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14:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) On the Road Again....

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Elf Cleric, 271 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 18:55
  • msg #45

(IC) On the Road Again....

The camp is quite and, for the moment, peaceful. Dreamljocht takes the time to enjoy the small pleasures of safety, warmth and the companionship of his friends. When Halie takes the cubling back from him, he smiles: "My pleasure Halie" and when Halie with the cub settles besides him, he covers him with his cloack to give addional shelter. "You like some hot broth or tea?", he asks her.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 116 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 08:02
  • msg #46

(IC) On the Road Again....

Gordo keeps on standing watch and lightly patrolling around the camp area. If anyone looks, they can see he moves his head to the rhythm of Nulgaz's singing, seeming to remember a song with a similar tune, perhaps even the same one. He snaps his beak lightly every now and then with the song's rhythm.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 149 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 03:51
  • msg #47

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael, angling her long blade to check its edge, nodded her head along with Nulgazs song.  A smile formed as the cleric sang on.  Unfortunately, there was not enough alcohol present to make the Half-Elfs rough voice sound as pleasant as the Half-Orcs, so Tyrael just hummed along as best as she could.

"You've got a nice voice, Nuls.  For some reason that song is making me hungry."
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 58 posts
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 13:37
  • msg #48

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz gave a light hearted laugh. "That is because everything is gone. But yeah now I was some sausages and beer and maybe some fermented cabbage." She looked at her dry ration with a disapproving smirk. At least she had an advantage the others did not. Using her tusks she gnawed at the food whose best quality was it could be called food.

Looking to the group at large she asked, "So, what is the plan for tomorrow?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1294 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 00:48
  • msg #49

(IC) On the Road Again....

The area seems nice and calm. For now. The tortle looks around, doing his rounds as the wizard does her rhyme and her song. Everything seems peaceful. Haile continues to scratch the bear who falls asleep. The goggles on her head drop down over he eyes. The horses are feed and are asleep standing up. The night sky looms above.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:49, Fri 26 Apr.
Halie Delmenn
Human Ranger, 117 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 07:03
  • msg #50

(IC) On the Road Again....

She gave a nod to Dream along with a soft smile as he placed his cloak around the cubling. “Some hot broth will do nicely,” she said as she pulled her gaze from the fire to regard the cleric and then the others. It was an odd little group to be sure...but somehow, they all were looking out for each other...even Gordo provided her aid when he didn’t even know her. With everyone relaxing and enjoying the company provided, Halie let her thoughts drift...until the goggles came down which shook her from the reverie. She blinked and adjusted them slightly, looking through the lenses for a moment. Should nothing show with the lenses’ aid, she will shift them back up to perch upon her head where they had been initially.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 150 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 03:21
  • msg #51

(IC) On the Road Again....

"The plan for tomorrow?"  Satisfied with the edge of her Greatsword, Tyrael looked over at the Half-Orc.  "Why, we're going to do the same thing that we did today.  Search the land for a lost city."

The Greatsword slid into its scabbard and Tyrael pulled out her dark bladed longsword.  This weapon she began to scrutinize in the firelight.  "Well, we didn't do too much of that today but tomorrow might yield a clue or sighting."

Tyrael Mournstrider rolled 16 for Perception

Elf Cleric, 272 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Sat 27 Apr 2024
at 06:06
  • msg #52

(IC) On the Road Again....

While listening to the song and looking after Halie, Dreamljochts seems content to sit. But his senses were sharp to pick up anything unusual, as he has the feeling their ordeal is not over now.

Dreamljocht rolled 27 using 1d20+8 ((19)).

Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 59 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 17:33
  • msg #53

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz was mostly lost in relaxing and trying to get the day’s travel behind her. She was far from paying attention beyond, hoping her Alarm or the Tiny Hut would help one way or another. Plus, wasn’t that what the others were for? She had indeed made herself hungry with the song but that will be her reward at the end of all this. A proper feast at a public house, all the foods and drinks. She pondered all the possibilities as she looked up and listened to conversation.

