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Meetings at the Ford (IC-01)

Posted by IncanusFor group 0
GM, 25 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 15 Jul 2023
at 15:47
  • msg #1

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly and Bosco departed the Breeland in mid Spring heading South a couple of weeks ago.  They took supplies with them, though Bosco is accomplished at foraging when necessary, and headed first East towards Amon Sul and then South towards the Greyflood river intending to cross at the ford of Tharbad.  There were very few peoples in the lands they passed, any roads overgrown and the remnants of civilization also slowly succumbing to nature.  This area was once Rhudaur and before that a part of Arnor, the Kingdom of the North, before the rise of Angband.  At the Greyflood they turned West to follow its course to Tharbad, and thence to the sea.  The land beyond the river quiet, hillier; not an area that was really part of Rhudaur, rather that is Eregion, the former realm of the Noldor elves in Eastern Eriador, were Celebrimbor was lord in a previous Age.

Meanwhile, Einar left Rohan with two companions around the same time the others departed Bree.  They passed the gap of Rohan and the Wizard’s Vale, intending to ride North as far as Tharbad and scout out the possibility of safely opening trade with anyone living beyond.  The Dunlendings are never kind to the “straw-heads” and they planned to camp on the way rather than risk the ‘hospitality’ of those people.  It was North of Dunland, in the Enedwaith close to Tharbad that they were ambushed in the night.  Einar was separated from his companions in the battle, and tough wounded, acquitted himself well, killing two goblins.  In the morning he was only able to find one of his companions’ horses.  Pushing on to Tharbad in the hope of finding a friendly community to seek assistance, he now finds himself across the fallen bridge in the ruined and abandoned city, across the river from Elly and Bosco.

Okay, so this is a draft start.  If you like it post your introduction and we proceed with the game.  I will accept edits and suggestions, but the point is to get you guys together in a reasonably mid-way location from your respective homes.

Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 12 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2023
at 21:34
  • msg #2

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly says, "So, Bosco, I've mentioned that I'm travelling hoping to find and collect some herbs. Special ones. Anyway, that wasn't the point I meant to make. I wanted to ask you what, if anything in particular, brings you in this direction?"
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 11 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2023
at 23:58
  • msg #3

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

It was mid-morning between breakfasts and as was his wont, Bosco was singing happily in that strange language of his that sounded like Westron but not quite.  They were walking along the road, his short legs were moving a much greater pace that those of his tall companion but this didn't seem to be a problem.  They had been travelling together for a while now and it seemed like Bosco could keep this pace going without loosing his smile and bright enthusiastic eyes.

Goal? he answered, "Do we need one?  I mean are we allowed just one?  Can the journey itself be a goal or seeing something else than Bree Hill?  For example, look at this river! I think that was worth seeing.  I wonder what's the other side... should we go and look?", he asks while quickening his pace even more.

I think according to some MERP books, the hobbits speak Westron but also their own Kuduk language which is very similar to Westron but not quite. So just using that to add some flavour. My references are not very clear 'though so @Incanus feel free to disagree and Bosco can sing in pure Westron. 

Rohirric Warrior, 17 posts
Chain (25s), M&M+0
Hits41, Perception+5
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 10:07
  • msg #4

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Eóere, Berthold and Háulf had been good companions but even so he had not really let on that he did not intend to return to the Riddermark any time soon.

Einar felt ashamed now that he had not told them. He felt as if he had betrayed them and that did not sit well with him.
His companions had probably imagined a brave; foolhardy more truthfully; raid against the Dunlendings and had all grumbled when he had steered clear of the smaller huts and instead filled their heads with notions about possible trade with whoever was left in the West after Gondor had retreated long ago. Somehow he had believed that he could explain it all later and thus enjoy their company for a bit longer.

He had once heard that in ages past huge forests had covered these lands but either he had a wrong idea about the word 'huge' or it was all just stories.

Still, the country was rough enough to offer many ambush options as they had to learn. Not daring to shed the light of their camp fire too far they had settled in a dip of the land. Unfortunately that also meant that they could not see far.
On hindsight it had been foolish not to watch out for goblin tracks, tracks that were all too obvious in the morning after the ambush. He was not a tracker though so even in the morning he had no idea just how many foes there had been. Given that he had  not found his companions he imagined that they had not been killed but anducted. Whyever goblins would do that escaped his mind. Riding back to the Dunlendings to ask for their help was out of question, so had plodded on.

Einar looked with dismay at the ruined bridge over the Greyflow. The ford would still be useable, of course, but this was a clear indication that no one lived in old Tharbad these days.
Suddenly he saw two figures on the other side, a man and a child it seemed.
He waved in greeting.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:30, Fri 21 July 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 13 posts
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 10:22
  • msg #5

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly waves back and says quietly to Bosco, "Mostly fine folk on e the road, but one must be wary." She advances, left hand again held up in greeting.

Cupping hands to mouth to try and project her voice across the swift ford she calls, "This is Bosco and I'm Elly. I'm wandering in search of certain herbs. Might we know your name and, perhaps, where you're headed?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:26, Tue 18 July 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 20 posts
Chain (25s), M&M+0
Hits41, Perception+5
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 16:11
  • msg #6

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar shouted over the ford.
"I am Einar."
"I am looking for help, I am wounded and I lost three companions  to a goblin ambush last night. I want to find them, but cannot achieve that alone."

This message was last edited by the player at 10:31, Fri 21 July 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 19 posts
Tue 18 Jul 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #7

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Addressing Bosco quietly, Elly says, "I am inclined to help Einar. If you wish to do so as well, that means we both need to get across the ford. Do you wish to? If so, how much rope do you have?"

She looks around for any tree limbs that might be used as a staff for either sttability or to probe for holes. Some twigs or maybe a handful of grasses would be useful to guage the speed of the water (which she does if possible).
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 13 posts
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 10:12
  • msg #8

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco's head keeps scanning left and right and pauses on Einar before continuing to scan the other side of the river.

"Did he say goblin ambush?  That sounds dangerous!  I've never seen any goblins." he pauses and listen to Elly and responds: "Right, we can't leave him injured and stranded.  We should go across and help him."

Bosco walks up to the ford and studies it to judge how risky it is.  Suddenly the hyperactive hobbit becomes still and concentrated for a moment, then snap out of it and comes back running to Elly.

"There's a lot of water.  Can you swim?" he asks and looking her up and down he adds "All that metal probably doesn't float very well, does it?"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 21 posts
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #9

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Whilst continuing to search Elly does her best to field the little fellow. "He did. It is. I have."

The barrage continues, "Agreed, then. We should. But safely."

Suppressing a sigh she answers, "It is. I can. it doesn't. But the depth is important. Very."

If there's a staff-like branch available Elly uses it to test the depth of the water. otherwise she says, "Bosco, you're good at foraging. Please, if you dont mind, go find a branch that'll serve as a staff for crossing this ford." As an afterthought she adds, "And bring it here. Please."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 22 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2023
at 09:57
  • msg #10

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Having found a decent-sized piece of wood, Elly uses it to gauge the depth of the river. "Not too bad near this bank for folks my height but more challenging for you, Bosco. There's the remains of a bridge here so it's almost certainly quite a bit deeper in the middle.
"I think jumping across on the remains of the bridge is our best bet: a series of easy-ish jumps. I think I can cope with that and could even carry some of your equipment for you if you want?
"I had thought you might be able to pole vault between the bridge remains but this big stick probably isn't good enough. Anyway, how good are you at jumping? There are alternatives if you have a rope. Do you? Or I could toss you across ahead of me. What's your opinion?"

While listening for Bosco's response she takes off her leg greaves and stows them in her backpack.

After a long pause Elly cups her hands to shout across the ford, "Hey! Do you happen to have rope?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:13, Fri 21 July 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 23 posts
Chain (25s), M&M+0
Hits41, Perception+5
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 10:32
  • msg #11

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar looked on as the two made to cross the ford. Only when the taller had shouted did he realize that she was female. Rhough, on hindsight, the name offered was an indication, too. Unfamiliar, but still.
"Unfortunately not.", he shouted back
This message was last edited by the player at 10:40, Fri 21 July 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 3 posts
Chain (25 DB), 33/33 hits
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 11:56
  • msg #12

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

(somewhat south of the ford...)

Berthold took a moment to rest. The skirmish with the goblins has been hard, and he had separated from his companions (he didn’t know them enough as to call friends) and horses, but he has given a nasty surprise to the goblins that assumed him to be blind at night. He accounted for some of them, and found some more corpses after they fled. He only had some minor scratches. "The family’s mail is as good as dad said" he thought

But now he was concerned. Where in the hell was he? Where were his companions? Where the horses? He was alone, in strange land and unmounted, something he didn’t expect when they departed Rohan. At least he kept most his equipment, and his weapons, though...

"Well, losing your horse and companions the first night" he thought to himself. "What would Háelmon…" (his trainer) "think of you now? I guess he would not be proud…". He felt ashamed of his performance on his first skirmish. Not that he had not fought well, but as part of a unit, it had been a miserable failure…

"In any case, if there’s something you cannot do is to stay here to see if the goblins return…" he kept thinking. "I have no idea of where the closest settlement is, aside from some Dundeling ones, but I guess my best option is to keep going north, as we had planned. This will at least take me farther from the Dundelings, and maybe I could earn some money to buy a new horse and return home…"

This decided, and seeing the sun raising, he slung his shield and his backpack to his shoulders and he started marching on (his bow on his hand, just in case) keeping the sun at his left, as Háelmon had told him to face north at morning…
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 3 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 16:17
  • msg #13

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Hie up, Sindri", muttered Kharrum softly, sat comfortably atop the shaggy grey pony that had carried him down the Great East Road without complaint. He rode easily, though his eyes kept a careful watch on these unfamiliar paths and one hand rested on the haft of his hammer. His errand was in Dol Amroth, the folio of messages carefully tucked beneath his armour, but it had been some time since his folk had had cause to travel so far south or west and he was perturbed by the state of the road, its disrepair. Mouth quirking at the lack of a pipe, he grumbled once more to the pony, "Good stone, here. Well cut, but not well-tended"

For a time, the steady clop of hooves was the only answer, then Sindri whickered, her ears twitching, and he reined up. Voices ahead, clear and higher in pitch. Kharrum urged the beast forward, coming to a bend in the path that had three figures hove into view. Beside the Greyflood he saw two by the river bank, an elf woman and a halfling, and across from them a rider.

"Good day!", he called out, as he approached, not wishing to startle
Silvan Animist, 3 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 07:39
  • msg #14

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

A few days earlier...

The ageless face of Saelathel looked worried as she examined the withering Thurl clove tree. It looked gnarled and had produced but a handful of faded blossoms. As she carefully reached up to collect some of the cloves, she told her companion:

"Never take more than half of what Yavanna's children offer you. Nature is free with her gifts, but we must not take more than is right. A tiny seed today can be a beautiful plant in no more than a few years.

Look at this tree. It once grew straight, and now it cowers against the hillside desperately. It wasn't so the last time I was in these parts. The shadows are getting longer and I fear that dark times lay ahead. When we return to Lorien, I must warn our Lady Galadriel."

The elf suddenly fell silent and raised a hand in warning. In the distance a howl could be heard.

"Wolves. So early in the evening. Come now, Bregbor. Time to move on," she whispered, barely audible. And gracefully, she started making her way down the hill towards the Gwathló river. Bregbor carefully stored the Thurl he had collected in his belt pouch and followed her.

The wolves were getting louder. Sometimes they seemed to be ahead, sometimes to the left, and sometimes right behind them. The elves realized they were being hounded and quickened their steps. Then, just as the river came into sight, they could see them: Three groups of torches, snarls and howls converging on their position at running speed.

Saelathel drew her blade in a practiced motion and Bregbor readied his bow.

A hail of black-feathered arrows came to greet them. They ducked behind some rocks, but it was open territory, and Bregbor heard a stifled scream. He turned towards his venerable companion to see a wicked barbed arrow protruding from the female elf's right leg, just above the knee. Her wise face was distorted with pain.

"I can't outrun them, so I'll hold them off for as long as I can. Leave me, young friend. I have lived long enough and it seems my journey ends tonight.", she told him grimly.

"But, Saelathel, I can't...", he contradicted as he loosed his slender arrow at the nearest attacker.

"Run! Run, young Bregbor, no one can help me now. Let me go in the knowledge that my death won't be in vain!"

And with a tear-streaked face he ran away from the snarls, and the yells, away from Saelathel, who was singing defiantly as she stoically made her last stand. Breatlessly, he stumbled into the trees at the rivers edge, ignoring the branches whipping in his face and swam out to a small island in the Gwathlo. There, he rubbed himself with river mud to throw the wolves off his scent and cowered between two rocks.

Eventually, Saelathel's song stopped and the torches came down to the river. They moved up and down the bank with much howling and cursing. It was only when the Eastern horizon's black faded to gray that the search was broken off and the noises slowly died down.

Bregbor waited almost until noon, before he dared leave his hiding place. Carefully, he made his way back up the hill to look for any traces of Saelathel. Eventually he found her naked, defaced body lying on a rock, exposed to the sun.

Gently, he washed his mentor's body, carried it up the hill and built a stone cairn to protect it from the wild animals. Silently, he looked at his work. Only now did he realize he was utterly alone.

That night, as he meditated, he remembered a small poem his mentor had taught him back in his childhood in golden Lothlorien:

"Do not despair of fate.
To remember is wise,
But let the sun rise:
A heavy heart is useless weight. "

He smiled as a single silver tear ran down his left cheek. Bregbor looked around. This was a vast land, and a dangerous one to get lost in. Although every muscle in his body ached and his heart was sore, he got up from his meditation for the departed to follow the course of the river.

Onward to find a ford, a road, maybe even Tharbad.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:30, Sat 22 July 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 4 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 16:11
  • msg #15

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

(again in the wilderness...)

Berthold had been on the move for some hours when he decided to sit to rest. The weight of the armor and equipment took its toll, now that he was unmounted and no horse to carry it… He drank some water. "Shit, I have no food… Others carried it on their horses" he realized, as hunger began to be felt. “Well, I guess there will be some game here to hunt" he thought, looking around from the (more or less) hidden place he took refuge to rest.

Then he saw someone moving. Whoever it was (s)he was wearing a hooded cloak, and he could not discern if it was a male or a female. The cloak camouflaged with the surrendering vegetation, and its colors and the way it was moving reminded him what his father told him about elves. "Elves here?" he wondered. " Don’t they live in forests?". His father has meet some, and even knew his language and had thaught a little to him, but he has told him not to trust them. They used magics and had their own agendas, he told him…

"But at least they don’t like goblins, so they may feel sympathetic to a poor lost warrior, or so I hope" he thought. "Not that I have many more options, in any case… And I better show up before they spot me and think I’m stalking them… At least this way I won’t seem hostile from the begining".

So, taking partial cover on what he found (a rock or tree, just in case …) he stood, took his bow (though not readied it, ready for anything but trying not to seem a threat)  and shouted the moving figure. "Please, who are you?

I’m Berthold, from Rohan. My companions and me were ambushed by goblins, and I’m lost now, not knowing their whereabouts. Could you please at least tell me where I am and how to reach some human settlement?

(OOC: the cloaked figure is Bregbor, as the GM wanted us run into each other)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:18, Sat 22 July 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 24 posts
Chain (25s), M&M+0
Hits41, Perception+5
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 17:12
  • msg #16

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar smiled when he saw yet another figure come to the ford in the other side. It was clear that this newcomer was a dwarf.

Seriously, he had not expected to find so many diverse people here.

He waved in greeting.
He still had no clear idea what was the best way to brave the ford and thus was happy that Elly had decided to come pver to his side. How the child would do was interesting. He frowned as he saw that the child was rather thick around the waist and wore armor. Rohirrim learned early to fight, but this was overdoing it, no?
Silvan Animist, 4 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 17:55
  • msg #17

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The hooded elf had obviously not been paying attention, but when he heard the hail, a bow almost seemed to spring into the elf's hand, so quickly was his reaction.

Seeing that the man who had called out made no threatening moves, he hesitantly lowered his weapon and pulled the hood off his head, revealing long open hair that shone in the sun like gold.

"Well met, Bertold", he called and stopped at an arrow's distance. The traveller's Westron was flawless but had a melodic quality that was unmistakably elven. "I am Bregbor, a seeker of herbs. It seems our fates are similar. Evil lives in those hills, and I am glad to leave them behind me. I am following the course of the river, looking for a road that fords it.

I would gladly welcome your company. Travelling in a bigger party is safer than wandering these lands alone."

He opened his arms in a non-threatening gesture and smiled cautiously.
Rohirric Warrior, 5 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 18:26
  • msg #18

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing Bregbor lowering his bow, he did the same and hung his quiver again on his back, leaving his partial cover to show himself as not hostile.

"So an elf as I thought, but a male or a female?"  Berthold wondered. "Their voices are too similar, and I’ve herd their males are breadless too… For now I’ll assume a male, as no breasts are noticed, and I hope not to offend her by being wrong…" he thought.

"Do you know the area? Are those goblin ambushes usual here, as you say you also suffered one?" he asked, realizing only  questioning that if he was following the river looking for a ford he was also probably unfamiliar with the zone.

"In any case, I guess you’re right in that better to travel together. This doubles our numbers in case of trouble…" he said, half joking. Could he trust him (or her)? Was his father right about elves?
Silvan Animist, 5 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 19:22
  • msg #19

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor studies the other man who is almost as tall as himself as he closes the distance and extends a hand.

"I am not too familiar with the region," he admits freely. "So if you know a better way out of this wilderness - lead the way."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 27 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #20

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly glances back, "Hello, dwarf. I'm Elly and this is Bosco. Over there is Einar. We've just met him and he needs help so we're trying to cross. So what's you name? Do you have rope?"
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 4 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 09:22
  • msg #21

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Letting his pony slow to a halt, Kharrum slid off and clicked his tongue. It nickered in response, then snorted and began to crop the grass nearby. He bowed a little from the waist, his voice soft and warm as he greeted the two on his side of the bank in their own tongues, ”Mistress Elly, Master Bosco “ and then called more loudly across the river in the common tongue of men, ”Master Einar”. He spoke well, though his Kuduk was somewhat halting and finishing with his own introduction, ”Kharrum Stonesinger, of Thorins Halls in the Ered Luin “

Greetings made, he set his pack upon the ground and began to rummage in it, ”I should indeed have a coil within, picked up last time I passed through Bree”
This message was last edited by the player at 10:49, Sun 23 July 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 28 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 10:37
  • msg #22

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"We're from Bree, Kharrum, so you've made good time," replies Elly. She glances at Bosco who seems to be ruminating on something or other.

She turns back to the proudly bearded fellow, "So then, Kharrum, do you intend to cross the river too? I was planning on jumping across the reamins or the bridge. Perhaps tossing boaco ahead of me. But if we might use your rope I could go first. How strong at swimming are your and your ass?"
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 6 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 11:31
  • msg #23

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum finished rooting around and pulled out a fine silken rope. When he looked up at the two of them, he wore a somewhat forced smile, “Truth be told, I was hoping the bridge might be more intact. Sindri is a strong swimmer, my pony, but …” and he licked his lips nervously “Dwarves weren’t made for open water, too much stone in our makeup”

He muttered a few word’s beneath his breath, guttural and barely spoke. Perhaps a prayer
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 30 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 11:44
  • msg #24

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Thank you, Kharrum, that's good of you," acknowledges Elly. "If you don't swim yourself, will you trust that your pony's swimming is good enough to take both of you? Or will you try to use the bridge? If the bridge, then obviously you could jump yourself. Or I could help. If you'd like me to help then I could toss you across. Otherwise I can jump across with one end of your rope. Thne you, with the other end, can jump and I'll haul the line in. Happy to hear other ideas."
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 7 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 11:58
  • msg #25

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Watching the dark turbulent waters of the river, Kharrum shuddered, ”Are we helping Einar across or do you need to cross yourselves as well? I have business in Dol Amroth…”
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 31 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 15:09
  • msg #26

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"He needs help over there. So we're going to cross over to there," answers Elly.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:18, Sun 23 July 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 6 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 16:16
  • msg #27

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

In reply to Bregbor (msg # 19):

"If you’re “not too familiar” with the region then you are moe familiar than myslef" Berthold answered. "In any case, following the river doesn’t seem a bad idea. At least we’ll not walk in circles, and probably sooner or latter we’ll find a road or path crossing it that can lead us to a settlement. And game will probably come to drink, giving us the possibility to hunt, as I’m afraid I have no food…"

He hung again his equipment to his back and began to march. "But we must be careful about goblins, as they seem to be raiding the zone…" he said, more thinking in loud voice than really waring Bregbor
Rohirric Warrior, 25 posts
Chain (25s), M&M+5
Hits41, Perception+5
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 17:50
  • msg #28

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"If you throw the rope to me, I could bind it to the saddle and drag you over.", Einar offered when he saw that the dwarf was well equipped and had a rope among his belongings.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 8 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 19:30
  • msg #29

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Taking a deep breath, Kharrum took a step forward and then another. His eyes darted to the water, but he squared his shoulders and stepped back before lunging forward and throwing the rope. His first cast fell short and he reeled in back in, then tried again
Ayleth Partino
Gondorian Animist, 2 posts
SL (00), 29/29 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #30

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Walking the unfamiliar path leading north, Ayleth dares not stray far from Otric's side amidst the dense and ancient forest. She had made the journey a plethora of times before, of course, the forest has been the source of medicinal herbs for generations after all.

