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11:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Return to the Western Heartlands.

Posted by DMFor group 0
Kora Roustinghorn
NPC, 123 posts
33/33 HP
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 01:39
  • msg #6

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

"I thought this forest looked familiar!" Kora exclaimed. "This is the Reaching Woods. If we're near to Triel, this must be part of its northern branch. Home would be to our east, Scornubel to the south, and Triel..."

She spins away from the rising sun and points. "West. North, too, but mostly west. Depending on how north we are, we'll either hit the Trade Way, or the Dusk Road. Either one will lead us to Triel."
Corym Ildroun
player, 2683 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 02:25
  • msg #7

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Corym speaks to Krackor out of the side of his mouth, "The Dusk Road hasn't been the most pacific path for us, has it?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 626 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 14:11
  • msg #8

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

The noble elf seems pensive and tries to recall his familiarity with the surrounding area.

"The Hellriders of Elturel generally patrol as far out as Triel.  Strange that a force with such strength could move past without alerting them. Kali is right--we should investigate, and avenge Triel if we can."

"Torvek, if you have a wizard eye prepared you can get a bird's eye view and help us more precisely place ourselves. Maybe even forewarn us of danger."

This message was last edited by the player at 15:00, Wed 19 July 2023.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1899 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Wed 19 Jul 2023
at 20:26
  • msg #9

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Corym Ildroun:
Corym speaks to Krackor out of the side of his mouth, "The Dusk Road hasn't been the most pacific path for us, has it?"

Musing on the happenings of the past and figuring out how far from home they were, Krackor nodded to Corym. "But we would be going the other direction from the river we had trouble with. I don't know much more but we need to figure out what we have with us now and how to get there quickly. I don't suppose you have any of those Mount spells ready do you?"

Knowing they were going to be somewhere, he hoped that the Wizard come trickster would have prepared that spell more than once.

"Captain, it is your call and I am prepared for the journey, what say you Mistress Lightbearer?"  Always protective of his apprentice warrior, he checked she was OK after realising where she was. "Will you be OK Kali?"
Kali Xilrora
player, 103 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Thu 20 Jul 2023
at 19:39
  • msg #10

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Kali raised a brow at Krackor in slight confusion.

"Of course I will be ok. I'm relieved to hear that I won't be going alone. Thankfully, this next adventure seems to be more in my wheelhouse than what we have been enduring. Who knows, I might even find myself to be useful to the group for once."

Kali had never felt weaker and worthless than their time in Myth Drannor. Kali was genuinely excited to show the group that she could, in fact, do something useful.
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1906 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Thu 20 Jul 2023
at 20:35
  • msg #11

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Kali Xilrora:
Kali raised a brow at Krackor in slight confusion.

"Of course I will be ok. I'm relieved to hear that I won't be going alone. Thankfully, this next adventure seems to be more in my wheelhouse than what we have been enduring. Who knows, I might even find myself to be useful to the group for once."

Kali had never felt weaker and worthless than their time in Myth Drannor. Kali was genuinely excited to show the group that she could, in fact, do something useful.

Sorry, that was for Kora.  Had compiled the post on mobile, I was VERY tired.
Lets go with it anyway and repeat the words for Kora too.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:58, Thu 20 July 2023.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 627 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 10:48
  • msg #12

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

((Torvek's been tied up with moving houses. I'm not genuinely concerned that we're walking into a trap or anything.  He can tell us later whether he Wizard Eyed or not, but let's head to town and meet our new players.))
GM, 3695 posts
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 21:33
  • msg #13

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Elient 4-5


With a destination in mind and a general bearing, the group shoulders packs and heads west. The hideout turns out to be only a few miles inside the forest's western edge, and soon you're breaking through the treeline and into the open plains. Far off to your right is a smudge along the horizon, which Corym after a moment places as the Trielta hills. He and Krackor have been through this land before, when the group made its way west and then up the coast the previous year.

