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14:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Wed 1 May 2024
at 13:39
  • msg #12


    Megan called in the  order,  when she was done she said... I might have ordered too much, but  we get  a dozen free  fortune cookies , because of it....  she took off her   sneakers  and tucked her socks into them , placing them by the door. I had a good shower  at the Lair.. so i'm good for relaxing now..

 you know? media  Day is  gonna be  massive, and the fact that it  runs  right into the kickoff  party, so the fans  can 'take part".. you gotta  wonder  how the Guys  will handle  all that... Coach Sims  as been Talking with Yuto  about it... I think he has some kinda plan? what kind of plan do you need for a kick off party!!
Heather Montomery
player, 3044 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Fri 3 May 2024
at 15:48
  • msg #13


 Heather giggled and replied," You can never order to much Chinese there is always the next day."  Heather got changed into a tank top only, a pair of loose shorts and took a seat next to Megan and cuddled as they waited for their food to get there. " Yeah I know it will get nuts, I can just imagine the weird questions I will be asked. I have no clue about a plan for the kickoff party if Coach has one he hasnt told us yet."
Fri 3 May 2024
at 18:16
  • msg #14


  Megan   shook her   head  , giving  Heather a   Kiss on the  ear...Its  not   OUR  kickoff  party, Its the NFL?... media  day lasts  about  3  houyrs.. Dragons on thier sidlines,  Saints ob thiers , mediaruns  around. Then the people on the field ..high rollers, most of them, along with us..will gather  at the Moblie staage    where a Band  and  an McEe are, and that's when the entertainment starts, it will be broadcast as well..So..No Dragon party,  But Sims and Yuto  have been plotting something.
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2651 posts
19 WR
Fri 3 May 2024
at 23:44
  • msg #15


<<<<<<<<<<<  Sage, Adam from elsewhere

   Pulling in, The Guards  checked  them  in.Sam was the gate keeper  this time, he waved them through with a  'have a good night".

   backing the car in, Adam got the door open,  for Sage and then went to the townhouse.

   Leaviung the door  unlocked  for now, Adam took his shoes off at the coat when to you have to wale up and ctach the plane, so  I don't get in your way?
Wade Wheeler
player, 246 posts
Sat 4 May 2024
at 03:45
  • msg #16


From Practice--->

When Wade got home from practice, he got comfortable then thought about how to organize his evening. As he sat on the couch, he figured he should send out some texts. First to Lindsey:

[[Hi Linds. I won't see you before you go to LA, Have fun and  good luck at the Emmys]]

Mentioning the Emmys made him think of Emmy Vice. Why not.

[[Hi Emmy. I had a great time at the party last night. Thanks for being a fun companion.]]

After his texts were sent, he ordered a pizza then fired up his computer and got straight into game films.
Sage Sinclair
player, 1158 posts
Sat 4 May 2024
at 04:32
  • msg #17


In reply to Adam (the bomb)Bronk (msg # 15):

"Well...." Sage muttered as she read through her texts. "It looks like Lindsey is coming her in the wee hours, so I'll get up with you. I want to get a proper goodbye anyway. I mean, a kiss and a hug. The longer version starts tonight. Should I undress myself, or do you want the honors?"
Heather Montomery
player, 3045 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Sat 4 May 2024
at 05:16
  • msg #18


 Heatehr smiled and replied," Oh ok like we see on TV that party sponsored by the NFL, got it. Well Coach Simms has a diabolical genius brain I can just imagine what he might come up with, I am a little afraid actually."
Sat 4 May 2024
at 13:13
  • msg #19


  about  20 minutes  after the text, Wade  recived  a Text from Emmy.

  :: yes, it was  a  good time, I wanted to stay an extra  day  and try to see you practice? but father  needs me  to come home with him ,  to help get another  Girl ready to take my place, when i move  up there.. Father says  None of the practices  will be  open to public next week,  But I'll be there on the field  for media day.  from what he says, the  stands will be  full of  people who  have some money to spend, But the  Field will have players and media  and  some high rollers  who can spend the 5000 , just to be on the field ,There is something for  families of players, so the field will have a lot of contention, as well as people with Mics!..  I'll see you there!
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2652 posts
19 WR
Sat 4 May 2024
at 13:39
  • msg #20


  Adam  chuckled,  he walked over    and gave her  a 'hello kiss'.. then ,dropped his shoulder  to sweep her up into his arms.....I like  the 'hands on thing...right...though i do enjoy  watching as well...

 taking her  in the  room, he  , systematically   removed the  pesky clothing, then  his own...Let me start..own here....  he started at her  feet,  , kissing his way  up.... there was a  few minute stop at the halfway point, making sure everything was ready... then continued up , once more  slowing  down  at the   mounds,  making sure things  were ready there.. but the time he reached her lips,  , he was already inside, slowly at first, before the mantra liked in.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:39, Sat 04 May.
Sage Sinclair
player, 1159 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 21:50
  • msg #21


