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18:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) On the Road Again....

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Elf Cleric, 268 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 10:25
  • msg #20

(IC) On the Road Again....

While Tyrael, Gordo and Nulgaz look for any signs how the pack had come to its place on the road, Dreamljocht enters the cart, looking for Halie. "How can I help you, Halie?" he asks, concerned about the wellbeing of the ranger. "Can you tell me more about what happened when you were abducted?" Dreamljocht tries to console Halie, but doesn't know where to start and hopes to get some ideas from Halie.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:38, Sun 17 Mar.
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 51 posts
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 13:25
  • msg #21

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz joins the others in searching the area. She knew she would be little help but she could still be company and provide protection. She pulled her cloak around her and listened as the other two talked. She had yet to truly get know either of them but knew the least about the tortle.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:27, Sun 17 Mar.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1289 posts
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 09:06
  • msg #22

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nothing was visible. Not a single track due to the snow the previous night and morning. Or anything else. Just the woodlands covered in the snow and the road. Its hard to tell who put the backpack out here and why. Maybe it was Sam or the one who took Haile. Perhaps someone else. It just seems very strange. Dream starts the cart moving at a slow paces as the others check the area. Haile sits up next to him but she is eerily silent. Probably due to a horrible night and probably doesn't want to talk about it immediatly. The cub sits in her arms covered with a blanket. Its cold out but it stopped snowing.

For now. And the sun is out, a sign of relief. Not a single cloud out.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 143 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 04:22
  • msg #23

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael had been rather pre-occupied with looking for tracks around the backpack that she wasn't much for conversation.  That changed once the wagon started moving again.  She looked up and it seemed that the time had come to leave.

"What brought you out this way, Gordo?"  Tyri asked, turning her attention from the mysterious pack to her mysterious companion.  "I have to say that I'm not that familiar with your people."
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 112 posts
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 07:10
  • msg #24

(IC) On the Road Again....

"Oh, I was hired by the king to go search for you guys and for Wintermist," he replied. "Actually, this hasn't come up so far, but the king did say all contact with you was lost, I wonder if we can send him a message somehow without abandoning our quest, it was a long way going from the city...". When Tyri asks him about his "people", he responds: "I come from a small village in the area of the great swamplands down south. We're mostly Tortles in that village. Simple people, fishers, farmers, growing vegetables... Most are really nice," he says, reminiscing, with a longing look. After a short while, he understands that he's a bit impolite by not asking back, so he also asks: "How about you? What's your story?". It does seem, though, that although the question didn't come to him immediately, it's not because he isn't interested in hearing the answer.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 144 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Sat 23 Mar 2024
at 04:36
  • msg #25

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael nodded and grinned back at Gordo.  "Then we're the same, sort of.  I'm originally from a small town...well not sure where it is from here.  It's been a while since I was forced...well...had to leave.  Been making my way swinging sword and shield since. Not much else to say.  Just big, dumb, fighter here."

"I heard about this Wintermist quest and it sounded like a nice change of pace, and the money was good.  So here I am."
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 52 posts
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 13:39
  • msg #26

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz added, "Big strong mage here, but otherwise mostly the same. I didn’t fit in well at home and took to liking travelling. This quest seemed like an opportunity to travel and actually accomplish something at the same time."

Nulgaz took out her book and perused the mages as she talked. She was considering a change for tomorrow but she wasn’t sure yet. It really depended on what challenges lay ahead. Would it be environmental or should be ready a more combative arsenal? Either way she wanted to get moving but she didn’t want to interrupt the conversations. She looked furtively at the wagon and decided it was better to know with whom she traveled than make a few feet of travel.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 113 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 08:07
  • msg #27

(IC) On the Road Again....

"Well met. Much better knowing who is fighting alongside you." Gordo looks around some more, with a small smile on his face, although it might not be so obvious if you haven't been with Tortles a lot and don't know what it looks like when they smile.
Halie Delmenn
Human Ranger, 114 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 12:09
  • msg #28

(IC) On the Road Again....

When Dream came into the cart and spoke to Halie, she just shook her head. Her abduction wasn’t what bothered her but she also just didn’t want to speak about Sam. The hurt too much. But there was some solace in Dream’s presence even if she was still a bit trepidatious, that fear of abandonment quelling any full on attachment. Even as Dream finally admits defeat and goes to get the wagon moving again, she moves to sit beside him, quiet yet calmed by his presence. With a slight shiver, Halie nuzzled the cubling, trying to pull herself from the spiral that she had descended.
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 53 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 13:44
  • msg #29

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz turned an ear towards the cart and raised an eyebrow. She turned at looked at the two sitting up front.

