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20:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dragon's Den #2.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Heather Montomery
player, 2679 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:21
  • msg #23

Dragon's Den #2

 Heather packed up her stuff and headed over to where Wade was calling a group together. " Hey everyone whats up, did I miss something?"
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:36
  • msg #24

Dragon's Den #2

  Wade   was 'the spokesman' and went into the watchparty, and   Rock causing  Cruz  and Salcedo , to not only leave..but he stayed!  and continued  with  rmarks, . he said  he had to wait for Lindsey to leave, before He  Told  Rock to leave.. ending with 'the whole night was ruined"..Cruz  asked how are they supposed to play with a  guy on the field like that, who doesn't have  faith in his teammates..

 Sims grabbed the bridge of his  nose,  Cal scowled, everyone looked at Adam..WTF?  I'm not a Captain...

  Sims  sighed,you're  like our Moral officer...

  so? No one listens to me... If people Listened to me, Steele  would have been punished after his first curfew violation.. and I wouldn't have  been punished  after my first while steel was on his 3rd!.. If people listened to  me, two of the receivers who are out of football now, might still be on the team..and Hall wouldn't have had his face rearranged!

 He Looked  at Wade.. You were the Host? You should have told him to leave, rather then let two guys you  fought  along side since may, to leave!.. I'm sorry...The guy doesn't have manners, outside  what he can show off, Sadly? there isn't  any team violations  mixed in there... So Me?... I'm going to the Meeting room.. You guys handle this..but i don;t see how  you can 'OURIGHT' punish him. he nodded  and left, and not smiling.

 Sims nodded as he saw Adam look him in the eyes  and say 'OUTRIGHT" much  for  help..right?  So what do you folks think? Cal asked/

  Payne was   unhappy,Don't like it.. My  guys here, don't get riled too often,  They are Upset  right now.

   if it was an Offensive Player, I'd have   apologize,  don't know how that works   for  Defensive guys though..
Heather Montomery
player, 2680 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 17:04
  • msg #25

Dragon's Den #2

 Heather listened then responded," Well he didnt break any rules other than being a dick to teammates, I say the leaders of the defense have a talk with hm and discuss the issues and go from there, I mean I can talk to him since he is a returner which falls under Special Teams, but I think it should come from you guys." Heather got her gear and then headed for the meetings.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3281 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 17:10
  • msg #26

Dragon's Den #2

In reply to goihg (msg # 22):

When Lindsey saw that specific mix of people huddling off, she had a pretty good idea of what it was about. The whole episode made her sad. The guys were already riled up about Rock harping on the schedule, though why they even cared about that was a mystery. It was odd for Dragons to defend the league. So, while she could see how Rock's  criticism of the practice schedule would sound out of bounds to those who have been winning with the way things were done, she didn't think it warranted so much anger.

The real issue was the statement he made before that about the team being untested. She felt like she understood what he meant: that the Dragons had yet to face a team that was really their equal, but she also understood how it had to sound to those who endured the doubt and even ridicule all season. At the heart of it, it was a misunderstanding between people with completely different experiences. It would be a shame if Rock were punished for his inexperience.

The most unfortunate thing was that while she was there to witness it, she couldn't do much about it. And worse, the episode as news and she'd have to report on it in some way. It was one of those tough positions that arise when you're too close or too embedded in your topic. She was allowed to be biased for the team, but this was the team on different sides of the line with itself. She really needed guidance, but she'd have to wait until she could get Bart alone. Maybe after the meeting.

After gathering up her things, Lindsey topped off her coffee and headed to the meeting.

To Meetings
Bronislau Nagurski
player, 748 posts
#58, Linebacker
"Let's squash someone"
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 18:51
  • msg #27

Dragon's Den #2

Bronko finished his breakfast and made his way to the meeting room.

---->> Meetings
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 11:34
  • msg #28

Dragon's Den #2

(( after    Gym workouts))

  entering  the Den,   some guys  still  had  towels  around their  necks , but all sported    White Dragon T-shirts  and  Dragon green shorts,

 Adam  got two club sandwich's  and  fries , with a large soda, and sat down his lap top opened  once, more, now he concentrated on  Havers..


 The Actors   and  most of the crew showed up, Lead  Ny   Carlson  and Yuto,  Bob  and Echo Bill  walked with the   crews  explain  some of the  Buildings  and , they would be  permitted  to be on the Track with Bob and Bill as practice took place.  The actors  and  Director and such would be in the stands, near the 'home' press corps.

