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21:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Inn of the Five Silver Fish.

Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 13 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 20:44
  • msg #1

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

The Inn of the Five Silver Fish is probably not the most salubrious of Qinxing's hostelries; that title is likely taken by the Willow Branch which is frequented by what passes for the 'upper crust' of local society. However, the Five Fish (as it is known) is certainly up there as one of the most popular. Now to hear Fan Tao, the jocular proprietor, tell it the popularity is down to his mastery of feng shui and the way that positive energy is drawn to and circulates around the building. Some instead attribute the success to Fan Tao's somewhat larger than life character and generous measures. Then there are those who instead point to the fact that the Five Fish sits just inside the city gate and on the main thoroughfare to the river wharves which means it is the first port of call for nearly every traveler who enters the town. Whatever the reason for its success the Five Fish is certainly a fine establishment. Well appointed but worn down in that comfortable way which shows years of regular custom.

It's early afternoon on a late spring day and on the upper terraces of the inn the sun has heated the area to a glorious warmth. A perfect place to people watch at the best of times the surrounding streets are currently heaving with people going about their business and the landward gate - visible from the Inn - has a long queue of people both coming and going. Turning the other way to look across the roofs of the town you can see the bulk of the magistrates' yamen, the largest building in the town, dominating the skyline.

It is to this location that two old acquaintances have come across each other though whether this is coincidence or something else will remain to be seen...
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 17 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 01:09
  • msg #2

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung cheerfully strides through the door with his halberd gripped loosely in his right hand and slung across his shoulders. He seems to sprawl carelessly on a bench and toss down his weapon beside him (in easy reach), but in fact he has chosen to sit in a corner which protects him on two sides and gives him a full view of the door.
 Just as he is ordering "Your largest jar of rice wine, good Master Fan Tao," he sees a familiar figure entering and hastily amends his order "Make that two jars, if this fine fellow will join me." Much more quietly, he addresses the newcomer "A fortunate meeting, O Learned One. I hope to benefit from your wisdom."
Wen Yunfei
player, 8 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 00:45
  • msg #3

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen Yunfei meandered through the afternoon day, taking his time to reach the Inn of the Five Silver Fish. He rarely got the chance to come down from the mountaintop, and even rarer still, a chance to stay for so long in the city. The hustle and bustle felt comforting, soothing. The energy here was indeed quite prosperous, although whether it was from the natural qi of the landscape or the effort spent by the people of the crowd was harder to determine. As Daoist Peng had always said, "The land around you supplies the pure qi you require to cultivate, but your cultivation in turn strengthens the qi of the land. The greatest treasure of a clan or sect, be they human or Demon, is their land, which generations of masters have crafted into the Source their Dao."

Wen was dressed in a simple black and grey robe, something humble and not uncommon to the street folk around him. His long black hair was tied up top in a traditional high ponytail. He kept an unassuming jian in a sheath at his back. He was glad of the assignment to keep himself hidden in town, as he much preferred these clothes. He wore this simple outfit most often, while working, while training, or while visiting his family. It was only when he'd become talented enough and his master had brought him to meet other Demons that he'd been given an adorned and feathery Daoist robe. It was in a Peacock's nature to show off after all.

Wen pushed open the doors to the bustling inn and grinned at the sight. So much excitement and buzz all in one place. He'd heard many stories from the Fox Demons of the hijinks that started here. The Snake Demon hissed of the exciting heists that were planned out by patrons like these. Even an Ox Demon once wistfully recounted the tales of the fights he'd gotten into in human taverns.
He scanned the room both cautiously and curiously. He wasn't expecting to recognize anyone, but Chung Wu-Ma managed to surprise him.

"Master Chung," he responded fondly to the man's greeting. "A pleasure to see a hero such as you in town."

He took a seat next to the man, and raised an appreciative hand at his invitation. "How I wish my Master could hear you refer to me as learned," he chuckled softly. "Although he'd probably smack me upside the head. Please, I'm still young."

