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11:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) Shipwrecked.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Half-Elf Ranger, 2 posts
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 23:46
  • msg #2

(IC) Shipwrecked

What a horrible day that was.. surely they'd be rescued in a few days? Atleast Lenore was able to secure most of her things from the ship before it went down and made it on a lifeboat before that too sank by the time it made it to the shallows. Only thing she forgot in her haste were her boots.. but so far there was atleast only soft warm sand under her feet.

Finding a spot on the beach she unloaded all her stuff, sighing as she drew a hand across her moist brow before eyeing the debris filled coastline. Perhaps something could still be salvaged? There were dead bodies around but.. she imagined those didn't have anything helpful on them.. not to mention rifling through such would leave a bad taste in her mouth.

Lenore is studying the water and debris for anything interesting

Dungeon Master
GM, 202 posts
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 01:10
  • msg #5

(IC) Shipwrecked

The monk and cleric noticed the ships hull lying on the beach but the rest of the ship is either in pieces or lost within the sea. And the ranger spots three people, not moving covered in seaweed. One of them lost their arm, another lost their leg. Its horrible. Seveal barrels float in the sea about sixty or so feet away. Some others float, not moving. And some lay upon parts of the ship. Whatever hit the ship several times was even bigger then it! Its lucky anyone survived. Everyone else is soaked, barely making it to the shore. About 80 or so feet away is a lot of woodlands. In the sky several birds fly about watching. Waiting. But they don't look like normal birds. Just different, hard to tell.
Half-Elf Ranger, 3 posts
Fri 10 Nov 2023
at 22:09
  • msg #6

(IC) Shipwrecked

Atleast there seemed to be a few survivors on the beach that she noticed, so that was good news. Hopefully there were plenty more elsewhere. "..The water looks calm enough.." Lenore began to herself. "Those barrels out there could still have some supplies." She had some basic familiarity with swimming, and knew how to float and keep her head above water, but had few opportunities to really practice a proper form.. nonetheless she ensured all her gear and supplies remained on the pile she dumped earlier to make her weigh as little as possible and paddles out from the beach to see how far she could get to the barrels, as long as the water remained calm with no treacherous currents.

14:06, Today: Lenore rolled 14 using 1d20+2.  Athletics (swimming).
This message was last edited by the player at 22:10, Fri 10 Nov 2023.
Half-Elf Ranger, 4 posts
Tue 14 Nov 2023
at 08:40
  • msg #8

(IC) Shipwrecked

To her surprise, what appeared to be a mystical being that looked part water elemental joined her. Never in a million years would she have foreseen something that convenient happening in the moment. She looked taken aback by the incident, trying to maintain her a somewhat forced look of composure as she treaded water and pointed to the distant barrels. "Umm.. those. Them barrels are just.. bobbing out there.." She said tepidly.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:41, Tue 14 Nov 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 204 posts
Fri 17 Nov 2023
at 15:31
  • msg #9

(IC) Shipwrecked

The two of them swim out easily enough and Lenore grabs at one of the barrels but when she does, she turns and it has a hand attached to it with a lot of blood and gore. As the two people paddle, it definatly becomes clear-the water is caked in places with blood. Bodies lie upon the surface. Some have massive chunks taken out of them. Others have smaller areas removed probably from whatever else lies within the sea. What looks like a odd crab sits on the back of a unfortunate soul. Beneath the waves something stirs. It knocks against the feet of the genasi not enough to harm him. Again it hits the feet of the elf. Back and forth. Then silence.

Upon the shore, what looks like a small floating box about the size of a foot both ways and about 4" high. Seems solid and made of a odd wood.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:10, Tue 21 Nov 2023.
Half-Elf Ranger, 5 posts
Mon 20 Nov 2023
at 02:06
  • msg #10

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Urgh.." Lenore brushes the severed hand off the barrel, takes a hold of the wooden frame and calmly whip-kicks her legs out to gradually swish back to shore. She thinned her eyes at the bodies floating all around, surprised that so many had washed close to the island.
She startled feeling something feel at her foot! "!.." It could have been anything. A fish, or something that could prevent them from making it back. Only one way to know for sure.