The actors  and shut  were permitted to  get  something to eat ( on the amotas ) and  free to mingle with whom they wished.
Benedict Hope.
player, 3948 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 12:46
  • msg #29

Dragon's Den #2

Ben came in and checked the food on offer before choosing a cheeseburger, slaw, and fries with some lemonade to wash it down. He settled at a window table, keeping an eye out for Lu-Ti as he began to eat. Guests got a friendly smile if they looked or came his way.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3295 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 14:11
  • msg #30

Dragon's Den #2

From Dragon Gym

Lindsey got to the Den after the team was already there. She nudged Mindy. "The party continues, right?" They weren't too far behind as most of the guys were still up getting their lunch. She was just deciding on what she wanted to eat when Carlton and Yuto came with Paulo and the Dragon Studios people. Bob and Bill were there, but hanging back with the behind the camera crews

"Hey there, good afternoon." Lindsey lit up, giving hello hugs to Carlton, Yuto and the rest. "Glad you all could make it. Hey, this is Mindy Lacey. She's the Director of Sports content at NJN, and one of my dearest friends." She turned to Mindy

"So, this is Paulo Santos, he's the director extraordinaire. Cole Hamilton and Harley Donovan are actors, and Lizzy Boone here is Paulo's P.A."

"Nice to meet you, Mindy." Cole offered his hand. "Didn't I see you on the ESPN desk?"

"Hi," Harley likewise offered her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"The team is in there. Why don't you all grab some lunch and mingle. I'll help break the ice if you want."

"That'd be great. I'd love and introduction to Duke Fillings."

"Sure, no problem." She looked around. "Um. Where's Sage?" Seeing all the blank stares, she pulled out her phone. "I'll join you all in a minute. Grab some lunch and then we can make intros."

To Sage: Yo, Chica. Where are you? The whole DS crew is here for lunch.
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 14:42
  • msg #31

Dragon's Den #2

 yeah, but   well some  are nice to look at, others   ..well.. turn me off..., because of their  actions... The group approached.

Mindy  Smiled and  greeted  them, She   Pointed to the table  next to  Adam's ,That Player there Is  Mik, next to Adam's  table? He's  a running back, and   one of Adam's best friends on the team she gave a  bit of a smile,Yeah , I have the desk  here.. i haunt the sidelines   during games. when i can. Lindsey and Jenny do the heavy lifting there.

 Paulo was looking over the  people seated,  and walking in, or standing in line, They all look  so big,even with out the Pads. Bronk  looked  solid  yesterday, but some of these  men are monsters. he looks  small!

well... i like a  smaller   , solid guy. Lizzy looked  at    Mik who was talking  Stalls,  Adam  was taking a bite of  a sandwich  and  tapping away  at his laptop, as he took a note..

 You want to have  some fun?  Pull up   the  last  few games and see how many 'big guy"... Adam and Mik destroyed   with Block., they can take hits  and dish them out.. Mindy said in her  ESPN   voice.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:06, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 15:00
  • msg #32

Dragon's Den #2

 The Coaches  were  by the   table, just out side the VIP  room.

  carlton   ( after getting Hungs  from Mindy and  Lindsey, tuned to Lizzy,Both of these Ladies, and NMik were in our last Commercial we shot.. it  was rated  in the Top   five commercials, and top 3 in food  commercials

 he    went over   and    patted Mik on the back, Mik smiled  and  shook his hand   and Chatted,   he walked around to then other  Tbale  and said  Adam   Name.. Adam  stood,  wiped  his hand   and Lips from the  clubsandwich,  while  taking Carlton's hand.

 Nice to see you  so soon again?.. You get to see  us at  our  Office, in about  30 Minutes or so.. we'll be going down to get our ankles tapped..Its  semi-Light  today..  shorts , shoulder  pads  and Head  gear... we have some things  to work on, but nmost of it
 is skil drills, hitting  sleds and  such, and then we'll finish  with a  10 play scrimmage..
he gave   The Man a grin...

