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12:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC # 39.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Lizzy O'conner
player, 4911 posts
Pilot Ensign
Wed 15 May 2024
at 23:39
  • msg #176

OOC # 39

Oh fuck is another one
Admiral Hack
GM, 12621 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 23:55
  • msg #177

OOC # 39

:;chuckles:: I used  to  mutter , under  my breath... 'ffffffuuuccckkk." when something i didn't like, or  stupid  happened.

 the first time me and my late  wife  saw the Movie 'Major league"... Ricky Vaugn  got  Glasses and everyone  was looking at him ... Coach was was smiling... the  achololic  older pitcher  said he has a pair just like that.. the catcher   smiled and said..'seeing's the most important thing"

 Westly Snipes shook his head  and  said " its not that important!"

 The  Ricky   looks in the mirror  and says.... ' Fffffuuuucckk" real softly.

 My wife  says ..'he's you!"
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4794 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Thu 16 May 2024
at 02:40
  • msg #178

OOC # 39

few years ago was having day surgery on my hand.  I was awake but there was a cloth so I couldn't see anything. about 1/3 of the way through heard my doctor go "shit! slippery little git!" everyone looked at him. he apologized to me. we all laughed. he had the cyst that was in my hand and was tugging it out gently and it slipped out of the tweezers. he got it out a moment later. went home in my 'baby seal clubbing bandage' as I called it. it got better.
Roy Spencer
player, 11393 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Thu 16 May 2024
at 05:53
  • msg #179

OOC # 39

I try to be selective about when I use certain profanity, so there were a lot of times yesterday that I caught myself at "motherf..." as I was trying to figure the stupid thing out.

And, just to prove that you can never predict what I'm going to be doing on any given I was getting ready to leave for work, the production manager texted me, to inform me that the Sign Shop had requested my help, and that what they were doing was a higher priority than anything they had on the list for I was being loaned out for the day.

Turned out, I was still working on the show...they're making a big sign with the show name, and my job was to assemble clear acrylic letters (about 15-18 inches tall) in the way they wanted them displayed (there were two of each letter in the title...connected with clear acrylic spacers about 4" long...this is all CNC-cut 1/2" thick clear polycarbonate...)  Spent eight hours doing that...finished, thanks to the guy from the tool crib downstairs coming up at what would normally be the end of his shift and doing one part of the process so I could focus on the other part.  And then I spent another two hours helping clean up the theater because the park is open during the day tomorrow for school groups.  I don't know if it's tendonitis or arthritis, but both thumbs hurt, and I found out that CNC-cut polycarbonate can give you very nasty paper-cut-style injuries.

But they're done, and that puts the sign shop ahead of schedule on that particular project...
Admiral Hack
GM, 12622 posts
Thu 16 May 2024
at 11:16
  • msg #180

OOC # 39

 so, Roy?  the other guy had to help you after his shift was ended?...did you work past your shift as well?

Never saw  letters like that close up or handled them But  I imagine, if they are newer, they would have  Sharp edges from the molds?
player, 1270 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Thu 16 May 2024
at 16:24
  • msg #181

OOC # 39

I feel fir you - once in the distant past I made a shop sign for a friend, backlit acrylic letters...

Never again. That sort of craft is NOT my thing!
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4795 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Fri 17 May 2024
at 06:16
  • msg #182

OOC # 39

finally got some plants for my new deck and therapy
so been singing this all day:
Roy Spencer
player, 11395 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Fri 17 May 2024
at 07:07
  • msg #183

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 180):

Well, my shift was scheduled to be until 10:30 pm with the option to stay later if production meeting ran long, so, no, I didn't stay after my shift.

His shift also started 4 hours earlier than mine did...