Kitheras has also spent a number of years moving through this portion of the Western Heartlands, as a spy and scout for Evereska. He plots the fastest course to Triel, which in the end is basically just heading straight west. It's about sixty miles total, which the group can make in two days if they push themselves. And so, setting their packs as comfortably as possible, the group does exactly that.

It helps that the weather is perfect for a march. You're well into autumn, the grass is tall and ripe, and a cool breeze sweeps in from the ocean miles to the west. Clouds dot the sky, their white making the blue pop brightly. The crisp air puts a spring in your step that barely degrades as you march mile after mile after mile.

Late in the second day, the Dusk Road comes into view, arcing down from the north. Soon afterward you can see the Trade Way ahead of you, a long track well worn to dust after a summer of caravan traffic. Where the two meet is the village of Triel.

As you come closer, you can see the effects of the attack. The village has not, as Sperren implied, been completely destroyed. There is a gap in the rock-and-lumber wall, and through it you can see the burned skeleton of a building or two. But it was outside the village, where caravans are directed to camp, where the brunt of the chaos is visible. Though it's been several days since the attack, you can see the wreckage of more than one wagon, as well as the corpses of horses and what looks like an ogre.

Despite the attack, there are still several caravans camped out in the fields around Triel. Trade may stop for the snow, but not for much else. Though you do see more guards, and a more active perimeter, than usual.

You identify yourselves at the gate. The Triel guard initially doesn't want to admit you so close to sundown, but eventually she allows you inside, and gives you directions to where Tosta Rowanmantle can be found.

The sickroom turns out to be a converted warehouse; mattress and blankets perched on top of crates and barrels of meticulously labeled foodstuffs. Both of her legs are in casts, great massive white things that must make her life miserable. Despite this, she seems both awake and aware.

Two other people are crammed into the room with her, perched on boxes or barrels as they chat quietly. One, a human, is wearing green leaf armor and is deeply tanned from a lifetime outdoors. The other is a green elf, also well equipped for the wilds.

Tosta's eyes brighten when she sees Kali. "Ah, reinforcements. My brother was not drunk. More than usual."

((ooc: Just this once, in the interest of getting the group and the new players together, I am ignoring the fact that Krackor moves half as quickly as the rest of the group. So you make it in two days of forced marching, instead of four.))


Triel was just supposed to be a rest stop. A way station on the way from the Misty Forest to the Reaching Woods, the same way the caravans used it as they journeyed the Trade Way. The trip south had been uneventful so far, marked only with the worry about what might have gone so badly in Sunset Vale to make the Great Druids call for help.

Your first taste of southern hospitality was arriving at Triel just in time for the big attack. A pack of ogres, strengthened by a quartet of hill giants, came loping out of the east just at sunset and fell upon Triel with no warning. The giants knocked down parts of the wall and lobbed flaming balls of pitch inside, starting a multitude of fires, while the ogres raged through the caravans camped outside, killing guards and grabbing both loot and captives.

The mayor, who was apparently a priest of Tempus as of last tenday, tried to lead a counter-attack. One of the giants knocked him down and sat on him, and then flung him over a shoulder and wandered off.

Almost as soon as the fight started, it was over. The giants and ogres retreated into the gathering night with their prizes, while everyone who survived worked to gather scattered herds and put out the fires before they burned Triel entirely.

Come morning, a call went up for volunteers to track the monsters back to their lair and try to rescue the hostages. You were one of three who stepped forward. The other two were a druid of Silvanus who had come to investigate the hill giants and a human ranger from Cormyr, whose caravan was mostly untouched and was heading south without delay.

The trail led about a day and a half into the Trielta hills, bypassing the areas settled by small groups of gnomes and halflings before entering a steep ravine. You had just caught sight of a doorway heading into one of the hills when you were set upon by ogres. The battle was brief; the ogres were not expecting people of your skill and quickly retreated, but before they did Tosta Rowanmantle was knocked from the trail and fell a great distance. She survived, but broke both her legs. You and the druid, Yngvar, managed to stablize her, but it was clear she would need treatment, and you were uncertain of your ability to take whatever was under the ground by yourselves.