She said, "Unless you detect something I think that is our cue to move on." She nodded towards the cart to accent what she was saying. She awaited a response and was ready to follow the others if they agreed.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 114 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 18:28
  • msg #30

(IC) On the Road Again....

"Let's go then," Gordo replied, walking along the side of the road and trying to keep about 20' ahead of the cart.
Elf Cleric, 269 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 21:23
  • msg #31

(IC) On the Road Again....

Dreamljocht gave up on helping Halie right away, settling for calming the ranger by his presence, as he notices the peace that seems to come upon her while she sits besides him, when he moves the cart again. He is glad the others walk next to the cart: at last there seems some resemblance to normal travel, as only superficial. When Halie seems to relax, he gives Gordo, Nulgaz and Tyarel a sign that all is as good as possible for the moment.

He keeps his attention on the road and especially at possible places where they could be ambushed, as their unknown attacker is still on the prowl.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 145 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 04:40
  • msg #32

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael walked beside the wagon, alongside the lead horse, letting Gordo walk on ahead.  She was watching Gordo as much as the forest to the side of the wagon.  A Tortle was not something that she had come across before, and she had to admit to being curious about the Monk.  He seemed like a decent enough fellow.  Would he be upset to learn that Tyrael had enjoyed a meal of tortoise before?

Probably best not to mention that.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1291 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 01:49
  • msg #33

(IC) On the Road Again....

Once everyone is set, Dream gets the horses moving. There is no sign of Sam or the kidnapper. It may be good or bad. Little happens as they travel. Not a single person is seen, but they do see several animals. Fox. Birds. Even a doe. It seems like they keep travelling on and it starts to get dark. They can see maybe a days travel the start of a mountain range. Haile seems focus on the map with her cubling asleep on her lap. Woods, woods and more woods. Darkness begins to come and there is a small area to possibly park the wagon. The weather seemed decent at least. No snow but it is getting cold.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:50, Fri 05 Apr.
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 54 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 19:09
  • msg #34

(IC) On the Road Again....

"What do you think?" she asked. She gestured ahead of them. "Do we continue on until we reach the mountains or do we make camp? I can put up a weather and temperature dome and an Alarm for us."

Her nose twitched as she sniffed at the air. She listened careful and scanned the area ahead for any signs it was clear of predators and hazards.

 14:07, Today: Nulgaz Fallen Ash rolled 6 using 1d20 ((6))
This message was last edited by the player at 19:45, Fri 05 Apr.
Elf Cleric, 270 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 20:08
  • msg #35

(IC) On the Road Again....

When they reach the small clearing at the end of the day, Dreamljocht holds the horses and the cart comes to a stop. He hears Nulgaz's porposal about the protecting dome and the alarm and reacts: "A good plan. Darkness is not good for us to travel. We have done beter today than I expected this morning. Let's make camp. We can make a small fire under cover of the cart not to draw more attention for the night. Halie and Tyreal, could you scout out the immediate surroundings against predators of any kind, and perhaps find us some wood for the fire?"
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 146 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 05:19
  • msg #36

(IC) On the Road Again....

"You heard the man, Hailie."  Tyrael said cheerfully.  "Let's go for a stroll and see what we can find."

She walked to the back of the wagon, climbed up and began to search through the supplies.  "I thought that there was an....oh wait, found it."  Tyrael hopped off the wagon holding a hand axe.  "Gonna get me some wood."

Tyrael Mournstrider rolled 18 for Survival.

Halie Delmenn
Human Ranger, 115 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 12:49
  • msg #37

(IC) On the Road Again....

We...should probably rest,” Halie said softly, looking out towards the woods that surrounded them. It was unsettling at best...the idea of camping out in the open but at the same token, they didn’t have much choice. Her thoughts drifted as she continued to look out into the growing darkness, eyes seeing but not...

She jumped slightly when Dream suggested her and Tyrael go scouting, hazel eyes slightly wide as his words fully registered. “Oh...yes...scouting.” She gave a nod and slid down from the wagon. Once on her feet, she held the cubling up so she could look into her face. “I shall return alright...I promise...” Whether the cub understood her or not didn’t matter, she felt better for having said it. “Be good for Dream.” Halie passed the cubling off to the elf, giving him a partial smile before heading out with Tyrael.