Still, the forest's canopy is thick, allowing only dappled sunlight to filter through the leaves, and who knows what horrors the shadows hid? Not Ayleth, that's who, and she wasn't about to start taking chances now. "You've gone quiet. Everything alright Ostric?" Ayleth asks with a mix of nerves and concern. The natural beauty of the world was lost on the Gondorian, who found solace in roads and walls, rather than these wildflowers and lichens.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 14 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #31

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco came back with a few long branches for Elly and himself.

As Kharrum arrived, he introduced himself. "Well met, Kharrum Stonesinger", says Bosco.  "I am Bosco Hedgehopper from Staddle. Not from Bree..., well, not quite.  My family would say that Bree is quite far away being the other side of the hill. But now that we are much further away, the difference doesn't matter anymore so Bree will do."

Bosco looks at the ford and the river while Kharrum searches his pack

"Could hop from stones to stones.  But ropes would be safer.  Yes we are going across.  Einar up there had problems with gobbling and needs help finding his friends.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 10 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #32

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Well met, Master Hoblyta", rumbled Kharrum as Bosco introduced himself. Glancing up, he smiled and patted a pouch upon his belt,a welcome distraction from the roiling waters "I know of Staddle, by name. And hopping sounds far better than swimming..."

Nonetheless, he chanced his throw
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 12 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 22:26
  • msg #33

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Stripping out of his armour and tying his belongings into a tarp on Sindri's back, Kharrum began to venture into the river, trusting to the rope he had thrown for Einar

23:25, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 5 using 1d100.  River Crossing (No Armour)
GM, 40 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 23:11
  • msg #34

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum wades into the river with his pony following along.  The current is a constant presence but not too strong.  The going is slow, however and soon the depth drops precipitously.

Kharrum made it about 10 percent of the way across.  Another MM roll is required unless he turns back.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 13 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 23:19
  • msg #35

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

After muttering a brief prayer to Durin, Kharrum trusted to his line and pony, pulling hand over hand whilst the fathomless darkness swirled beneath him

00:17, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 100 using 1d100.  River Crossing (No Armour)

00:36, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 13 using 1d100.  Open Ended

This message was last edited by the player at 23:40, Mon 24 July 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 33 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #36

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Judging that a series of jumps will get her across, Elly takes a running jump towards one of the rocky bridge remains.

OOC: This is literally a leap of faith as I have no idea of the distance or difficulty involved.
00:34, Today: Elly Shae rolled 60 using 1d100.  Jumping bridge remains/rocks MM 0 (with leg greaves removed).

GM, 42 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 01:15
  • msg #37

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

With an impressive show of determination Kharrum  pulls himself all the way to the other bank in a rapid series of pulls.  Meanwhile, Elly removes her leg greaves and then begins leaping from stone to stone.  Not quite half way, she newrly loses her balance and after a moment where it looked like she going for a swim, she steadies herself, pausing for a breath.

The total for Kharrum gives him another 90%, getting him across.  Elly gets 40% across, the narrative bit is just to explain the pause for another roll.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 15 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 10:30
  • msg #39

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Upon the other side of the river, Kharrum ran his hands over his hairy arms and chest, sluicing water from himself with a shiver and a grumble. After it was done, he raised his head to the manling with the horse, "Well met, Einar. Perhaps we had best prepare a small fire, for myself and Bosco ... and perhaps Elly, to dry out?"
Rohirric Warrior, 27 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 17:26
  • msg #40

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar nodded on greeting to the dwarf who had just braved the ford with seemingly hardly an effort. Except for becoming wet, of course.
"Greetings Kharrum. That seems to be a good idea.", he said, "And as long as we don't keep the fire alive when it gets dark we hopefully won't have to meddle with goblins."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 34 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 22:01
  • msg #41

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Checking the footing and distance Elly counts, "1, 2, 3.." to herself rocking backwards and forwards then two passes and she hurls herslef towards the next piece of bridge remains.

OOC: 22:56, Today: Elly Shae rolled 58 using 1d100.  Jumping bridge remains/rocks MM 0 (with leg greaves removed)

GM, 43 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 23:21
  • msg #42

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly jumps again and makes it to another piece of the fallen bridge, almost across but not quite.

That is another 40%, almost there.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 16 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 23:35
  • msg #43

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco looks at his two companions crossing the river with interest, fascinated by their different techniques.  Since hopping looks more fun, Bosco decides to follow Elly and jump from stone to stone.  "I'll be there shortly", says Bosco

OOC: Not sure when do I use the base M&M skill value or when something like Acrobatics can be used (which would be beneficial to Bosco)

00:12, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 83 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 83.  River crossing.

Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 17 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 23:46
  • msg #44

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Pausing to take his breath on a slightly larger stone, Bosco waits for Elly to finish crossing before continuing.

OOC: @Incanus, if I understand my previous roll was not quite enough to go across so to speed up things I just did a second roll here.

00:41, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 87 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 87.  River crossing part 2.

Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 35 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 26 Jul 2023
at 00:18
  • msg #45

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly makes another hop; this time onto a small flat-topped boulder.

OOC: 01:13, Today: Elly Shae rolled 13 using 1d100.  Jumping bridge remains/rocks MM 0 (with leg greaves removed).

In case another one's needed:
01:17, Today: Elly Shae rolled 33 using 1d100.  01:13, Today: Elly Shae rolled 13 using 1d100.  Jumping bridge remains/rocks MM 0 (with leg greaves)

Beorning Warrior, 3 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 03:11
  • msg #46

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Ayleth Partino:
Walking the unfamiliar path leading north, Ayleth dares not stray far from Otric's side amidst the dense and ancient forest. She had made the journey a plethora of times before, of course, the forest has been the source of medicinal herbs for generations after all.

Still, the forest's canopy is thick, allowing only dappled sunlight to filter through the leaves, and who knows what horrors the shadows hid? Not Ayleth, that's who, and she wasn't about to start taking chances now. "You've gone quiet. Everything alright Ostric?" Ayleth asks with a mix of nerves and concern. The natural beauty of the world was lost on the Gondorian, who found solace in roads and walls, rather than these wildflowers and lichens.

Otric was enjoying the quietness of the woods, the feel of the wind tugging at his beard, the sound of the leaves rustling and the lack of too many humans around.  Leaving Dol Amroth had been the right choice.

He smiled at Ayleth "No, nothing is wrong, quite the opposite in fact, your city was good to visit" he spread his hands in explanationbut the woods and hills are my home.
Ayleth Partino
Gondorian Animist, 4 posts
SL (00), 29/29 Hits
Thu 27 Jul 2023
at 04:34
  • msg #47

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Ayleth listens to Otric's response, a faint smile forming on her lips as she observes the Beorning warrior's contentment with the natural surroundings. Though she couldn't quite share the same level of appreciation for the wild as Otric did, she respected his connection to nature and understood that different hearts found comfort in different places. "I'm glad the journey has brought you back to your home, Otric." Ayleth replies warmly in a quiet tone.

Glancing around the forest once more, Ayleth failed to find a semblance of the tranquility that Otric seemed to exude. She sighed before looking through her satchel to organize and recount her herbs, a nervous attempt at filling the moment with something other than the deafening silence of the woods.

"I must admit, though, these woods make me a touch nervous," Ayleth admits with a chuckle, easing the tension a bit. "The shadows seem to hold secrets, and my city-bred heart is more accustomed to the safety of walls and the wails of commerce." She states as she confirms none of her supplies had magically disappeared since the last twenty minutes she'd checked...

OOC: I am not sure if the GM wants us to cross the river now, Meet up with the others, both, or neither.
Beorning Warrior, 4 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 01:05
  • msg #48

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I can understand I suppose, those same city walls make me feel" he pauses for a moment "Hemmed in, contained it's ok for a bit but out here" he said reaching an arm out and brushing his hand through the leaves on a low branch "Out here I am my own master, I can go anywhere I wish." he smiled happily.  "Though it was a bit a bit of fun to visit Dol Anroth." he concedes.

OOC: I think we are on Einar's side of the river having come from Dol Amroth
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 36 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 12:24
  • msg #49

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Thankfully over the ford Elly checks with her little companion, "You ok, Bosco? I did offer to help but you didn't seem interested. You jump well for one with such short legs." Her smile shows she's teasing rather than anything less pleasant.

"And you, master Kharrum, don't seem to have shrunk despite your immersion. Did anything nibble at you?" the solid woman comments to thhe pony-owner. "Anyway, I'm sure you'll be welcoming the fire that Einar's preparing."

When the initial banter and greetings dies down Elly turns to more serious matters. "So, Einar, did I understand corrently that you were injired? If so, perhaps I may help with that if you will permit? Also, you mentioned en encounter with golbinfolk? And others that you travelled with. Would you mind repeating, please, and adding some more detail?"
Rohirric Warrior, 31 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 18:08
  • msg #50

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar scratched head, then shrugged.
"Not very much I can tell, I'm afraid."
He sighed, somewhat frustrated it seemed.
"We, that is three companions and myself, had left Dunland behind for about a day. At least that was the last settlement to speak of."

The man's face darkened at the mentioning of Dunland.
"Háulf had taken first watch, Eóere second. It was not Berthold who woke me for the last watch, though, but the sound of fighting. Not at the campsite itself, though, which was strange. That and the absence of my companions. I quickly grabbed my sword and shield and ran for the fighting, fearing for my kinsmen."

Einar paused for a moment, reliving the confusion of the night.
"In the dark, however, it was utter chaos. I heard Eóere calling for help and Háulf's shouting in pain. Of Berthold, the youngest, there was no sign at all. But before I could reach them two goblins rushed at me out of the dark, from behind and not from where the fighting seemed to be going on."
The Rohir grimaced and his hand touched his leg.
"By the time the filthy goblins had fallen to my blade there were no other sounds."

His face darkened further in anger.
"I had to return to the camp to don my armor as I had taken a wound on the leg and dared not chase the goblins on foot."
"Arrows flew out of the dark and I had to run after all. They did not pursue."

Einar stroked the fire somewhat viciously.
"Once morning set I returned and searched but did not find them, nor their belongings."

Einar glanced around and said as if apologizing.
"I'm not a tracker, I did not find any signs. I had to find help."
"So I headed further northwest to find this ford, hoping for help to find my friends."
"They must have taken them prisoner."

This message was last edited by the player at 21:26, Fri 28 July 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 38 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 28 Jul 2023
at 18:45
  • msg #51

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"You shall have help in that, Einar. I can track, but others may be better," says Elly as she glances around at the others wordlessly asking the question.

After a pause Elly again addresses Einar, "Now, let me tend to that leg." She looks across, this time at bosco. "Some boiled water would be useful, please." At that point the tall woman straightens, stretches and starts to methodically remove her armour and arrange it with the deliberate precision of a task performed countless times. She pushes back her hair uncovering pointed ears.
Rohirric Warrior, 35 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sat 29 Jul 2023
at 07:55
  • msg #52

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar's face lost its tightness when Elly confirmed that she and her companions would help.
"My thanks.", he said sincerely.

When she mentioned to dress his wound he removed his greave. By the time he looked up again Bosco had joined and he realized that this was no child at all. Unless Bosco had aged considerably. Assuming the male was just exceptionally small he noticed the big hairy feet and puzzlement was obvious on his face.
"Who... what...", he blurted under his breath but stopped immediately as he realized that it would not be good to challenge his new companions.  He did stare in wonder though.

As Elly revealed her pointy ears, he sucked in breath.
"You're an Elf!", he blurted again, clearly audible. Awe, wonder and mistrust in his short exclamation.
He had heard all sorts of tales of the Elves of Lórien, none good. Sorcery and witchcraft, arrows in the dark, ageless and alien.
He looked around, his eyes found the dwarf who seemed not to care at all, as if he were used to the unsusual pair.
His first reaction was to draw his dagger1. but he stopped after maybe three inches.
These people from north of the ford had not shown any indication whatsoever that betrayal was to be expected.
"I have never seen or treated with your kind."
"Nor yours."
, he added in the direction of Bosco, offered as an explanation of sorts.
  1. probably easy to notice

This message was last edited by the player at 07:56, Sat 29 July 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 43 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 29 Jul 2023
at 18:07
  • msg #53

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Continuing without pause Elly answers, "One of my parents was. We do not chooose our parents. Although I would have chosen mine."

With a nod of gratitude to Bosco she gently removes Einar's current wound dressing and bathes the area with the water sterilised by Bosco's boiling. Without explanation Elly takes a leave from her pack and carefully places it on the wound, covers it gently with her left hand, closes her eyes and utters something in Sindarin.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 21 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 1 Aug 2023
at 03:23
  • msg #54

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco introduces himself to Einar as they meet on the other side of the river. "I am Bosco Hedgehopper. From Staddle.  And yes as you can see, I am a hobbit.  Nice meeting you!"

On Einar stating that he is not used to meeting hobbits, Bosco responds: "Ah, that's ok. Next time we meet a hobbit, I'll talk to him.  I am quite used to talking with hobbits.  Tall peoples like you and Elly though sometimes give me a sore neck."

He then goes happily fetch some wood and sets up a fire to boil water all the while humming a song.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:29, Tue 01 Aug 2023.
GM, 62 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Wed 2 Aug 2023
at 22:07
  • msg #55

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

It is around this time, as the afternoon sun is dipping into the West, that Ayleth and Otric reach the river at the ford and see the others there.  The others also see them easily, as they were not trying to be stealthy.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 48 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 2 Aug 2023
at 23:33
  • msg #56

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly says, "I could do with better access. Can we remove your chain mail? It'll feel better then."
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 18 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 05:40
  • msg #57

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Shivering, the young dwarf focused his attention on warming himself by Bosco's small - and hopefuly smokeless - fire as the others tended to Einar's wounds and chatted among themselves. His teeth were quiet, hinting that perhaps it was more fear of the water than cold that caused his discomfort. After a time, he glanced up, seeing newcomers arriving, two menfolk, and he called out in Westron, "Well met on the road, travellers". His pony nibbled at the grass nearby
Beorning Warrior, 6 posts
SL (25s), XX/XX hits
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 11:38
  • msg #58

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Otric paused as he saw the strange group ahead of them, his hand tightened its grip on his spear and he took half a step in front of Aylith.  He drew himself up and breathed deeply smelling the air.

'Well met, has there been trouble on the road?" he asked taking in the wounded Einar and the wet dwarf.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 22 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 03:45
  • msg #59

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco jumps up from sitting by the fire when a sees the newcomers approach and goes towards them.

"Hi, I am. Bosco Hedgehopper.  Nice meeting you! I come from Staddle.  What about you?  Where are you heading?" As usual, Bosco's solution to knowing a bit more about peoples he met was the simple and obvious one: just ask them.  It doesn't always work but that's usually a good start.  And even when no direct responses are coming back, that in itself is a lot of information.
Rohirric Warrior, 39 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 06:37
  • msg #60

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Remove my Mail?", he asked, taken by surprise.
"The injury in on the leg..."

Then he noticed that both Bosco and Kharrum were rising and his head snapped around to see another two persons, this time from the same side of the ford as he originally.

Not comfortable at all with further strangers while he was sitting on the ground, Einar mumbled a thanks to Elly but rose instead and turned to the new arrivals.
"Well met."
"Goblins on this side of the ford last night."
, he replied.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:37, Fri 04 Aug 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 19 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 10:02
  • msg #61

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Goblins", rumbled Kharrum in his rich bass, continuing to dry himself off in his breeches, "And trickiness in fording the river, with the bridge long abandoned". Noting the accent of the Beorning and his clothing, he bowed his head politely and greeted Otric with a few words in Nahaiduk, "Clear trails and friendly trees"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 49 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 4 Aug 2023
at 10:11
  • msg #62

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Fustrated at her failure Elly nods and starts to rearmour.
Ayleth Partino
Gondorian Animist, 7 posts
SL (00), 29/29 Hits
Sat 5 Aug 2023
at 17:19
  • msg #63

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Ayleth is quiet. Unusually so, as she sticks very close to Otric when approaching the others on the road. She Listened intently to everyone's words, but did not feel confident enough to add her own into the mix. She offers only nods and light bows to introductions, but visibly tenses up at the prospect of goblins being nearby...
Beorning Warrior, 7 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 10:02
  • msg #64

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Clear trails Master Dwarf, I am Otric and my companion is Ayleth.  Is there anything we can do to help?" Otric asked politely while watching warily as the others began to put armour back on.

"With goblins around, it is safer to travel together."
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 20 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 12:50
  • msg #65

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Unselfconsciously finishing his towelling, the young dwarf bowed to the both of the mannish figures, before beginning to don his own clothes and armour. He was broad shouldered and sturdy in the manner of his folk, standing a little over four foot at his height. His eyes were framed with bushy eyebrows and a wild mane of mahogany hair, his beard full. Swiftly, he garbed himself in leathers, a sage green cloak thrown over the top and clasped with a broach whose craft was of his people. At the last, he re-slung both hammer and axe, then shoulder the pack he had worn with his shield strapped to it. As he did so, he introduced himself more formally, "Kharrum Stonesinger, of Thorin's Hall in the Ered Luin; I was travelling towards Gondor, to Dol Amroth"

He frowned a little, then turned towards the Rohirric warrior, "We should see if any of your companions survived, Master Einar. Goblins are not known for their kindness towards men"
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 24 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 15:40
  • msg #66

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Oh my, goblins, Gondor, Dol Amroth, Thorin...  Yes, I don't think goblins are very nice to people.  Even small people like us" says Bosco.

Th small hobbits starts looking around the area. "Yes, we must help them.  We can't leave them alone" he adds
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 51 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 23:30
  • msg #67

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"My thoughts exactly, Bosco," agrees Elly as she continues re-armouring.
Beorning Warrior, 8 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 23:57
  • msg #68

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Ostric gave a grunt of agreement then turned to his travelling companion "Goblins this close to Dol Amroth is troublig, perhaps you should return home and warn them Ayleth, I will help hunt them down and help the horse lord find his companions." he looks across at Einar "Though perhaps you could tend his wound before you go?"

Then he turns and drops down to one knee to get closer in height to the smallest of the group "You shall hav my spear Master Hedgehopper, it is rare to see the hidden folk this far south."
GM, 67 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 01:36
  • msg #69

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

After a quick discussion, the new-found friends decide to send Ayleth back to Dol Amroth with messages and warnings, while the rest gather themselves to turn North in search of the missing Rohirric men.  Ayleth departs with a blessings for all and hurriedly retraces her journey, returning home.

The rest form up and turn North and East towards the foothills of the Misty Mountains.

Fast forwarding, pausing to let anyone speak.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 22 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 06:42
  • msg #70

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Watching the Gondorian woman head south, Kharrum let out a deep breath. He was hopeful his messages would be successfully delivered, but clearly a little worried about trusting them to someone else. After a moment he turned to the Rohirric warrior, "You remember the direction you came? Do not worry about the exact path, I'm sure we can find spoor..."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 52 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 08:14
  • msg #71

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly checks her weapons, looks around and is then ready to head out.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 25 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 23:18
  • msg #72

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco face lits with a smile at Otric's statement.  He then checks his pockets and bag quickly"Yes, ready too!"
Rohirric Warrior, 41 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 10:06
  • msg #73

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar smiled when it was clear that even more folk were about to help him in finding his friends.
To the dwarf's question he nodded.
"Yes, I am fairly sure of my passage. And I am also quite sure that the horse's tracks can easily be followed."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:18, Sun 13 Aug 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 24 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 14:05
  • msg #74

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

“Lead on then, Master Einar”, suggested the dwarf softly, “Let us try to find your friends”

As they walk, he walked beside, leading his pony
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 25 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 23:03
  • msg #75

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Despite the easy directions provided by Einar, the loam of these sparse woods held their secrets more closely than the peat of the Ered Luin and Kharrum slowed as he struggled to read their story

00:02, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 32 using 1d100+8.  Tracking
GM, 69 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 19 Aug 2023
at 05:06
  • msg #76

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

With Kharrum in the lead trying to read the tracks, the group moves North by Northeast, along the river and towards the mountains.  The ground here is undulating foothills, though in this direction the general trend is upwards, and close to the river there is a lot of foliage and many trees.  In an hour or so they reach a point where the river turns away, and without clear signs, Kharrum is uncertain which way to go.

