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19:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC: Game Setup / Planning.

Posted by TheGMFor group 0
Miyako Muto
player, 44 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 16:21
  • msg #137

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

In reply to Spike Breakdown (msg # 136):

Not sure what your using, but gel/stick n shock rounds are a thing and easy to get.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 32 posts
Pixie Mage
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 23:03
  • msg #138

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

My fault.  Let's back up a little bit and let me stop assuming people can read my mind (a very old bad habit of mine).

That sounds just like me and pretty much every game I've ever run here.    Otherwise, no additional questions or concerns.
GM, 28 posts
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 14:08
  • msg #139

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Only slightly more legit is a good way to describe it.  Trying to be the good guys, but not dumb enough to get shot for it is another decent description.

Recon and blowing out security systems rather than people are two other good non-lethal options.  But for this one, subtle may be best all around.
Spike Breakdown
player, 20 posts
Human Rigger
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 15:14
  • msg #140

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Recon and blowing out security systems rather than people are two other good non-lethal options.  But for this one, subtle may be best all around.

That ALWAYS starts out as the plan for any run! The real problem is when the plan goes to hell and we have to shoot our way out (potentially with stun bullets I guess).

Note to self: look at the logistics of driving a van through a wall and getting it back out after.
Miyako Muto
player, 45 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 15:43
  • msg #141

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Most of the time i dont think i have ever actualyl had a map for shadowrun usually i just get a description and we ask some questions and then try and make a plan.

then the plan usually works half way through the mission and we then have to try and get out after it goes wrong.
GM, 29 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:12
  • msg #142

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

I suspect that no map is actually more common.  I've noticed that the rulebooks are very map light.  In the earlier editions I played, the rulebooks had at least a few.  And after digging, there aren't nearly as many mapping resources for modern / cyberpunk / sci-fi as there are for fantasy.  Either way, we'll make it work.

And 'no plan survives contact with the enemy' is true in may settings. :)
GM, 31 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 12:38
  • msg #143

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Dropping back to the money issue, for a simple run, which this hopefully is, looks like the normal base is about 3k nuyen per runner.  Does that sound right, or am I misreading somewhere?

If so, we'll start that as basic hazard pay, and when you get assigned more dangerous jobs, there will be stages up from there.

Negotiation for additional pay can take place during assignments, or take place between jobs, in which case the 'extra pay' can come as additional company resources, gear, and other assistance.

How does that sound?
player, 16 posts
Human Adept Hunter
Ex-Sioux Wildcat
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 13:43
  • msg #144

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

May I make a suggestion? Mages hardly need Nuyen while riggers and street Sam need a lot. This is usually reflected in how they pick their priorities at chargen. These same characters usually need an equivalent amount to “upgrade”. What if Nuyen was reflected by what level Resources was selected at? Base at E level is 2k then goes up by 2k each level. The opposite goes for karma.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 33 posts
Pixie Mage
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:16
  • msg #145

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Dropping back to the money issue, for a simple run, which this hopefully is, looks like the normal base is about 3k nuyen per runner.  Does that sound right, or am I misreading somewhere?

I believe that the number I usually use is 10k per runner per run as well as three to five karma; with the corollary that a run is roughly four hours of play time.   The rewards are a lot more generous than earlier versions, which was really something that was needed (at least on the nuyen side).

As a suggestion: Go ahead and use the run awards like normal; but allow players to either bank or convert to karma (immediately, not a game month later) the nuyen awards.   That should allow mages to get the karma but also have a budget for getting stuff like new foci.   I'd also handwave lifestyle (middle by default) plus consumables like ammunition and medical supplies.
GM, 32 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:25
  • msg #146

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Mustang, I'll take a look at the numbers and see if I see anything that looks like a red flag there.  The issue I have is that employers generally don't pay that way.  I haven't run across anything that I remember in what I've read so far, but I think there used to be some way to convert cash to karma just for this type of thing.  Does anyone know of an option for that in 5e, and can point me to the rules?

Doc, I started with the Run Rewards section from the Core book.  I might double it up front, just because with RPOL speeds, rewards do need to be higher to have any emotional meaning.

On a personal note, I just found out I have to go to a funeral on Friday morning that's about 11-12 hours drive from my house.  I'll post here tomorrow, then depending on what access and time I have available, and how I feel after driving that much and back again, I may or may not post again before Sunday or Monday.
Spike Breakdown
player, 22 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:31
  • msg #147

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

May I make a suggestion?

Some of us saw the game state and planned accordingly... I would not appreciate the reward schedule being changed after the fact.

Like I had said before if we want something like that give primarily Karma rewards and let us spend our good will with the organization (Karma) for requisitions from their resources (Nuyen).

I'd also handwave lifestyle (middle by default) plus consumables like ammunition and medical supplies.
I will likely use more ammo than the rest of the party combined. I also have extras on my lifestyle I paid for. Those things are part of the game and I would have made different choices in character creation if they were being handwaved.

On a personal note,

Sorry for your loss.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 35 posts
Pixie Mage
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:41
  • msg #148

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Yeah, 3k is the base number; and it tends to go up rather when the opposition does.   I've found that pretty much anything with a professional rating higher than zero drives up the cost; and that's not even getting into the other modifiers.