 Jest should be here  by the time  we   are in the last bit of practice... when we share the place, we  like to   show them  what they have to  face.. so me a Duke have some  fun with the opposing  team  for 1  'play'
Heather Montomery
player, 2683 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 15:54
  • msg #33

Dragon's Den #2

 Heather finished up and joined the others for lunch in the Den, she got a burger and a large salad and fruit. She smiled at everyone then took a seat got her laptop out and worked on the Jets defense and Special teams.
Sage Sinclair
player, 775 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 16:38
  • msg #34

Dragon's Den #2

To Lindsey: Running late. No one told me we were supposed to be there for lunch
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3296 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 17:44
  • msg #35

Dragon's Den #2

After Sage's mostly immediate response, Lindsey followed the group into the Den. She ran through and god a chicken Caesar's salad, then joined Cole and Harley at a table. Cole had Harley each had burgers and were already into their meals.

"Hey guys, making sure to leave some room for dessert, I hope?" Lindsey teased, joining Cole and Harley at the table with her salad in tow.

"Absolutely, I always have room for dessert." Cole said with a broad grin, making some room for Lindsey to sit. "Especially if they're as good as these burgers. Damn!"

"Speaking of Damn, I couldn't help but notice the, uh, ‘scenery’ around here." Harley chimed in with a smirk, her gaze drifting off towards the group of linebackers at the next table. Wade was there glancing over, but mostly eyeing Lindsey

"Oh, enjoying the view, are we?" Lindsey chuckled, following Harley's gaze. "You should have seen the view I had in the gym this morning." Her eyebrows popped a couple times. "I'll introduce you to some of the guys in a bit. Too many of them are single, so if you see anyone especially interesting, just let me know."

"It was cool meeting the Bomb last night, but I guess he's just one of many in here." Cole commented, his eyes drifting around the Den with evident fascination. "You used to date him, right? What happened?"

"Oh, about last night, thanks again for the ride home, Cole." Lindsey gave Cole a warm smile, her gratitude genuine. "Yeah, Adam and I were a big thing, but I guess we weren't really compatible. Let's just leave it there."

"Okay." He took a huge bite of his burger, snatching up his napkin to catch the drip from his lip.

"So, Lindsey, now your single and surrounded by..." She swept her arms "This. Are they, uh... keeping you busy?"

Lindsey shot Harley a look, wondering if the blonde was suggesting something or just making playful banter. "I've only been single a week, and... well there are moments my mind wanders to some very happy places, but nah. They are all very respectful... well mostly all. I do have a date later though with Wade." She pointed to him at the next table.

"Oh God. That guy is huge. I'll visit you in the hospital after you get fitted for a body cast. I'll definitely be wanting juicy details." She eyed Cole with some mischief in her eyes. "Yeah, so I'm interested in their training. What’s the daily regimen here like?" Harley's curiosity piqued as she momentarily tore her gaze away from the players to look at Lindsey.

"They get here for strategy meetings that start at 6:30 AM. This morning they hit the gym just before lunch. That was a treat to watch. Nut then after lunch they have practice where they stretch, then perform position drills. At the end they usually do a scrimmage and then run a mile. It's tougher than it sounds, but you'll see."

"So they plan out their routines and then rehearse. Sounds familiar"

"Yeah except they play live once a week. And if they get it wrong, they get beat up."

"Still familiar."
Sage Sinclair
player, 776 posts
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 19:18
  • msg #36

Dragon's Den #2

From Sage's Apartment

When Sage entered the Den, she stopped at the door to scan where everyone was. She saw Carlton and Yuto off to the side chatting together, Adam was with Mik and Mindy reviewing something on his laptop, Lindsey was there with Cole and Harley eating lunch, and Paulo was having a conversation with Coach Sims. There were a bunch of other non-players in the room, but she didn't know who any of them were. They could have been associated with the studio, or support staff for the team. She shrugged with her eyebrows.

"Hey!" Sage popped up behind Adam, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Are you guys reviewing best-ofs from my filmography?" She looked at the the screen. "Oh.... game films. Who would've believed that old games were so re-watchable."

"Anyway, I see that the studio crew is all here. I'm going to go say hi." She patted his chest and was off.

Circling around behind, Sage covered Lindsey's eyes "Guess who!"
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 19:40
  • msg #37

Dragon's Den #2

 Adam smiled broadly when she arrived, he gave  her a  quick  Kiss on the  cheek, time..hey? you get to see me  work to do..this  stuff is class room,  we  got out on the   field  in a bit.. see you later..