As you were getting Tosta back to Triel, she was contact magically by her brother, an apparently regular occurrence. (Nobles, what can you say?) Her brother panicked, and promised he would find help. And now, just as you've gotten Tosta safe and comfortable in Triel, apparently here they are.

You hope they're more competent than Tosta's brother, at least judging from the sarcastic stories she told you through gritted teeth as you carried her to safety.


It has not been a great year. It hasn't been a great decade, for that matter, but the last year has been the worst you've seen. And while the leaves are beginning to change color and the heat of the summer is gone, it doesn't seem to be slowing down any. You haven't heard from Great Druid of the Reaching Woods Baerithryn Redmane for several months, but a message did come from Silvanus's Archdruid of the Trielta Hills, Norlimurr Grethgar, that hill giants from the Hill of Lost Souls have been migrating south into the Trielta Hills.

Many of the Trielta Hills druids were killed over the winter in the general melee that was the Reaching Woods, so you've volunteered to come north and investigate. The Western Heartlands does not need a war between hill giants and the gnomes and halflings of the Trielta Hills on top of everything else that's happening.

Your plan was to go to Triel and inquire whether anyone had heard news from the nearby hills. You were not expecting to get there just after a band of ogres, strengthened by a quartet of hill giants, raided the town. You spent the night helping put out fires, then volunteered in the morning to find where the monsters had come from. With you came a ranger from Cormyr who had been guiding one of the caravans, and an elven ranger from the Misty Forest, who was the first person to respond to Great Druid of the Chionthar Osme's call for help.

Just like the rest of the year, the scouting trip didn't go quite to plan. Oh, you found where the ogres and giants were lairing, but Tosta broke both her legs in a skirmish and had to be carried back to Triel. Fortunately, it would seem her brother was actually able to make good on his promise to find you some help.
Yngvar the Mad
player, 21 posts
Druid 9
AC 4, HP 57/57
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 21:57
  • msg #14

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Yngvar nods greetings to the newcomers when Tosta greets them. She seemed to know them, so he was accepting, and they were apparently willing to help. "My name is Yngvar, Druid of the Reaching Wood. This kind of thing is getting more and more frequent over the last several years. The evil is overtaking the wood and monsters and evil creatures are spreading fast. They must be held and pushed back!"
Kali Xilrora
player, 105 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 22:10
  • msg #15

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Tosta's eyes brighten when she sees Kali. "Ah, reinforcements. My brother was not drunk. More than usual."

Kali breathed a heavy sigh of relief once Tosta came into view.

Darling Tosta! I am so relieved to see you alive, if not well. From what your brother managed to relay, it sounded as if I would be rescuing you from a dragon's tower. To be fair, been there, and I must say, it was highly entertaining if not terrifying. Kali smiles slightly as she gently embraces Totsa. "How can I be of service, my dear?
Torvek Ragdar
player, 163 posts
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 23:06
  • msg #16

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

(OOC: Torvek could have sent a wizard eye but would have most likely turned himself into a bird to survey from the sky and travel easily.  Also I had not initially prepared mount but we could have got them going after the first night).

As they walk through the town, Torvek looks at the damage trying to understand what happened here.  Since Kali appears to know Tosta well, he decides to let her get the information, ready to ask for clarification when needed.

