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00:09, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Introduction: The Underway - Closed GT.

Posted by XaxooFor group 0
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 117 posts
Rogue 2
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 12:10
  • msg #63

Chapter 1: The Underway

Myrcury's eyes twinkle as he turns to Wilda and says.

"Hello Wilda, I am Myrcury.  Welcome to Glitterhovel.  I hope you had a pleasan trip here."

Myrcury's words are in gnomen but he uses his natural ability to focus his communication with small animals. Wilda understands the best shev is capable of. When she replies with whistles and chirps, only Myrcury can comprehend her response.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:10, Wed 17 Apr.
Wilda the Wombat
Familiar, 6 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #64

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Hello Mercury! It was a nice trip because I think I went a very long way and didn't have to walk very much and then I got an apple. Your apples are red which are nice while the apples at home are gold which are nice. What colour are your oranges?"
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 118 posts
Rogue 2
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 13:24
  • msg #65

Chapter 1: The Underway

"They are out of season right now, but when you taste one, you will know what color it is! They are wonderful. I am pleased to meet you and I hope to see you around often."

Myrcury turns to Terry and adds.

"Wilda is a lovely friend."
Rumple Pumblechook
NPC, 9 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 13:26
  • msg #66

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Terry, I want you to see how we process venom glands. We must be very careful not to self inject ourselves. Sounds silly, but it happens."
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 31 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 15:07
  • msg #67

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Brilliant! I'm aware of using a milking jar but it's been a while since I've seen you process a whole gland. I have little interest in using poisons but I am very keen to learn safe techniques for harvesting and storing the sac."

Terry gives Talya some carrots to share with Wilda then will hurry behind the counter, rolling up his sleeves.
Kinder Cobble
NPC, 11 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 16:40
  • msg #68

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Centipede venom is a powerful paralytic. It is an ingrediant in a pain relief tonic I brew. Many poisons have medicinal uses. This particular venom is quite valuable.  I am going to give you 130 crowns for this.  It is quite fresh and there is alot of it."

Kinder moves slowly as he demonstrates how he harvests the liquid from the flesh to his apprentice.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 32 posts
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 21:38
  • msg #69

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Oh, lovely, that tonic is of great help to those who can't afford healing magic." Terry will take notes as Kinder works and will even draw a small sketch showing the process.

As he makes notes and occasionally fetches jars and tools Terry will look at Myrcury and Talya. "I would be very happy to come on your next hunt, at the very least I can provide another pair of eyes, a crossbow and a little magic. I don't have much but maybe you'll find what little I have useful. Do you want to check on the spider or do you have another quarry in mind?"
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 119 posts
Rogue 2
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 13:06
  • msg #70

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Thank You Mr. Cobble! You are always very generous."

Turning to Terry,

"Terry? Why dont you meet us for dinner on Cyprus street. Aunt Bea is roasting a pheasant. We have some matters to tend to, but I would like to continue this conversation. What do you say?"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:51, Mon 22 Apr.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 33 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 21:16
  • msg #71

Chapter 1: The Underway

"I'm interested! Later today I'll go to Taylas to pick up Ma's gloves then meet you out for dinner, I'd never say no to a nice bit of pheasant."

Terry gets back to work, helping to extract and bottle the new venom and will carefully clean everything afterwards. Once the work is done he will put up his ad at the front of the shop, collect his ma's gloves and head home to wash up. Once he and Wilda are neatly combed they'll head to Cyprus street to meet up with Myrcury.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 120 posts
Rogue 2
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 12:55
  • msg #72

Chapter 1: The Underway

Myrcury and Talya collected their earnings then headed to her shop.

"I didnt know Terry was studying magics. Did you? He might be perfect to join us. You think?"
Talya Honeybeard
NPC, 58 posts
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 13:04
  • msg #73

Chapter 1: The Underway

" I did not know. Do you think he can keep a secret? He has a big family and Ma Proudfoot is known for her conversational prowess. He is always very nice. What do you have in mind? I see you wheels turning."
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 121 posts
Rogue 2
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 15:11
  • msg #74

Chapter 1: The Underway

" You said you needed to work in the shop a few days yes? Maybe I will pal around with him. Get to know him. Check out the spider thing. Then if he seems like we can trust him, we invite him on our next descent."
GM, 398 posts
The Creator
The Adjudicator
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 15:57
  • msg #75

Chapter 1: The Underway

Myrcury and Talya agreed that he should spend a week hanging out with Terry to see what he is made of. They finished puting their gear away then they each went to clean up for dinner. Cypress Street would smell pretty heavenly in an hour or so. Folks will be drawn in from all over.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 34 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 13:11
  • msg #76

Chapter 1: The Underway

Terry stops by the bakery and buys a large honey and nut iced strudel and brings it to the public dinner. Once the pheasants and vegetables have been enjoyed he will cut up the loaf and for a bit of entertainment he will put a towel circle on Wilda's head and get her to carry a platter of portioned strudel on her head to the revellers. The dessert is safe as wombats are remarkably balanced and the merry wiggle of her sturdy rump will inspire spontaneous music from a pair of Proudfoot cousins who are never without their banjo and panpipes. Once everyone has had their fill he'll turn to Myrcury and Talya and with an excited twinkle in his eye will say "So, want to hunt a spider?"
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 122 posts
Rogue 2
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 13:22
  • msg #77

Chapter 1: The Underway

Myrcury takes a piece of strudel from Wilda. He nods and offers thanks, then chuckles at the cuteness of it all.