And it's been a LONG time since anyone would have tried making letters like that with molds.  CNC machines have been around for decades, and before that, they probably would have used a band saw or something similar to cut clean edges on multiple layers at the same time (limited somewhat by the weight of the material you're cutting, but there are ways to minimize those problems, too...)  I was cutting some ABS pipe with a bandsaw tonight (had to install some plumbing for the output of a fog machine on one of the illusions) and ABS can get a pretty crisp edge from cutting, as well...but a bandsaw is nowhere near the precision of CNC and laser cutters.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12623 posts
Fri 17 May 2024
at 11:39
  • msg #184

OOC # 39

only 'in person'  cutters like that i saw , was the plasma torch we had  at the factory i worked at. It was  Class 1, which meant it was a top tier  skill to have..i never  went near it.. one  wrong  cut ( you had to set the automation)..and  100's of Thousands  of  dollar  would  go down the drain...

it was weird waiting  8 torch nozzles  cutting  1 inch plate, under water. like  some  odd looking  Spiralgraph...The funny thing is , the  guy who ran it, couldn't   play a intellivison, let along run a computer  machine..but they learned...and  yes, some of them would flick the machine on and  read  a magazine  or  do busy work..and look up to find out they started it  1/4  inch to the right...

so? i have never  seen a  machine like you talk of!
Roy Spencer
player, 11397 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 18 May 2024
at 05:25
  • msg #185

OOC # 39

I had heard of brother used to make furniture and was trained to run one.  But I never actually saw one until they got this one at the park.  The CNC machine doesn't actually make the full cut in one's like a mill or a router, but computer controlled so it's repeating exactly the same moves, over and over again, slightly deeper each time, until it cuts all the way through.

I haven't seen the laser cutter yet, but I'm pretty sure I saw the letters that were cut with it before it broke down.  The CNC machine, cutting polycarbonate, leaves a hazy, almost frosted finish and a very sharp edge.  But a few of the letters had a clear edge and slightly rounded corners at the cuts (they wouldn't have given me my not-a-paper-cut), because the heat from the laser lets all the tiny little jagged edges that the CNC cutter would leave (which is why the edges were frosted) melt just enough to flow into each other so you get a clear, clean edge that is like looking through ice, sort of...
Roy Spencer
player, 11400 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sun 19 May 2024
at 06:08
  • msg #186

OOC # 39

And in further "I'm doing what today?" news...I spent a couple of hours, a couple of days ago, changing out cables on a lighting control for some LED-neon tape (lack of research on the director's part...he ordered LED tape from one company, a DMX-capable controller from another company, but didn't bother to look into how one connects to the other...luckily, between extra parts that had been delivered and an old project at the park that got changed after the initial purchases of equipment had come in, the park electricians were able to cobble together a way to use some cables they had in storage to get our problem cleared up...but they only modified one controller, and a handful of connector cables.  So, I copied their work on the one to make the other viable for us).  Today, I finished getting it installed and connected it to some LED tape that Macyn had run around the front edge of the stage...

Except when Macyn laid it out, he was envisioning power coming from the other side of the stage.  So I had to peel up all of it, flip it around, tape it back down, and then get it connected to the controller.  But it worked!  And as I moved on to another project, I heard a loud sound from the stage and a bunch of startled cries, looked up to see the choreographer looking in my direction with a distressed look on her face, before she called my name with an equally distressed voice...

They broke a cable on one of the illusions (one that was built back in 1992, one of the ones with the dubious history...)  We broke the other one when we first started working on trying to refurbish it, so I already knew, more or less, how to fix it...but I was NOT expecting to replace a cable today (or any day, really).  But I got my 'miracle worker' status broke just before they went on their dinner break, I had it fixed almost an hour before they got back...had to make a couple of tweaks to get it dialed in, but yeah...they lost maybe ten or fifteen minutes of rehearsal time over it, and she was thinking it would be down for an entire day.  Figured out what happened and how to make sure it didn't happen again.  Five years ago, I'd have been like, "Ummm...well, I ~think~ I might be able to figure it out, but it's really outside my skill range..."

Told a few people, "I did NOT have 'stringing a new cable in Death Drill on my bingo card for today!"

--Also found out a few more details about the 'dubious circumstances' under which the former owner had perished...that illusion and its brother have a whole soap-opera backstory all their own!  The owner lived in Vegas, was doing shows there, and decided he was going to relocate to Branson, MO, and negotiated the sale of his house.  Before he moved, he was found dead, partially consumed by a tiger that had escaped from the tiger habitat he maintained...and the guy he'd arranged to sell the house to claimed that, since the paperwork had already been signed, the property and everything on it was his (and it was nobody else's business whether he had paid or not, since the only other party to the contract was dead and therefore couldn't contest the claim).  The magician's family decided it wasn't worth fighting over the house...but they donated all the tigers to zoos and animal parks, and they loaded up all of the illusions and put them in storage...and then apparently endured years of shady magicians coming out of the woodwork and offering them, like, $20,000 for ALL of the stuff (having someone build just one of these illusions would easily be a $50,000+ prospect, and while they didn't know what fair market value was for all of it, they did know that these guys were trying to rip them off...)