She heaved, taking a deep breath, puffing her cheeks and swung her arms and head down underwater, feet kicking at the surface to gain some depth as she did an underwater flip to get a look to try get a glimpse at what just touched her. The saltwater stung her eyes, brown tresses of hair swirling about her vision.. hopefully the sun shining through the surface let her see something.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:06, Mon 20 Nov 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 207 posts
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 00:57
  • msg #11

(IC) Shipwrecked

As the ranger dives down, he sees a reptilian creature! It looks like some sort of fish but definatly longer. It lets out a electrical blast hitting Lenore hard before swimming off!

A bit more wreckage comes from the water with bodies dangling here and there. Feet. Arms. Even a few heads roam the water and the beach. There seems to be no sign of anyone else besides the ranger and the monk. Yet. The sun beats down.

Half-Elf Ranger, 6 posts
Wed 22 Nov 2023
at 05:32
  • msg #12

(IC) Shipwrecked

Lenore widened her eyes slightly seeing a langly fish-like creature. Before she could deduce whether it was hostile or not she found herself waving her arms and legs frantically to try swim away from a glowing ball of energy before getting zapped. "Gmmbllaarrg!" She wailed out underwater in a cascade of bubbles as she lost control of herself completely for a few seconds. A black tunnel formed around her vision and a numbness enveloped her body, but just as it started it was quickly replaced by a surge of adrenaline with her senses kick-starting back up again, forcing her to claw back to the surface in a coughing sputtering fit amid heaves for breath as she grabbed the barrel and kicked like her life depended on it till the barrel hit sandy shore. From there she lay almost face first onto the beach, heaving, clearly needing time to recover.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:32, Wed 22 Nov 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 209 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #13

(IC) Shipwrecked

The waves batter against the ground tossing the ranger further up the beach. A few barrels are tossed up there as well, probably three of them and a few other objects. It batters against the hull of the ship further up the beach but the hull remains where it is-broken and battered. The odd birds above circle the area and a few dive down to the beach and began going after the fresh meat.

Something happens.

The ground begins to thud. And thud.

And even more thudding.
Half-Elf Ranger, 7 posts
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 23:41
  • msg #14

(IC) Shipwrecked

Hearing the ground shake startled Lenore into staggering back to her feet. To her it sounded like a giant creature was approaching. "Aurgh.." Without any time to waste to even rub the layer of wet sand clinging to her skin and clothes she began to run the opposite direction of the thudding while sparing a glance behind her to see what that was.
Dungeon Master
GM, 211 posts
Thu 7 Dec 2023
at 02:40
  • msg #15

(IC) Shipwrecked

Slowly the thudding stops. When Lenore looks back, everything seems to be normal. No beast. Nothing at all. Not a single living soul. Maybe she's the last survivor, hard to tell. Three barrels are pushed up to the shore. A few bodies are scattered around. After a quick scan there's about six bodies, three are crew members and the others are people hitching a ride to help out. In the distance is the hull of the ship seen beforehand. A few odd bird like creatures have taken off. Its a pretty eery sight. Death has come but not for the elf.

Not yet, not yet.

Blood cakes the waterways as far as the eye can see. Lenore seems to be alone.
Half-Elf Ranger, 8 posts
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 06:15
  • msg #16

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Huh.. what.." Looking around she felt clearly confused. Maybe it was just an earthquake? Regardless, as she stood there just barely able to keep her footing without swaying weakly, a sense of calm seemed to descend on the scene as she heard nothing more than waves upon coast. The carnage everywhere was ghastly but she couldn't move far for the time being.

Seeking the closest palm tree, Lemore decided to slump down to rest against it in the shade and try take a rest. Her body was too jolted to strain it further and hopefully the burning electrified pain would start to fade. If it did not.. she would have to try something else.
Dungeon Master
GM, 217 posts
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 02:51
  • msg #17

(IC) Shipwrecked

Silence. Three barrels end up on the shore as well as several dead bodies. The strange birds seems to have moved on or went after bodies elsewhere. Besides the barrels that are closed near the ranger, something makes a strange clanking sound. Sounds like glass? A few torn up blankets are washed up. Its hard to tell from Lenores vantage point if there is anything of value as no one checked. Course if she is the only person alove well....