It is here that the other two, Berthold and Bregor, will meet them, as they come West and South to the river.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:54, Sat 19 Aug 2023.
Silvan Animist, 21 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sat 19 Aug 2023
at 08:06
  • msg #77

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Look, down yonder!",

Bregbor points out a group of travellers approaching to Berthold. He shades his eyes so he can make out details.

"They don't seem to be orcs or goblins, but there is a small one among them, too brad to be a child. It's a dwarf if I am not mistaken. They might be brigands. Well, with you on the verge of starvation, it doesn't seem like we have got much of a choice. And I don't own much that is worth stealing anyway."

And with that, he waves and yells in Westron.

"Oye, travellers. Well met. How do you do?
Rohirric Warrior, 13 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 19 Aug 2023
at 08:16
  • msg #78

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Hearing Bregbor about the people before them, Berthold looked at them, cautious just in case.

"Well, not yet starving" he told Bregbor, "but sure hungry. In any case we can still be cautious, as the group seems strange."

As he closed he saw one of the men pulling two horses by the reins. He recognized the horses, as both them and their equipment looked too familiar not to, so he looked better at the man. His face showed clear relief at recognizing him, and he stood tall, all caution lost, and walking to them.

"Einar" he shouted. "You’re alive, blessed be the Valar! Are Eóere and Háulf with you? And who are all those people?"
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 26 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 19 Aug 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #79

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco follows Kharrum along the trail,  as usual looking delighted at every new hill, valley, river.  Every so often, he pauses and takes a few steps to the right or the the left to better look at something.  On one of the side steps, he notices two men from afar.

"Einar, are those your missing companions", he asks
Beorning Warrior, 10 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 05:25
  • msg #80

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Otric had trailed along at the rear of the group, while it seemed unlikely the group he had joined had nefarious intentions he was alone amongst armed strangers.  When he heard the call from another two people up ahead he looked to Einar for a reaction.

In his low rumbling voice he said "I certainly hope so master Hedgehopper"
Rohirric Warrior, 45 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 11:23
  • msg #81

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar waved in pleased surprise.
To his companions he said.
"One of the two, yes, but I have no idea who that second person is."

As they closed with the newcomers Einar replied to his kinman.
"I am glad to see you are alive, Berthold. Have you been able to escape the goblins then? Or did you escape the nightly attack? I had assumed that you, like our other friends, had been abducted."

Only then did he actually nod to the second person.
"Greetings, I am Einar, kinsman of Berthold. We are still missing two friends and these", he indicated the fellowship, "have offered to help me find them. Maybe you would like to join, too? They were abducted by goblins, or so I think."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:18, Sun 20 Aug 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 14 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 12:11
  • msg #82

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I killed two of the goblins, or so I think, and I freed the horses to avoid them being killed, but then the goblins seemed to withdraw and I lost them, not finding any you or the others either…" Berthold explained to Einor.

"I found Bregbor when looking for you or the others. He told me Goblins attacked him and his mentor too, and he was as lost as myself, so we joined forces" he added as introducing his partner.

"So you believe Eóre and Háulf have been captured?" he asked, concern showing in his face. "Where can they have been taken?"
Rohirric Warrior, 46 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 12:25
  • msg #83

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar nodded.
"I do believe that Eóere and Háulf have been taken. I searched our camp in the morning after the ambush and did not find their bodies so I hope that they are still alive. Why they were taken eludes me. Like I said, up to now I had assumed you shared their fate."
He paused, then indicated the dwarf.
"Master Stonesinger seems to be a good tracker, so the plan is to return to the campsite of the nightly fight and follow from there."
Silvan Animist, 22 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 12:39
  • msg #84

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor nods a greeting, but keeps a suspicious eye on the dwarf.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 26 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 13:12
  • msg #85

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

“Well met, kinsman of Einar”, rumbled Kharrum in a bassy tone after he had clicked his tongue at his pony in a command to stay. He had a way with the beast, it seemed, and perhaps the horses too

“Master Elf”, he offered politely in Sindarin, before switched back to the common Westron. His words in Elvish were sound, though his accent was a little rusty

“I am named Kharrum Stonesinger, of the folk of the Ered Luin”
Silvan Animist, 23 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sun 20 Aug 2023
at 14:12
  • msg #86

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The elven words seem to effect a change in Bregbor, and he replies politely: "May the stars guide your steps".
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 53 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 15:42
  • msg #87

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly follows behind the rest of the mixed group, keeping ear and eye open for threat from the world around.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 27 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 13:42
  • msg #88

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco moves to greet the newcomers

"I am Bosco Hedgehoper, from Staddle.  If your companions have been taken by goblins, we must try to help them and I am happy to offer my help" says Bosco.  "Kharrum, will you be leading the way again?" he asks the dwarf.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 27 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 15:26
  • msg #89

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum nodded, making a rumbling harrumph as he considered the stones for a fresh trail, "If I can find any sign, I am happy to, Master Hedgehopper"

Blowing out his cheeks, he squared his shoulders and crouched to see if there were signs amidst the muddle their encountering one another had provided

16:27, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 82 using 1d100+8.  Tracking
This message was last edited by the player at 15:27, Wed 23 Aug 2023.
GM, 72 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 12:27
  • msg #90

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum finds no tracks of goblins in the immediate vicinity, returning to the site of the battle would seem prudent in order to pick up their trail.

Doing so it not difficult, both Einar and Berthold are reasonably certain which way to go, and by combining their intuition it is an easy task.

The camp site is obvious: a cold camp fire surrounded by the signs of heavy footprints and battle, horse prints, broken arrows, and other such.  It is clear that the goblins made an attempt to clean up and certainly took any dead - men, goblin or horse - with them, along with any spoils.
Rohirric Warrior, 48 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 13:45
  • msg #91

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar told again of the ambush, pointing here and there and what occurred when, reliving the incident. Naturally somewhat biased due to the chaos of the night.
"I know I defeated two goblins. I only truly realize just now that they took their dead kin with them."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:07, Mon 28 Aug 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 15 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 15:26
  • msg #92

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold looked at the place they were camping last night, and where they were ambushed. He helped Einar to explain how the ambush was, giving his own view of it.

"On my part I also left at mínimum two of them on the ground, though I didn't check if dead or inconscious." he added. "I didn't know golblis used to recover their dead comrades, if any of them was..."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 56 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 08:22
  • msg #93

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly looks around but does no better.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 30 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 10:26
  • msg #94

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum let Einar and Berthold relive the encounter, carefully noting where they had fought and slew any of the fell creatures, then began to cast about wider than the campsites remnants, seeking the trail

11:24, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 60 using 1d100+8.  Tracking
Beorning Warrior, 11 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 10:29
  • msg #95

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Otric dropped down to one knee looking for any sign of tracks, finally he drooped down to sniffing the ground.  Then he rose shaking his head.  "I can't find a trace of their trail I fear." he said gruffly.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 28 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 15:33
  • msg #96

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco walks around the site, confusingly looking confused rather than his normal self.  "I agree with you Berthold.  I am no expert on goblins but I don't think they are known for picking up their deads and even less for tidying up a battle area.  Grabbing any loots, yes but trying to remove trace of their passing?"
Rohirric Warrior, 49 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 18:07
  • msg #97

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar watched his companions trying to find any tracks. He had failed previously on the morning after the ambush, but only briefly since he had no trust in his non-existant outdoor skills.
Still, he tried to help.
rolled 54 using 1d100-24 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 78.  Track.
GM, 73 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 12:39
  • msg #98

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Fortunately, though the goblins took the dead with them, they left a relatively easy trail to follow.  It seems that they wantonly damaged trees and brush on their way, and the ground is trampled in some places quite thoroughly.

Following the trail, in particular with several of you who have some skill in tracking, is therefore possible if tedious at times.  As the party progresses they find the trail rising east towards the mountains.  The ground becomes steeper and as the elevation rises it also becomes more rocky and trees thin out, becoming shorter and farther apart.  Ahead a large hill, almost mountain itself, rises and it seems the face of it is sheer, as though shorn off by some giant axe, forming something of a cliff.  The cliff is at least 50 feet high before curving away again, and 120 feet wide.

About 30 feet up is a cave entrance.  There appears to be a narrow ledge that starts 60 feet to the left of the cave at ground level and slopes up to the cave and slightly past it as well.  The hill is also a more gradual slope to the sides.  The party is some 300 feet away when the ledge path becomes apparent to Berenar and Elly.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 31 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Thu 31 Aug 2023
at 19:04
  • msg #99

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"If we chose to venture in", began Kharrum, in a mellifluous tone as the yawning teeth of the cavern's entrance hove into view, "And I fear we must. If we venture in, I have lanterns and oil.. Perhaps our elfin friends have better sight beneath the earth... but I am a a dwarf more used to the plateaus and the high valleys"
Rohirric Warrior, 16 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Thu 31 Aug 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #100

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Having seen Otric smelling the floor before to look for a track, Berthold turned to him, trying to use his most polite tone, but keeping himself turned to the cave with his bow ready.

"Don’t take offense, sir" he told to him. "But as I saw you using your smell before I guess it’s quite more sensitive than ours. Do you smell something from here?"
Rohirric Warrior, 50 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 05:19
  • msg #101

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar looked at the entrance with dismay. As one who had lived all his life on the wide open plains of Rohan the prospect of not seeing the sky was daunting.
"These goblins have been rather obvious on their trail and as far as I knpw they prefer to live in the dark."
"This is the way they went, we have to go inside."
"Do we have more light sources?"

Beorning Warrior, 12 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 09:51
  • msg #102

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Otric raised an eyebrow to his fellow Northman then nods "Sometimes the smell is strong enough, not always but I will try." he offered before dropping down once more.

19:49, Today: Otric rolled 87 using 1d100+11 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 76.  Tracking.

Silvan Animist, 24 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 10:15
  • msg #103

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor looks up to the opening and says quietly:

"We could go up there, or we could ask the goblins to come down here. If we make camp down here, out of bow range from the entrance, with a big smoking fire and some strawmen, we might draw them out and ambush them down here."
Rohirric Warrior, 51 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 10:35
  • msg #104

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar's head whipped around in alarm.
Then he calmly opinioned.
"We were four experienced warriors and were overrun by them. I doubt that the raiding party were the whole tribe. We have no idea how many there are of them. I warn not to draw them out but rather try for stealth."
He looked at his mail, grinned a bit sheepishly and shrugged.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 32 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 12:20
  • msg #105

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Aye", offered Kharrum shortly, unlimbering his shield from his pack and fussing with his pony to keep it quiet, "Let us see if the Rohirrim can be recovered, and the state of this warren. Goblins are treacherous folk, especially when their nest if threatened"
Rohirric Warrior, 17 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 16:50
  • msg #106

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Hearing Einar, Berthold was surprised to be called an “experienced warrior”. After all, he was a kind of a newbee… "In any case, they surprised us not ready to fight" he thought to himself, not daring to discuss him.

"I guess stealth will not be easy, entering a cave we don’t know while they probably do…" he said, nonetheless, concerned about the situation. "And any raise of alarm may mean they kill Eóere and Háulf, if they are still alive…"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:50, Fri 01 Sept 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 33 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 17:34
  • msg #107

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"But we must try", suggested the dwarf, "We cannot leave them be, and if these creatures are like those of home, then they will have many exits"

He paused, thinking for a moment, "Perhaps we might find one... though better the door you know"
Rohirric Warrior, 54 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 17:37
  • msg #108

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar nodded.
"There's still light. I doubt they venture forth during the day. Looking for another entrance is a good idea. Even if we decide to enter via the main entrance it's helpful to know."
Einar took off his helmet and scratched his head.
"Not that I have much experience with mountainous terrain."
Rohirric Warrior, 19 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Fri 1 Sep 2023
at 17:42
  • msg #109

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold struggled with himself. He was unsure to argue with Einar, but he saw a flaw on his plan. Finally he decided to share his concerns.

"Shouldn’t we leave a watch here, just In case some goblins exit?" he said, unsure about what he was saying. "I mean, probably they know the zone better than ourselves, and if we leave this exit unattended, they may flee, or even try to ambush us "

He felt relieved to have taken his concerns out, but a ta once afraid he may seem too stupid, or even worse, coward.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 57 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 08:50
  • msg #110

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"It's dark in caves so we'll need some level of light," points out Elly. "Goblins are creatures of darkness, so they would see any light approaching. Maybe they feel safe though and will be sleeping. Our best chance at success is to enter now."
This message was last edited by the player at 08:52, Sat 02 Sept 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 55 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 08:52
  • msg #111

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar paused as he was about to put his helmet back on his head.
"What purpose would that watch you mention have?"
"A watch is there to raise the alarm if faced with overwhelming odds or deal with the matter themselves."
"That raiding party was more numerous than we could handle. Experienced or not, we had better gear. So whoever we would leave behind as a watch likely cannot handle the raiders either."

His gaze wandered to the new companions. He had no idea at all how capable they were. Both Berthold and himself had each dispatched two goblins. Shields were essential when facing multiple foes. And some had those, indication that they had faced battle before.
He turned back to Berthold.
"And whom to warn if everyone else is in the mountain. Sound a horn? Would anyone even hear it?"

This message was last edited by the player at 09:22, Sat 02 Sept 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 34 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 09:02
  • msg #112

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Lacing up is greaves, Kharrum drew his warhammer and tested the heft of his shield, "Let's be about it"

After a moment, he looked up, taking in the conversation between the Rohirrim, "We should keep together, I feel. One of us should keep an eye on our rear, but stealth and then what numbers we have will help your companions. If they still live"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 58 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 09:45
  • msg #113

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Thos with best vision in darkenss should go at the front," Elly says, eyeing Kharrum. "Those who need a lantern or torch would be better placed to the rear, perhaps spread thirty foot front to rear."
Rohirric Warrior, 22 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 11:56
  • msg #114

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"What purpose would that watch you mention have?"

"Maybe at least following them and warning if they go to ambush the main group" Berthold thought to himself. But, seeing other warriors were against the idea hi bit his tongue and remained silent (though a shadow of displeasure was on his face). "So we’ll go blindly looking for another entrance, the Valars know if watched or not, probably losing time until it gets dark and without watching our rear. I hope they’re right…" he kept thinking to himself
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 61 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:03
  • msg #115

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"What's the matter Berthold?" asks Elly. "Am I wrong about illumination?"

She looks at the sky, "Anyway, it will soon be dark. Mayhap we may be better served finding somewhere to spend the night unseen. Somewhere with a vantage point perhaps?"

Elly looks around for possibilities..
Rohirric Warrior, 24 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:21
  • msg #116

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"No, Sir, you’re right about illumination. And if it matters I have excellent vision in darkness" Berthold answered to Elly.

"I don’t like the idea of waiting all night while my comrades are prisoners, though" he added. "If we wait as you say from an advantage point, if they leave for another raid I guess we could try to stealthy enter, taking profit of the lack of some of their raiders, though we don’t know how many of them there may be there… Or we could, as others say, look for other entrances and trust our luck on it…"
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 35 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:23
  • msg #117

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Glancing up at the darkening sky, Kharrum rumbled, “Let’s not leave your friends in such tender mercies a moment longer than is necessary…”
Rohirric Warrior, 56 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:25
  • msg #118

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar readied shield and spear.
"Then looking for another way in has become obsolete."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 63 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:40
  • msg #119

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"You and I to the fore, Kharrum?" asks Elly, silently acknowledging that those captured mighht not already be ready for dinner. "Bow? Or sword?" she asks the solid-looking fellow. She looks around at the others, "Unless others of you wish to go before me?"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:41, Sat 02 Sept 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 25 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:45
  • msg #120

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"You’re probably more stealthy, I’m better armored…" Berthold answered to Elly. "And besides, they are my comrades. So, if not before you, at least quite close… And I guess if we enter the cave, it will be more a matter of swords than a matter of bows...

But I'm just a rookie, so I will obey whatever you think...
This message was last edited by the player at 13:35, Sat 02 Sept 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 36 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 14:02
  • msg #121

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

“Blades and hammers”, stated Kharrum, perhaps belting a confidence he didn’t feel, “I’m a messenger, not a tunnel-fighter, but my cousin Yuri’s tales should stand us right”
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 64 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #122

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly nods. Everyone's doing the best they can. "Melee then," she says, looking at Kharrum as she readies her shield. With a smile back at Berthold she answers, "I may see better in dim light, so probably best if you keep a little way behind Kharrum and me."
Silvan Animist, 25 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 16:05
  • msg #123

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor sighs in desperation. He frowns and replies:

"Stealth? You? You might as well use a war cry! If you insist..."

He takes the rear.
Rohirric Warrior, 26 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 16:20
  • msg #124

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly Shae:
Aqua> "I may see better in dim light, so probably best if you keep a little way behind Kharrum and me."</Aqua>

It won’t be dim light there, but darkness, unless they have torches” Berthold answered. He seemed to think a little before keeping talking. “I see in the dark, as rare as it may seem…

Well, it’s not exactly seeing, not as in daylight, but I see heat. So I won’t see well the walls, nor an undead, and probably not a cold blood creature, but they are hot blooded, and I sometimes even see the heat left by footsteps, if they are recent and there’s no light.
” he told.

Don’t read my wrong, I’m good with any position I’m given, but I believe you should know this before deciding.

After this explanation, he fastened his chainmail and took his sword, mumbling a prayer to the Valar for the upcoming probable combat.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 65 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 21:06
  • msg #125

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Well, I so did not know that!" replies Elly. "Your choice then!"
Rohirric Warrior, 27 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Mon 4 Sep 2023
at 15:24
  • msg #126

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"As I said, I will go wherever I’m considered more useful" Berthold answered. "Seeing the distance we still have to the entrance, maybe the most stealthy should advance to it to explore, while the rest may support them with bows if they are detected. If they see the way clear, then the Dwarf, that would feel more at home in caves, and myself, with my “heat vision” may enter first, with the others supporting us at close distance, if you all agree…" he said, feeling unsure to be proposing a plan himself, instead of allowing others to.

"As I said, aside from my advantage with this vision, they are my comrades, and it’s fair that I take the risk…"
Rohirric Warrior, 57 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 04:43
  • msg #127

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar's gaze immediately fell on their halfling companion when stealth was mentioned. Even though he did not yet know the halfling's natural capability he just presumed that the size alone would be helpful.
Beorning Warrior, 13 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 01:23
  • msg #128

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Otric grunted softly "I will go forward though my vision will not be as good as Master Stonesingers, I have stalked the woods and hills of the misty mountains since I was a boy." as he spoke he stroked the beard on his chin and looked towards the cave.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 38 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 05:56
  • msg #129

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Let's be about it then. With me, Master Bosco", muttered the dwarf, heading towards the base of the cliff where the narrow ledge began. After his first few steps he passed his lantern to Bregbor and paused for a moment, speaking in a low voice but loud enough for the whole party to hear, clustered as they were, "Elly, perhaps you might cover our initial approach with your bow, until we've reached the entrance to the cave at least. Any others who have them, too. Berthold, Otric, follow behind the halfling and me, if you would be so kind"

Words said, he started towards the base of the cliff

14:35, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 93 using 1d100+7 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 86.  Stalk/Hide
14:35, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 29 using 1d100+22 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 7.  Perception

This message was last edited by the player at 05:26, Thu 07 Sept 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 66 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 08:15
  • msg #130

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly nods and looks for a suitable place to stand and provide cover.
Rohirric Warrior, 29 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 14:14
  • msg #131

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold was eager to move in search of his comrades, so he listened to Kharrum. "Well, it may not be the best plan, but at least someone comes to something sound" he thought.

"It’s OK for me, Master Stonesinger" he said, relieved at least they began to move. "I’m following you at close distance."

This said, he took positions about three or four yards behind the dwarf and followed him, trying to hide behind any cover he could find, hoping he has fastened his chainmail enough as for it not to be noisy…

16:10, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled 52 using 1d100+5 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 47.  Stalk/hide.
16:12, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled 26 using 1d100+15 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 11.  Perception.