They reached out to the guy who used to work with the magician, basically doing all the kinds of weird repairs and improvements that come up (a more intricate and advanced version of what I do) and asked if he knew anyone working in magic who wouldn't try to screw them over on it...and he suggested our director...who, when contacted, told them he couldn't afford to pay them fair market value for it, but did offer them SIGNIFICANTLY more than anyone else had...between that, and wanting the illusions to be back on stage again, they made the sale.  So, the one I fixed tonight was involved in at least two lawsuits brought by David Copperfield (the first was against the guy who made it, because Copperfield didn't want him building illusions for anyone else--the guy basically said, "Screw you, I've got enough money, I'm not making illusions for ANYONE.  So there!"  That ended that lawsuit (Copperfield nominally won, because the guy stopped making illusions for other people...but it cost Copperfield his primary illusion-builder).  The second lawsuit was against the magician, claiming that the illusion was a copy of one of Copperfield's...didn't hold up in court, Copperfield's used a gigantic buzzsaw blade and this one uses a steel auger, and Copperfield cuts himself in two and then puts himself back together, where in this one, the magician has the auger run through him, and then the box opens up to reveal that he's not there and he reappears somewhere else in the theater.)

And I'll admit...there's an odd sense of satisfaction to taking this 32-year-old piece of history and getting it back in good operating order again.  It's a really cool illusion, and it is at the same time one of the most complex and one of the simplest pieces we've done.  I told the techs, the first day, "Working on a show like will never watch a magic show the same way again.  You may not realize how they're doing the bit, but you recognize the bit, and instead of being impressed with the 'magic', you become impressed (or annoyed) with the skill (or lack thereof) they display in performing it.
player, 1271 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Sun 19 May 2024
at 12:11
  • msg #187

OOC # 39

I know about magicians and their secrets... but it would be a shame if these were never documented for posterity.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12624 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 12:53
  • msg #188

OOC # 39

didn't get a chance to read  Roys  post..i'll read it when i come homw.

 Football for me..then later  one the Girls Last  race  for the Healthy Kids   running thng..Gwen ( 2nd oldest) can lock up a 1st place trophy..the little  one  is  5th in her age group.


 one question..check you sheets?... Did i evcer  award  the  medlas  for Paradise. It was broguht up to me by Nikki... i can tell my ther NPCs  who have sheets, be cause i  ad them  on (  example :  (2) two Gold stars ..ect ect

 Let me know, because i want them out there, ..if you record them, they are on your Unirom.

Thanks...see you all later
Sun 19 May 2024
at 16:39
  • msg #189

OOC # 39

OK..i sent out  the  'mail' in PMs , your  awards  will be consided  , haveing be   dropped at yoru quarters  a couple days ago...the ctach is, you still have to add them to your sheets.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12625 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 16:48
  • msg #190

OOC # 39

wow?  That  Illusion stuff is convoluted ! Copperfield is a bit of a dick  for worrying  about that and screwing over a guy ( and thus other people ), because  he's a diva

I would have like to see the  guy  get on TV  and have a show " this is how illusions  work' and display all of Copperfield's tricks!
Justin Kase
player, 4708 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 22:05
  • msg #191

OOC # 39

Can they do that to Nutbush..
This message was last edited by the player at 07:06, Mon 20 May.
Roy Spencer
player, 11401 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Mon 20 May 2024
at 05:48
  • msg #192

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 190):

Through our director, I've ended up overhearing conversations from a few people who work in the industry...apparently, Copperfield really is kind of a dick, over of those guys who, because he made so many illusions so big, and was the first to make them widely seen (he used to do TV specials every couple of years), thinks he's the hottest ticket in's his world and the rest of us are there to watch him do magic in it, basically.  Criss Angel is kind of the same way (we used an illusion a couple of years ago that our director bought from Angel...he had very explicit instructions on how to do it, even though some of those instructions seemed to actually weaken the overall illusion.  We were talking about it last week and I stated that I still think that Angel sold a deliberately inferior version, so it was kind of like advertising for him..."Criss Angel does this illusion in his shows!" except his version looks better because there aren't things that don't work right, seemingly by design.  Our director looked at me for a minute and kinda smiled and said, "You might be right about's something he would do...")

