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09:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) Shipwrecked.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 3 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 21:30
  • msg #30

(IC) Shipwrecked

“What the hell hit us?”, Argus says thinking out loud. It must’ve been huge to shatter the ship to pieces. He walks on the wet sand of the beach for better traction. Argus is soaked to the bone and exhausted.

He looks around to get his bearing. Bodies floating in the water, some have already reached the surf. Many of the bodies covered in gore and mutilated, he wonders out loud,

“I wonder if any of my Shield Brothers made it”

Almost a soon as he said that, he’s sees a strange sight. A short distance away is a….is that a turtle standing on its hind legs? Close to the turtle he spots a half elf digging in the sand with a shovel. Argus raises his hand and shouts, “Hello there!”
This message was last edited by the player at 21:31, Tue 16 Jan.
Half-Elf Ranger, 17 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 02:28
  • msg #31

(IC) Shipwrecked

Lenore thinned her eyes. "No safe?" What did the turtle mean by that? She sighed aggravatedly, shook her head and resumed digging. Perhaps then, best next thing would be a stretch of beach that wasn't strewn with corpses. She took pause hearing a voice that was very much alive, which wasn't entirely unexpected. Lenore paused her digging, planted the shovel and rested both forearms upon it to watch the newcomer with a wary gaze. She lets the turtle do the talking.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:28, Wed 17 Jan.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 5 posts
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 23:58
  • msg #32

(IC) Shipwrecked

Not knowing what to expect from the standing turtle, Argus walks up to it and pauses for a moment. He gives him a look for a quick study of it and then continues to walk toward the half elf…

"Greetings to you. My name is Argus Alanai. I’m glad to see survivors."

He is armed with a spear in his right hand and sword and axe at his sides. Chainmail from head to toe, helm, and a shield. Argus looks like a soldier.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:03, Thu 18 Jan.
Half-Elf Ranger, 18 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 19:39
  • msg #33

(IC) Shipwrecked

Given the dire straits of the current situation Lenore gets directly to the point. "The way I see it. We have two choices. Make this stretch of shore liveable for a time until we figure out how to proceed and regroup with more suvivors.. or find somewhere else to go." She then inclined her head to the turtle. "..Some kind of native.. doesn't seem to understand what we're saying as well as I'd like, wasn't able to get much answers from it. But seems quite friendly.. unlike the wildlife." She said bitterly recall the brief encounter with the eel.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 6 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 02:16
  • msg #34

(IC) Shipwrecked

“I prefer to stay here for the time being. We will need to build a makeshift shelter, nothing extravagant, just something to keep the wind and rain away. We'll also need to do a reconnaissance of the area as soon as possible after building a shelter.” Argus pauses for a moment then continues, “Once we establish ourselves here we will venture out and do a more thorough investigation of this island. Let’s hope we find more survivors.”

Argus looks at his surroundings, getting a quick lay of the land and then looks at the half elf, “What is your name?” He asks without emotion.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:22, Sat 20 Jan.
Half-Elf Ranger, 19 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 02:33
  • msg #35

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Lenore." She answered. "Very well.. if we're to stay here I will continue my efforts to clear out the dead, resting in the company of corpses rotting under the sun will not do." She gazed at the makeshift grave she started on and deepened her frown. "..But perhaps a pyre makes more sense." It was the first time Lenore found herself dealing with a situation like this and the more she thought about it the more impractical her initial course seemed. The half-elf tossed the shovel aside. She was tired of digging anyway. "Let us search for building and kindling material."
Dungeon Master
GM, 236 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 04:43
  • msg #36

(IC) Shipwrecked

With the bodies buried in time between the half elf, the tortle and probably the human as leaving them out isn't a good move, perhaps others scattered around out of sight, Yawgo does help but doesn't understand completely. Course its hard to tell what the tortle understands. It looks at the mirror again and puts it into his belt. Turning its head, Yawgo watches this strange warrior and moves next to Lenore. It looks up at the man, being small in stature. Licking its lips, Yawgo speaks "Understand yes. Yawgo I am."</greem> Simple. Well sort of. Inside the forest, bad things." It nods "Shelter I got." The tortle tilts its head. "Bad fire. Bad."
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 7 posts
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 14:25
  • msg #37

(IC) Shipwrecked

Yawgo takes Argus by surprise, "You speak! What do you mean by 'fire bad' and that you have shelter? Where is this shelter?"

This indeed is a strange place Argus thinks to himself.

