn’t the governor’s doing she moves up to the closed cell door, heels clicking on the floor.

She peers at the man addressing her, studying him briefly, a strange expression passing across her mien for a moment. It is gone again just as quickly, her look once more one of faintly sulky indifference as she tugs at the bodice of her strapless dress. The garment indeed is of fine make, though any heads it turns probably do so on account of its daring tailoring rather than any particular opulence.

“I am flattered… under these circumstances, at any rate,” the woman replies with a smirk. “Though you must admit that it would be far easier for me to abscond with the prince than with the bullion.” She eyes the former slaves that have arrived in the basement along with the stranger, thoughtful. “Not a problem you would have, I suppose.”

Crossing her arms again, she nods in the direction of the basement entrance and the key dangling from a hook on the wall there. “Would you mind terribly unlocking this cell for me? I’d do it myself, but they relieved me of my remaining hairpins last night.” She smiles and runs a hand through her long auburn hair, which one can only just guess was neatly coiffed until fairly recently.
Occultist, 97 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 03:49
  • msg #36

Puerto Serena Score

"What I'm going to do," Orlov countered matter of factly, "Is unlock the door, sweep you out of here, abscond with you and half a ton of silver bullion in a mad midnight run to the coast with cutlass and pistol" He leaned backward, gesturing with a sweeping wave of an arm into the distance, "Through fire, zombies and angry soldiers, row to my ship, and then sail on to dawn."
He swept back to Signorina, regarding her intently "But I am going to have to insist that you swim with me, by moonlight, with dolphins. Thats non negotiable, I'm afraid."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:38, Sat 06 Apr.
Witch Doctor, 17 posts
Witch Doctor
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 01:53
  • msg #37

Puerto Serena Score

Wiremu sets five zombies to wander about the first floor while taking the remining five to the front door.  He sets the group in the corner behind the door before gently undoing the latch. He grabbed the door lever and slowly pulled the door back.

The hinges creaked as the doorway opened.  If there were guards out front, surely someone would come investigate, so Wiremu waited.
Occultist, 98 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 00:36
  • [deleted]
  • msg #38

Puerto Serena Score

This message was deleted by the player at 06:13, Sat 06 Apr.
Signorina Selvaggia
Courtesan, 3 posts
Stress: 0/9
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 23:46
  • msg #39

Puerto Serena Score

She arches one elegant eyebrow at the stranger’s propositions. When he has said his piece she remains silent for a few moments before letting out a somewhat un-ladylike guffaw. “Well, boldness goes a long way, I’ll give you this,” she then chuckles, smearing her makeup a little as she wipes away a tear of laughter. “That said, do indulge my curiosity: how fare your solicitations with women who can simply walk away from them?”

Her smile of sardonic amusement fades. “If you must know, I am here neither for the prince nor the bullion.” She grips one of the cell door’s bars with both hands, as though it were a neck she would love to wring. “Indeed, I am not here by choice at all. The governor…  took a most selfish interest in my person and had his men seize me, as those of his ilk are wont to do. Naturally, I would have no part of any of it. Hence this cell, which is but a part of my greater predicament.” She tilts her head and gives the man – a piratical sort, if she is any judge – a piercing look. Intense, yet not pleading. “It is a terrible thing, being caged. Nor does every cage have bars that can be touched, or a lock that yields to a simple key.”

She glances meaningfully towards the entrance again. “This one does, though. And even a literal cage is not such a bad thing to leave behind, wouldn’t you agree?”
Occultist, 99 posts
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 00:49
  • msg #40

Puerto Serena Score

Orlov almost makes a instant smart remark at the signorina's question, then his face changes as he thinks better of it. He almost says something else instead, then changes his mind about that too. "Not well" he admits truthfully, "Normal women think I'm strange. I asked you because I thought you might be more interesting than normal women. But it seems to be fast becoming a habit of mine, releasing people from chains." He took the keys from the hook and unlocked the door, swinging it wide with a flourish. "I am Orlov, breaker of cages!"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:49, Sun 07 Apr.
Signorina Selvaggia
Courtesan, 5 posts
Stress: 0/9
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 06:05
  • msg #41

Puerto Serena Score

The woman gives him a dignified nod, tempered by the hint of an ironic smirk, as she steps out of her cell at last. “My thanks, Orlov, for my freedom. I am Selvaggia.” She pauses, frowning. “Perhaps I am interesting, in my way. Or do you believe that a person’s true nature always leaps forth to meet the eye at first glance?” Her expression softens. “For what it might be worth, I am not inclined to hold being ‘strange’, in and of itself, against anyone.”

Looking down at her fine silken dress, she seems to weigh its value against its lack of practicality. “This I shall keep as compensation for my hardships,” she eventually decides. Then, hauling up its skirt a little, she kicks off her high-heeled shoes to leave them scattered across the floor of her former cell. “These, on the other hand, I can quite do without.”

A barefooted Selvaggia pads across the room to investigate a crate by the basement door. From it she retrieves a small handbag, which she eyes with mild distaste, as well as a thin silver dagger that she conceals down one of her elbow-length gloves. With this appearing to be the extent of her possessions stored here, she rejoins Orlov. “I, for one, have quite had my fill of this place,” she says. “You mentioned a ship, earlier?”
Occultist, 100 posts
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 06:39
  • msg #42

Puerto Serena Score

"Or do you believe that a person’s true nature always leaps forth to meet the eye at first glance?”

Orlov grinned. "No. But often a bit of provacation can reveal something of what lies beneath."

"I did mention a ship, aye. But I also mentioned a room full of silver. Let's go find it!"
Quickly but cautiously he explored the basements and servants hallways, looking for this fabled treasure of El Dorado.
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