The tree isn't a palm tree. It looks like it but doesn't have anything clinging off of it and its a brown color, a bit of sap coming off of it. As she sits down, trying to perhaps sleep the half-elf spots somehing coming out of the woods. It looks like a small turle and its something she has never seen before. Strangely, it has a walking stick and is moving very slowly towards the ranger. Almost cautiously. As it gets closer its shell is mainly covered in moss and fungus and it has a wooden shield on it as well as several odds and ends. It looks creepy.
Half-Elf Ranger, 9 posts
Mon 18 Dec 2023
at 23:28
  • msg #18

(IC) Shipwrecked

Lenore got a few moments of being sat slumped under the tree with her head in her arms before the clanking sound alerted her. She raggedly gathered herself back up, rubbing a hand wearily over her eyes again and saw a strange turtle.. man? It looked sentient to her, since it was walking around with a walking stick and wearing a shield. With hopes of rest dashed for the time being, concerns turned toward hopes that this was a friendly island native.

"..Are you.. a person?"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:28, Mon 18 Dec 2023.
Tortle Druid, 1 post
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 21:55
  • msg #19

(IC) Shipwrecked

Tilting its head as Yawgo approaches, he stops a few yards away. The tortle blinks slowly and pulls something from his pouch. It looks like well weeds or some sort of green vegies. It bites down a few times and then starts to head towards the half-elf. He taps the staff against Lenore's leg and then the rangers hip. Yawgo circles around the ranger. It gets close to him being about the same side with Lenore sitting down. It definatly looks like a big turtle. Well a 3' tall turtle. Maybe 4'. Dropping the wood shield down, it seems to have been covering a pack. So slow almost like the tortle was afraid to get too close to the pack. Very strange. It pulls out some strange berries-ten of them and holds them out to the ranger.
Half-Elf Ranger, 10 posts
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 00:20
  • msg #20

(IC) Shipwrecked

Lenore was guarded as the turtle approached,, but didn't perceive it as a threat so far as.. it certainly did not look malevolent or anything. Just some kind of old local to the island who looked either confused or curious by her presence far as she could tell.

"Agh..!" She hissed under her breath as the staff was tapped to her hip where a nasty singe from the electric shock she received earlier was but continued to let the creature poke and prod while keeping an eye on it with deeply creased frown from the jolt of pain and general situation she found herself in today.

The trepidation around the pack and then the strange berries was.. concerning. But it would have been a faux-pas to reject a potential offer of aid. She squints her eyes at them and gingerly plucks one between her fingernails. When it came to foraging and testing reagents, the correct thing to do was take a very small amount, test it, and then observe the effects. She took a very small bite from the berry and carefully observed the taste and any effects it might have.
Tortle Druid, 2 posts
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 20:20
  • msg #21

(IC) Shipwrecked

Oddly the berry is probably magical and when the ranger bites into it, the entire berry gets slurped down leaving nothing behind. What did Yawgo do? First reaction is probably trying to hack it up.

But nothing happens. And the ranger feels a bit better. Yawgo keeps the berries up, strange looking things. Nine more left. Taking his clawed hand, the tortle goes to take one of her hands and goes to place the berries against it.

Yawgo nods his head and slowly lets it tilt to the right.

Healed for 1 point.

Half-Elf Ranger, 11 posts
Thu 21 Dec 2023
at 23:16
  • msg #22

(IC) Shipwrecked

Lenore blinked rapidly as the berry seemed to.. really want to be eaten by some magical means. And it did make her feel better almost instantly. A jolt of energy, and a soothing feeling around her shocked skin. "Okay.. you're probably not a bad sort." Besides, berries that were very poisonous weren't common. She gratefully accepted the rest of them and consumed them, wiping off the stain from her lips as they felt really good to eat.

Feeling significantly better Lenore pointed to the barrels left on the beach that she hadn't inspected the contents of yet. "Could you help me search through those?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 221 posts
Wed 27 Dec 2023
at 00:24
  • msg #23

(IC) Shipwrecked

Tilting its head, the tortle watches this strange half-elf. It realizes what Lenore wants him to do and pulls out some dry sea weed and clamps down on it. Munch munch munch. Finally after searching the intact bodies and the three barrels, they find several items but the tortle leaves the hull where it is and doesn't go near it. When Lenore opens one of them, the tortle goes to close it for some unknown reason but the other two are opened. There's about 10 dead bodies (about 8 males 2 females) lying on the blood covered beach. Between the two they find:

3 Potions
10 Beaten up bords about 5' along the shore.
30' of hempen rope
Fishing rod but no fishing tackle
3 Barrels
-full of neat (preserved)-Yawgo forced Lenore to keep it closed
-full of herbs probably for cooking
-blankets (about 4), 4 containers of rum

Found inside several dead bodies-
20 candles
20 pieces of chalk
2 Perfume (woman)
2 Bells
Signal Whistle

Half-Elf Ranger, 12 posts
Fri 29 Dec 2023
at 05:05
  • msg #24

(IC) Shipwrecked

The task was.. unenjoyable to say the least. Lenore's face cringed multiple times checking the bodies. They ended up with quite a few odds and ends that Lenore formed into a pile to sort through later. Some of it was very pleasing and useful. Perhaps getting shocked by that eel creature was worth the pain..

With that she sat atop one of the barrels and thinks about what to do next, one of her toes swirling a circle in the sand contemplatively as she pulled out her waterskin and took a drink. Her eyes widened at the obvious.

"Turtle-person? Do you know where on this island one might find fresh water?"
Without a source of fresh drinking water, she and whoever survived from the ship would die in a few short days. If the turtle didn't understand what she said she pointed at the waterskin and gestured at the water going into her mouth and then forming a shrug and pointing curiously every which way with a hint of urgency and trying her best to gesture refilling it.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:06, Fri 29 Dec 2023.
Tortle Druid, 3 posts
Wed 3 Jan 2024
at 14:51
  • msg #25

(IC) Shipwrecked

Glancing at her as the tortle looked at the mirror and tilts its head, Yawgo shakes his head "Bad. Water bad." It looks back into the mirror, tilting its head to the left and right. Pointing to itself, the tortle speaks "Yawgo." And then to Lenore.
Half-Elf Ranger, 14 posts
Thu 11 Jan 2024
at 20:16
  • msg #26

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Water bad?.." She sighed, not sure what was meant by that but shrugged and drank some more. Perhaps the near future would provide an answer. "I am Lenore.." She said grimly. "Thank you for your help.. but I need to get around to gathering up all these bodies and burying them." The half-elf had a deep set frown at that. It wasn't something she wanted to do, but all too necessary for atleast a hundred different reasons. She goes about to her pile of stuff trying to remember if there was a shovel there.

ooc: quickie post, will check if I actually have a shovel somewhere later

Dungeon Master
GM, 230 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 03:38
  • msg #27

(IC) Shipwrecked

Theres quiet a few bodies, at least 10 in the current area. Of course not all of them are in one piece. Yawgo looks at Lenore, tapping his staff against the bloody beach and sighs. It raises the staff towards the water "Water bad." After checking out the current area besides the gear found Lenore finds 3 shovels, all are dirty and covered in bloody and gore. Yawgo goes to pull one of the bodies and waits for help not being the strongest tortle "Lenore help." The voice seems calm and collected but slow.

3 Dirty Gore-Covered Shovels
3 Potions
10 Beaten up bords about 5' along the shore.
30' of hempen rope
Fishing rod but no fishing tackle
3 Barrels
-full of neat (preserved)-Yawgo forced Lenore to keep it closed
-full of herbs probably for cooking
-blankets (about 4), 4 containers of rum

Found inside several dead bodies-
20 candles
20 pieces of chalk
2 Perfume (woman)
2 Bells
Signal Whistle

Half-Elf Ranger, 16 posts
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 19:15
  • msg #28

(IC) Shipwrecked

In the process of helping pull the bodies, this almost immediately struck Lenore as being a lot more difficult than anticipated.

"..We'll atleast just get a few of them. Tell me, is there somewhere we can go that is.. much safer than this?"

She didn't feel good about piling up the various valuables she was finding on the crew's persons, but in this dire circumstance every little bit was going to be necessary. The fair amount of potions they've come across so far were going to be important.
Dungeon Master
GM, 232 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 20:13
  • msg #29

(IC) Shipwrecked

After getting the bodies they can see up near the forest and buried which takes some time, Yawgo sits down by all the belongings found. It goes back to staring at the mirror and puts it down before leaning over and taking the potions. One bloe, one green and one red. It sniffs each one ad takes its claws to take a small dab of each. Its eyes narrow as it seems to be examining them before putting them down. Then the tortle reachs for the bell and taps it a few times. Its like its never seen one before. Or a mirror. It licks its jaws. "No safe. Home?" Strange.
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