Nulgaz Fallen Ash rolled 6 using 1d20.  Perception check.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 117 posts
Thu 2 May 2024
at 09:01
  • msg #54

(IC) On the Road Again....

Gordo kept on patrolling, also feeling like he would appreciate a bite of food later.

Gordo Vet rolled 22.  Perception.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1297 posts
Sat 4 May 2024
at 23:00
  • msg #55

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nothing occurs when Haile tries to use the goggles. But then something comes out of the woods. Bloodied, tired and freezing Sam goes over to the ranger. And kisses her. Not holding it back. And then he collapses in front of her. What Dream and Gordo noticed was the direction-southeast. Hard to tell what is in it but probably where the last time the group saw the kidnapper. Its hard to tell how bad Sam is hurt. Or if the blood is his.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 152 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Tue 7 May 2024
at 04:52
  • msg #56

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael looked up from sharpening her sword when Sam walked into the camp.  She was tempted to say something sarcastic but decided that it would be best if she didn't.  Hailie needed his presence, if only to drive away and wondering thoughts that may have included his demise.

She was on her feet a heartbeat after the rogue collapsed.  A few quick steps and she was by his side.  While not a healer in any sense of the word, she had experience with battle wounds, and Sam had obviously run into something, or someone, or maybe it had been from their previous encounter.  In any case, she knelt by him and checked him over.  The light from the fire was not making things clear and the rogues bloody clothing was not helping either.

"Gorum wept." The Fighter complained, not able to make heads or tails of what was going on with Sam.  "Dream, need you here."

 Tyrael Mournstrider rolled 3 for her Heal check

Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 118 posts
Tue 7 May 2024
at 07:32
  • msg #57

(IC) On the Road Again....

Gordo runs quickly and joins Ty, his ioun torch providing some light in addition to the campfire. Not really knowing what to do with Sam's condition, but knowing that Dream probably would, he leaves the treatment to him and watches intently in all directions, with special focus on the direction from which Sam came, being ready to charge at any enemy that might appear.

Gordo Vet rolled 26.  Perception.
Elf Cleric, 273 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Tue 7 May 2024
at 16:40
  • msg #58

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael beats Dreamljocht to Sam, but when he reaches Sam, he gently brushes Tyrael to the side. He takes his time to examine Sam, washing blood from his face and hands, to look for any wounds. He lets Sam stay with Halie, as it gives both of them some much needed peace of their minds.
When he finds wounds, he tends to them and casts spells if necessary.
The only things he says to Sam, or asks him, are about his physical or mental condition: all explanation has to wait, and will come (if any) when Sam deems it time.

Today: Dreamljocht rolled 33 using 1d20+15. Heal.
Dreamljocht casts CLW, CMW or Lesser Restoration when necessary.

This message was last edited by the player at 23:29, Tue 07 May.
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 60 posts
Tue 7 May 2024
at 21:42
  • msg #59

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz had no clue what was going on but she saw the others spring into action. As the other left she stayed with the bear and the wagon. She kept humming tunes as she drew her falchion and tried to stay alert.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 153 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Wed 8 May 2024
at 02:50
  • msg #60

(IC) On the Road Again....

Dream pushed Tyrael out of his way, so the fighter took several steps back to give him room.  He was the expert anyways.

The Half-Elf strode to where her shield and sword lay and picked them up.  She might be all thumbs when it came to healing but she could keep watch over her companions should Sam have brought trouble back with him.

"Oh yeah, Nuls, that's Sam."  Tyrael said by way of introducing the two.  "Might have to wait a bit for proper introductions though."
Halie Delmenn
Human Ranger, 118 posts
Thu 9 May 2024
at 13:26
  • msg #61

(IC) On the Road Again....

She frowned as the goggles did nothing and pushed them back up onto the top of her head. With a sigh she was about to lay down when suddenly Sam made his appearance. Her eyes widened at his state but any words were cut off as he kissed her hard. A gasp escaped her lips when his parted from hers only for him to collapse. “Shit,” she muttered, shifting the bear cub aside as she got up to her knees to look Sam over. Similar to Tyrael, Halie had no experience with healing but knew how to tend to wounds. Even with Dream coming over, she moved to help him, trying her best to check him over and…if his clothing was soaked, she would at least remove his shirt and take her blanket to wrap around him in an attempt to warm him. "What the hell...I thought you...were dead..." she whispered, fighting back the tears that threatened to come.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1299 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 00:30
  • msg #62

(IC) On the Road Again....