Mindy and Mik smiled  and gave little waves  as Sage hustled off.

  tracy  came  marching over to  Adam.. alright hero..stand up...

  Now  what?

How's the Rib...Lift your shirt.

 Now ? See that Mik.. if  we said that to her....

 Blody unfair world, Mate..Bloody Unfair..

 Tracy  looked at the greenish  yellow  mark.,,,,she pressed it.. Adam's  eyebrow furrowed.shut up you two... Tell me that doesn't hurt...

 That doesn't  hurt...

 she  whacked him..  and  He  frowned...Liar!

 You just told me  to say that!..didn;t she tell me to say that...

 Me  mate's said that...

 Mindy  shrugged,you did say that  tracy?
 she glared...alright  dammit, I have to list you as  'Full participant'... Don't
 do anything stupid today...

Adam looked at her...

 yeah...right....  she went off in the  direction to the coaches  table where Eva  was  sitting with  Sims and the staff.

 Mindy  says...she  likes you.,,she worries   so much about you?

 Adam  tucked his shirt back in is shorts,yeah.. the whole pain thing tells be  , she just adores  me..

he spins the screen around...look here..last time  we played.. You were open in the flat.. same thing happened  with the Chargers, but they didn't get the ball off soon enough..

 we're  gonna eat big, if  Coach don't  throw water on the fire ...
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3297 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 20:17
  • msg #38

Dragon's Den #2

Lindsey was about to take another bite when the word went dark and two familiar hands pressed against her eyes.

Sage Sinclair:
"Guess who!"

"Skymist body wash and Fresh Linen perfume." Lindsey patted Sage's hand. "It must be Tara Dunn."

"Pfft." Sage removed her hands and took the seat on Lindsey's right, opposite Cole and Harley who were on her left. "Tara Dunn bathed in Victoria Crown. The chick never understood the concept of subtle scents."

"She never understood the concept of subtlety in general." Lindsey looked over at Cole and Harley. "Tara was in our sorority in college. She used perfume like it was body wash. You always knew when she was approaching."

"And you always knew who she slept with. That's why I broke up with Ricardo Perez."

"He told me it from a hug."

"Then they were hugging naked, which was still a problem for me."

"I didn't like Ricardo anyway. Tara did you a favor."

"Anyway, what did i miss?"

"Nothing yet. Lindsey was going to introduce us to some of the players"

"Well, the burgers are good. You should grab one"

"I ate before I came over. No one told me we were having lunch here. Well, let me take that back. Lizzy sent me a text this morning, which I didn't get until I was sitting down to lunch. It's okay. I'm here now. I already know a lot of these guys, so you all go ahead. I'm going to go say hi to Paulo and Carlton. Are these other guys from the studio? That guy in pink doesn't look like a Dragon."

"That's Bruno Amacci. He's our-"

"Bruno Amacci!?" "Bruno Amacci?!" Sage and Lindsey exclaimed it in perfect stereo.

"So you've heard of him."

"Ya, of course we've heard of him."

"He's a legend. The Rembrandt of makeup artists." Sage turned to look at him. "He had the hottest salon in Los Angeles for like eight years before he got bored and came over to movies."

"he actually started in movies, then opened the salon. His idea was that all makeup was a kind of costume. He's brilliant."

"That's who I want to meet next."

"Okay, you break the ice then we'll come over."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:30, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3298 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 20:56
  • msg #39

Dragon's Den #2

As Sage ran over to Bruno, Lindsey stood, motioning for Cole and Harley to join her. While Harley wasn't particular about meeting anyone, Cole had someone very specific in mind. Lindsey decided to start there. Escorting her new associates across the room, she stopped at Duke's table as he was reading through the same playbook that he had long since memorized.

"Hi, Duke, can I get a moment?"

Duke's head turned in her direction well before his eyes finally tore away from the page. "Hi Lindsey, what's up"

"I'm sure you heard that the new team from Dragon Studios was coming today." She stepped aside to present the two actors with her. "This is Cole Hamilton and Harley Donovan. They're both actors helping to get the studio off the ground. Cole wanted to meet you specifically"

"Hi Duke," Cole stepped forward, eagerly presenting his hand. "I'm a huge fan. It's awesome to meet you."

"Hi Cole" Duke stood to shake his hand "Yeah, it's a pleasure." He turned to Harley who shook his hand. "Wow, nice grip there Harley. So, you guys are actors, huh? What movies have you been in."