I believe that the rule for 5th edition is "1 karma = 2000 nuyen", with a limit of five karma per award.   Though the rule location is escaping my search, atm.
Spike Breakdown
player, 23 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 14:51
  • msg #149

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

That's for character creation. I don't believe there is a standing rule that allows for it in pkay. If there were this wouldn't be a discussion I imagine.
Miyako Muto
player, 46 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 15:03
  • msg #150

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

As long as it is consistent  it can be made to work.  Typically there is some of both.

Maybe if you are looking for something that usually is just Neuyen then work with the GM to figure it out.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 36 posts
Pixie Mage
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 15:38
  • msg #151

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

I'd also have done it a bit differently if I knew that expenses (including lifestyle) were going to be hand waved.   Lifestyle is double cost, after all.

And it's 10 karma to nuyen only during character creation.  I know that I've read 1 karma = 2000 nuyen somewhere in one of the 5th edition source-books.
Spike Breakdown
player, 24 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 15:47
  • msg #152

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Francis (Doc) MacCready:
I'd also have done it a bit differently if I knew that expenses (including lifestyle) were going to be hand waved.   Lifestyle is double cost, after all.

And it's 10 karma to nuyen only during character creation.  I know that I've read 1 karma = 2000 nuyen somewhere in one of the 5th edition source-books.

apparently it is in the missions FAQ

from a random guy on Redit:
Working for the People: Trade 2,000 nuyen for 1 karma, up to 10,000 nuyen for 5 karma per run. It takes 1 week of downtime.

Working for the Man: Trade 1 karma for 2,000 nuyen, up to 5 karma for 10,000 nuyen per run. It takes 1 week of downtime.

SRM Season 5 FAQ p.11:
Is there a Cash for Karma (or Karma for Cash) option? Yes! Once between each Missions adventure you may choose to Work For The Man or Work For The People. If you are Working for the Man, you can trade 1 Karma for 2,000¥. This represents your character going out and doing the dirty, sleazy, or simply boring grunt work for a company or corporation. It pays well, but eats away at your soul. If you Work for the People, you can trade 2,000¥ for 1 Karma. This represents you going out and doing some pro-bono runner work, helping out at a local soup kitchen, or doing some volunteer work. It costs you a little something, but you feel better about yourself afterward. In either case, you may only trade away or gain a maximum of 5 Karma each time you Work for the Man or the People, and it takes up one week of downtime during which you can do nothing else. You cannot do this again until after you pull another Shadowrun.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:26, Tue 02 Apr.
Francis (Doc) MacCready
player, 37 posts
Pixie Mage
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 16:28
  • msg #153

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

In reply to Spike Breakdown (msg # 152):

*thumbs up*
player, 8 posts
Elven Magician
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 16:32
  • msg #154

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

1K for 2,000Y makes sense.
Spike Breakdown
player, 25 posts
Human Rigger
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 16:39
  • msg #155

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Granted it is from the mission FAQ so not necessarily something you assume you can always do in an independent game. It's functionally a houserule for the living campign.

But it's an acceptable base line for converting some extra X's into Y's slowly over time. (assuming you weren't a fool and took the Day Job quality)

Just think in like a year in game you could catch up to my A level starting cash. (And my drones will still be better at piloting themselves than I am...)
GM, 33 posts
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 13:54
  • msg #156

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Let's try this then...

We'll start with a base of 6k nuyen per run, when the DIMR honestly expects minimal hazard.  If they expect higher hazards, the rate goes up accordingly, using the multipliers in the Run Rewards section.  If it turns out they're wrong on the hazards, they may go for the higher values, but that would be a negotiation.

Whatever the final total is on the rewards for a given run, each character can take their reward in cash, requisitioned gear, or karma at the 1/2k rate with a max of 5 karma exchanged per run.

If that doesn't sound fair to anyone, let me know and I'll try again.
Spike Breakdown
player, 26 posts
Human Rigger
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 13:58
  • msg #157

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

Is that on top of Karma or are we relying on the conversion.

Is requisition just flavor or is there a mechanic im missing?

Overall it seems fair.
Miyako Muto
player, 48 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 15:55
  • msg #158

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

In reply to TheGM (msg # 156):

Just making sure i understand, we would get some of each and can then convert  either way?  p371/2 generally there is some of both awarded.

It looks like a minimal run with low danger is 3-5 karma and 3,000-6000 cash before multipliers or extras.
player, 10 posts
Elven Magician
Acting, Influence,
Fri 5 Apr 2024
at 19:55
  • msg #159

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

I have all of the sourcebooks.

I should have said that I own all of the sourcebooks. Unfortunately, i cannot locate some of them. :(
Miyako Muto
player, 51 posts
Cha 8(12) Vampire
Purple Latex Catsuit
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 19:31
  • msg #160

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

So i dont forget, I'm driving to see the eclipse Monday, so probably little or no posting for me until Tuesday.
Spike Breakdown
player, 28 posts
Human Rigger
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 20:07
  • msg #161

OOC: Game Setup / Planning

So, can/should I actually just stay in this conference room and send a drone over?
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