In response to Yngvar introduction, Torvek offers his hand and say "Torvek Ragdar, Wizard of Silverymoon. Happy to help if I can but could you tell us more about this evil you talk of?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:33, Sat 22 July 2023.
Yngvar the Mad
player, 22 posts
Druid 9
AC 4, HP 57/57
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #17

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Yngvar takes his hand and shakes it, "Greetings, I'm not sure what is happening, but a malevolent evil is spreading over the lands including the Reaching Wood. We are under siege, so many have died fighting it. Our numbers are dwindling."
GM, 3697 posts
Fri 21 Jul 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #18

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Tosta sighed. "It feels like I've walked straight into a wasp's nest. Triel was attacked by a few ogres and hill giants, and I figured that was all it was. Now I'm not so certain, especially with the dark hints Yngvar's been dropping. But at least a dozen people were taken, including the mayor. If they're going to survive, they'll need to be rescued soon." She waves a hand helplessly at her legs. "And I'll probably be stuck in this useless village all winter."
Kali Xilrora
player, 106 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #19

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Tosta sighed. "It feels like I've walked straight into a wasp's nest. Triel was attacked by a few ogres and hill giants, and I figured that was all it was. Now I'm not so certain, especially with the dark hints Yngvar's been dropping. But at least a dozen people were taken, including the mayor. If they're going to survive, they'll need to be rescued soon." She waves a hand helplessly at her legs. "And I'll probably be stuck in this useless village all winter."

Kali nodded at Tosta's predicament. "Think of a winter here as charity work to pad your resume, or your karma, your choice. Any idea the direction the hostages were taken in? How organized were the rabble? Did it seem like they came with the sole purpose of taking people or was it a by-product of the chaos?"
GM, 3698 posts
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 02:23
  • msg #20

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

"It's a day and a half into the Trielta Hills." Tosta waved a hand at Elion and Yngvar. "They can guide you. There were only ten or twelve ogres and giants. In and out." She frowns. "I didn't think anything of it, because the attack was very much the usual chaos, but they left..." She trails off and waves a hand vaguely. "Well? On time? I feel ridiculous applying 'at the opportune moment' to a bunch of hill giants, but that's what it was. And that maybe means coordination."
Kali Xilrora
player, 107 posts
HP 33/61
AC 4
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 02:59
  • msg #21

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

"That...that is highly disconcerting."

She mulled the information over for a moment.

"Well, I take that as good news and bad news. Good news being that there is a decent chance some of those people are still alive until a sacrificial ritual or some such needs to be conducted. Which is definitely better than being considered dinner or entertainment. Bad news is there is something powerful enough to control ogres and hill giants in the middle of a frenzy."

She sighed and flashed a genuine smile to her friend.

"Sounds like fun!"

Kali turned her attention to the people Torvek was addressing and approached the group.

"Forgive me interrupting, Torvek, but time really seems to be of the essence."

She turned her full attention to Yngvar and Elion and bowed slightly.

"My name is Kali Xilrora and I'm a friendly associate of that lovely woman, Tosta, there. She's filled me in on some of the details and I agree with your assessment that some thing very dark is playing a major part in this attack. I am also very interested in rescuing those people since very few deserve death by ogre. Is it possible to discuss details while we walk the kill the vermin?"
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 628 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 04:39
  • msg #22

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Kitheras survey the wreckage with a detached sort of concern one might see from an insurance adjuster. The highborn elven ranger wears fine--if travel worn--leathers over a glittering suit of elven chain. A fur mantle is draped over his shoulders anchoring his cloak.

"The Mayor is kidnapped, but who is the Lord of these lands? In whose name does the mayor govern?"

Kitheras clearly thinks that someone failed these people. It is unclear whether he is more upset about that dereliction of duty or the actual massacre.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:42, Sat 22 July 2023.
Corym Ildroun
player, 2693 posts
28/28 HP
AC -3
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 04:50
  • msg #23

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

"I doubt if they have one at all, Kitheras. Like so many of these rural towns, these are essentially freebooters.  Eager to plow land they can call their own, with never a mind as to why the land was unoccupied to begin with."

Corym seems decidedly bored.  No wizards, no ruins, no architecture or ancient secrets. Hasty humans getting killed by gore-soaked giants. He cut a strange figure beside Kitheras, in odd clothes of a decidedly dwarven make, silky black gloves, and a leather harness for climbing that he had just remembered he was still wearing and began to slip out of.