If you ever get the chance, catch Piff the Magic Dragon.  He's apparently one of the nicest guys working in professional magic today, and he's got such a tongue-in-cheek delivery...there's a few vids of him on YouTube--his appearances on Penn and Teller's Fool Us, I think there was an appearance on America's Got Talent (even though he's originally British), and an hour-long video called "Reptile Dysfunction" that features a lot of clips from his act, along with him doing bits with people around Vegas.  Got to see his show last summer and enjoyed it immensely.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12626 posts
Mon 20 May 2024
at 11:22
  • msg #193

OOC # 39

 Its  funny who some of those people get? They get to where they  are with help of   other people, and of course, people enjoying the shows . stunts, the way the play ect ect.

 But then turn on the  'little people' and  brown nosed the  money.

  without  thinking of  one off hand, there a re Movies  i won't  watch, because of a man/woman who are dicks or bitches..they don't care, of course. It just makes me feel good they don't get my money, or a  tick of the  TV  ratings.

In your case, you have to work with them, or around them, its not  a fun thing.
Justin Kase
player, 4709 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 20:36
  • msg #194

OOC # 39

Hum... Is Tarja pushing MI suits

Tarja Vanska:
There was a soft chuckle in response to Roy’s reservations concerning the armour and their perceived weaknesses, with her clearly not taking them personally ”and that is why I wanted to speak with you…because you’ll give an honest opinion rather than jump in with both feet because it’s new and shiny” she said with a roll of her eye that said she’d witnessed that kind of behaviour before, though not necessarily involving the company she worked for ”…to put your mind at ease, the Myrmidon armour worn by Tarja’s team have several failsafes built into them including a mechanical emergency release should the worst ever happen, also the armour was originally designed so that soldiers could advance into the wake of a nuclear detonation so they have heavy shielding for both radiation and EMP, they also have a strong resistance to ion dust which we are hoping to improve further in the next generation of suits” she casually explained almost as if she was discussing the advantages of a different shampoo rather than advanced military hardware ”…the Spectre suits we would be offering you however although lacking the same level of shielding wouldn’t turn your people into living statues should the power packs fail…now I’d be lying if I didn’t say the idea of you making our armour standard issue wasn’t appealing but I’d be happy if you only bought a handful for special operations, after all having people from the Hermes seen wearing our equipment would go a long way” she said as the song they had been dancing to came to an end and the dance floor was suddenly flooded by ladies in angel silk gowns.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:37, Tue 21 May.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12627 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 20:50
  • msg #195

OOC # 39 are part right... Tarja is pushing have a unit., so far we had a couple wash outs.

the person whi is talkign to  Roy is Annikki..a NPC , that Tarja  went through me to have  for the PG
Justin Kase
player, 4710 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 20:54
  • msg #196

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 195):

Thanks AH,

Without a NPC name in the post it's easy to think otherwise.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12628 posts
Tue 21 May 2024
at 21:01
  • msg #197

OOC # 39

yeah? the player  has  3 PCs, that's the limit. so she has to share space.
Nicole Rutledge
player, 4800 posts
Ensign; Pilot
Tue 21 May 2024
at 22:13
  • msg #198

OOC # 39

I think I'd like to push for angel leather outfits personally. lol perfect for a ball or a brawl.
Admiral Hack
GM, 12629 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 01:42
  • msg #199

OOC # 39

 I guess, when Nikki retires she can go to Paradise, and buy some Angel Cattle, and  figure out  how to make them work like angel silk
Justin Kase
player, 4711 posts
Wed 22 May 2024
at 02:29
  • msg #200

OOC # 39

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 199):

Ahha... So the origins of flying Cows will be Paradise.
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