When the waiter brought out the jars, Wen gratefully tapped the table in thanks and took a long swig. It was quite refreshing after the long journey and the afternoon sun. He wiped his mouth and leaned toward Chung to make sure they weren't overheard. "I assumed it was still dangerous for you if you were recognized in town. What brought you to Qinxing?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:49, Thu 04 Apr.
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 19 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Thu 4 Apr 2024
at 01:42
  • msg #4

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung took a long, satisfying swig from his wine jar, and replied cautiously, "I understand that you went away in search of wisdom, and found it -- a lot more of it than I ever did, at any rate. Your Master may know more than you do, but I am sure you know more than us common folk.
As to why I'm here -- out in the Green Woods, my brothers have heard that there might be some good fellows in these parts who were tired of submitting to the dog-officials who claim to govern honest folk for their own selfish profit. If that's true, why, we in the Green Wood were minded to help them. From what I remember of you, I'm wondering if you came here for the same reason."

Wen Yunfei
player, 11 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 15:04
  • msg #5

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen smiled wryly. "A noble effort. I hope these fellows are worthy of your goodwill. I have heard similar rumors, and my Master is sympathetic to those who are unjustly oppressed. But we have also heard that there may be more to the group than meets the eye, so he asked me to investigate."

He took another sip of his jug and leaned back in his seat.

"I'm not complaining. I like some time to see the world a bit more, and I'll be in the perfect place to help those who need it."
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 22 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 01:10
  • msg #6

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung grins and replies (more loudly) "Seeing the world is always worthwhile, my brother, regardless of what may come of it.",  He adds more quietly, "Just what sort of rumors have you been hearing about this group?"
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 01:11, Tue 16 Apr.
Wen Yunfei
player, 12 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Mon 15 Apr 2024
at 01:02
  • msg #7

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen grimaced.

"Nothing more than that unfortunately. It is a strange rumor to circulate, but my Master is well informed with the affairs of the world, so I can't call them baseless."

He turned to Chung, "We may share a common purpose again. If we join up together, we can help their cause if it is righteous or watch each others' backs if it is treacherous. What do you say, Master Chung?"
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 25 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Tue 16 Apr 2024
at 01:16
  • msg #8

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung smiles broadly and answers, "Indeed Learned Master Wen, I will gladly watch your back while you watch mine. Between my strength and your cunning --sorry, wisdom -- I think we are much more likely to survive together. But first we must find out whether there are --call them discontented fellows -- we can join. Do you think our worthy host here could give us a hint or have you a more subtle plan for finding them?"
Wen Yunfei
player, 14 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Thu 18 Apr 2024
at 12:50
  • msg #9

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen grinned at Chung's joke and agreement.

"Cunning indeed. Cunning is easy to learn; wisdom much harder and more elusive. Training strength is sometimes more valuable.
Thank you, brother. I'm honored to have you by my side for this."

He looked around thoughtfully at the last question.

"The host may know something, but there are all sorts out looking for rebels, and such an introduction may make us out to be spies instead. I think it may be better to ask about the lay of the land, maybe find some of the injustices the rebels would complain about and solve the issue. Action is harder to fake than words, and we can show them we hold similar values first."
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 26 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Fri 19 Apr 2024
at 01:02
  • msg #10

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung nods and thoughtfully takes another swallow from his cup. "Very well. Subtlety is among your gifts. Would you like to offer a sympathetic ear to the local folk gathered here, and bring me into the conversation if they say something worth my hearing?"
Wen Yunfei
player, 15 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 00:31
  • msg #11

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen nodded, and called over the proprietor.

"Sir Fan Tao! A moment of your time," he beckoned. "Excellent rice wine, my compliments to your establishment. Times must be good for you!"

Wen lowered his voice once he got Fan Tao's attention. He cautiously chose his words, relying on his presence to communicate his sincerity.

"We've heard less fortunate rumors on our way here. There is talk of injustice and oppression in town, and that doesn't match the energy we've felt so far. A trickle of poison is all it takes to spoil the pond, and we want to prevent that from happening. What have you heard so far?"

OOC: I think I'll try the Study action to get the lay of the land, get some rumors about suspicious incidents that the Shining Path might be drawn towards.

20:27, Today: Wen Yunfei rolled 13 using 2d6+2 ((6,5)).