It was always more fun to be undressed than to do it herself, and Adam was always very eager to help. Once she was naked, she helped Adam as much as she could, but it was hardly necessary. In a flash, she was on her back, and he started at her feet. He liked to do that and she liked to watch, adding some spectacle to the glorious sensations. By the time his lips reached hers, her arms and legs were wrapped around him, holding on tightly as he shook her all night long.
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2653 posts
19 WR
Tue 7 May 2024
at 00:47
  • msg #22


(( Saturday after AFC title))

  Adam  woke  about  15 Minute s before his  alarm, he  killed it   as he brushed   Sages  hair a bit away from her  face. he studied her  for a few Moments, before  slipping out  of Bed  and  hustled through cleaning up.

  when he  came Out, he  whispered  in Sage's  ear... Bathroom is  clear,, I'm making  coffee  and  strudels .

   starting the machine  he set out three  cups. and 6  strudels , whatever the girls didn't eat, he'd eat when he got home.

  The Lap top was taken off its  charger, and  tucked  into  the backpack along with the not3books for this game. He sat  by the counter   watching NFL network Two  'new'  faces were  bringing up thier   'Top three reasons why you should bet on the  Saints.

 Adam said,  aloud, but to himself, since it was all quiet....Reason  1.. you're a dumbass...oops..don't need any more reasons!
This message was last edited by the player at 00:54, Tue 07 May.
min lin
Tue 7 May 2024
at 20:37
  • msg #23


  Minds and Linds  pulled in through the gate...The gyards    ad Minds  down  for   Mik and a  side note  for   Adam.

  Sage was down for Adam

 Lindsey was down as a  side  note for  Adam and Mik.. and  a list of  some  players  numbers  as 'side notes"Go ahead through Ladies... Ms   Garret..Good Luck to you and  Ms  Sinclair Tomorrow night. Norton, one of the older guys, said.

  she  backed in Like she has  seen Adam  do, then said to  Lindsey, You want to bet if the dorr is locked.. i bet its unlocked..., They got  out, Mindy opening her truck to help Linds with her gear,
Sage Sinclair
player, 1160 posts
Wed 8 May 2024
at 01:39
  • msg #24


Ugh. I was waaaaaay too early when Sage awoke to Adam telling her the bathroom was clear. She poured out of bed and staggered in to freshen up, then put a loose robe around herself and staggered in to the living room to obtain coffee. It was an exciting day, but the exciting part was coming later, and she needed to wake up. Adam got a weak good morning kiss, then she set about filling up on caffeine and toaster strudel. She said nothing until after two cups and a whole strudel

"Ugh, it's been too long since I had to wake up this early. Oh my God. I suppose I should get used to it." Leaning in her elbows, she held her head between clawed hands in her hair. "I guess I can sleep on the plane."

As the coffee kicked in, Sage felt more alive. She poured her third and went to the couch. "I suppose I should get my luggage together while we're waiting, right." With a groan, she went into the room and wheeled out her luggage, one large suitcase and one garment bag, parking them by the door.

"When Linds gets here with her bags, would you be a dear and put all our luggage in the trunk of my car?"
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4146 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 8 May 2024
at 01:48
  • msg #25


When Mindy pulled in, the gate guard, Norton, waved them through and wish Lindsey luck. Lindsey smiled and waved. "Thank you, Norton. We can use all the luck we can get."

After then parked, Lindsey went around back to pull the luggage out with Mindy's help. "No. It's definitely unlocked. Adam always keeps his door unlocked. Having sex on the couch was always a risk. There was no telling who would come waltzing in." Once the bags were out, she looked up at the door and then over at Sage's mustang. "There's no point in dragging these inside. Lets just leave these out by Sage's car. I'll grab her keys and come out and put them right in her trunk." They wheeled them over to the Mustang and then went up to the door.

"Eventhough we know it's unlocked, we should knock. There's not telling what's going on in there." She knocked on the door.
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2654 posts
19 WR
Wed 8 May 2024
at 03:16
  • msg #26


 Adam  chuckled softly,'ll get used to it. Think of all the money, fame and fans you'll have!

  there was a knock at the door, Adam grabbed   age's keys from the bowl. and open the door. Hey is on , Strudels are up?
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4147 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Wed 8 May 2024
at 20:38
  • msg #27


"Good Morning Adam!" Lindsey chirped with way more pep than she should have for so early. After a hug, she giggled at his report about Sage not being fully awake. "Yeah, early mornings were never her thing. She needs to learn to go to sleep earlier."

Going inside, Lindsey saw Sage decked on the couch, awake but looking miserable. "Good morning sunshine." Lindsey dropped onto the couch with her. "We still have a couple hours before the plane leaves. I would have been fine chilling on the couch until it was time, so I assume you're only up to send Adam off with a kiss. Go ahead. While you're doing that, where are your keys? I'll load up the bags."
Sage Sinclair
player, 1161 posts
Wed 8 May 2024
at 21:12
  • msg #28


Sage heard the knock, and then Lindsey being way too cheery. She didn't budge. Instead, she simply looked up at the ceiling, knowing full well what was about to happen. When Lindsey dropped into the seat next to her, she looked over, deadpan. "I hate you. How are you so awake." But Lindsey was right. Adam had gone out with the luggage, but when he came back in, she pushed herself off the couch and wrapped him in a big hug and didn't let go.