Still, he was a friend to Kali and she had saved his life more than once. This seemed important to her, so it would be important to him.
GM, 3701 posts
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 05:51
  • msg #24

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Tosta nods. "If you mean overlord, like Azoun in Cormyr, there isn't one from here to the ocean. And with Tethyr the mess that it is, none to the south til you reach Amn. Just cities and towns holding what they can at the end of a blade, and miles of grass between them."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1908 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Sun 23 Jul 2023
at 01:09
  • msg #25

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Taking everything in, the devastation, the still standing walls and the people. Acknowledging each person in turn as he listens to the report from the Lady Tosta and these others that attend her, his smile cheery yet concerned, he grabs his Ioun Stone from a pouch and holds it out to the Lady.

"Lady Toska, I am Krackor, Lord Protector and Barakor of Gorm, Protector of the Dreams of the Ancients Adventuring Company whom Kitheras is the current Captain. If I may be so bald, take this Magical Ioun Stone that will regenerate your wounded legs in no time, although the pain management may feel like it has much to be desired." He offers Toska the Rhomboid, pearly crystal of Regeneration.

"Please take care of this crystal, The Vigilant Host, The Bronze Mask." at which point he pats the Blazen Eye on his Shield.

He didn't talk much, as though waiting for something major to be said, he also looks around for any actions being taken.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 01:09, Sun 23 July 2023.
GM, 3702 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 04:38
  • msg #26

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Tosta stares at Krackor. "Thank you?" Her eyes are losing a bit of focus, and it's clear she isn't really certain what Krackor just said. She leans back in her bed, exhausted.
Kitheras Sunblade
player, 629 posts
AC: -1 THAC0: 15
HP:31 / 44
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 11:04
  • msg #27

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Kitheras presents himself to Yngvar and Elion.

"Fortune has placed us in one another's path.  Shall we work together to save this Mayor?"
Yngvar the Mad
player, 24 posts
Druid 9
AC 4, HP 57/57
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 11:31
  • msg #28

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

"He is but one of twelve, but yes, we shall work together, and pray we are strong enough against so many! Giants are a brutal and dangerous foe."
Krackor Steelfist
player, 1911 posts
Lord Protector Steelfist
AC: -5/-3/-4. HP: 41/54
Mon 24 Jul 2023
at 23:17
  • msg #29

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

In reply to DM (msg # 26):

Krackor helps Tosta hold the stone and helps her as he casts 2 Cure Light Wounds (I'd not updated spell list, my bad, never mind). He also casts Cure Disease, just in case of infection. He encourages Tosta to focus on the stone.
GM, 3704 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2023
at 01:32
  • msg #30

Re: Return to the Western Heartlands

Tosta sighs in relief as Krackor's magic takes hold. Her eyes close, and she sags bonelessly into her bedding as sleep tackles her. Her breathing is slow but steady, and Krackor's ioun stone orbits her head in graceful arcs.

With Yngvar offering some of Silvanus's blessings in the form of a nap spell, the group hunkers down in the warehouse. It's not remotely the most comfortable place you've ever taken a nap, but it's not the worst, either. And with the village settling down and tending to their own, you're relatively assured that you can spend a bell in enchanted sleep without anyone bothering you.

And that is precisely what happens. All of you drop off to sleep, and then, seemingly just a moment later, you all wake up again. Full night has fallen outside. You are rested and ready to go, the side effects of two days of forced marching wiped clean by your sleep.

Tosta, not included in the nap, is still sleeping. There's a bit more color in her face, and some of the stress lines have faded. The ioun stone continues to make its slow circles around her head.

((ooc: All spellcasters can memorize/change out their full set of spells. Everyone is at full hp; please update your bio lines. You can leave Triel when ready.

Krackor, are you leaving your ioun stone with Tosta, or taking it with you?))

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