I believe that means I get two Holds? I'd ask the following questions.

What is the general situation/vibe in town?
What suspicious, unjust, or oppressive incidents have happened in the area?

Chung Wu-Ma
player, 27 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 01:23
  • msg #12

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung is a little surprised that Wen decides to start by talking to Fan after all, but since he had entrusted the inquiry to Wen, he simply sits quietly and takes another drink. (By this time, he is getting close to the bottom of his first cup.)
This message was last edited by the player at 01:24, Sun 21 Apr.
The GM
GM, 17 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 20:56
  • msg #13

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

The jovial proprietor is more than happy to engage in one of his favourite pastimes - idle gossip. It seems that there is a lot of tension in the air at the moment within Qinxing. There has been an increase in incidents of banditry in the area recently which have got much of the town on edge and started to put pressure on trade. In addition there have been a spate of disappearances in and around the town which remain unexplained - never usually people of 'importance' but not just travelers and those who might normally not be missed. As a result the Magistrate has increased security but the cost of the new guardsmen have driven up taxes to general frustration. There is a general air that something will soon have to give.

As if on cue from downstairs there is suddenly a great hue and cry, shouts of surprise and outrage. Then with a crash two men burst out of the inn to the sound of splintering wood and roll into the street. They are both large, hefty men with the appearance of being no strangers to violence and are doing their best to demonstrate this to each other; punching and grappling for all they are worth.
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 29 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 01:28
  • msg #14

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung stands up and grips his halberd, but waits for some sign to decide which one he should help, if either. He glances at Wen to see if he has any idea what the fight is about.
Wen Yunfei
player, 18 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 23:31
  • msg #15

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen furrowed his brow. He stood up angrily and rushed out with Chung to where the two men were fighting, keeping a hand on his jian. He wouldn't draw it until he had to, but as these two men seemed quick to rush to violence, he could not afford to be unprepared.

He stepped forward, in close enough proximity to join the fight if needed, but remaining on the periphery.

"Stop fighting at once! If you call yourselves men, act civilized like men!" he yelled at the fighting duo. The words came naturally to him, surprising himself for a moment. It was as if he'd spent a lifetime commanding people, but he'd only left the mountains a couple of times his whole life. An inner yearning awoke in the back of his mind, an aspiration to see a less violent world.

OOC: I want to convince the men to stop fighting and talk it out, with words first and with fists if necessary.

16:24, Today: Wen Yunfei rolled 14 using 2d6+2.  Earth (Hearts and Minds).

The GM
GM, 18 posts
Fri 3 May 2024
at 21:02
  • msg #16

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen's commanding presence halts the two men in their tracks. For a few moments they remain in the dirt, fists poised mid-strike in almost comical fashion, before the one on top rolls off and on to his feet. He spits on the ground while the other man staggers upright, clearly having come off worse from the punch up.

The 'loser' sways unsteadily before moving over to a nearby water trough and starts to splash water on his face, clearing his head. The 'winner', however, spits again and moves forward, squaring up to Wen with a nasty look on his scarred and ugly face, "I don't know who you think you are but me and my boss, we run this town. If you speak to me like that again it's going to go very badly for you.". He then makes to push past the two of you with a view to reentering the Inn.
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 31 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Sun 5 May 2024
at 02:17
  • msg #17

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung says to the winning ruffian, "Your boss may run this town, but my friend here and I don't take orders from you or him. Treat us with respect, and there will be no problem, but if you try to push us around, you will get more trouble than  you've bargained for."
Wen Yunfei
player, 19 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Tue 7 May 2024
at 00:33
  • msg #18

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen gave a passing glare to the man as Chung responded to the threat. He let the man pass them into the inn, but noted the man's face and features. They would have to find out about this man and his boss eventually, especially if they had anything to do with the Shining Path, but not now.

He walked over to the man splashing water on his face.

"Are you injured?" he asked, looking the man over.
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 33 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Thu 9 May 2024
at 03:10
  • msg #19

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Chung watched to make sure he "winner" did not come out of the inn and attack them while Wen was speaking to the "loser."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:10, Sat 11 May.
The GM
GM, 19 posts
Fri 10 May 2024
at 21:35
  • msg #20

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

The beaten man is still gathering his strength as Wen approaches him. His face is already starting to come up in ugly red marks as he turns to the sound of approaching feet and the query after his wellbeing, "I'll be fine, don't think anything's broken."