"A spider you say? A big un? Stuck a bolt in it? Them spiders can be dangerous.  Sounds like fun!"

He holds a drink up as if a clnking of mugs is the same as a handshake.

"Talya? Wanna go exterminate a bug?"
Talya Honeybeard
NPC, 59 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 13:25
  • msg #78

Chapter 1: The Underway

Talya declines politely,

"I am going to pass this time. I have work backing up at the shop. You two be careful!"

She feigns motherly concern, then they all burst out laughing as a neighbor dances a funny jig with Wilda.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:02, Wed 24 Apr.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 35 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 00:51
  • msg #79

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Talya, I'm all thumbs with needle and thread but if you could use a hand with dyes or stains I'd be keen to help. So it's me and you, eh Myrc? The spider was about the same size as us so I think we should be able to handle it, I'll go grab my crossbow and meet you at the top gate?"
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 123 posts
Rogue 2
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 01:30
  • msg #80

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Lets meet at the corner of Willow and Shady. We can go out the Southgate. You can leadvus to the spider's lair from there. First thing in the morning. I am beat. Its been a long couple days. I am turning in early. Goodnight Talya, Terry and Wilda."

Myrcury retires to his Uncle's hovel.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 36 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 07:17
  • msg #81

Chapter 1: The Underway

Terry waves good bye to Myrcury and Talya and is very excited to hunt the spider. He helps clean away the meal and heads back to his families burrow to think about what he might be able to do to fare better against the spider. That night he and his ma talk more with Wilda in burrower tongue. His Ma tells Wilda about the Proudfoot family and will relay with great pride how Grandma Proudfoots wagon had been attacked by goblins when she was young and how she had fended them off with bits of broken wagon wheel and knocked out their leader with her left boot. Terry will then talk to Wilda about how he hopes that they will start going on interesting adventures and will start teaching her some simple things she can scratch into the dirt to communicate with others. He will teach her:

<-    something important is this way
///   three claw marks for an enemy
I     one thing
II    two things
II+   many things

The next morning Terry interprets first thing as after breakfast and I've had a chance to spike my hair. Terry will get up at dawn and will study the incantations to conjure mystical armor, summon a monstrous ally, sense magical auras, resist maledictions and shoot a ray of freezing air. He will kiss his ma on the cheek for a thick slice of bread with jam, Wilda will kiss her other cheek for an apple and they will quickly make their way to Kinders Apothecary. Terry will ask Kinder if he may loan an antitoxin and maybe even a flask of acid or alchemists fire to be returned if they aren't needed, Terry will accept without complaint if these aren't available. He then jogs off to the corner of Willow and shady, satchel bag bouncing and marsupial galloping at his heels.

DM note: Great post. Would be perfect if it was in present tense.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:26, Wed 24 Apr.
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 124 posts
Rogue 2
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 16:11
  • msg #82

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Goodmorning Terry! I am ready for a hunt. I dont know where the hermit Pumblchook lives, but I can follow you."

Terry leads the duo out the south gate and onto the forest trail leading south toward the river. He takes a scant pathay that leads west once reaching the ridge that begins the decent to the river. They follow a trail along the ridge for about a mile before arriving at the hermitage.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 37 posts
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 01:15
  • msg #83

Chapter 1: The Underway

Just before they reach the hermitage Terry asks Myrcury to stop for a second, draws close to Wilda and mutters a short incantation. Gesturing as if to put an imaginary helmet on his head and don a vest a shimmering suit of armour appears then fades to the edge of perception, with Wilda simultaneously gaining identical protection. Smiling Terry will nod to Myrc "Better to be safe than sorry."

With Wilda now in lockstep Terry leads Myrcury to the clearing in front of the hermitage and stops at the edge of the trees. "There is the burrow it fled into and there behind it and to the left is the clump of bushes it came from. I figure we check em both and if the spiders legged it we can go and ask Master Pumblechook if he has seen it, sound ok?"

Terry casts mage armor on himself and shares the spell with Wilda.

Terry got 27 on a listen check (natural 20) and 9 on a spot check.

Wilda got 15 on a listen check and 10 on a spot check.

Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 125 posts
Rogue 2
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 03:22
  • msg #84

Chapter 1: The Underway

The area around the burrow is now matted with
spider silk. The web forms a great funnel that pours down into the hole. The hole would be an extremely snug and sticky fit for a gnome though possible. Nothing can be heard that is indicative of the arachnid.

"Looks like it moved in. Do you suppose we could lure it out?"

DM note: I forgot to say that Cobble agreed to front you 2 vials of antivenom.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Thu 25 Apr.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 38 posts
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 12:59
  • msg #85

Chapter 1: The Underway

Terry thinks about their situation. "I have a rope and we can use magic to make any noises we choose. If we tie a log to the rope we can drag it across the web and I can make the noises of maybe a startled pig then when the spider comes out for log pig we shoot the spider."
Myrcury Moleburrow
NPC, 126 posts
Rogue 2
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 11:18
  • msg #86

Chapter 1: The Underway

"Let's get a closer look. If you stuck it yesterday, it may not come out. It could be dead. Was the funnel web here already?"

Myrcury cautiously approaches the hole in the ground. The web funneling into the hole is free of any debris. It looks to be in good repair.
Teriadoc Proudfoot
PC, 39 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 15:03
  • msg #87

Chapter 1: The Underway

"No, the web is new. Makes me worried for Pumblechook, then again if he's translating something he wouldn't notice a giant spider in his front yard. Alright, lets go." Terry and Wilda move twenty feet into the clearing, careful to avoid touching any webs.
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