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20:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

More good stuff.

Posted by bigbadron
member, 7 posts
A little theater
Never hurt anyone.
Tue 15 May 2018
at 22:24
  • msg #801

Re: Good stuff!

I think that in order for anyone to truly understand your friendship with Anne, V_V, they would need to be introduced to her pretty early on, and perhaps in a way personally entwined in your friendship somehow. This could mean they have their own friendship of some sort, or even a distant friendship where there is a mutual comfort level all around. This is, of course, assuming you probably already know all this, but I'm sort of saying it here just to cover ground, and perhaps also from a bit of experience being with someone who had a best friend similarly to the way you sound like you're friends with this Anne girl.

If you do find someone you intend on having a romantic relationship with, I hope you'll remember to consider how she feels about your relationship with Anne, and to try your best to include her and make sure she's also not just understanding of your friendship, but also feels comfortable because you've set it up so she's happy seeing you enjoy your friendship with her. It was hard for me when I was the girlfriend to see my boyfriend share things with this woman I never truly felt comfortable around. In a way, I feel like he never gave me a real reason to trust him around her too, and that hurt our relationship more than me blindly trusting him.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm officially able to apply for adult access since joining RPoL! The wait is over! (Hooray!) Finally all those games I've been saving on my sticky list will get put to good use! :D
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 02:15, Wed 16 May 2018.
member, 724 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Wed 16 May 2018
at 08:12
  • msg #802

Re: Good stuff!

In reply to TheatricalHysterics (msg # 801):

If, or when, I find a woman that I have gone past the third date of, this conversation will come up, yes.
 Very simply, my love life wasn't what I was happy about. I have to sort of kick myself for phrasing marriage into it. xD

Since I brought it up though, might as well cover me bases.
  1. Yes, this would be romantic interest wouldn't be left the scraps. I would devote time to her, and cultivate trust and friendship. After all, I probably won't want a hot date, I'd want another relationship.
  2. Yeah, Anne and this woman would be aware of each other. Probably not on the first date, most likely on the third.
  3. Circumstance on the then present would be taken into consideration. Would I mover out, onto my own? Would this girl care? If Anne and this woman don't like each other, how to I handle that?

Bottom line, I'm not ready for a romantic relationship. I've had that, and right now, I don't miss the "low level" parts. There is no soul mate waiting for me. Having a relationship take work. Work I can't afford to spend right now.

I have PTSD and other problems I'm barely managing right now. I'm finally making progress though. I would need to think carefully about mixing in dating and a love life. I'm honestly happy as I am. When a love life becomes a present desire, then I will allocate the time and energy to.

I've learned I don't need a master plan, or much advice when it comes to that. My mistakes will teach me, and that will be acceptable. I'm not (as) afraid to fail, or be rejected.

It's only fair I take whatever woman I meet into account for whatever tactics I use to introduce them to Anne. Right now it's all hypothetical and in an unforeseeable point in the future.

Certainly though, yeah, I'm going keep all this is mind.

Most important, isn't my love life though. Most important is the kick ass job Anne has done in improving the home and herself. This place was a mess. She slaved over getting it done, and I helped until I hurt, but she did an amazing job. The place looks brand new! She also had to deal with her parents (whom arenot good people) coming in to town, and STILL finishing her finals for school. We'll see her grades soon, but I just have to applaud her. And she's STILL going! She started training for a new job on finals week, and tomorrow (today technically) is her last day of training. *Whew* She's been on fire!
This message was last edited by the user at 08:20, Wed 16 May 2018.
member, 1212 posts
Sat 26 May 2018
at 16:19
  • msg #803

Re: Good stuff!

My good stuff.
I found a natural supplement that is proving to be a Huge help with my on going diabetes. I am an Insulin resistant type (meaning I have to take large doses for the normal effects) add to that over the past several years (3 at least) my blood sugar levels have been through the roof (A1C of 9 or better to those who know what that means ...)
This stuff, Gymnema, has gotten my blood sugars down in to the normal range for the first time in years. I have only been taking it for 3 weeks and am seeing these wonderful results. It's so great I just had to share it with you all.
(This weeks morning BS were in the mid 80's to 150's. Evening BS, highest hit 299, with an average in the 240's - mind you, this time last few months / years my evening BS were in the upper 500's.)
member, 616 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2018
at 20:01
  • msg #804

Re: Good stuff!