He reaches up and feels out an apparently loose tooth with his hand, "Well, nothing too important anyway. I just need a minute to catch my breath before I get back in there. Unfinished business..." He has a nasty look in his eye as he looks back towards the tavern.
Chung Wu-Ma
player, 34 posts
peasant draftee
now outlaw
Sat 11 May 2024
at 01:14
  • msg #21

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

"Mind telling us what your business was about, brother?" Chung asked. "We might be able to help out."
He leaned casually on his halberd as he asked. He was quite willing to get into a fight with the local bully and his gang, but he would like to know the reason for it first.
The GM
GM, 20 posts
Mon 13 May 2024
at 20:54
  • msg #22

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

The man looks thoughtfully at Chung for a moment and smiles a grim smile which seems entirely devoid of warmth, "Maybe you could help me my friend, maybe you could. Ji in there and I had a disagreement about our working arrangements this evening. If you could see your way to helping me make sure Ji can't report to the boss tonight I could probably make it worth your while.

Then he adds as an afterthought, "Doesn't have to be fatal like, just enough to make him need the night off."
Wen Yunfei
player, 21 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Tue 14 May 2024
at 11:47
  • msg #23

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with Chung. "Maybe we gave you the wrong impression," he said, letting go of the hilt of his jian. "We're not  mercenaries."

"We will help you if you need help, and we are the proper ones to give you that help. Why don't you tell us more about your disagreement with Ji and the 'boss'?"
The GM
GM, 21 posts
Sat 18 May 2024
at 21:38
  • msg #24

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

The man seems somewhat put out the fact that the two of you might not be up for anything for coin but is now involved enough to carry on regardless, "Ji and I have a disagreement as to who should be in charge of guard duty at the compound tonight. Let's just say that I am very keen to be on this evening in particular but he seems equally motivated and so we were resolving our disagreement. He got lucky that time but if he doesn't show up then I still get the job. So, what do you say? You may not be mercenaries but everyone can use a little extra coin surely?"
Wen Yunfei
player, 22 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Wed 22 May 2024
at 13:34
  • msg #25

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

Wen frowned. "Let us restart this introduction before you ask us of such work. I am Wen, and my brother here is Chung. And who are you?"

He paused, listening to the man's response.

"And why does Ji wish to spite you so much? Obviously not for the coin earned from this extra shift, as you could offer him that same purse to ditch guard duty. What desire to be on guard duty tonight would be so strong as to drive you to seek violence? You could also have asked us to get him so drunk he slept through his shift."

He watched the man for a moment, assessing him.

"I am not saying we won't help you, but coin will be no more effective on me as it was on Ji. But the ebb and flow of karmic justice cares not for the desires of us mortals, and I know there are brothers and sisters in town that believe justice will save them. Perhaps if we heard your whole story, the truth, we will see the justice in your cause."

Wen refrained from mentioning the Shining Path, but he hinted at his sympathy to their cause. There were all sorts of plots this man could be involved in. Maybe he was even related to the organization the two of them sought.

If he is, I won't start with the best first impression of this Shining Path... Wen thought.

OOC: Not sure if I need another roll here or not just yet. Let me know
The GM
GM, 22 posts
Thu 30 May 2024
at 12:53
  • msg #26

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

OOC: I waited a while to give Chung a chance to post but looks like we may have lost him.

I think a roll here is warranted as the truth isn't something he wants to share. Either a 'Hearts & Minds' if you want to outright get him to state or a 'Study' if you fancy a subtler path.

Wen Yunfei
player, 23 posts
Rogue Cultivator
Wandering Vagabond
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 02:29
  • msg #27

Inn of the Five Silver Fish

OOC: Dang, that's a shame. Was hoping there would be more sustained interest in the game, but I know that's how rpol is sometimes.
Rolling Study to be subtle.

22:28, Today: Wen Yunfei rolled 12 using 2d6+2.  Earth (Study).

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