"I'm going to miss you."
Wed 8 May 2024
at 21:30
  • msg #29


   Adam , using   skills he learned  packing Freezers, and shopping carts, have  Lindsey and Sages  things  all  plugged in. Returning , he saw Mindy on the stoop , looking  down towards   Mik's Place.

 Pretty sure  GF's  are allowed to go  see their  Guys? Mins?  we got  15  Minutes  before he'll even think of  coming out that door..

 Mins  went back in with   Adam. and   got a cup of Coffee.

 Adam  lifted Sage up, in the hug. me  too...'Sage  withdrawal... i don't know if there is a cure? he chuckled softly as he set her  back down, still holding on.

 resting his head on hers he turned to Lindsey,Make  Mr  Cross  proud... goign against a Kid? But  the Votes  , supposedly , came out  when the playoffs started.. so it should be about even up?

 The was movement at the Open Door  and Mik walked in.. he  went to Mindy, gave her a  quick kiss  and grabbed one of the 8 strudaels that were left.

 so? the  Strudel gets more of your Lips  then I do?

 ahhh, Darlin', ya know  I luv ya, but   strudels  don't last long around , me Mate.

 I had  one already. lokign forward to 'Den Doughnuts.'
Sage Sinclair
player, 1162 posts
Thu 9 May 2024
at 01:41
  • msg #30


"There's a cure." Sage squeezed tight. "It's more Sage, to be administered Monday after practice. Thank you for taking care of the bags." She held on, not letting go until he did.
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2655 posts
19 WR
Thu 9 May 2024
at 01:59
  • msg #31


  Mik was  halfway through  with the strudel, Yer gonna hafta  let he r  go, Mate.. Time fer  us to  be getting  Den doughnut  and  seein' what were goin'  be workin 'on

  Adam Sighed..he  gave  Sage  one  more  deep Kiss...Mindy  just stared.. The he set her  down.. his head looked between Lindsey and Sage You guys   have  fun out there..Remember, You have a ace in your Pockets.. those  guys  might be  movers and shakers in pretend  world. But you guys  know what the real stuff is.

 Mindy  waved   mik off..

You go  with Adam,  I'll hang with the  Ladies until they are ready to go.. Jenny's   there to  get anyhting befote i get there.

Mik gave her a whap on the rear  as he went by.. Adam  smiled  at Sage  and   turned to grab his  backpack and Bag to head to the Complex...I'm Dtiving  , Mik!

 'coruse you are.. why  drive in my car, when we can go in the Dragon  Mobile!
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4148 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Thu 9 May 2024
at 02:12
  • msg #32


"Yeah, a kid and a dog." Lindsey smiled, watching her friends hug. "But hopefully they didn't vote based on cuteness. I mean, yeah we had sex appeal, but our commercial was also clever and artistic. And yes, thank you for taking care of the luggage. That was sweet."

"Good morning, Mik." Lindsey waved from the couch. When she realized she was missing out on coffee, she jumped up and got cup "Good luck in your practices this weekend. Well, you don't need luck but good practices anyway." She was drinking when Adam finally let Sage go so he and Mik could get to the Lair. She was delighted that Mindy would be hanging back until they had to leave for the airport.

"Okay guys, have fun!!" She went out and gave hugs to the guys then topped off her coffee and headed back to the couch.
Sage Sinclair
player, 1163 posts
Thu 9 May 2024
at 03:35
  • msg #33


"Okay, yeah, you better get going." Sage said, adding an extra long kiss. "You can't be late for donuts after all." Though she was disentangled, she hung by him, ready to see him to the door. As they left, she gave him one last kiss then closed the door behind him.

"The countdown begins." She turned back towards Lindsey and Mindy "We have a couple hours to kill. It's too early to drink, but we can maybe go for breakfast. There's a really good breakfast diner down the street. Or we can have reheated Bomb Burgers. What do you guys say?"
Thu 9 May 2024
at 03:39
  • msg #34


 Mindy Giggles,I'm up for whatever yu guys  want to do?I'm staying here, in New jeck
Wade Wheeler
player, 251 posts
Thu 9 May 2024
at 15:28
  • msg #35


Wade got up at the usual time. Just to save some money, he took the time to make breakfast and eat before going to the stadium. Three eggs, a half dozen breakfast sausages and hash browns were a good start. He washed it all down with whole milk. Feeling comfortably full, he grabbed his gear and headed out

To Dragon Complex ---->
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 4151 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 10 May 2024
at 04:19
  • msg #36


In reply to mindy (msg # 34):

"Yeah. I guess. Breakfast sounds like a plan. We're all loaded up, so we can just kill the time. But let's go to the diner. Reheated fast food burgers is not something I want weighing on my stomach before a long flight."

"Sage is driving."

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