On Monday, I finished the coursework for a certificate program in electrical engineering. I already have a master's degree in physics, but I don't really feel like I can do much with that. Now I feel a little better equipped for my job (which involves working with electrical engineers, as well as physicists) and for working on some electronics projects on my own.
member, 240 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2018
at 21:28
  • msg #805

Re: Good stuff!

I had a rough night, a -really- rough night. Nightmares and waking up at 5 AM with a panic attack (first time I've woken to one). I've been sick for 10 days, and it just seems like it's not going away. And my apartment has ants, which, while an annual and minor thing, kicks off some phobias I have.

So why is this in 'good stuff'?

I mentioned it on social media today. What I was going through. I had four people contact me privately, all people I knew, and all of them just wanting to look out for me and help me through things. One even ordered me one-day-delivery of some stuff for the ants (and ordered it from her home in Europe, none the less). When one of my best friends got home from work, she just kept talking with me to draw me out of the fear and anxiety I was feeling.

I have people looking out for me. Some days it's hard to remember that. But on days like today, it's stunning how much of a difference that can make.
member, 7021 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Thu 21 Jun 2018
at 04:25
  • msg #806

Re: Good stuff!

Well, the year's almost half-over...but I finally made it out to play my first round of golf for 2018.  And while it was pretty rough (which I expected), it wasn't catastrophically bad (well, a couple of holes were, but overall...)  And since it's starting to look like my boss is going to keep me on a somewhat regular schedule for the summer, I should get a chance to play quite a bit with a couple of friends of mine (assuming I can afford it...playing 18 holes on the nicer courses they prefer is pricey!)

But it was a fantastic day for it.  Sunny, not obscenely hot, just enough breeze to keep things comfortable without making it difficult to play, and some absolutely fantastic scenery.  After spending most of the past month and a half racing deadlines, it felt fantastic to be out there, knowing I didn't need to be anywhere for several hours, just enjoying the fresh air and the view and spending some time with a friend I've known for almost twenty years.
member, 747 posts
You can call me V, just V
Life; a journey made once
Mon 25 Jun 2018
at 14:46
  • msg #807

Re: Good stuff!

After a few months of not feeling I was able to, I've started eating raw vegetables again. Broccoli and Cauliflower, with a little bit of dip is really my favorite right now. I'm eating like a pound of those two each day.

I just hope I don't spike any of my values. I remember a few years ago I had check up, and they found SUPER high levels of...I forget what, I think calcium. Which they asked me if I took supplements, and I'm like "No" and they aksed what my diet was, and nodded "That's a lot of broccoli"
member, 562 posts
Dark Army:
Out to Lunch
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 01:57
  • msg #808

Re: Good stuff!

I told a GM I hadn't played in his *system* for a while and now that person thinks I've never played RPGs before.  They are very concerned I will be overwhelmed by things like "dice" and "character sheets." I've been playing pen and paper continuously for two decades to say the least, I just made a conscious decision years ago not to play that particular system anymore. This is the funniest thing to happen in a long time. I'm very curious how long it will take for this person to understand that I don't need hand-holding and that I've really, truly got this! If it takes too long, I may have to start muttering about THAC0 and telling the other players to get off the lawn!
member, 1222 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 02:40
  • msg #809

Re: Good stuff!

I am diabetic and to make it worse, insulin resistant.
Back in May, while looking for a suger free electrolyte supplement I stumbled across an herbal pill called Gymnema.
Been taking it everyday since then (almost 2 months now) and my blood sugars have dropped between 200 to 250 points from where they were (around the low 500's for the last 3 years). I am super stoked about it and decided to share this wonderful find with everyone I can think of, hoping it will help more people with their blood sugar control.
It is also said to help with weight loss. I don't know how much wieght I have lost, but I am a pants size down as of today than when I started taking it. (from a 48 to a 46). So that is good to.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the user at 02:40, Tue 26 June 2018.
member, 7025 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Tue 26 Jun 2018
at 05:30
  • msg #810

Re: Good stuff!

Every so often, I manage to be in the right place at the right time...

Upgrading my transportation.  Time to retire my '92 Toyota Camry (with a dodgy transmission, a multitude of electrical problems, and 292k+ miles on it) for the '96 Nissan Pathfinder I found for $1500 (with only 144k miles on it!)  Four years newer, MUCH nicer looking, the previous owner didn't hit something and crack the front bumper, deploy the airbags, and screw up the electrical system...and it's mine, free and clear, no financing hanging over my was the right time to look at the classified ads on Saturday!
member, 1304 posts
"Hugs for the Hugs God!"
- Warhammer Fluffy-K
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 03:27
  • msg #811

Re: Good stuff!