Rohirric Warrior, 60 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 19:58
  • msg #132

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar remained behind with Elly and Bregbor who had bows and covered the approach of the others. Berthold had a bow, too, but his uncanny sight was an advantage that required usage. It would be stupid not to.
Carefully he watched the entrance.
rolled 21 using 1d100+5 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 16.  Perception.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:59, Wed 06 Sept 2023.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 31 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 22:00
  • msg #133

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco moves along with Kharrum Stonesinger and Otric, small and inconspicuous. If his companions didn't already know of his presence, they could almost have failed to notice him. "Aye" answers Bosco to Kharrum "Coming along... I can't see well in the dark so I'll need to follow Otric very close is stay with the light"
Beorning Warrior, 14 posts
SL (25s), 54/54 hits
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #134

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Otric gave a nod to Kharrum and Bosco then followed along his spear and shield readied.  He moved carefully despite the failing light hoping to make it to the entrance of the cave before it became too dark.

09:38, Today: Otric rolled 97 using 1d100+5 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 92.  Perception.

09:38, Today: Otric rolled 66 using 1d100+25 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 41.  Stalk/Hide.

Silvan Animist, 26 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 11:36
  • msg #135

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor stayed behind, bow at the ready, while the others "snuck" up the small path. He'd eventually move up as well, but not before the ahead party was there.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 67 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:57
  • msg #136

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly patiently covers the advance of everyone else, then jogs to catch up.
Silvan Warrior, 4 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 08:46
  • msg #137

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

From his vantage point behind a clump of rocks, Galan watches the party as they approach the cave. They seem friendly enough, so he steps out from his concealed position and walks slowly towards them.

"Mae g'ovannen! Greetings travellers." The new arrival is clearly an elf, a little over 6' tall with sandy coloured hair and green eyes. He wears a rigid leather jerkin, leggings, soft leather boots, metal helm, and a grey hooded cloak fastened with a star-shaped brooch. A short sword hangs from his belt, and he carries a short bow with a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder, and a shield on his back.

"I am called Galen and have been following the same tracks that led you here. These mountains are dangerous to anyone travelling alone, and some company would be welcome."

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 43 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 12:20
  • msg #138

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Mae g'ovannen, elf!" called out Kharrum softly, hooping the goblins had not heard too much, then switched back to Westron so his companions might follow along, "You're welcome company, too. We needs must venture into this warren, seek out some these greenskins have taken within"
Silvan Warrior, 5 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 13:09
  • msg #139

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen walks over to where the dwarf is waiting at the base of the cliff, and in rather broken Khuzdul says "Well met Master Dwarf, I am at your service."

"We're going to need some light. The cave will be too dark for an elf, but a son of Durin might fare a little better." He unslings his backpack and pulls out a piece of flint and a steel striker, then quickly uses them to light a torch. With his shield in one hand and the torch in the other, he continues "Lead on Master Dwarf, I'll be right behind you."
Rohirric Warrior, 30 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 14:52
  • msg #140

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"A lone elf here?" Berthold thought, surprised to see him. "That’s suspicious at least, but for what I’ve heard I don’t see an elf working with a goblin band…"

"Glad to meet you Galen. I’m Berthold" he said, trying to hide his suspicions. "Have you been for long here? Did you see goblins entering the cave? And if so, did they bring prisoners?"

He then heard him asking the Dwarf to take the de lead and him following.

"We should wait for our comrades" he pointed. "And I’ll enter with the Dwarf."

He made a sign to the others to join them when something came to his mind.

"By the way, I don’t know much about goblins, to say the least. Do you know how good is their sight in darkness?"
Silvan Warrior, 6 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 16:32
  • msg #141

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen turns to face the young northman, "It is good to meet you Berthold. I was exploring nearby and came across tracks, followed them here to the cave and concealed myself when I heard your approach." He pauses a moment and shakes his head, " I have not been here for long and did not see the goblins of which you speak ... but they are creatures of darkness and can see as well as an elf, perhaps as well as a dwarf too."

Motioning towards the narrow ledge that leads to the cave, Galen continues, "You and the Dwarf may take the lead, the Beorning too. I will stay close with a torch to light the way, perhaps in the company of your halfling friend, if he so wishes. The archers look ready to follow. I see one of my kinfolk among them, but do not wish to cause you delay." He nods in the direction of the elf, "We shall speak of our journeys once the danger has passed."
Rohirric Warrior, 31 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 17:12
  • msg #142

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold looked at the elf, still somewhat suspicious. "He tracked a gobblin band alone?" he thought to himself. "And he thought he could face them all? He must either be a fool or a temeraire, and I’m not sure I can trust any of them… Still not a friend of goblins, I guess (hope?)…"

Nonetheless, he tried his fears and suspicions not to overcome him and agreed with him.

"OK, but you’d better not to use a torch, as it reveals you from quite farther than allows you to see… " he answered. "And it would blind my dark “vision”"he was thinking. "Don’t you have any light source that could be covered, as a hooded lantern or something like?"
Silvan Warrior, 7 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 17:53
  • msg #143

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen puts out the torch and places it carefully on the ground. "We Elves can see well in the moonlight, but in complete darkness our vision is limited."

With his hand now free, Galen draws a short sword and prepares to follow the others into the cave.

OOC: Infravision?
Rohirric Warrior, 61 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 18:36
  • msg #144

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar wondered what the delay was. It seemed the group had met someone but could not discern details.
He turned to his immediate companions.
"Do any of you see what's up?"
GM, 80 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 11:29
  • msg #145

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The group in front makes their way up the ramp/passage towards the cave, the others then move up.  As they approach the cave from the side, before they can see into it, there is the sound of snoring suddenly interrupted and two voices speaking a harsh language.  Kharrum recognizes it as Orkish, and can make out some foul curses.

Based on what they are saying, Kharrum doesn't think you guys have been noticed, yet.  The voices are definitely two.
Rohirric Warrior, 35 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 11:41
  • msg #146

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Hearing the voices, Berthold made the others a sign to stay silent and, sword at hand, tried to close to the entrance to ambush the orcs if they exit it, signaling the others near the cave to do likewise.

OOC: are they closing the cave entrance (exit for them) or they seem to stay static inside?
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 68 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 11:49
  • msg #147

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly complies.
Silvan Warrior, 14 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 12:52
  • msg #148

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen responds to the signal from Berthold and stops. He quietly slings his shield onto his back, switches to his short bow and prepares an arrow.

Edit: can't spell my own name.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:11, Fri 15 Sept 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 63 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 13:31
  • msg #149

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar moved behind the dwarf, with the long reach of his spear he could easily attack from second rank, an advantage when limited hiding places were available.
Rohirric Warrior, 36 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 14:06
  • msg #150

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Understanding the orcs seem to be arguing, and so probably distracted, Berthold tried t osneak inside the cave, hopin to be able to surprise them (and that some other will follow and help him)
Silvan Warrior, 15 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Fri 15 Sep 2023
at 15:09
  • msg #151

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing Berthold entering the cave alone, Galen returns his arrow to it's quiver, unslings his shield and draws his sword.

He quietly follows the Northman into the cave.
Silvan Warrior, 16 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #152

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen continues to follow Berthold into the cave, staying a few feet behind but shifting to the right to prepare for a flanking attack.

02:27, Today: Galen rolled 15 using 1d100.  Stalk/Hide (+40).
  I also have -5 from M&M: Rigid Armor if that makes a difference

Rohirric Warrior, 37 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 07:44
  • msg #153

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As Berthold reached the entrance, he was conscious he was not good at stealth, so he decided to just charge before the orcs could react. So, he moved quickly, while trying not to be noisy, attacking with his sword the first orc in his way.

09:42, Today: Berthold rolled 109 using 1d100+33 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 76.  Attacking orc with sword. Not sure if other modifiers apply for surprise, not their DB, so waiting to see the result before any more writing/rolling
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 69 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 08:08
  • msg #154

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly tries to quietly move closer to support those entering the cave.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:09, Sat 16 Sept 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 64 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 08:56
  • msg #155

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing his kinsman charge forward Einar had a change of plan and followed, still exploiting the formidable reach of the spear. He tried to impale the same orc that Berthold attacked.
rolled 128 using 1d100+33 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 95.  Spear.
Silvan Warrior, 17 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 11:42
  • msg #156

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

If there is a chance to attack, Galen will come in from the flank, and strike at the same goblin as Berthold ... using his Short Sword.

12:38, Today: Galen rolled 87 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+23 chain/plate, +43 v other).
+15 Flank Attack

Silvan Animist, 27 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 13:07
  • msg #157

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor, still unaware of the threat, follows up the slope behind the others, bow at the ready, not without glancing back over his shoulder once in a while.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 32 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 16 Sep 2023
at 23:37
  • msg #158

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco had been following carefully.  Not particularly keen to go hand to hand with these ugly goblins and trusting that his larger companions wielding big sword are ideal to lead the charge, Bosco looks for a good location to support his companions with missile fire, takes out his sling and loads it.

If I understand correctly, I need to spend a round loading before I can fire (page 232)

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 46 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Sun 17 Sep 2023
at 11:38
  • msg #159

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Pausing a moment to listen to what the orcs were saying, Kharrum heard a patter of feet rush past him; cursing under his breath, he followed everyone in, swinging his hammer at the orc not being attacked by the other three

12:36, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 92 using 1d100+32 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 60.  Attack with Warhammer
Silvan Animist, 30 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 09:07
  • msg #160

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Once he has a line of sight, Bregbor readies his bow.
GM, 86 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 09:25
  • msg #161

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 1 Summary

Berthold starts to sneak into the cave entrance with Galen and Elly close on his heels.  When he sees the goblins arguing and realizes they will see him in seconds he changes tactics and goes in for a slash at the nearest goblin, slicing the goblin in his thigh, black blood gushing out.  Einar then follows up with a strong thrust of his spear into the goblin's other thigh.  Before he can cry out Galen moves in on the flank gracefully slicing with his shortsword putting a gash in the goblin's chest.  The ful creature falls dead from the onslaught.

Meanwhile, Kharrum rushes in after them and hammers the second goblin, but the blow is glancing and though it hits him it doesn't have the impact he was hoping for.  For his part the goblin barely drew his scimitar and swung it clumsily at Kharrum, then gave a cry in his foul language.

Moving up, Bosco and Bregbor knock arrows, taking aim at the second goblin and Elly moves past into the passage.  The entrance is a passage roughly ten feet wide, twenty feet long, with a ceiling up to eleven feet in height.  It is a natural rock formation and therefore irregular.  The walls are limestone with veins of smokey quartz and the floor slopes gently downward.  There is an awful stench coming out of the cave which assaults everyone in the opening. Beyond there is a large chamber...

Okay, so the modifiers were +20 for surprise, -25 for their DB (these guys are weak) and for Galen +15 flanking.  I assumed the 2-handed use of the spear by Einar and rolled criticals for you.  For xp purposes:

Berthold: 15C
Einar: 33E
Galen: 13C
Kharrum: 8 hits

Goblin 1 is dead, he took way more hits than he had.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:19, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
Silvan Warrior, 20 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 13:22
  • msg #162

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As the first goblin falls, Galen swings his short sword at the second goblin, hoping to catch him before he can call for help.

14:16, Today: Galen rolled 65 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+23 v chain/plate).
65 + 23 (assume chain armor) = 88
+15 (if flanking still applies) = 102
14:20, Today: Galen rolled 84 using 1d100.  Critical (if required).

Rohirric Warrior, 39 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 15:00
  • msg #163

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bethold sees most his comrades have attacked the same goblin. "Damn! Did no one see this leaves the other one able to call the alarm? We should have attacked both of them, and only the Dwarf seems to have realized it…" he thought, not daring to criticize his comrades in loud voice.

Then, he turned, swinging his sword to try to kill the other one before he could shout the alarm:

16:57, Today: Berthold rolled 85 using 1d100+8 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 77. +8 due to his +33 and the -25 DB, assuming he’s like the other one. Not sure if other modifiers apply.
16:59, Today: Berthold rolled 91 using 1d100 with rolls of 91.  Critical hit, if needed.

Silvan Animist, 31 posts
NA (30), 23/23 Hits
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 15:18
  • msg #164

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bregbor hesitates while his comrades have the initiative. He doesn't want to waste an arrow on a dead target when he can shoot a threat.
Rohirric Warrior, 66 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 15:46
  • msg #165

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Satisfied with the quick death of their foe Einar thrust at the second enemy.
rolled 89 using 1d100+43 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 46.  Spear, 2-Handed.
rolled 109 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 96,13.  Crit, if req.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:47, Mon 25 Sept 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 51 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 17:46
  • msg #168

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum growled as the goblin uttered a cry in its foul tongue and using the glancing blow he had landed to redouble with a surprsing fury, his hammer connecting with a satisfying crunch

Even wth a -25 OB and -5 for Greaves that's top of the chart!

18:44, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 226 using 1d100+32 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 99,95.  Attack with Warhammer
18:44, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 59 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 59.  Critical

Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 35 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sun 1 Oct 2023
at 23:09
  • msg #169

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco try to aim his sling at the goblin but with his companions in his field of view, he hesitates and instead move slowly to get in a location to see any other incoming goblins.

OOC:  If I understand correctly, I can move 10' while keeping my sling loaded
GM, 89 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 2 Oct 2023
at 10:47
  • msg #170

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 2

Galen moves in and slashes at the orc, Berthold then swings cutting him deeply in his right arm; Einar then thrusts the spear into his left arm and the bones crack and penetrate his skin; finally, Kharrum slams the goblin in the thigh and destroys his upper leg.  The goblin falls in a heap, dead.

The chamber beyond is roughly 40 feet square and has a flat rock table in the center, a place to the side for cooking with the remains of a campfire, and the earthen floor is littered with bones of animals and men.  There is one way out at the far end of the cave, another high and wide tunnel.  Elly (who is at the entrance to the chamber proper) can hear the sound of several goblins approaching, though not running.

The goblin had no armor, Galen got a 10A, I didn't bother to roll the crit as he was dead.  Berthold a 10A+10 hits from the crit; Einar a 13B +10 hits from the crit; and Kharrum a 23E +12 hits from the crit.  Don't forget to track hits delivered, taken and crits for xp.

Silvan Warrior, 24 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 07:53
  • msg #171

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen exits the cave to fetch the torch he dropped outside, it was the only torch he had and he might need it later.
Rohirric Warrior, 43 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 10:03
  • msg #172

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Still with his sword in his hand, Berthold moved a little forward, trying to hide in the shadows there could be to ambush anyone comming if posible.

EDIT after seeing the map: He tried to set himself on the entrance of the tunnel out of the sight of it, near the "NE" corner of the cave marked as 4.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:59, Tue 03 Oct 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 52 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 16:42
  • msg #173

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Flicking the goblin gore from his hammer, Kharrum moved up in the dark, placing himself opposite from Berthold near the entranceway, preparing to ambush anyone who had heard the short-lived cry. He listened carefully, in case he could make out any words
Rohirric Warrior, 68 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 17:33
  • msg #174

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar readied his shield and switched his spear to be used on-handed only. There were bound to be more foes coming and unlike his new companions he did not have their grace and agility. A thick broad shield was his only protection.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 74 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 3 Oct 2023
at 20:18
  • msg #175

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Realising the depths of the shadows in the cavern Elly puts away her bow, equips shield and readies her sword. She tries to do this quietly, but probably not very successfully.

OOC: I'd thought Elly was at the back of the group covering with her bow. Being at the front is fine but, if allowed, would have started to swop to shield and sword in round 1.
Stealth roll was 33, not a fumble but not great, so maybe a bit noisy..
Will be home late tomorrow so will have my books and a connection that doesn't drop out every sentence. (It took 5 attempts to use the dice roller without it timing out.)

This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Wed 04 Oct 2023.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 36 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Thu 5 Oct 2023
at 21:35
  • msg #176

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing Elly disappear into the cave, Bosco follows on to help her. He gets in and tries to find a place to hide where he can see and shoot at the tunnel at the north.
GM, 94 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 10:02
  • msg #177

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 3

Not hesitating for a moment, the company continues to move with swift action.  Berthold and Kharrum position themselves on either side of the tunnel, preparing to ambush any goblins exiting; Einar moves his spear to one-handed use and readies his shield as Elly puts her bow down to equip her sword and shield; Bosco positions himself with line of sight to the tunnel and Galen runs out to recover the torch.

The company positions themselves none too soon and as Galen is picking up the torch two goblins tumble out of the tunnels with scimitars in hand, with four more behind them pressing out of the tunnel.

The tumbling Goblins do not attack this round, one made it to the center of the room, the other not quite that far.  Those two are parrying and their DB this round is 60.  The other four are trying to fight out of the tunnel, their DBs are 30.  They don't appear to have been surprised.

18:58, Today: Game Master rolled 74 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5).  Goblin MM.
18:57, Today: Game Master rolled 84 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5).  Goblin MM.

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 53 posts
RL (20/45), 50/50 Hits
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 10:42
  • msg #178

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

With the emergence of the first goblin, Kharrum paused and swung his warhammer at the second figure as it tumbled past, the heafty dwarven steel clashing into its scimitar

Given the DB os 60, I would be surprised if this hits, but I rolled for critical in case

11:40, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 97 using 1d100+32 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 65.  Attack with Warhammer

Silvan Warrior, 26 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 12:51
  • msg #179

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Picking up the discarded torch, Galen quickly puts it into his pack and heads back to the cave, sword and shield at the ready.
Rohirric Warrior, 70 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 14:19
  • msg #180

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Anticipating an attack from those other goblins Einar closed with the first goblin, exploiting his reach, and attacked.
DB 25 from Shield vs any other goblin to maybe attack, no OB/DB split.
rolled 99 using 1d100+33 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 66.  Spear, 1-Handed.
With Goblin's DB 60 means Total 39...

This message was last edited by the player at 14:20, Mon 09 Oct 2023.
Rohirric Warrior, 44 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Mon 9 Oct 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #181

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As the goblins appeared, Berthold saw Einar and the dwarf attacking them. So he took his naked sword and tried to attack another one (one that neither of them attacked)

17:10, Today: Berthold rolled 15 using 1d100+3 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 12.  Attack versus a goblin. +33 OB-30 DB, so +3.

Stumbling on a rock in the ground, Berthold’s strike was easy to dodge by the goblin, and so fully ineffective…
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 76 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 08:47
  • msg #182

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly attacks the nearest goblin with her inherited broadsword (preferring one in the tunnel if there is a choice, trying to keep the four bottled up..)
This message was last edited by the player at 08:53, Tue 10 Oct 2023.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 37 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 22:42
  • msg #183

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco a bit nervous to be in a combat waits, sling loaded for something to appears out of the tunnel.  As the goblins stumble through, Bosco, not wanting to hit his friends, fires a bullet at one of the goblin at the back.  A nervous smile appears on his face as he sees the stone hits its target

23:36, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 98 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 57.  Sling attack vs goblin.

GM, 96 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 12:45
  • msg #184

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 4 Summary

The company attacks the goblins as they come out, but between the unexpected tumbling of the lead goblins and the fact that their foes seem ready for battle, the results are not encouraging.  Kharrum fails to connect with one of the tumbling goblins (#2), and the next one in the line (#4) slashes at the dwarf with malice, giving him a minor chest wound that stings to distraction.  Berthold also swung in an attempted ambush but missed the nimble fellow, the goblin behind that one in the second row is hit by Elly and stunned (#3), but the third row goblin (#5) takes advantage of the confusion to slash low, cutting Berthold in the calf.  Einar thrusts at one of the first row goblins (#1) but the nasty creature parries aside the spear.

Elly and Bosco have more success than their companions, the former giving a minor forearm wound that is bleeding, the blow stunning her foe; the latter casting a sling stone at the goblin who moved in to slash Kharrum, hitting him the side with a heavy blow, knocking him off balance.

Meanwnhile, the sixth goblin in the third row slips on someone's blood and in the process of trying to catch himself snaps his scimitar in half against the tunnel wall!

Kharrum took a 17D slash, total of 20 hits, taking 1 per round, -5 to activity
Berthold took a 13B slas, total 16 hits, 1 per round)
Bosco scored a 9A, total of 13 hits
Elly scored 10B, 14 total hits, -2 per round, stunned for 1 round
Einar, Berthold and Kharrum missed.

Next round.  Goblin 3 is stunned and bleeding, Goblin 4 is off-balance and minus to activity.  1, 2, and 5 are normal,  Goblin 6 fumbled and broke his scimitar.