Before Yawgo has a chance to answer, Argus presses him, "What threats are in the forest. The more we know the better we can prepare."
Tortle Druid, 4 posts
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 15:24
  • msg #38

(IC) Shipwrecked

After hearing the human hitting him with constant questions, Yawgo raises his hand "A lot of talk you do. Listen you should." The clawed hand is lowered. Its eyes narrow up at the half-elf and human "Prepare you cannot. Threat to others not to me. Threat to me, not to others." Slow and steady. It grips his staff "Fire bad. Others smell it, they come. Afraid of fire, some are not."
Half-Elf Ranger, 20 posts
Thu 25 Jan 2024
at 21:54
  • msg #39

(IC) Shipwrecked

Lenore cupped her chin and shifted her weight, lips drawn in a thin line. "..So it sounds like something gravely dangerous lurks on this island.. and fire would draw its attention. Well, that's just splendid. Water bad, forest bad, fire bad.. it sounds for now we have no choice but to make the beaches our home and scavenge what we can. I'm sure there's enough for us to survive atleast a few days.. but I am worried about fresh water." She looked up at the sky. Maybe best pray for rain.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 9 posts
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 02:37
  • msg #40

(IC) Shipwrecked

Argus takes a moment to chew and digest both Yawgo’s warnings and Lenore’s comments. Then he turns his attention to the half elf, ”I agree with your assessment. Let’s gather what we can and go a relatively short distance away from all the bodies and gore in case it attracts predators. We should also go into the tree line a little bit and not be so close to the shore.”

He looks over at the supplies that have already been collected, “We need to know everything we have, including our personal gear, to better assess our situation. Fresh water and food is on the top of the list of needs. There may be more supplies still floating around in the water or on bodies that haven’t been searched already as well.”

”We will search for more supplies first, then we can find a suitable place to make camp. We’ll take it from there.”

Argus gives Yawgo a quick look, ”And we won’t be building a fire.”
This message was last edited by the player at 02:58, Sat 27 Jan.
Dungeon Master
GM, 240 posts
Sat 27 Jan 2024
at 03:15
  • msg #41

(IC) Shipwrecked

The tortle blinks at all the talking going on and trying to make heads and tails of it. The human wanted to get more supplies yet did they not have a decent amount? Yawgo tilts his head and grips its staff tightly. It seems the tortle is being ordered around and Yawgo doesn't like it-there's a reason why the tortle was always alone. Yawgo turns and heads towards the forest ignored what Argus wants. All they want is supplies. They don't need him. He already got what he wanted-the mirror and the two bells. Doesn't ask for much. Even leaving the potions behind. Perhaps they can used them. Soon the tortle dissapears into the woodlands leaving Argus and Lenore alone amongst the blood upon the beach and the now buried bodies as well as the supplies. No creature peek out. Even the strange birds have left but some are visibly soaring around a good distance away. A creature pop out of the woods keeping their distance.

Half-Elf Ranger, 21 posts
Mon 29 Jan 2024
at 04:00
  • msg #42

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Well there it goes.." Lenore says as the turtle left, and then noticing a creature poking its head out of the woods. "This place is weird. I will get all my things. Lead the way elsewhere." Lenore went back to the spot on the beach where she left all of her possessions and ensured to collect all the valuables found throughout the day. The end result was a heavy pack.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 10 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 02:37
  • msg #43

(IC) Shipwrecked

Seeing the strange creature popping out, Argus makes a course correction, ”Weird indeed”, he says to Lenore, ”It’s probably a scavenger, let’s just take the supplies you have already gathered and find a good campsite. There’s the possibility that much bigger creatures may come along if we linger here.” He points to the barrels, “Between the two of us we can carry a barrel at a time.”
Half-Elf Ranger, 22 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 03:34
  • msg #44

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Scavenger.. makes sense.." There was certainly a lot to scavenge. Lenore cringed some and then got on with returning to her stockpile of belongings in the sand and filling one of the barrels with them. She then got to the stumbling task of moving it for the laborious trek.
Dungeon Master
GM, 247 posts
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 04:27
  • msg #45

(IC) Shipwrecked

After some time Yawgo seems to be gone and the supplies are pulled up next to the beach, a few yards inside. Its a simple forest, with wild ferns growing in all directions. Large trees are scattered about with a small stream. Its relatively quiet. One of the barrels that has blankets and rum can be used for the items found. The potions someone can carry of course. Two more of the tiny creatures watch the human and half-elf. Another three creep out. All six of them watch what these strange people are doing. Its odd.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 14 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 20:10
  • msg #46

(IC) Shipwrecked

Observing the six strange creatures, Argus looks around him to see if he could spot any more of them and didn't see any. He turns to Lenore, "Have you ever seen creatures like these before? They don't look dangerous at all, but if there's a lot more of them they could be troublesome."
Half-Elf Ranger, 23 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 02:14
  • msg #47

(IC) Shipwrecked

"No I have not.. let's just carry on with our work. They should get bored and move on. If they start digging getting too close I'll see if I can make a shrill whistle too shoo em away." Lenore said, turning around in her fingers a signal whistle she discovered earlier before handing Argus two of the three potions. "You can hold onto these two."