I love it when you express an opinion about something, someone jumps up and says "You're wrong!" and then proceeds to accidentally prove your point every time they think they're making a rebuttal :P
member, 92 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2018
at 07:01
  • msg #812

End in sight :)

After 10 months of no running water -- with livestock to provide for -- I finally have somewhere else to move to. YES! The moving process sucks -- packing up ~10 years of living, alone, in an un-air conditioned house, in the desert in summer is NOT a good time. And down-sizing into a travel trailer makes packing even more interesting... but I am so looking forward to exciting things like being able to wash my hands after feeding, showers, and even washing the dishes (never thought I'd look forward to that!) at home again. :)
member, 1450 posts
Captain Oblivious!
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 05:11
  • msg #813

More good stuff.

As I normally screen my calls, even the one I got today raised an eyebrow.

It showed an out of state number, not really that usual.     However, it was the caller id that got my attention....
member, 282 posts
Join Date:
Thu, 28 Nov, 2013
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 05:21
  • msg #814

More good stuff.

In reply to Hunter (msg # 813):

Wait, the caller ID said 'Illegal Scam'? Well, I guess you can't say they were dishonest...
member, 7031 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 03:53
  • msg #815

More good stuff.

Got a chance to remind my boss why they keep me around (not that I had any worries about it...but it never hurts to have those "Oh, yeah...this is why we pay this guy" scenarios come along every now and then...)

We had both of our female 'swing' performers (basically, understudies, except for ensemble instead of a key role) in the show tonight.  Problem was, they'd never planned to have both of them in at the same time...and they're both enough smaller than the regular performers that several of the costumes are too big for them...but close enough to the same size that we'd only lined up onedress for the closing number of the show, which they both used (because, until tonight, onky one of them was ever in the show at one time...)

So, my boss presents me with a pretty plain-cut dress she pulled out of storage and fit to the smaller of the two, and said, "She's in the show in two hours...I need these alterations done and appropriate trim added to this dress to make it match the others."

Not only did I have it ready to go before the show started, there was even time for her to try it on, realize the trim didn't stretch so she couldn't pull it on, and for me to solve the problem by putting in a zipper...while also fixing props that got broken in the show before that.  And everyone loved how the dress looked (except me...I like how it looked, hut I also know all the places where the lining got bunched up because I was working fast and didn't have time to do it right.)  And it looked great on stage.

It was a good night at work.
member, 123 posts
The fifth in a series of
odd things you saw today.
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 18:15
  • msg #816

More good stuff.

Turns out my boss is a super cool person.

When I brought my dad's 7 prescriptions to be filled she put them all through super fast and had them done in like 15 minutes. Then she saw how expensive they were and helped me find two copay assistance cards for his insulins and helped me get cheaper alternatives for his supplies.

One of the cards brought a $600~ box of insulin pens down to like $45 and I very nearly cried. Didn't have much luck on the other box of insulin, that one was like $475 even with the assist card. There was a sale on the store brand diabetes supplies (Buy a box of test strips, get the meter free) and being store brand, I got an extra 30% employee discount.

Then she explained everything about his new meds, what to expect, what to look out for. She even faxed my dad's doctor for me to request an alternate for his way-too-expensive insulin. She was so nice the entire time.

It was a lucky day for the _V household when she hired me.
This message was last edited by the user at 23:47, Sun 15 July 2018.
Genghis the Hutt
member, 2555 posts
Just an average guy :)
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 19:18
  • msg #817

Re: More good stuff.

It was a lucky day for the _V household when she hired me.
Are you related to V_V (who posted earlier in this thread)?
member, 124 posts
The fifth in a series of
odd things you saw today.
Sun 15 Jul 2018
at 19:22
  • msg #818

Re: More good stuff.

In reply to Genghis the Hutt (msg # 817):

No, I don't think so. Unless V_V is one of my cousins on the west coast. ^_^"
member, 36 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2018
at 16:24
  • msg #819

Re: More good stuff.

In reply to Hunter (msg # 813):

Wait, the caller ID said 'Illegal Scam'? Well, I guess you can't say they were dishonest...

A lot of cell phone carriers will now mark suspected numbers as such. I don't know what the criteria are, but I've seen it more over the last couple years.
member, 1228 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2018
at 18:48
  • msg #820

Re: More good stuff.