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 54 posts
RL (20/45), 30/50 Hits
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 12:54
  • msg #185

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

“Oof “, exhaled Kharrum as they were struck and his counter swing was wide, flailing past the same goblin who had slashed at him

13:53, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 36 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 9.  Attack with Warhammer
Rohirric Warrior, 45 posts
Chain (25 DB), 35/35 hits
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 13:07
  • msg #186

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold felt the pain in his calf and said some curse in Rohirric that only Ely understood. Enraged by it, he turned to the goblin that has attacked him and tried to bite him with his own sword, but the pain seemed to distract him, as the golbin easily parried his blow.

15:05, Today: Berthold rolled 30 using 1d100+3 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 27.  Attacking the goblin with sword. +33 OB, -30 (I guess) DB. It seems I am unable to roll a decent roll…

Silvan Warrior, 27 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 14:30
  • msg #187

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen enter the cave and circles around the right side to attempt a flanking attack on one of the lead goblins.

15:26, Today: Galen rolled 25 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword

Targeting Goblin #1 or #2 (whomever is the nearest)
 +15 flanking attack
 +23 vs chain/plate; +43 v other

Rohirric Warrior, 71 posts
Chain (25s), 41/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 14:32
  • msg #188

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar hurled his spear at an unegaged goblin and drew his blade, not yet advancing but making ready to charge into the thick of the fight.
rolled 83 using 1d100-2 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 85.  Spear, thrown, short (20).
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 77 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 15:38
  • msg #189

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

With two of the nearest goblins concentrating on Einar (#1) and Berthold (#5) and her own foe's (#3) eyes glazed and momentarily out of it, Elly tries to move* behind her foe, goblin #3, to slash at its exposed rear.

OOC: *Move up to 10'

This message was last edited by the player at 08:34, Wed 18 Oct 2023.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 38 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 23:19
  • msg #190

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco shocked at all the blood and hoping that his companions are ok, grab a new stone and puts it in his sling.

OOC: 1 round to reload the sling as per CST-1 p232
GM, 97 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 04:24
  • msg #191

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 5 Summary

“Oof “, exhaled Kharrum as they were struck and his counter swing was wide, flailing past the same goblin who had slashed at him (#4).   Berthold felt the pain in his calf and said some curse in Rohirric that only Elly understood. Enraged by it, he turned to the goblin that attacked him (#5) and tried to bite him with his own sword, but the pain seemed to distract him, as the golbin easily parried his blow.  Galen entered the cave and circled around the right side to attempt a flanking attack on one of the lead goblins (#1), but the goblin parried his blow, turning to face him.  Einar hurled his spear at an unengaged goblin (#2) and drew his blade, not yet advancing but making ready to charge into the thick of the fight.   The goblin avoided the spear and turned his attention to the man.  With two of the nearest goblins concentrating on Einar (#1) and Berthold (#5) and her own foe's (#3) eyes glazed and momentarily out of it, Elly tries to move* behind her foe, goblin #3, to slash at its exposed rear.  In the rear of the party Bosco reloads his sling for another deadly shot.

For their part, the two nimble goblins who had tumbled into the room, now engaged with Galen (1) and Einar (2), seemed to have stumbled in their (so far successful) attempts to avoid injury, forfeiting any more violent action for the moment.  Elly’s move was deadly, as she moved behind the stunned goblin and slashed at his leg, causing a wound on his calf (16 C); the goblin flailed about trying to reciprocate but failed miserably.  Kharrum’s foe (4) swung at him viciously but ineffectually as did Berthold’s opponent.  The last goblin (6) who broke his scimitar previously turned and headed back the way they had come…

Goblins 1 and 2 both fumbled, they are -40 to activity for rounds 6 and 7.  Nobody took any damage this round, but a couple of you are bleeding hits per round.  Please update current hits with damage from previous rounds and the bleeding on your character Biography lines.  Those of you with two DBs indicating a shield, I am assuming shield use.  Next round.

Silvan Warrior, 28 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 07:36
  • msg #192

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen keeps his shield up in defense and stabs at the nimble goblin (#1) with his sword, but it's more a wild swing than a concerted effort.

08:25, Today: Galen rolled 18 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+23 chain/plate, +43 v other).

Rohirric Warrior, 46 posts
Chain (25 DB), 17/35 hits
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 12:56
  • msg #193

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Despite his bleeding, Berthold felt that it was not the moment to hesitate, so he kept attacking the goblin with his sword this time nearly hitting it. At least it seemed he was heating himself, though still ineffective…

14:52, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled 61 using 1d100+3 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 3) with rolls of 58. +33 OB-30DB. Not sure if there are other DMs for situation
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 79 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 16:51
  • msg #194

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Hearing the stoic dwarf gruint in pain, Elly half turns and steps up to try and slash at the rear of Kharrum's assailant, (goblin #4). As she strikes out Elly calls something in Rohirric, presumably addressed at Berthold, who she can now see peripherally..
Her shield is presented to her wounded foe, (goblin #3). She hopes he might soon expire from blood loss.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:13, Mon 23 Oct 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 55 posts
RL (20/45), 29/50 Hits
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 19:04
  • msg #195

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Stumbling back a step from his over-extended swing, Kharrum struggled to bring the momentum of his hammer under control; his uncle would be muttering something profound if he could see him now!

20:03, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 50 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 23.  Attack with Warhammer
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 40 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #196

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Not wanting to risk injuring his companion nor wanting to let the running away goblin go and call more help, Bosco fires a stone at him.  "Yes' says Bosco as he sees the stone hits its target.

00:52, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 99 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 58.  Sling.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:01, Sun 22 Oct 2023.
GM, 99 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 12:09
  • msg #197

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 6 Summary

Galen keeps his shield up in defense and stabs at the nimble goblin (#1) with his sword, but it's more a wild swing than a concerted effort, the blow missing the nimble one; the goblin returns the swing with one of his own using his scimitar, but is no more able to connect, seeing as he is still somewhat winded.

Despite his bleeding, Berthold felt that it was not the moment to hesitate, so he kept attacking the goblin with his sword this time nearly hitting it. At least it seemed he was heating himself, though still ineffective.  The goblin (#5) in turn manages to nick the Rohirric warrior, a minor scratch (3 hits).

Hearing the stoic dwarf gruint in pain, Elly half turns and steps up to try and slash at the rear of Kharrum's assailant, (goblin #4). She manages to give the goblin a minor chest wound, and the black blood of the creature continues to flow (16C, 19 total hits).  The goblin continues with a move it had begun against Kharrum, but misses as Elly strikes him.  As she strikes out Elly calls something in Rohirric, presumably addressed at Berthold, who she can now see peripherally.  Her shield is presented to her wounded foe, (goblin #3). She hopes he might soon expire from blood loss.  He does not, yet expire but remains unsteady and swings at her, missing with the curved and wicked scimitar.

Stumbling back a step from his over-extended swing, Kharrum struggled to bring the momentum of his hammer under control; his uncle would be muttering something profound if he could see him now!

Einar swings his broadsword at the second nimble goblin in the center of chamber, missing unfortunately; his foes gets in a minor laceration (7 hits).

Not wanting to risk injuring his companion nor wanting to let the running away goblin go and call more help, Bosco fires a stone at him.  "Yes' says Bosco as he sees the stone hits its target.  The stone in fact hits the goblin in the back, and he stumbles falling out of sight into the tunnel... (13B, 18 hits total)

I rolled for Einar as he hasn't logged into the game since the 14th.
Silvan Warrior, 29 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 12:18
  • msg #198

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen takes another swing at the goblin (#1).

13:17, Today: Galen rolled 25 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+23 v chain/plate, +43 v other).

Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 80 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 14:35
  • msg #199

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Positioning herself to the rear* of goblin #4 Elly takes anorther swing at Kharrum's assailant. She again presents her shield to her wounded foe, (goblin #3).

OOC: *Striving to get the flank(15) + rear(20) = +35 cumulative bonus
Not certain but I think #3 is bleeding at 3/round, and #4 is something like bleeding at 2/round, -10 activity

Rohirric Warrior, 47 posts
Chain (25 DB), 13/35 hits
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 14:56
  • msg #200

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Feeling ashamed of his poor performance, Berthold kept attacking the incoming goblin.

16:52, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled 93 using 1d100+3 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 4) with rolls of 90.  Attacking goblin. +33 OB-30DB.
16:54, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled a fumble of -77 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 4) with rolls of 3,80.  Critical hit, if needed. SO the critical, if any, is mostly ineffective with a roll of 3

At least he hit him this time, although it didn’t seem a serious wound…
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 41 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Fri 27 Oct 2023
at 21:52
  • msg #201

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco reloads his sling while looking for an isolated goblin that could be his next target.  If needed, he will slightly move to get to a better position
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 56 posts
RL (20/45), 28/50 Hits
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 02:50
  • msg #202

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Growling as the goblin dancing in it's own black blood, Kharrum struggled to land a blow on the elusive creature

02:48, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 45 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 18.  Attack with Warhammer
Rohirric Warrior, 73 posts
Chain (25s), 34/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Thu 2 Nov 2023
at 08:57
  • msg #203

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

It was only a minor bruise but nevertheless made Einar rethink. He concentrated on defense while attacking.
rolled 63 using 1d100+33 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 3) with rolls of 30.  Broadsword, 15 allocated to DB.
GM, 101 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 07:08
  • msg #204

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 7 Summary

Galen takes another swing at the goblin (#1), the sword slicing air near his intended target.  Positioning herself to the rear of the goblin fighting Kharrum (#4) Elly takes another swing at him hitting him in the upper leg (11B, 19 hits total).  That one is shaky on his bowed and stubby legs and bleeding now from two wounds.  Elly then again presents her shield to her wounded foe (#3).  Feeling ashamed of his poor performance, Berthold kept attacking the incoming goblin with his broadsword, and hits with a weak strike (9A).  Growling as the goblin dancing in its own black blood, Kharrum struggled to land a blow on the elusive creature.  It was only a minor bruise but nevertheless made Einar rethink. He concentrated on defense while attacking, his sword failing to connect.   Bosco reloads his sling while looking for an isolated goblin that could be his next target; unfortunately, there are none who are not engaged with one of his comrades.

The first goblin, engaged with Galen makes a clumsy attempt, his agility seems to have run out on him; however, his head is clearing up and it looks like his eyes are returning to their malevolent self (no more penalty to activity from now).    The second one moves in on Einar, but his sword play is not up to the defensive posture of the man of Rohan.  The third goblin seems to have as bad luck as his fellows, as he tries to get around to Elly’s flank, but still manages not to connect with his cruel scimitar.  The fourth goblin moves to attack Kharrum, then is slashed by Elly, and makes an incredibly inept attempt to turn his scimitar on her.  He jabs the scimitar into his own leg, trips over the protruding blade, and falls as it breaks to the ground, dead.  The fifth goblin finally gets a break, or sees an opening, and slashes at Berthold, hitting him across the eyes!  (13C, +10 hits, destroys an eye.)  The sixth goblin is out of sight, but there is a sound of voice from the tunnel into which he departed.

Okay, as I understand, Berthold is at -11 hits, bleeding 1/rnd and down.  Not dead until he reaches -CO value.  One of the goblins is also dead, so only four remain in this chamber.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:45, Sat 18 Nov 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 57 posts
RL (20/45), 28/50 Hits
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 09:32
  • msg #205

Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing Berthold fall, and taking the opportunity presented when Elly's strike caused the foe he was facing to trip over it's own sword, Kharrum bared his teeth as he swung a heavy blow at Berthold's attacker, moving to protect him

Attack on Goblin #5

09:29, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 122 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 95.  Attack with Warhammer.
09:29, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 60 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 60.  Critical.

Silvan Warrior, 30 posts
RL (40/65), 20/20 Hits
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 09:45
  • msg #207

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen continue to engage with goblin #1 ...

OOC: 10:43, Today: Galen rolled 19 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+23 v chain/plate, +43 v other).
Rohirric Warrior, 49 posts
Chain (25 DB) -11/35 hits
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 12:22
  • msg #208

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold felt the hit in his face. As his vision lured and he slept into unconsciousness, feeling he has failed to his mission at last.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:23, Sat 11 Nov 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 82 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 11 Nov 2023
at 15:14
  • msg #209

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As Kharrum's foe drops, Elly sees the dwarf, quick off the mark as his short but incredibly sturdy legs carry him round to stand over the fallen Berthold, land a resounding blow on Berthold's assailant. Elly feels a pang of guilt at being late in aiding her Swordbrother, but then pushes it aside as a distraction to the here and now.

Fnishing her half-turn Elly steps up behind Berthold's attacker. With full rotation of her arm, body and hips she accelerates her sword towards the side of the goblin (#5) as if intent on chopping the green monster in half. Ever mindful of her original opponent, Elly manages to still keep her shield interposed between her and golbin #3.
Rohirric Warrior, 75 posts
Chain (25s), 34/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 08:53
  • msg #210

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing his kin fall down after a cruel blow to his face Einar's mouth escaped a moan of anguish and he swung again at his foe.
He might be more successful if he were to chop at an immobile tree with an axe though...
rolled 40 using 1d100+33 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 3) with rolls of 7.  Broadsword, OB->DB 15.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:56, Mon 13 Nov 2023.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 44 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 13 Nov 2023
at 14:33
  • msg #211

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Shocked by what he just witness, Bosco does his best to help the group by firing another sling stone at the best target he can see.  The stone find its mark with a resounding noise.

15:29, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 93 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 52.  Sling.

GM, 104 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #212

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 8 Summary

Berthold felt the hit in his face. As his vision lured and he slept into unconsciousness, feeling he has failed to his mission at last.  Seeing Berthold fall, and taking the opportunity presented when Elly's strike caused the foe he was facing to trip over its own sword, Kharrum bared his teeth as he swung a heavy blow at Berthold's attacker (#5), moving to protect him.  His blow lands heavily on the goblin’s forearm, stunning him.  (11B +5 hits)

As Kharrum's previous foe drops, Elly sees the dwarf, quick off the mark as his short but incredibly sturdy legs carry him round to stand over the fallen Berthold, lands a resounding blow on Berthold's assailant.  Elly feels a pang of guilt at being late in aiding her Swordbrother, but then pushes it aside as a distraction to the here and now.  Finishing her half-turn Elly steps up behind Berthold's attacker (#5). With full rotation of her arm, body and hips she accelerates her sword towards the side of the goblin (#5) as if intent on chopping the green monster in half.   The blow instead shatters his left shoulder, breaking his arm and leaving it dangling uselessly (22E).  Ever mindful of her original opponent, Elly manages to still keep her shield interposed between her and goblin #3.

Galen continued to engage with goblin #1, his sword stroke missing the mark; the goblin slips to the left of the silvan warrior and strikes him with a minor calf wound (10B, -1/rnd).  The second goblin leapt at Einar but was rebuffed by the warrior’s shield.   Seeing his kin fall after a cruel blow to his face Einar's mouth escaped a moan of anguish and he swung again at his foe.  He might be more successful if he were to chop at an immobile tree with an axe though.

As Elly seems to turn her back on the goblin she was fighting (#3) he moves to strike her, but between his injuries slowing him down and her shield interposed between them, he fails to score more than a dent in the shield.  The fifth goblin had a momentary flash of triumph as Berthold went down, and then the dwarf battered him and Elly slashed at him.  Reeling from the onslaught, he swings wildly at Kharrum, but misses.  Shocked by what he just witnessed; Bosco does his best to help the group by firing another sling stone at the reeling goblin that took down Berthold, hoping to lend a hand at avenging his new friend.  Though the stone find its mark, the effect is less dramatic than he hoped (3 hits).

Okay, here is a sort of compromise.  I appreciate anyone double-checking the math, it can get complicated to do one of these as you know.  Next round.
Goblin Status
Goblin 1: Attacking Galen - full hits
Goblin 2: Attacking Einar - full hits
Goblin 3: Attacking Ely - -40 hits, bleeding 2/rnd
Goblin 4: Dead
Goblin 5: Engaged with Kharrum & Elly - 41 hits, stunned round 9
Goblin 6: Ran away - 18 hits

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 58 posts
RL (20/45), 28/50 Hits
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 05:51
  • msg #213

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Despite the goblin's woozy state, Kharrum's next strike is one they evade

05:48, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 51 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 24.  Attack with Warhammer
Silvan Warrior, 31 posts
RL (40/65), 10/20 Hits
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 09:28
  • msg #214

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen winces in pain from the wound to his calf, but swings again at the goblin (#1)

10:12, Today: Galen rolled 36 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+23 v chain/plate, +43 v other).

> Is it possible to show the armor type on your chart, e.g. Goblin 1 (CH): Attacking Galen - full hits?

Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 86 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 11:41
  • msg #215

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly's immersion in the battle is total, thoughts and sympathies for poor Berthold ruthlessly pushed out of mind: the result of many thousand painful whacks with wooden training swords. She swings for all she's worth at the momentarily immobile goblin (#5) between her and Kharrum. Reaching low she tries to take out one of its legs.

Wary of the bleeding goblin (#3) trying to make a dent in her rather than her shield, Elly quarter turns to face it square on, leaving the battered one-armed goblin (#5) for Kharrum's wicked-looking warhammer. Her shield is still presented to goblin #3.
Rohirric Warrior, 76 posts
Chain (25s), 34/41 Hits
M&M+5, Perception+5
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 11:49
  • msg #216

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Playing for time and hoping for an opening or for numbers turning to their favour was bound to work against them.
Einar did not favour recklessness but if Berthold was to be saved by Elly they needed to be quicker in dispatching their foes.
With a grim face he swung his sword at his opponent.
rolled 103 using 1d100+48 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 3) with rolls of 55.  Broadsword
rolled 19 using 1d100 with rolls of 19.  Critical.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:54, Sat 18 Nov 2023.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 46 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 12:10
  • msg #217

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco is a bit disappointed that the last shot did not appear to do huge damage to the goblin.  He thought it was a good shot.   Nonetheless, we must keep going and his sling is the best way Bosco can help.  Bosco gets a new stone and loads his sling while looking for the best target.
GM, 107 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 11:01
  • msg #218

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 9 Summary

Despite the goblin's woozy state, Kharrum's next strike is one they evade.  Galen winces in pain from the wound to his calf, but swings again at the goblin (#1), the goblin evaded his blow, however.  Fortunately, the goblin also failed to connect with his scimitar, swinging wildly and clearly more intent on staying alive than killing his foe.

Elly's immersion in the battle is total, thoughts and sympathies for poor Berthold ruthlessly pushed out of mind: the result of many thousand painful whacks with wooden training swords. She swings for all she's worth at the momentarily immobile goblin (#5) between her and Kharrum. Reaching low she tries to take out one of its legs; and ends up slicing open his thigh. (21E +8 hits, dead.)  The goblin falls dying, bleeding out black blood on the ground.  Wary of the bleeding goblin (#3) trying to make a dent in her rather than her shield, Elly quarter turns to face it square on.  The goblin makes an heroic effort, his cruel scimitar clanging against her armor, and though not penetrating, the blow was strong enough to bruise (5 hits.)

Einar did not favor recklessness but if Berthold was to be saved by Elly they needed to be quicker in dispatching their foes.  With a grim face he swung his sword at his opponent, but the goblin was too quick and Einar only scratched him (3 hits).  The goblin then came in under Einar's guard and slashed upward, giving him a minor chest wound (13C +3 hits, -1/rnd).  Einar can feel a slight flow of blood welling up under there.  Bosco is a bit disappointed that the last shot did not appear to do huge damage to the goblin.  He thought it was a good shot.   Nonetheless, we must keep going and his sling is the best way Bosco can help.  Bosco gets a new stone and loads his sling while looking for the best target.

Considering flanking, DBs, etc, those are the results.  Next Round!

Goblin Status
Goblin 1: Attacking Galen - full hits
Goblin 2: Attacking Einar -3 hits
Goblin 3: Attacking Elly -42 hits, bleeding 2/rnd
Goblin 4: Dead
Goblin 5: Dead
Goblin 6: Ran away - 18 hits

Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 89 posts
Plate (25/50), 23/28 Hits
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 13:02
  • msg #219

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Grimacing from the impact on her armour Elly resolves to give goblin #3 her full attention. She takes a more measured approach, slightly more defensive stance with the bloodied creature, matching its movement, turning as necessary, to maintain her facing with it. Choosing her moment she slashes diagonally upwards, from low right. Goblin #3 remains presented with Elly's shield.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:54, Wed 29 Nov 2023.
Silvan Warrior, 32 posts
RL (40/65), 10/20 Hits
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 13:58
  • msg #220

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Still struggling with his calf wound, Galen slashes again at goblin #1. This time his strike is good.