After taking inventory of what they had she was surprised to see a lot of preserved meat. "Huh.. so thats what the turtle was so distasteful of. Best dig into this while it's good." She said, taking a few good chunks and digging in with her teeth. Salty and stringy, but food was food. Moving barrels and bags and various odds and ends was hungry work. She then decided to fashion some of the meat into a fishing lure and decided to see if anything was biting in the waters off the beach, casting the line off far as she can.

(perception roll result)

..As she wandered closer to the side of the stream, she noticed at the very side of the river yet three more creatures they spotted earlier. "Huh.. there.. really are quite a few of them.." She then also noticed a round moss covered object underfoot, her eyes almost passing by over it entirely. That looked unusual. She used the solid end of the fishing pole near the handle to give it a few gentle prods and pokes to get a better feel for what this was.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:15, Tue 06 Feb.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 15 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 11:28
  • msg #48

(IC) Shipwrecked

Hearing Lenore mention there are still even more of the little creatures, Argus stops what he is doing and straps his shield to his left arm and grabs his spear again. He walks over to Lenore to provide backup in case she‘s in danger and to see how many more of the critters are about.

He sees movement but can’t make out what it was…

“How many more do you see?” He asks her as he moves in closer.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:37, Tue 06 Feb.
Dungeon Master
GM, 252 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 13:43
  • msg #49

(IC) Shipwrecked

The turtle shell shifts and what appears as a clawed hand bats at the rod. It slowly sticks its head out and then its arms, its legs. Getting up to the shore its apparently-Yawgo. Its eyes stare at the human, and it sits down watching the odd antics of the ranger "Fishing you are. Lose the rod you will." But its eyes never stop staring at the human. Whatever he did must have aggrivated the tortle. It looks around and notices the meat barrel open and its hands tighten around its staff. It goes over to it and covers it "Leave it be you will. Smell it they can."
Half-Elf Ranger, 25 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 22:10
  • msg #50

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Think there's like four.." She said with a hint of worry before startling as the thing she just poked came alive! Oh it was just the turtle from before. The creatures were attracted by the meat? ..Oh course it all made sense now. Without hesitation Lenore sealed up the meat barrel and kicked it to roll down the beach into the water. Maybe that would disinterest the critters.

As for what felt like the warning against fishing she.. decided maybe it was best to heed that based on what just happened so she dropped the rod.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:12, Tue 06 Feb.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 16 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 01:44
  • msg #51

(IC) Shipwrecked

Argus takes in everything he just witnessed. He can’t believe Lenore kicked away the salted meat, but at the same time saw the logic in it. That food is probably what’s attracting these critters. “We’ll find out soon enough  if that is what it is”, he thinks to himself.

They didn’t loose Yawgo. Who knows, maybe the strange humanoid-turtle could be useful.

”It’s good to see you again my friend.”, he says with a grin. “We all need each other’s help here on this island. I ask you to join us. I don’t know anything about your species but I’m willing to learn. What do you say?”
Dungeon Master
GM, 254 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 04:20
  • msg #52

(IC) Shipwrecked

Nothing seems to be intrigued with the meat as Lenore tosses it out. Maybe with the fast pace? She pulls the line up as the tortle is revealed. Yawgo goes to take the meat from the line and tosses it into the river. It looks over at the fighter, tilting its head "Friend no. Earn it you must. Tortle I am. Shell I got." Well least it opened up. Sort of. The dinosaurs near the group scatter and seem to dissapear into the foliage. Yawgo sits down, and looks around. Its eyes close for a moment then open up fully.
Argus Alanai
Human Fighter, 17 posts
Sat 10 Feb 2024
at 16:59
  • msg #53

(IC) Shipwrecked

Relaxing a little, Argus squats down to be almost at eye level with Yawgo …

”I’ll take that as a Yes. Thank you Yawgo.”

Argus noticed all the critters ran off when Yawgo appeared. He stands up again and turns to Lenore with a surprised look, ”Did you notice that when Yawgo came out of the muck how the critters scattered away?” He turns his attention on Yawgo, ”Are they afraid of you?”
Half-Elf Ranger, 26 posts
Sun 11 Feb 2024
at 22:57
  • msg #54

(IC) Shipwrecked

"Hrm.." Lenore murmured sourly with an expression to match when her line became useless without its bait. "So much for that.. and I don't know.. now that you mention it, seems a bit of coincidence."

ooc: writers block dry spell for me a while..
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