"My last movie was A Bolt from the Black-"

"Oh yeah," Duke pointed to him, snapping his finger a couple times until he remembered the character name. "Mason! No, Meson. Karl Meson. You were the engineering guy. I swear, I was shocked when they killed you off. I thought you were going to make it to the end of that."

"Yeah, it was setup so the characters were all fleshed out. The director wanted the audience invested so when they died it had more impact. Hey, tell me about the last Jets game..."

Harley pulled Lindsey back a couple steps. "Let them chat. Otherwise we'll be here all day."

Lindsey nodded and brought Harley to the next table with the offensive linemen
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 2268 posts
19 WR
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 23:38
  • msg #40

Dragon's Den #2

  Adam  looked  at the cell phoneI'm gonna head   down, I met the actors and such yesterday, , Beat the Rush  getting taped up.. folks are  doing the meet and greet   anyway.. see you on the field. 

 he gave  Mindy a   hand squeeze on the shoulder  and headed Out .only a couple other players  had left,, Adam thought better of  interrupting  Sage with the...had to be..make up guy.. He
 waved  if she  looked,

Lizzy  waved   and tilted her head  with a  Big smile and gave him a  wink.. Adam  smiled because he figured he knew why/

Echo Bill was  talking  to two guys and a Girl who were  sound   artists. Bill got Adam to  autograph some cards they   hand  and they made a big deal, he   just smiled  and  said,Make  My Girl sound extra good!.. and they laughed   as he  wend  down the ramp way to the Locker room

Adam  locker  roooms>>>>>>>>>>>
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3299 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 23:39
  • msg #41

Dragon's Den #2

"So you've met the Linemen, offensive and defensive - I think Kane was little hot on you... And you met some of the special teams guys." Lindsey looked around the room  "We have the linebackers over there with Wade, and the defensive backs over there. I'm sure Santos will like meeting you. He's a corner back. That's like a cross between-"

"I know what a corner back is, Lindsey."

"Oh! Okay, great! Let's go meet them. Remind me, I want you to meet Heather and Smokey also."

"Heather Montomery? Yes. She's the one kicking ass for all of us. I def want to meet her."

"Yeap, We'll come around to her." Lindsey walked Harley over to where Santos was sitting with Tibbs, Jers and Heart. Lindsey introduced her to them and them to her. "Guys, this is Harley Donovan, she's an actress I'll be working with at the new Dragon Studios."

"An actress, huh. Sweet" Tibbs eyes scanned up and down from from her yoga pants to her crop top. "What were you in?"

"I've been in a lot of movies as as stunt woman, but as an actress the big ones were Dragon's Keep, Street Labyrinth, and Echoes in the Void."

All four of them pointed and said "Dragons Keep!"

"Arya" Heart threw his finger at her a few more times. "You didn't say a lot but damn those fight scenes were amazing."

"How did you learn to swing a sword like that? And the kicks!" Jers got animated about it

"HEMA. It's European martial arts. It's mostly weapons. The hand to hand if from my kick-boxing training."

"Badass!" Tibbs interjected. "And you were a stunt woman, so I bet you can take some knocks too."

"Oh yeah." She left it at that.

"And you were the villain in Street Labyrinth" Santos finally found a way into the discussion "I hated Maya. She was so evil. I have to say, you look way prettier in person. Maya was a bit too dark for me."

"Wonders of the makeup room, guys. Everything is meant to provoke a reaction. If you hated her, that means I did a good job"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:42, Fri 08 Sept 2023.
Sage Sinclair
player, 777 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 00:20
  • msg #42

Dragon's Den #2

"Bruno Amacci?" Sage went up to the tall slender man wearing a pink vest and bow tie.

The man look down at her. "Sage Sinclair?"

"Oh!" Sage looked shocked "You recognize me?"

"It seems the feeling is mutual, cream puff. I've seen all your movies. You are a sexy thing aren't you? Call me a fan. But I'm pretty sure I've never had the honor of you in any of my salons or even at a movie set"

"Well, first, thank you." Bruno's very direct personality her a bit off balance "I've never been to your salons or worked with you, but I'm a fan based on your reputation. Lindsey too." She pointed. "She'll be a long in a moment"

Bruno turned his head to look, lowering his glasses. "Another hot little thing. You two... three - I love the blonde too. She's a bit Brunhilde for my tastes, but still on fire. You three are going to burn up the sets. I'm just glad to be a part of it." He turned back to Sage. "So which one of you is sleeping with the football player. The angry one. Or is it both of you. I heard something or another."