14:54, Today: Galen rolled 29 using 1d100.  Critical.
14:51, Today: Galen rolled 93 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+43 v other).

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 59 posts
RL (20/45), 28/50 Hits
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 14:38
  • msg #221

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum continued to press the goblin closest to Elly, hoping to distract it if nothing else

14:37, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 37 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 10.  Attack with Warhammer
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 47 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Thu 30 Nov 2023
at 22:40
  • msg #222

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco lets fly another sling stone at the most visible target, seeing the stone flight not being quite true, he curses himself for hesitating too much.

23:38, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 76 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 35.  Sling.

GM, 109 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 9 Dec 2023
at 07:25
  • msg #223

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Grimacing from the impact on her armor Elly resolves to give goblin #3 her full attention. She takes a more measured approach, slightly more defensive stance with the bloodied creature, matching its movement, turning as necessary, to maintain her facing with it. Choosing her moment she slashes diagonally upwards, from low right. Her sword strikes the goblin in the calf before he could back off just enough to prevent being eviscerated, the wound an ugly one oozing black blood.  (12B minor calf wound -1/rnd)  For his part the goblin ignores Kharrum, despite the dwarf's move to strike and makes a lumbering, swaying, attempt to wound the plate-mailed woman who so offends him.  But he is nearly gone and the blow is a weak one on her shield.  Kharrum had hoped to at least distract the goblin, and though it is hard to tell, his blow nonetheless failed to connect.

Meanwhile, Galen slashes again at goblin #1, though he is still struggling with his calf wound. This time his strike is good, though low, gashing at the foul beast's calf as well, blooding him in turn.  (12B minor calf wound -1/rnd)  The goblin bashes his scimitar into Galen, bruising him with the force of the blow (6 hits.)

*Einar, still dueling with one of the first goblins to appear (#2) fails to follow-through with his previous move, his sword presses momentarily up against his arms in the melee, cutting himself with a shallow wound (2 hits from fumble).  For his part, the goblin also seems unable to take advantage of the melee and the two remain sword-and-scimitar locked in a struggle.

Bosco lets fly another sling stone at the most visible target, seeing the stone flight not being quite true, he curses himself for hesitating too much.

*I rolled for Einar considering the extended absence.  Next Round!
Goblin Status
Goblin 1: Attacking Galen -12 hits
Goblin 2: Attacking Einar -3 hits
Goblin 3: Attacking Elly -56 hits, bleeding 3/rnd
Goblin 4: Dead
Goblin 5: Dead
Goblin 6: Ran away - 18 hits

Silvan Warrior, 34 posts
RL (40/65), 4/20 Hits
Sat 9 Dec 2023
at 07:56
  • msg #224

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Galen feels his life force ebbing away as he attempts another swing at the goblin (#1)

08:55, Today: Galen rolled 39 using 1d100.  Attack: Short Sword (+43 v other).

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 60 posts
RL (20/45), 28/50 Hits
Sat 9 Dec 2023
at 11:27
  • msg #225

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Shifting with a growl to try and take the goblin from behind, Kharrum swings once more, the Warhammer whistling through the dank air

11:26, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 70 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) ((43)).
This message was last edited by the player at 14:51, Sat 09 Dec 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 92 posts
Plate (25/50), 23/28 Hits
Sat 9 Dec 2023
at 15:15
  • msg #226

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Noting that Galen is bleeding from numerous wounds Elly takes a couple of steps backwards and crab-wise to be directly behind Galen's assailant (#1). She takes an almighty swing at the vile creature's side and then another careful pace backwards. Elly's intention is to attract her own foe, goblin #3, towards her so that its back is handily presented to Kharrum and its side is a possible target for Bosco. Rotating if ncessary she keeep her shield presented to goblin #3, unless that one dies, in which case Elly favours goblin #1 with her shield's face instead.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 48 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 23:21
  • msg #227

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco is wondering for a moment if he should go and try to fight with his sword but everyone are bigger than him and at least with a sling, he is skilled. Could he even hit a goblin with a sword.  No time to dwell, time to load another bullet.
GM, 111 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 10:59
  • msg #228

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 10 Summary

Galen feels his life force ebbing away as he attempts another swing at the goblin (#1); unfortunately his blow though close misses its mark.  For his part the goblin manages only a minor scratch on Galen, though perhaps it is enough... [2 hits only.]

Shifting with a growl to try and take the goblin from behind, Kharrum swings once more, the Warhammer whistling through the dank air.  The hammer swings in front of the reeling goblin, clearly about to pass out from blood loss, though he swings his scimitar weakly and wildly at the dwarf. [missed]

Noting that Galen is bleeding from numerous wounds Elly takes a couple of steps backwards and crab-wise to be directly behind Galen's assailant (#1). She takes an almighty swing at the vile creature's side and then another careful pace backwards. Elly's intention is to attract her own foe, goblin #3, towards her so that its back is handily presented to Kharrum and its side is a possible target for Bosco. Considering the condition of Kharrum's foe (3) she maintains her shield on the acrobatic goblin beating down on Galen (1).  Her blow scores a wound across the new target's chest, drawing blood and leaving a second flow of life's blood oozing from him [20D, minor chest wound, +3 hits, -1/rnd, -5 activity].

Goblin Status
Goblin 1: Attacking Galen -26 hits bleeding 2/rnd, -5 activity (hit by Elly)
Goblin 2: Attacking Einar -3 hits
Goblin 3: Attacking Kharrum -59 hits, bleeding 3/rnd
Goblin 4: Dead
Goblin 5: Dead
Goblin 6: Ran away - 18 hits

Next Round!

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 61 posts
RL (20/45), 28/50 Hits
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 11:42
  • msg #229

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Despite his foe being on their last legs, Kharrum continues to swing wide

11:41, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 46 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 19.  Attack with Warhammer
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 95 posts
Plate (25/50), 23/28 Hits
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 13:04
  • msg #230

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Slightly off balance from her previous swing Elly only manages a weak blow at a goblin's rear (being #1 if possible otherwise aimed at the rear of goblin #2). Regaining her centre of balance once more the woman keeps her shield presented to goblin #1, turning to maintain facing if necessary. If it now turns to face her then it's rear is possibly presented to Bosco's slinging.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:36, Sun 17 Dec 2023.
Silvan Warrior, 36 posts
RL (40/65), 0/20 Hits
Sun 17 Dec 2023
at 16:21
  • msg #231

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The Goblin's scimitar only scratches Galen, but combined with his bleeding calf wound, the damage is enough to take him out of the battle.

Galen falls to the ground unconscious.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 49 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 23:27
  • msg #232

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

While reloading, Bosco has been looking for the best target, especially one that could be attacked from the rear or the flank, hoping to help his companion, he lets his stone fly.

00:19, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 92 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 51.  Sling.

Hopefully getting flank or rear bonus on one of the goblin, goblin 1 if possible, if not the one that would give the best bonus

GM, 112 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 11:51
  • msg #233

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 11 Summary

The Goblin's scimitar only scratches Galen, but combined with his bleeding calf wound, the damage is enough to take him out of the battle.  Galen falls to the ground unconscious.  The goblin he was fighting (#1) turns his scimitar on Elly as the half-elf takes advantage of her position to strike at the goblin engaged with Einar from the rear (#2).  Fortunately for Elly she is wearing plate armor and is skilled in the shield, as the scimitar batters into her armor (6 hits total).  Einar fails to connect with a strong swing of his broadsword, unfortunately the goblin manages another blow, though it is more bruising than cutting. (8 hits to Einar)

Slightly off balance from her previous swing Elly only manages a weak blow at a goblin's rear (goblin #2). Regaining her center of balance once more the woman keeps her shield presented to goblin #1, turning to maintain facing if necessary. Kharrum swings wide at his goblin (#3), but though he misses, the goblin keels over, succumbing to his wounds, dead.

While reloading, Bosco has been looking for the best target, especially one that could be attacked from the rear or the flank, hoping to help his companions.  Elly maneuvers herself to give Bosco such a shot at the one attacking her (#1) and he lets his stone fly. (9A, nothing from the critical)

Goblin Status
Goblin 1: Attacking Elly -46 hits bleeding 2/rnd, -5 activity
Goblin 2: Attacking Einar -8 hits
Goblin 3: Dead
Goblin 4: Dead
Goblin 5: Dead
Goblin 6: Ran away - 18 hits

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:17, Sat 23 Dec 2023.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 96 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 12:50
  • msg #234

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

With her back and shoulders hurting Elly focuses on Galen's former foe, goblin #1. Restricted by the reduced movement in her shoulder she only manages a really weak slash with her broadsword. Maintaining facing and shield to goblin #1 the woman takes a couple of careful paces backwards hoping to draw goblein #1 towards her thereby presenting its rear to Kharrum while Boscoe reloads.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 50 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sun 24 Dec 2023
at 21:51
  • msg #235

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco reloads his sling and manoeuvres himself to the best position for his next shot, trying to get behind or at least flank one of the goblins.

OOC: @Incanus please let me know if I can setup a flanking or rear bonus on either of the goblins for my next shot
This message was last edited by the player at 21:51, Sun 24 Dec 2023.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 63 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Tue 9 Jan 2024
at 14:01
  • msg #236

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Embolden by his foe falling before him, Kharrum slipped behind Rlly’s for to swing solidly with his warhammer

14:00, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 76 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 49.  Attack with Warhammer (from behind?). – 76

… hopefully with a further +35 for rear flanking
GM, 120 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 00:49
  • msg #237

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 12

With her back and shoulders hurting Elly focuses on Galen's former foe (1). Restricted by the reduced movement in her shoulder she only manages a really weak slash with her broadsword, the goblin's armor takes most of it [3 hits to #1]. Maintaining facing and shield to the same foe the woman takes a couple of careful paces backwards hoping to draw the goblin towards her thereby presenting his rear to Kharrum.  For his part, Embolden by his foe falling before him, Kharrum slipped behind Elly’s foe to swing solidly with his warhammer; unfortunately, the blow was not as solid as he hoped, though he does get a glancing hit [9 hits on the goblin], which in his current state dazed the goblin, his swing at Elly goes wide and misses.  Meanwhile, Einar and his goblin foe trade blows, but unevenly, as Einar's sword glances off the goblin's pauldron while the goblin manages to bruise Einar with a heavy blow on his side [4 hits to Einar].  Bosco maneuvers around the periphery of the melee, looking to get an advantageous position as he reloads for his next shot.  As he moves along the wall to the North and the passage deeper in he can hear quite a commotion as though an argument were underway.

I deducted the 4 hots from Einar's bio line already.

Goblin Status
Goblin 1: Attacking Elly -57 hits bleeding 2/rnd, -5 activity
Goblin 2: Attacking Einar -8 hits
Goblin 3: Dead
Goblin 4: Dead
Goblin 5: Dead
Goblin 6: Ran away - 18 hits

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:49, Sat 20 Jan.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 65 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 09:44
  • msg #238

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Keeping his position behind the goblin, Kharrum strikes swiftly with the haft of his Warhammer, hoping for a quick jab to unbalance them further

09:42, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 48 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 21.  Attack with Warhammer . – 48
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 105 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 10:16
  • msg #239

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly fares little better, making little impression on the goblin #1's defense, perhaps giving it another nasty bruise at best. She maintains facing with the creature and keeps her shield presented to it.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:28, Sat 20 Jan.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 52 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 16:03
  • msg #240

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Damn,", thought Bosco, it sounds like the one that ran away found some friends. But he quickly puts that to the back of his mind, concentrating on the immediate threat of the two goblins that are currently here.  With Einar on his own against against a goblin, Bosco finishes positioning himself to get behind that goblin and let fly his stone, aiming at the back of the head of the foul looking creature.  The stone flies true and clatters into its target.

Action: Sling Attack goblin 2
Roll: 104 (excluding flanking or rear bonus if any)
(Trying to get the best advantage I can so if one goblin can be rear attacked (+35?) while the other one can only be flanked (+15?), I will choose the rear.  If equal, I will help Einar (goblin 2) as he is alone against it.)

16:19, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 104 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 63.  Sling.
23:12, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 78 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) ((78)).

This message was last edited by the player at 22:13, Mon 22 Jan.
GM, 121 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 12:37
  • msg #241

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 13

Between Kharrum’s blow and the blood loss, the goblin he and Elly had flanked collapses into a heap.  Meanwhile, as Einar and his goblin circle each other, Bosco maneuvers behind the goblin and fires a stone that flies true, breaking a bone in the goblin’s leg [12C+12 hits].  The pain stuns the goblin giving Einar an opening who moves in with a slash on the foul creature’s forearm [16C+4 hits].  The goblin is hampered and stunned from the two blows, reeling about on his good leg and howling in pain.

Goblin 1 died of blood loss as I miscalculated his damage taken previously.  Goblin 2 was stunned in the missile phase and therefore cannot melee this round, he is down by 52 hits and not well at all.  Next. and likely final round of this fight!
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 108 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Tue 23 Jan 2024
at 15:33
  • msg #242

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

When goblin #1 drops Elly nips in almost following Bosco's sling stone to try and slice Einar's foe, goblin #2, across its back.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:49, Wed 24 Jan.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 66 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 10:35
  • msg #243

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Spinning slightly slower than Elly, Kharrum swings at the remaining goblin's face to permit his companions to manoeuvre behind them, trusting in his armour to protect him

10:34, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 55 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) ((28)).
GM, 123 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 13:57
  • msg #244

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Round 14

Elly swings around in an arc and catches the reeling goblin's weapon arm, nearly slicing it off, just as Kharrum was moving to bash him.  He drops the scimitar and falls to the ground, bleeding out and dead within seconds.

End of Combat Rounds

There is a moment of near silence when the battle is finished, only the heavy breathing of the four standing companions.  The sound of more arguing from deeper in the cave system suddenly breaks the silence, adding some urgency to the next actions.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 67 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 14:54
  • msg #245

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Aware of the slow steady drip of blood from his own wound, Kharrum glances over to his companions then moves swiftly to the entranceway, concealing themselves close by to one side to try and listen for further speech from the goblins. He knows a little, and even a little advantage would be beneficial
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 115 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 23:23
  • msg #246

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

When Kharrum momes that he's going to listen for (or to) the goblins, Elly nods and continues to whip out a slack handful of compression bandages and indicates to Bosco with a few muttered words that he should apply it to Berthold's bleeding wound, "Keep the pressure on here and tie it off. Too tight is better than loose."

She heads over and bandages Galen's bleeding wound and then speedily checks him over for further serious blood seepages.

OOC: Apart from Kharrum (1 hit/round), is anyone else still bleeding? Einar?

Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 56 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 00:22
  • msg #247

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Relieved of seeing the last goblin fall, Bosco takes a quick look at his companions before carefully moving towards the noise he heard earlier, trying to figure out what is happening there without being noticed.
GM, 126 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 01:09
  • msg #248

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As Elly, Bosco and Einar tend to their fallen comrades, Kharrum approaches the passage to the inner chambers and listens to the goblins' argument...
This message was last updated by the GM at 05:55, Sat 27 Jan.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 71 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 05:50
  • msg #249

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Deepening his voice as best he could, Kharrum called out in the same tongue, "Bring prisoners, maggots. Or my warriors gut you"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 118 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 09:20
  • msg #250

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly continues bandaging but keeps her body facing towards the inner chambers.
GM, 127 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 06:15
  • msg #251

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The arguing stops and there is silence after Kharrum calls out in orkish...
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 72 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 06:22
  • msg #252

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

After a few moments of silence, Kharrum calls out again, in the tongue of the Grey Elves, "Captain Elly, ready your warriors", and then turning to wink at her before pitching his voice and calling in the more brutish tongue of the orcs, "Bring now, or many warriors comes with bright swords"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 119 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Sun 28 Jan 2024
at 09:42
  • msg #253

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly angles her head to shout in the diection from which they entered, "Sergeant, prepare sqauds to advance!"
GM, 132 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 12:38
  • msg #254

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum, standing by the entrance into the deeper caverns, catches sight of something black on black; fortunately, he was made for underground life.  Two goblins of the smaller variety are sneaking around a bend in the caves, bows ready.  They spot him at the same time, turn and flee down the passage.

Kharrum can use a ranged attack, but they did not come closer to him than 10 feet.  They could have fired, but fled in fright instead.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 75 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #255

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Not expecting the goblinoid figures to turn and run, Kharrum ripped his hand axe from his belt and hurled it swiftly at the nearer

12:59, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 71 using 1d100+2 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 69.  Ranged Attack with Hand Axe. – [roll=1706533145.94535.377808
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 57 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 09:35
  • msg #256

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco had crept towards the commotion to assess the situation with the goblins when Kharrum came forward a called.  Quickly going over his initial surprise, he hid in the shadow, sling loaded, ready to act if needed.  He sees the goblins appears, pause and turn and as Kharrum throws an axe, Bosco also lets a stone fly at the back of one of the goblin.
10:13, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 98 using 1d100+41 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 57.  Sling.
10:32, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 19 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 6) with rolls of 19.  Critical if needed.

Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 121 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Sat 3 Feb 2024
at 11:24
  • msg #257

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly continues to prioritise the media treatment of her companions.
GM, 135 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 10:26
  • msg #258

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum throws his axe as Bosco slings his ready stone at the goblins, but both fall short as the ghastly creatures turn tail and run back down the passage.  They can be heard yelling something as they go.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 76 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 10:36
  • msg #259

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Chuckling to himself, Kharrum spotted Bosco and pointed down the tunnel, "They're scared. We should continue on"
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 61 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 20:23
  • msg #260

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I am with you.  We need to make the area safe." says Bosco.  He joins Kharrum and follows him down the tunnel.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 124 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 09:58
  • msg #261

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Having stabilised Berthold and confirmed Galen's demise, when Kharrum reappeares Elly says, "You may want to keep some of your blood, Master Dwarf! Please come here and hold still a few moments. Bosco, Einar, please keep guard." If Kharrum complies she bandages his wound. "You'll need to keep the pressure on that."

With that done Elly adds, "Right, we need to be leaving now. Need distance between us and the goblins so I* can heal Berthold. I'll carry him. Can the rest of you manage Gale, please? I don't like the idea of the goblin's eating him for dinner." With some help she heaves Berthold across her shoulders and then steadily and determinedly plods out ot the caves with view to getting distance between them and the caves. Ideally it will be somewhere  with cover, perhaps bushes, and with a decent view for seeing any approaching goblins.

OOC: *Elly doesn't know if anyone else has any healing capabilities.

Rohirric Warrior, 59 posts
Chain (25 DB) -16/35 hits
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 18:01
  • msg #262

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Under the care of Elly Shae, Berthold opened a moment his eye(s).

"I’m still alive?" he asked. "Have you rescued my comrades? Are the goblins dead?"

OOC: if it seems the golbins can be beaten, Berthold would prefer to go for them, as otherwise he’s afraid his comrades would be dead when the team may try again.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 78 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 22:21
  • msg #263

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

“Bandage me swiftly, the goblins are at breaking”, muttered Kharrum, waiting for Elloy to tend to his wound and those of the others with impatience
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 126 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 23:42
  • msg #264

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly bandages Kharrum's wound. "You know that if you fight, you'll start bleeding again? And I can only heal Berthold if we move away from here and we get the armour and all the metal off both him and me? I think we should fall back to the bushes on the hill over yonder." She points vaguely in the direction of a site that's plausibly suitable. Determined to keep Berthold as safe as she can, Elly then hefts him over her shoulders and heads steadily off to the site oitside that she had in mind.