Some of the wounds are scratches and brused. And some looks like its someone elses blood. Sam just lies there, unconscious but stable with Dream's aid. His breathing seems better and it looks like he has a wound on his back-probably a arrow snapped off. It can be easily removed and bandaged up since Sam can't really fight back. Least he's alive but what has he gone through? Same as Haile. Even after the a few hours, Sam doesn't wake up. Probably exhausted. Night looms......
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 62 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 15:56
  • msg #63

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz tried to stay out of the hair of the others. She understood the concept of medicine but there was nothing she could do to help the physical, mental, and emotional healing that had to happen. She awaited a quiet moment before she finally asked if she should put up the shell and alarm again and if they were staying the night.
Elf Cleric, 275 posts
HP 55/55; Init +4; AC 19
Fort 7; Will 10; Reflex 5
Tue 21 May 2024
at 20:16
  • msg #64

(IC) On the Road Again....

Dreamljocht removes the arrowhead from Sam's back. He tends the wound, casts a healing spell, and covers the still sore spot with some bandage in case of.
He covers both Sam and Halie together with his cloack to give them more warmth and protection.
When Nulgaz asks about the safety shell and alarm, Dreamljocht agrees immediately. They all can use all rest and recuperation they could get.
Halie Delmenn
Human Ranger, 120 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 06:52
  • msg #65

(IC) On the Road Again....

After his administrations, Halie shifted a bit and placed a kiss to Dream's cheek. "Thank you," she whispered as she settled back, clearly exhausted from the mental strain of the last few days. The cubling made a little noise of annoyance as she pushed herself between the ranger and rogue since that was the best spot for warmth and the blanket was an extra boon.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 120 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 20:16
  • msg #66

(IC) On the Road Again....

Gordo sees and hears no danger currently, but he will stay vigilant until Nulgaz casts her protective spells, and until he is reassured by Nulgaz that those spells actually take away the need for guarding. Even so, Gordo would sleep in a manner that would allow him to jump up and defend on the slightest sound of approach.
Nulgaz Fallen Ash
Half-Orc Wizard, 63 posts
Thu 23 May 2024
at 21:12
  • msg #67

(IC) On the Road Again....

Nulgaz shook her head. "Don’t worry about it Gordo. I will keep guard to double the protection on my Alarm spell. Under most circumstances I would trust the spell but given the situation with Sam an awake guard as an extra assurance makes sense. Plus I provide no use during travel unless we get ambushed so I could rest on the cart for part of the day." She drew her falchion. A risked half orc with a large Falchion was intimidating to start with, once she broke out bolts of lightning that should scare off all but the most confident or foolhardy.
Tyrael Mournstrider
Half-Elf Fighter, 155 posts
HP 43/62, Init +2, AC 21
Sun 26 May 2024
at 05:18
  • msg #68

(IC) On the Road Again....

Tyrael had been watching Sam and Hailie after Dream had taken care of Sam.  It was nice to see them together.  In this line of work, relationships were easy to form.  All one had to do was go drinking in a tavern or find a connection during a quest.  What would happen between them in the future would have to be seen, but Tyri hoped that it would go well.

"Okay, Nuls has the first watch, I'll take the last one.  I don't really need to prepare anything so that should give you all a good nights rest."  Tyrael pulled out her sleeping gear and set it up near the fire.  Out of habit, she made sure that her weapon and shield were within reach.
Gordo Vet
Tortle Monk, 122 posts
Sun 26 May 2024
at 07:38
  • msg #69

(IC) On the Road Again....

"Wake me up for my shift, then," Gordo says. Once Nulgaz starts her watch, Gordo takes a final glance around, and if everything is quiet finds a spot not too close to the fire but still within the limits of Nuls' protection spells, and prepares to go to sleep.
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