In reply to Briel (msg # 819):

I get allot of 'Scam' or Fraud numbers - I tend to answer them with 'Fraud Investigators' or similar, it's amazing how fast they hang up.
member, 7034 posts
Gaming for over 30
years, and counting!
Wed 18 Jul 2018
at 05:27
  • msg #821

Re: More good stuff.

For the first time in almost twenty years, I'm doing back-to-back shows (as an actor...I've often done back-to-back-to-back and even overlapping shows as a technician/designer/run crew).

Funniest thing is, I haven't had to audition for either one.  The first role came about because the man they had cast originally became suddenly seriously ill and had to drop out of the show...and one of my neighbors was in the show and said, "I might know a guy..."  A quick text-message conversation later, I was part of the cast.  Small part (two spoken lines, and the majority of my time spent on stage is 'asleep')...they later added me to an ensemble role in the second half of the show because one of the actors they had been planning to use was having issues trying to resolve how he could be one character in one part of the show and another character in a different part of the show, but I don't have any lines in that role and don't even really have much in the way of specific blocking.  They didn't even make me learn the lyrics for the songs I'm supposed to be helping sing (which, I think, was a good choice on their part...and part of selling me on doing the show in the first place was that there was no singing for my character...)

The second one came about because one of my friends is directing the show, and posted something about needing actors to play a small role at the end of the show on Facebook.  I responded with a joke about needing to cut my hair and shave my beard...someone else saw the joke and didn't realize I was joking and asked me about it, and something about the way she asked made me realize just how desperate my friend must have been to throw things open to anyone that would I said yes (even though I need to cut my hair and shave my beard.  She apologized about that tonight, and I laughed...I started growing my hair out for a part that I didn't get, so it seems somehow poetic that I cut it off for a part that I did.  And it only takes me a few weeks to grow a pretty good beard, so I'm not worried about that.)

I enjoy acting...but I don't get to do it that often.  Most places around here produce musicals, and I consider myself a mediocre singer, at best, and definitely NOT a dancer.  And my job ties up significant portions of my time, and at least a couple of months out of the year, I just can't even think about doing another show because I know how much time work will eat up.  So, having two roles basically land in my lap, at times when I can fit them in around work...this is unprecedented!
member, 244 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2018
at 16:55
  • msg #822

Re: More good stuff.

Getting that 'right role' is so awesome! I'm happy for ya, Face!

As for me...
For reasons I won't go into, my brother is in charge of a travel budget I have, and my brother is... To put it lightly.. A huge pain in the behind. He has actively blocked things because he just wants to be petty and vicious in the past.

Well, after two months of struggle, my trip to GenCon has finally cleared the last hurdle! I've been nervous about it for weeks, and now I'm sure I'm going and I have a great hotel! I'm so excited!
member, 127 posts
The fifth in a series of
odd things you saw today.
Thu 26 Jul 2018
at 22:12
  • msg #823

Re: More good stuff.

My Dad's vision is making a slow recovery. He's adhering to his new med schedules. His labs came back and he's not as terrible as we thought he was (a surprise to us all: apparently he has a very minor anemia). He's even using his glucose monitor like he's supposed to!

I'm not as much debt as I thought I would be over this whole ordeal. As a jumping off point, we're not in as bad a shape as I thought we were.

Right now, this is all I can ask for.
member, 284 posts
Join Date:
Thu, 28 Nov, 2013
Mon 30 Jul 2018
at 00:17
  • msg #824

Re: More good stuff.

Just passed my Occupational First Aid level 2 exam. With all the stress that's been lifted off of me, I feel 10 lbs lighter. Also, I now get an extra week of paid vacation per year. I'm a tad exhausted (a 4 hour exam where ~2.5 hours are practical will do that), but I'm so relived and happy that it doesn't matter.
Isida KepTukari
member, 224 posts
Elegant! Arrogant! Smart!
Wed 22 Aug 2018
at 14:46
  • msg #825

Re: More good stuff.

My mom, who has been allergic to cats for four+ decades, inherited her boyfriend's cat when he passed away last year.  Since then, she's been virtually inseparable from The Boss (as he's known), with only very minor symptoms of her allergies.  The Boss has proven to be a cuddly companion and good lapcat.  He also travels very well, being super chill in the car, strange houses, or even just the basket of a shopping cart.  And he doesn't mind visiting the vet.

(His only "flaw" is he has no real hunting instinct - bats got into the house twice and he was like, "What? Not my problem. I'm gonna go take a nap.")

Somehow my mom ended up with the perfect "starter cat" and best possible pet out of what had been a sad time in her life, and The Boss brings her so much joy.
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