OOC: If we do indeed fall back to heal Berthold then after armour & metal removal from Elly & Berthold:
    00:35, Today: Elly Shae rolled 143 using 1d100+60 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 83.  spell casting touching, static, no metal on caster or target
    00:37, Today: Elly Shae rolled 3 using 1d10 with rolls of 3.  Heal 10

Successful casting, Berthold regains 3HP
    00:39, Today: Elly Shae rolled 84 using 1d100+60 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 24.  spell casting touching, static, no metal on caster or target
    00:37, Today: Elly Shae rolled 6 using 1d10 with rolls of 6.  Heal 10

Successful casting, Berthold regains 6HP
At which point Elly is unable to cast again for the remainder of the day and re-equips herself in case of goblins.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:38, Sat 10 Feb.
GM, 140 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 03:26
  • msg #265

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Taking advantage of the goblins' confusion the band of new friends gather their wounded and retreat from the cave system.  It is a tense few minutes as they retreat out into the fading sunlight and move beyond the cave to find some sort of cover or defensible position in which to hole up and tend their wounds.  Kharrum and Elly, rangers accustomed to the wilds, soon find such a spot, between a fallen tree and a large boulder perhaps half a mile from the cave entrance to the East along the foothills.  There Elly removes her armor and Berthold's before ministering to his wounds as Einar, Bosco and Kharrum keep watch or assist.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 81 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 06:22
  • msg #266

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Grumbling to himself in the tongue of his ancestors whilst his wound was bandaged, Kharrum finally spoke as he watched back to the entrance of the cave, "They were frightened when we left, only a few voices; I hope they will not have regained their courage it we return for Einar's friends"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 130 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 17:24
  • msg #267

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Armoured once more Elly checks the various wound bindings of the group. "There's still some light, so if those here and conscious that don't see in the dark can stand a two hour watch, please? Then, Kharrum, if you would keep lookout for the two hours after that? I need four hours rest. Then I can cover the remainder of the night." She passes round rations foraged from Galen's fallen form, now laying  just behind the group, wrapped in his cloak.

OOC: Happy to skip forwards through any unevenful period.. (to morning if we're lucky!)
I believe we might all regain 1 Hit per hour of rest..
If correct, Berthold's -16/35 would be -7/35 after healing spells and, assuming it's now about 5pm, might be as good as 6/35 by sun up (assuming that's about 6am

Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 63 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 21:54
  • msg #268

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco retreats back to the injured with Kharrum and stand guard when asked by Einar.  He seems somewhat shaken by what he has just witnessed but things were a lot worse for his comrades and some of them are looking very badly injured.  Before they leave, Bosco take a look around the place and the dead goblins to see if there valuables that should be gathered.  He then join the others.
"I'll take a watch" he offers "but I don't see well in the dark.  I'd be better with an evening one before it gets to dark or at dawn."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 131 posts
Plate (25/50), 17/28 Hits
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 23:27
  • msg #269

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly nods, "Thanks Bosco, that would be ideal. If you do a couple off hours now, then Kharrum does the same and I can cover the rest of the night. Einar hopefully will cover the couple of hours before sun up while I take care of some other things*."

OOC: *Like checking Berthold's dressings, breakfast, personal hygiene..

This message was last edited by the player at 00:01, Sun 11 Feb.
GM, 143 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 12 Feb 2024
at 01:49
  • msg #270

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The night is chilly without a fire, something you dare not risk with goblins about.  It is also tense as at first you hear much commotion from the direction of the caves, some incoherent yelling perhaps, and then all goes silent.  The threat of goblin scouts finding your camp is every hanging over you; as foul as they were, goblins were sneaky scouts and bold in the night.  Berthold comes around just after midnight, awakening to Elly ministering to him. When dawn finally comes he is better, able to walk for certain.  The goblins did not find the camp, thankfully.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 83 posts
RL (20/45), 22/50 Hits
Mon 12 Feb 2024
at 05:15
  • msg #271

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Staring off into the distance come dawn, Kharrum stows his roll without thought. His eyes seek the horizon through the woods, but perhaps it is more the caven that dominates his thoughts

When he speaks, his voice is deep but thoughtful, "Do we return, to see what mischief has transpired? I fear they will have fled, or wrought the entrance with many traps. Perhaps both"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 136 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Mon 12 Feb 2024
at 10:13
  • msg #272

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Right now, we have one dead, three wounded (of which two serverely) and two fit. They have one wounded. Time favours us three to one. The goblins may have laid traps or killed prisoners or fled but if so that is already done. Little will change in the oncoming hours," responds Elly. (She manages to avooid adding, '...except us getting ourselves killed.')

"I'm hardest to wake in the early hours (4am). Goblins are night creatures. They will be least awake mid-afternoon (4pm). I propose we rest until then." She points at Einar, Kharrum & Berhold to clarifty who she thinks should be resting. "Perhaps you, Bosco, could lay two or three traps, or trip hazards at the edge of our camp just in case any goblins wander in? Meanwhile I'll search further away from the cave for some simple healing herbs, returning here something after high sun and before mid-afternoon. If you're able to get things ready for a small, preferably smokeless fire, it would be good. We''ll need to make a healing brew if I find what I'm looking for."

Elly heads off to search for Thurl and Rewk herbs.

OOC: Thurl is Routine difficulty (+30%) and Rewk is Light difficulty (+10%).
She gets +20% as a ranger and +2% as a sole searcher. This totals +52% for Thurl and +32% for Rewk.
Each search for the two herbs takes Elly 1.25 hours.

21:03, Today: Elly Shae rolled 142 using 1d100+52 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 90.  Search 1 for Thurl
21:04, Today: Elly Shae rolled 125 using 1d100+32 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 93.  Search 1 for Rewk

  ==> During her first search Elly finds one dose of Thurl & one dose of Rewk
<i>21:09, Today: Elly Shae rolled 131 using 1d100+52 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 79.  Search 1 for Thurl (oops search 2)
21:10, Today: Elly Shae rolled 112 using 1d100+32 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 80.  Search 2 for Rewk

  ==> During her second search Elly finds one dose of Thurl & one dose of Rewk
<i>21:11, Today: Elly Shae rolled 102 using 1d100+52 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 50.  Search 3 for Thurl
21:13, Today: Elly Shae rolled 102 using 1d100+32 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 70.  Search 3 for Rewk

  ==> During her third and final search Elly finds one dose of Thurl & one dose of Rewk
Total time taken 3.75 hours, gathering 3 doses of Thurl & 3 doses of rewk, assuming she returns alive/unharrassed.

If Elly returns safely and we get the healing brews on:
21:33, Today: Elly Shae rolled 16 using 2d10 with rolls of 8,8.  Rewk brew 1 (heals 2d10 concussion hits)
  => Berthold: 15/35 improves to 31/35
21:35, Today: Elly Shae rolled 14 using 2d10 with rolls of 8,6.  Rewk brew 2 (heals 2d10 concussion hits)
  => Einar: 18/41 improves to 32/41
21:37, Today: Elly Shae rolled 15 using 2d10 with rolls of 10,5.  Rewk brew 3 (heals 2d10 concussion hits)

  => split evenly between Berthold & Einar (round down), so Berthold 35/35 & Einar 39/41
21:43, Today: Elly Shae rolled 1 using 1d4 with rolls of 1.  Thurl brew 1 (heals 1d4 concussion hits)
  => Kharrum: 44/50 improves to 45/50
21:44, Today: Elly Shae rolled 4 using 1d4 with rolls of 4.  Thurl brew 2 (heals 1d4 concussion hits); going to keep the 3rd dose for emergencies

  => Kharrum: 45/50 improves to 49/50

This message was last edited by the player at 21:50, Mon 12 Feb.
GM, 145 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 10:59
  • msg #273

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly leaves the others for four hours, returning with some herbs.  It takes time to gather water, start a fire and brew the herbs, but the goblins don't seem eager to go out in the sun to search for the company and so by mid afternoon Berthold and Einar are much better and in fighting condition.  "If this is the witchcraft people warn about with the fair folk then I am all for witchcraft," Einar says with genuine gratitude.
Rohirric Warrior, 60 posts
Chain (25 DB) 5/35 hits
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 11:22
  • msg #274

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold looked suspicious to the infusion Elly has prepared for him. He doid not like its smell, and wondered how will it taste, but he had nothing to lose, after his hear death in goblins hands, so he took it. He soon felt quite better, feeling strength returning to him.

"I now hold a life debt on you" he said to Elly, looking him directly to eyes"and while I hope never to have the opportunity to repay it, count on me for whatever you need."

He donned his armor, caressing the old family relic. "I must procure a shield if I want to survive…" he murmured to himself.

"Have you had any news about the prisoners of the goblins?" he asked to the group at large
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 138 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 12:38
  • msg #275

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly smiles easily back at Berthold and offers him mutual gripping of forearms: warriors' greeting of equals. She says simply, "For Rohan!" and pulls him close. After a few comradely seconds Elly releases her countryman and shakes her head, "I have no news on the prisoners. I think goblins will be at their lowest ebb now, so we should go, quietly as possible, and seek out their prisoners." She pauses, then continues, "We have no extra shields but I recall Galen saying that his cloak pin, shaped as a silver star, protected him from blades and so forth*. Why don't you borrow it until we can return it to his family in Lórien? I am certain neither he, nor they, would object."

Elly picks up Galen's blade, unsheathing the short sword, and reads the runes engraved thereon, “Egladil aen estar nín, dagnir in torog im.” She turns once more to look at her other companions, Einar, Kharrum & Bosco. "This is a magical blade**. Which of you is skilled with one-handed blades that does not already possess such a superior weapon? One of you should borrow it until such time as we may arrange for its return to Galen's kin."

Discarding his backpack Elly stows away the rest of Galen's things*** about her personage, "Unless any object or want these themselves?" She stows his rope, flint & steel, torch, waterskin (full) and remaining trail rations.

OOC: *The cloak pin grants +30 DB.
**The shortsword grants +10 OB.

I'm assuming that the five of us have (or are) consuming most of brave Galen's rations; (2 days remain)
***Galen's remaining equipment:
1x Backpack (holds 20lb) 2lb, 2bp
1x 25' Superior Rope 1.5lb, 6bp
1x Flint & Steel 0.5lb, 1bp
1x Torch 1lb, 3tp
1x Waterskin (full) 1lb, 1cp
1x Trail Rations (1wk) 14lb, => (2d) 4lb.

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 85 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 14:22
  • msg #276

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum shakes his head, “I’ve little enough training with blades. We can stow what we need on my pony, if it is too much”

After a moments consideration, “Do we have more of a plan? I favour the same route we took, and see the lay of things”
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 139 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 16:25
  • msg #277

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I suggest Bosco might be the best to take point once we're near the cave as his shgarp eyes and experience will be better than the rest of us at spotting traps or snares, if any," Elly replies. "That's if you're ok with it?" she adds, looking at Bosco.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 00:27, Thu 15 Feb.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 66 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 00:22
  • msg #278

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Yes, I should be able to go in front and spot for danger" agrees Bosco
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 140 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 00:29
  • msg #279

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Same route then. Lead on, please, Bosco," invites Elly with a wave of her hand as she equips her shield and sword.

OOC: happy to skip forwards narratively to wherever drama starts or we reach to somewhere we have not yet been.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:02, Thu 15 Feb.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 86 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 07:31
  • msg #280

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum nodded and hobbled his pony once more, hefting hammer and shield to be ready for whatever May come
GM, 146 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 10:57
  • msg #281

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Setting out again in the afternoon, patched up and ready for another fight, the companions conceal their mounts as best as possible, along with Galen's body, and begin the return to the goblin caves.

From msg #98:
A large hill, almost a mountain itself, rises and it seems the face of it is sheer, as though shorn off by some giant axe, forming something of a cliff.  The cliff is at least 50 feet high before curving away again, and 120 feet wide.  About 30 feet up is a cave entrance.  There appears to be a narrow ledge that starts 60 feet to the left of the cave at ground level and slopes up to the cave and slightly past it as well.  The hill is also a more gradual slope to the sides.  The party is some 300 feet away when the ledge path becomes apparent to ... Elly.

From this vantage there is no sign of any goblins.

Tracking or Perception to see if there are tracks about or other signs.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 141 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 11:12
  • msg #282

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

OOC: 11:11, Today: Elly Shae rolled 98 using 1d100+5 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 93.  Tracking

Just spotted that tracking and Perception are two different skills.
If I can use perception instead then it would make the result 120 which might make a difference.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:22, Sat 17 Feb.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 87 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 12:02
  • msg #283

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

12:01, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 66 using 1d100+22 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 44.  Perception. – 66
Rohirric Warrior, 61 posts
Chain (25 DB) 5/35 hits
Thu 15 Feb 2024
at 14:57
  • msg #284

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

15:56, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled 77 using 1d100+15 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 62.  Perception. – 77
GM, 148 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sun 18 Feb 2024
at 01:56
  • msg #285

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

On their way tot he path up to the cave Elly does find some tracks; definitely goblins and some orcs as well, but the signs are inconclusive.  They traveled many times up and down and your own tracks from the night before are also mixed in.

Using goblins to mean the smaller mountain orcs that predominated in The Hobbit and in Moria, and Orc to mean the larger uruks from Mordor.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 144 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 18 Feb 2024
at 03:30
  • msg #286

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly points out the orc tracks, "Larger. But these tracks seem old. We keep going."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:54, Sun 18 Feb.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 89 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sun 18 Feb 2024
at 06:40
  • msg #287

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

“We keep on”, committed Kharrum
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 68 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 19 Feb 2024
at 00:16
  • msg #288

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Right", says Bosco as he moves ahead carefully while staying out of direct sight
Rohirric Warrior, 63 posts
Chain (25 DB) 5/35 hits
Mon 19 Feb 2024
at 10:13
  • msg #289

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold accepted the cloak pin. "But only until we can return it to his family in Lorien " he said. "And now it’s time to avenge him and the hurt they’ve made to me, and probably my comrades" he added.

Despite his wounds, he showed resolve to amend his previous failure and prove himself as a worthy warrior.
GM, 150 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 05:34
  • msg #290

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As the group approaches the path Bosco moves ahead of the others to try and stalk his way into the caves and scout it out.  He reaches the initial cave, where the battle was fought yesterday, unmolested.  The goblin bodies are gone and there is a great trampling of the ground, but all seems quiet.  The rest of the group reaches the cave entrance as he is looking about and deciding whether to proceed deeper.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 145 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 08:53
  • msg #291

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly switches from bow to shield and then draws her sword.

She nudges Kharrum for him to go have a look with his amazing ability to peer into darkness.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 90 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 09:05
  • msg #292

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Once Elloy has switched, Kharrum does the same, covering both her and Bosco in the moment. He nods, then steps forward to investigate
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 146 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 15:45
  • msg #293

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Gesturing with her shield and sword Elly whispers to the others, "Anyone going to be able to have a free hand to hold a torch or lantern?"
Her eyes linger on Galen Berthold and focus momentarily on his just-borrowed cloak pin.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:43, Thu 29 Feb.
GM, 152 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Thu 29 Feb 2024
at 10:38
  • msg #294

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum steps forward into the intersection, just past where he and Bosco had advanced the day before.  Directly ahead there is a tunnel that winds its way out of sight and at the first turn he sees a makeshift barricade of old boxes and barrels, knocked over and in disarray.  To his left, up the other passage, is a tunnel that about 15 feet in is mostly blocked by a large stone door of sorts: it has no hinges, and looks like it was simply muscled into place or moved as needed.  It is open just enough for a small goblin or a hobbit to squeeze through.

Will update the map in a few minutes.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 91 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 13:18
  • msg #295

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Keeping his eyes on the barricade and the stone seal, Kharrum stage-whispered back to the others, "Ahead is a makeshift barricade and a door; there's only enough space for Bosco, unless we try to deal with either..."
Rohirric Warrior, 65 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 14:30
  • msg #296

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold advanced to catch with Kharrum. "I hope you’re not thinking on sending Bosco alone…" he whispered. "This stone seems to be set to be easy to move, as a door to be opened. I guess the best we can do is to open it"
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 92 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 14:34
  • msg #297

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum nodded, "Aye, indeed, lad. But we will need watchers on the gap and the barricade whilst we do so"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 148 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 1 Mar 2024
at 19:33
  • msg #298

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Fine. Let's get on with it then," prompts Elly.

OOC: What is the illumination level at the barricade?

Rohirric Warrior, 67 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Thu 7 Mar 2024
at 18:09
  • msg #299

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold looks through the entrance, trying to accostume his eye to the darkness to see if there's any heat source...
GM, 154 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #300

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

At the cave entrance and in the intersection up to the barricade Berthold does not see any heat sources.  There is no light source by the barricade or beyond it, and there is no light leaking out from the boulder-as-door either.

Apologies, originally was waiting for Bosco and then lost track of the time with RL issues.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 151 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 10:02
  • msg #301

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

When Berthold and Bosco relate their scoutings Elly says, "We need light to progress further. Einar, if you're not using bow nor shield would you mind managing the light, please?"

If Einar is good with that, or another voluneers, then Elly continues, "I suggest some of us keep missile weapons trained to the east while some of us go to investigate to the west. Perhaps those held captive are behind the boulder to the west. Initailly we'll probably need you to stealthily slip through the gap, Bosco. You ok for that?"
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 70 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 14:42
  • msg #302

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Trying to open it full size would make a lot of noise.  I think I can fit through the gap.  I just hope that it's not a trap.  What do you think?" says Bosco looking a bit nervous but ready for it nonetheless.
Rohirric Warrior, 69 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 15:12
  • msg #303

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Yes, it may be a little noise, but I believe it would be too dangerous for you to go alone" Berthold answered to Bosco. "I’d feel better if we could support you in case of problems, so I’d vote to move the rock, trying to be as little noisy as we can."
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 152 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 15:46
  • msg #304

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Let's try that then," agrees Elly. "But still need someone to guard eastwards."
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 93 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 22:27
  • msg #305

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum nodded, ensuring an arrow was notched in his short bow, “I will”
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 153 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 14 Mar 2024
at 22:41
  • msg #306

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Thanks," Elly nods to Kharrum. "I'm good to move when Einar'a good with the light.."
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 71 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 12:53
  • msg #307

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"OK, let's see if this move." says Bosco maybe with a hint of relief.
Rohirric Warrior, 70 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Fri 15 Mar 2024
at 13:44
  • msg #308

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold looked if there was anything that could be used to help them moving the rock. Not that he expected it to be too difficult, if it was used as a door, as it seemed, but no reason to make it the brute way...
This message was last edited by the player at 10:22, Sat 16 Mar.
Rohirric Warrior, 71 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 10:23
  • msg #309

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

11:22, Today: Berthold rolled 73 using 1d100+5 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 68.  Stalk/hide. – 73
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 154 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 12:05
  • msg #310

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

12:04, Today: Elly Shae rolled 99 using 1d100+22 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) ((77))
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 72 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 23:25
  • msg #311

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

While Berthold looks for the best way to open the passageway, Bosco makes himself inconspicuous by finding a dark corner near the edge of the walls.

OOC: 00:22, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 83 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 56.  Stalk/Hide. –
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 94 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 05:29
  • msg #312

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

05:29, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 84 using 1d100+7 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 77.  Stalk/Hide. – 84
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 155 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 11:24
  • msg #313

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly quietly waits for Berthold to report back with what he's seen
Rohirric Warrior, 72 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 19:00
  • msg #314

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I see no heat sources past the rock" Berthold said. "I’m afraid the goblins might have left, and taken any prisoners with them, if they had any, but I guess we’ll have to find it for sure…"

He then tried to move the rock, trying to be as little noise as he was able to
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 156 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 21:45
  • msg #315

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

If Berthold needs help to move the rock then Elly is happy to try too.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:42, Thu 21 Mar.
GM, 158 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Wed 20 Mar 2024
at 10:41
  • msg #316

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

With Kharrum keeping watch on the broken-down, make-shift barricade and Einar holding the torch, Bosco moves to squeeze into the chamber beyond the stone door as Berthold and Elly attempt to move it aside.

Creeping in the hobbit follows the curve of the passage, the light growing very dim as what little seeps through cannot round corners well.  Around the slight bend he finds a chamber and there are three bundles or lumps in the dark against the far wall.  One of them stirs and he can hear the clinking of chains.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 157 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 21 Mar 2024
at 19:31
  • msg #317

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly says quietly, "We can try rolling it together. Might have been something stronger than goblins though that put it in place."
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 76 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Fri 22 Mar 2024
at 23:47
  • msg #318

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco pauses for a moment and trying to see what these shapes in the dark might be.  "They might be prisoners." he thinks to himself "But if it's the case, they are not the immediate danger." Not being sure what the shapes are, Bosco decides that figuring out where the danger might be is the priority.  Trying to stay hidden, he creeps forward as silently as possible, looking for a further passage way or more scary goblins.

00:46, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 45 using 1d100+27 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 18.  Stalk/Hide.
GM, 161 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 25 Mar 2024
at 10:36
  • msg #319

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco starts to move forward just as the others attempt to move the stone.  One of the bundles stirs and seems to try and make itself smaller, huddling where the wall and floor meet.