06:43, Today: Halie Delmenn rolled 21 using 1d20+14.  Survival.
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 55 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 13:10
  • msg #38

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz concentrated and put down the "tiny hut", that zone of comfortable warmth and dryness. She would wait on the alarm until the others were back. As she waited for them to return she worked on sharpening her sword.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 115 posts
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 07:01
  • msg #39

(IC) On the Road Again....

Gordo looked to see where he can be of assistance. He helped with making a spot for the fire, for when Ty returned with wood. He helped make sure the cart is secure. He then started looking around and listening, making sure nothing surprised them.

10:00, Today: Gordo Vet rolled 26 using 1d20+14.  Perception.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 147 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 03:30
  • msg #40

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael waited for Hailie to join her before heading off into the woods.  She started to gather up some bits of firewood and stuff to use as tinder, glancing around her for any tracks or signs of local wild life.  She'd also look over at Hailie, studying the other woman to try and get a sense of how she was doing.

"So." Tyri started, really not liking the quiet between the two of them.  "I know that I'm not one of your close companions, like Dream or Sam, but if you are ever looking for an ear to bend...I have two of them."  She chuckled awkwardly, hoping to lighten the mood but probably failing.  "I don't have a lot of details about what happened, and don't worry I'm not going to pry because I'm sure that it's all personal and such, but I've been through my share of folks disappearing or getting kil...injured.  I might not know what you are going through but maybe I can relate in a way and..."

Tyrael growled in frustration and banged one of the branches that she had just picked up against a tree.  She should be better at this sort of thing but at this moment every word felt like she was balancing on the edge of a trap.  The wrong word could worsen Hailies mood, and Tyrael really had little to go on about what was bothering the woman.  If this was something Sam did, Tyrael was going to have words with the Rogue when he got back.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1293 posts
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 23:36
  • msg #41

(IC) On the Road Again....

Oddly everything seems quiet. Some bits of wood were found but rather cold and wet. Some were found in a downed log and probably can be used for a firepit. The tortle doesn't see anything out of place or odd. There is no sign of Sam either. If he is messing around after what occur a few nights back, its not funny. There is no sign of the kidnapper either. BEtween the entire group a decent area is made up. The horses are able to find some nutrition and seem at ease. Its quiet and calm and darkness comes down from above blanketing the land. The fire is nice.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 148 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 04:36
  • msg #42

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael sat by the fire, running a sharpening stone up and down the blade of her Greatsword.  The blade was already sharp but the act of running the stone along the edge was here way of polishing and caring for her equipment.  After all, her survival and the survival of her companions relied upon the Half-Elf having blades in hand so it was her duty to make sure that said blades were taken care of.

"It's nice that we're all back together...mostly."  Tyrael said, speaking to the assembled group.  She lifted the heavy blade to examine the cutting edge in the fire light.  "Anyone know any good camp songs?"
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 56 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2024
at 13:22
  • msg #43

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz gave her tusky grin and attempted to sing. "Oh my dear brother, dear brother, dear brother. Oooh my dear brother ev’rythings gone."

Sh looked at the faces and took a deep breath before continuing. "Sausage gone, egg is gone, toast is gone, cheese is gone. Oooh, my dear brother ev’rythings gone."

She sang the chorus hoping others would join in. She led into the second verse, "Night is gone, wind is gone, snow is gone, cold is gone. Oooh my dear brother ev’rythings gone."

Nulgaz joyful sang through the chorus again before ending with the final verse. "Miles are done, days are done, all our long travel done. Oooh dear brother ev’rythings done."

08:15, Today: Nulgaz Fallen Ash rolled 18 using 1d20+2 ((16)).
Halie Delmenn
Human Ranger, 116 posts
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 06:07
  • msg #44

(IC) On the Road Again....

I appreciate it, Tyreal,” Halie said softly as they continued their search for usable wood. She didn’t really speak much but it wasn’t because it was Tyreal with her and more to do with her trying to process everything that she had been through and what Sam had done for her and the others. It hurt to think that he could still be out there alive...injured...mortally wounded and dying alone. She let out a heavy sigh in an attempt to keep her thoughts from spiraling. He made his choice and she could only hope he found his way back to them...but she also had to accept the fact that he might not...ever.

They made their way back to camp with their finds, Halie seemingly more subdued if anything. After unloading her armload, Halie moved to care for Peto, lovingly brushing him down and ensuring that he was comfortable before taking the cubling from Dream’s care smiling warmly at the little beast. “Thank you, Dream.” She found a spot near the cleric (unless he showed any signs of discomfort) and settled, watching the fire as she scratched behind the bear's ears.
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