Elly and Berthold can move the stone.  They find that though it is heavy it is positioned such that it can be rolled if there is enough force to get it started, and if carefully controlled to not roll away or over one of them.
Rohirric Warrior, 76 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 18:10
  • msg #320

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As the stone was put aside, Berthold took her sword and move to reach Bosco, trying to be as stealthy as he could. "So, what’s the situation here?" he asked him in whispers, as he tried to discern what could be seen with infravision (if anything)
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 78 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 26 Mar 2024
at 21:24
  • msg #321

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco still trying to figure out where is the exit of this room and if there are any goblin hiding notices Berthold approaching.
"There's something at the far wall.  Could be prisoners or anything.  I don't know where the goblins are" whispers Bosco in response to Berthold's question.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 96 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 16:13
  • msg #322

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum continues his watch, careful for no sudden light in his eyes and moving slowly back and forth to keep his vision fresh
Rohirric Warrior, 77 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 16:32
  • msg #323

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold asks for the light to be covered for am oment to see the figures Bosco told him and see if they are alive by their heat.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 162 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 27 Mar 2024
at 22:40
  • msg #324

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly re-equips her shield and draws her sword.
GM, 163 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Thu 28 Mar 2024
at 01:09
  • msg #325

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold's heat vision does indeed tell him that at least two of the bundles are people.  The one that stirred before now looks up and speaks in Westron, a woman's voice, clear and lyrical with an odd accent, haltingly and with obvious pain and fear.  "Who is there?"  It is more of a strained whisper than speaking aloud.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 79 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 23:48
  • msg #326

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Hearing the voice, Bosco hesitates for a moment and whispers back "We're here to help.  Do you know where are the goblins?"
Rohirric Warrior, 78 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Sun 31 Mar 2024
at 16:28
  • msg #327

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Cover my back" Berthold asked to Bosco.

Not seeing more heat sources (and so assuming no goblins were present) Berthold moved towards the figure. "I’m Berthold, from Rohan" he introduced himself. "Are you hurt, Madam?"
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 81 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 23:03
  • msg #328

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco stays hidden, watching with his sling ready.
GM, 165 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:02
  • msg #329

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The figure that moved and spoke at first shied away from Berthold as he approached, her arms up as far as the chains permit as though to defend herself. Then her tone changes to something more hopeful.  "Rohan?  These men are from Rohan!" she said indicating in the dark the two other bundles.  "They shielded me from the orcs and were beaten, I fear for them greatly," she said her voice rising with her hopes such that those outside can hear her voice though not the words.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 97 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:13
  • msg #330

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum starts at the sudden voice, peering into the darkness beyond his sight and hoping none other did
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 164 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:28
  • msg #331

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"You all right, Berthold?" Elly asks. "What's going on in there?"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:38, Tue 02 Apr.
Rohirric Warrior, 79 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 13:48
  • msg #332

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

The woman’s words gave some hope to Berthold. "Men from Rohan? Two of them?" he asked her hopefully, closing to the woman. He took his dagge4r to untie her (if she was tied). "Did they give you their names? I’m looking for two comrades who were captured…"

OOC: IIRC there were mor than one figure there, Can Berthold see anyone else?
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 165 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:41
  • msg #333

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

In reply to Berthold (msg # 332):

OOC: Four figures. Two showed up as warm (alive) to infravision. Two did not (unknown as to whether they are dead or undead).

Rohirric Warrior, 80 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 17:55
  • msg #334

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing the woman not afraid of the cold figures, Berhold assumed they were dead (not undead). If he could free her, he turned to the other warm figure to check it.

"Two prisoners, two cold corpses. Can you bring some light?" he informed the rest of the team, as he tried to give first aid to both prisoners.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 166 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 20:36
  • msg #335

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Give us a moment, Berthold," acknowledges Elly. "Einar, please will you light another torch from the one you've got, then we can keep one here in this corridor and pass the other one in to Berthold and Bosco."
Rohirric Warrior, 81 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 13:46
  • msg #336

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As Berthold realized he could not cut the chains with her dagger, he limited to check the prisoners to see if they were hurt, though he could try little without light (and not wanting to try by tact on the woman, as she could misinterpret it).

"Can any of you try to unchain them without making too much noise?" he asked to his comrades, knowing picking locks was far from his specialty.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 167 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 15:07
  • msg #337

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I'm no good with picking locks although I might be able to break a chain if it's rusty enough; but that's noisy," Elly answers. "Bosco might be the one you want for locks."
GM, 167 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 11:21
  • msg #338

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Einar lights a second torch and hands it to Kharrum before entering the chamber beyond.  When Berthold asks about the men of Rohan the woman looks up at him.  Her eyes are blue and as Einar brings in the light, they seem to turn the deep blue of the night and its almost as if he can see stars in them.  "Their names I know not, and did not know one had passed," she said, her voice lowering at the last as she looked at the bundles beside her, now obvious as men.  Their armor is gone, despoiled, and they show many signs of beatings and other injuries.  Einar and Berthold recognize them as their missing companions.  "It is fortunate that the orcs ate their horses first, or none of us would live yet," the woman added. For the moment she remained on the ground, likely because the chains were short.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 82 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 23:48
  • msg #339

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco comes out of the shadow and approaches the woman.  "Awful things these orcs!" he says.  "Let me have a look at these chains.". Bosco looks at the locks holding the prisoners for a moment, reaches in his pocket for his tools fiddles with the lock for a moment and a small click is heard.  "There you go!" he says

00:44, Today: Bosco Hedgehopper rolled 174 using 1d100+12 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 96,66.  Pick lock. –
This message was last edited by the player at 23:50, Fri 05 Apr.
Rohirric Warrior, 82 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 12:31
  • msg #340

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

WHile Bosco was picking the lock in the chains, Berthold, now having light, tried to help the unmoving but alive prisoner (OOC: if I understood well, one of the captured Rohirrim):

14:29, Today: Secret Roll: Berthold rolled 105 using 1d100+25 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 80.  Applying first aid to the wounded Rohirrim. – 105

GM, 168 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #341

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold recognizes the two men.  Were it not for the heat vision and the faint breathing he would think the second man dead as well.  He can bandage his wounds, but it seems most of the damage in blunt force: deep bruising and broken bones, but few cuts and he is not bleeding out.  There is a very nasty bump on his head and he is out, unconscious.  The other man seems to have died from similar treatment.

The woman smiles faintly at Bosco, as though trying to remember how to smile.  "What is your name, young man?" she asked Bosco, clearly believing him to be a young human, a boy or such.  In the light you can see she is wearing traveling clothes: breeches of a very fine fabric, a tunic that matches both in dark green; soft boots of ankle length; a blouse under the tunic that was once white and is now ripped and soiled; and a cloak that is brown and looks very old, threadbare and weathered.  Her skin is pale and her hair black as pitch.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 168 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 23:46
  • msg #342

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As Bosco and Berthold seem to have things under control to the west, Elly turns her attantion eastwards. In case of further goblin activity she tries to find a niche in the cavern wall that's masked in shadow from the torch so that she may be unnoticed by goblins.

OOC: 00:43, Today: Elly Shae rolled 74 using 1d100+22 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 52.  Hide SM

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 98 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sun 7 Apr 2024
at 05:40
  • msg #343

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum continues to pace and watch the other corridor
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 84 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 23:14
  • msg #344

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco eyes brighten at the nice lady smile.  "I am Bosco Hedgehopper, from Staddle." he respond enthusiastically.  "What about you?  Where are you from and what happened to you?  How did you end up in this situation?" he continues.  Bosco's almost joyful tone and natural excitement probably doing nothing to change the woman's initial impression that she is talking with a child.
GM, 170 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 12:02
  • msg #345

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Standing up the woman bows haltingly to Bosco.  She is tall for a human, if a little short for an elf.  "The call me Rhûniel, I came from beyond the inland sea.  I was traveling through these ancient lands, marveling at the sad emptiness of it when the orcs ambushed me.  These men they brought in after," she indicated the Rohirrim with her hand.  "The orcs did not take anything but my weapons, thankfully; but I dare not consider what plans they had for me," she said with a shudder.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 85 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 21:50
  • msg #346

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"The inland sea?  Is this across the Misty Mountains? " Bosco asks with wide eyes.  "I am travelling South towards Gondor but later on I want to cross the Misty Mountain and travel to the East." he continues.  "I am glad we could help you.  I hope this other man is not too badly injured. These orcs are awful. I am sure you could travel with us for a little while for safety once we get out of here." Bosco offers.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 170 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 21:58
  • msg #347

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly glances back westward wondering if the locks are too difficult for Bosco and Berthold.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 86 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 14:19
  • msg #348

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

As Elly glances backwards, she notices that Bosco has freed the prisoners and is now juggling absent-mindedly with the lock while chatting with Rhûniel.
Rohirric Warrior, 83 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 14:25
  • msg #349

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Seeing Bosco had opened the locks, the woman being in (relative) good status and his Rohirrim comrade more beaten than his first aid skill being able to fix, Berthold turned to Ely.

"Can you do something for him?" he asked. "I’m afraid his wounds are well beyond my first aid knowledge…"

He then turned to the woman again. "Are you thirsty, madam?" he asked, politely offering her his waterskin
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 171 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 17:30
  • msg #350

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Yes, I can try, but back outside," Elly replies. "We need to be on the move, now, please."
GM, 172 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 11:02
  • msg #351

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Thank you," Rhûniel says to Berthold.  She took a small sip from the bottle before returning it.  "If I can help in any way," she added looking with sympathy on the Rohirric warriors unconscious and dead on the cave floor.

In the hall, Kharrum does not hear or see any sign of the goblins.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 172 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 11:18
  • msg #352

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Knowing that Kharrum will keep watch the other corridor without her saying anything, Elly sheaths her sword and says, "Berthold, pass the unconscious fellow out, please. Then the dead."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:00, Sat 13 Apr.
Rohirric Warrior, 84 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 12:46
  • msg #353

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"OK, Elly Berthold answered, taking his wounded comrade and pulling him out, aware not to aggravate his wounds. "Why don’t you get out too, madam? he suggested to Rhûniel.

Then he also pulled his dead comrade for a proper burial. "Should we keep exploring the cave? he asked to the others
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 173 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 13:18
  • msg #354

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"The cave will be here later, Berthold," answers Elly as she takes the weight of the unconscious fellow. "I can manage this chap if, between you, you folks can bring the deceased. Someone also needs to keep guard. We'll go back to our little hiding area and try to help this man's injuries."

Slowly and deliberately Elly starts to carry the unconscious man towrds their hasty 'camp' outside.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:56, Sun 14 Apr.
GM, 173 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Fri 19 Apr 2024
at 11:48
  • msg #355

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Coming to an agreement on the wisest, immediate course of action, the company collects the two Rohirric warriors and departs the cave system.  Rhûniel follows along and puts the hood of battered cloak up in the bright sunlight.  Moving slowly and carefully, they return to the camp where the few horses they have and the body of Galen await.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 177 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 19 Apr 2024
at 14:00
  • msg #356

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Having gently lowered the unconscious man to the ground Elly folds and carefully places her cloak under his head. She asks, "This fellow: what is his name? And one of you, please remove anything metal from him. it will interfere with what I'm about to try." While talking she methodically removes her own armour and other metalwork. "Meanwhile, perhaps someone good at tracking and such could try and obscure our tracks from the cave?"

Unless interupted, when all metal is removed from both her and the unconscious man, Elly approaches and gently lays a hand upon the skin of his upper chest.  She takes a while preparing and then quietly speaks some words in the language of the Valar.

OOC:  With no metal on herself or her static target (the unconscious man) +10, with touch +30 and four rounds of preparation +20, Elly tries to cast Heal 10:
14:57, Today: Elly Shae rolled 6 using 1d100 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 6.  Heal 10, (with +60 modifier)
14:59, Today: Elly Shae rolled 7 using 1d10 with rolls of 7.  HP restored by Heal 10

Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 100 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 05:17
  • msg #357

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"We've trampled around enough to make hiding our tracks troublesome", grumbled Kharrum, last to arrive at the camp. He kept his eyes on the surrounding wood, unconsciously letting his pony nuzzle at his hand

06:15, Today: Kharrum Stonesinger rolled 44 using 1d100+8 with the Role/Spacemaster system (fumble range of 1 to 5) with rolls of 36.  (Conceal) Tracks. – 44
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 87 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Sat 20 Apr 2024
at 22:39
  • msg #358

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Not being the best to help carrying large people, Bosco looks around the ground before the leave a gathers any odd interesting object lying around including the famous lock.  He trails his companions by a few meters while watching for anything following them.  Back at the camp, he finds a vantage point to keep an eye on the surrounding area when Elly tends to the injured and Kharrum tries to hide our tracks.
GM, 174 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 10:28
  • msg #359

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum does his best to cover up the tracks and conceal the camp.  Bosco does not find anything of value, it seems the goblins took everything from the men.

Rhûniel watched curiously as Elly removed her armor and tended to the wounded man.  She sat nearby in the shade of a tree with her knees up and together, her arms wrapped around them.  The wounded man recovered some color to his face and then fell into a more peaceful sleep, her ministrations having gone as far as they could.  From under the tree, Rhûniel asked, "what do you plan now?  Where will you take us?"
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 101 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 13:06
  • msg #360

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Where is it you were headed before?", enquired the dwarf, politely, "It seems the Rohirrim would be best taken to their kin, that they may mourn or tend to these wounds.."
Rohirric Warrior, 87 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 13:13
  • msg #361

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

" I guess our mission has already failed, so I guess what Mater Dwarf says has sense, for us at least... Berthold said, with sad tone, looking at Einar. "Any assistance would be welcome, but please, don’t feel compelled to help us, you’ve already done more for helping us than we could ask."

He stayed in silence for a moment. "Then I’ll have to go to Lorien to return Galen’s broach to his family, I guess…"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 178 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 13:29
  • msg #362

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly says simply, "I agree. Repatriate the Rohirrim and return the heirloom to Lorien need to be done. But where are you from, Rhûniel? if given a free choice where would you go to now?"
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:31, Fri 26 Apr.
GM, 176 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 13:24
  • msg #363

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Rhûniel looks confused for a moment.  "My people lived by the waters of the sea of Helcar, known as Nen Echui.  But it is now lost, since the first cataclysm.  I was born under the moonlight many days journey to the South and East of the Inland Sea, the Nan Dolen we call it, where men and orcs cannot find us," she explains.  "I was called to explore to the West, and wandered for many seasons until I reached the Great Wood, dark and foreboding it seemed.  Turning South there I came upon the Great River Anduin; but it led into lands ruled by men with fierce countenance and always ready for war, so I turned West again and was caught by those orcs in this land.  It seems sad somehow," she looks around at the last, her voice trailing away.

Elly, Bosco and Kharrum speak varying amounts of Sindarin.  Nen Echui is the Sindarin form of Cuiviénen, the place of awakening where elves first woke up in the First Age, before the sun and moon were created.  "Nan Dolen" means "hidden valley" in Sindarin.  The only inland sea you guys know is the Sea of Rhun, but as "rhun" means "East" it stands to reason that she would not call it that, having come from east of it.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 102 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 15:09
  • msg #364

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"War comes even to those who wish not for it, Miss Rhûniel", offered Kharrum gruffly, trying to piece together where her folk hailed from, "And sometimes men ... and dwarves ... musty be schooled for it lest it catches them unawares"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 179 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 16:48
  • msg #365

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Is anyone still suffering blood loss?" asks Elly, prepared to try and cast another spell but very aware that magic is not a trivial thing to be squandered and is not without peril.

If there is no reply confirming ongoing bleeding then she re-armours and suggests, "We should be on our way! Distance between us and the orcs before night falls is desirable."
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 103 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 18:39
  • msg #366

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Kharrum muttered a bit then, looking sheepish, held out his bandaged arm, "Got a bit of a nick earlier; I think the bleeding has stopped, but..."

OOC: He suffered a 1/rnd bleeding wound that I think was fixed, but not 100% sure
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 89 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 29 Apr 2024
at 21:30
  • msg #367

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I am fine as I was shooting from afar.  I'll continue keeping watch while you look after people." says Bosco before returning to his vantage point.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 181 posts
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 12:40
  • [deleted]
  • msg #368

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

This message was deleted by the player at 12:43, Tue 30 Apr.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 182 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 12:42
  • msg #369

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly decides to keep her remaining spell in case of an emergency. "Right, nobody is bleeding so let's get those we're taking that are immobile fastened onto horseback and we be on our way."

OOC: If there's no intervening drama, happy here to do a skip forwards. (Fastening unconscious
folks onto a horse, while important, isn't so interesting).
Rohirric Warrior, 88 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 12:51
  • msg #370

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I don’t believe you can heal my damages more than you have already done" Berthold said to Elly. "And I can also help on treating wounds, albeit without magic…"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 183 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 16:08
  • msg #371

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Indicating the unconscious fellow she says, "He may have internal damage, Berthold. Are you able to do anything for that?"
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 11:20, Wed 01 May.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 185 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Thu 2 May 2024
at 08:27
  • msg #372

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly points to the east, "We should take him to Westhold. He can get rest and time to recover there."

She starts to break camp and urges those around to make ready to travel eastwards.
Rohirric Warrior, 90 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Fri 3 May 2024
at 15:33
  • msg #373

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Berthold looked at the others, and at his wounded comrade. Not that he liked the idea to return in failure to Rohan, but his comrade needed more care than he (or Elly, for what he was seeing) could provide him…

"It’s hard to return to base on shame…" he commented to the others. "I mean, I lost my horse, my eye and a comrade in this my very first mission, and I had not gone far, less so accomplished it…" he added. "But I guess it will be the best for him, and losing another comrade due to my pride would only add more shame on me…"

He took a deep breath. "Westfold will then be. " he said. "I’ll have to face the consequences of my failure and live with them, for the best of my comrade. Then, if allowed, I’ll move to return the broach to Galen’s family and to accompany this Lady to her home, if she so desires" he finished, looking at Rûniel.

"I may be a failure as warrior now, but I’m going to give my life in needed to attune me by returning you home, if my superiors allow me" he vowed to her.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 188 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Fri 3 May 2024
at 16:53
  • msg #374

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"I will join you in the journeying, if you welcome that, Berthold," Elly offers.
Kharrum Stonesinger
Dwarf Ranger, 107 posts
RL (20/45),34/50 Hits
Sat 4 May 2024
at 06:18
  • msg #375

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"Aye, lad, I will come too", offered Kharrum, "And I would not count the rescue of your comrade as failure, but stoutness of heart and wisdom. After all, you return with new friends and have ensured the Rohirrim are not as reduced by this as they might have been"
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 190 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sat 4 May 2024
at 07:11
  • msg #376

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly nods at the dwarf's wise way.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:58, Sat 04 May.
GM, 184 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Sat 4 May 2024
at 07:33
  • msg #377

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

"For my part, I have no desire to return home," Rûniel said.  "I left the East to explore the lands to the West, and mean to travel to see where the sun goes in the evenings," she added.  "But I will travel with you, out of gratitude as it seems from your manner that I am not your prisoner," she seems genuinely surprised that the group does not treat her as a prize won in battle.
Elly Shae
Half-Elf Ranger, 191 posts
Plate (25/50), 28/28 Hits
Sun 5 May 2024
at 11:07
  • msg #378

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Elly, in turn, expresses suprise, "I see absolutely no reason to hold you as prisoner, Rûniel. You are as free to leave as you are to travel with us." She looks earestly at the elf and continues, "But I would rather you did choose to travel with us. That's not to say there are too many males here, but I would find your company welcome. Perhaps on our way to Helm's Deep you may assist me with my Bethteue or Quenya?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:22, Sun 05 May.
Bosco Hedgehopper
Hobbit Scout, 90 posts
NA (25/50), 35/35 Hits
Mon 6 May 2024
at 22:44
  • msg #379

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Bosco is mildly confused by Rûniel expectation of being a prisoner. "I really thought I had removed the chains the bound you. Did I forget any?" he says while looking around the elf.  "Of course you are not our prisoner.  That's why I freed you.  I am much better at feeing people than enslaving them.  And I much prefer it that way." he continues jovially.
GM, 192 posts
Armor (DB), XX/XX hits
Mon 13 May 2024
at 13:02
  • msg #380

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Rhûniel shrugged, though seemed relieved.  "Things are different in the East," she said with a smile at Bosco's statement.
Rohirric Warrior, 93 posts
Chain (55 DB) 35/35 hits
Mon 13 May 2024
at 15:01
  • msg #381

Re: Meetings at the Ford (IC)

Rhûniel shrugged, though seemed relieved.  "Things are different in the East," she said with a smile at Bosco's statement.

"What do you mean, Madam?" Berthold asked to Rhüniel, surprised by her words. "In the East people use to take prisoners without a reason? Or they see others’ prisoners as slaves that can be looted?"
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