"That would be me." She raised a finger. "Lindsey was with him but they broke up."

"He's an interesting character." Bruno looked over her head and pointed. "Yes, that one. The one leaving. He's one lucky boy."

Sage turned in time to give Adam a wave.

"Well, I must say," Bruno combed his ling fingers through her hair. "I can't wait to get my hands on this hair. It's beautiful."
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 00:33
  • msg #43

Dragon's Den #2

 Babs came   through the door  she saw Lindsey and  handed her the  note..... Lindsey?  Adam  gave me this,  for you he said I'm not supposed to leave  until you say>....  she  loked toweard s Tracy who  notcied her  but was talkign witht he staff.

 The Note was simple


  Linds,  tracy made  Babs  stay in the locker room to tape.. I know how to tape a damn ankle..Intro duce  her  around, she felt left out.. if tracy says  anyhting, send  her down to see me... Adam.

Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3300 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 00:54
  • msg #44

Dragon's Den #2

After some more Harley movie trivia, Lindsey thanked the defensive backs and moved on to the Linebackers at Wade's table. Lindsey introduced Wade, Salcido, Cruz and Payne. They all shook Harley's hand but Cruz held it and stood to greet her.

"Madre de Dios, he muerto y he ido al cielo." He looked right into her eyes, grinning

"Um," Harley smiled, but leaned her head towards Lindsey and asked from the side of her mouth. "What did he just say?"

"Holy mother of God." Lindsey tried to parse what he said in her head while trying to remember her Spanish. "He.... died and... Oh, he died went to Heaven?"

"Si, buenos. Good Job Lindsey." He focused on Harley, stepping back and holding her hand out so he could see all of her. "Tall, built, and I bet you're a tough one. I heard your were a stunt woman. You're coming out to watch the practice too, Si?"

"Um,. Yeah. That's really why we're here." Harley was taken a bit aback at first, but was clearly warming to him. She returned the favor by looking over the mountain of muscle.

"Buenos. Keep an eye on me. I'll show you some stunts. Dragon style"

Lindsey looked at Payne who was shaking his head.

"I.... will." She smiled.

"Okay! Making new friends. Awesome." Lindsey, tugged Harley away and pointed her at Heather. "Thanks Guys. We'll see you on the field." As they walked away, Cruz said something to Salcido that she would not translate out loud in public.

"Heather!" Time was getting short, so Lindsey rushed over. "I have someone who wants to meet you. Heather this is Harley Donovan. She's an actress with Dragon Studios. Harley, heather Montomery"

"Heather Montomery," Harley extended her hand. "You are one badass bitch. I am so proud of you for what you do for women. Represent."

Babs came over and slipped Lindsey a note. After reading it, she looked up and nodded at Babs. "I gotcha, chica."

"Babs, this is Harley Donovan. She's one of the actresses and a big Heather fan. Guys, I'll leave you two to talk while I introduce Babs around."
Heather Montomery
player, 2684 posts
# 12 Place Kicker
Sexy Lesbian
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 01:55
  • msg #45

Dragon's Den #2

 Heather had finished her lunch and saw the movie stars roaming around meeting players. Heather than heard Lindsey call her, Heather smiled and headed over.

 Lindsey introduced her to Harley, Heather smiled and replied,Hi nice to meet you, you are a stunt woman too right, I seen a few movies you where in, you are great. I just go out and do what the Coaches need me to do. Like I kept telling everyone I am a football player who kicks and does a lot more. Thank you, hey you represent as well Harley.

 Lindsey left with Babs, and Heather smiled at Harley,You will be out there for practice, I will be running routes most likely and of course kicking.  I would love to see the new Dragon Studios sometime.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:47, Sat 09 Sept 2023.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3302 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 02:07
  • msg #46

Dragon's Den #2

"Yep. I'll be out there." Harley nodded. "So, yeah, I've been doing stunt work for like almost nine years. You can't even tell it's me in a lot of the movies, especially the earlier ones. But in the last few years, I went from stunt extra to stun actress to just actress. It's a blast."

"So, yeah, I'm sure since your bosses own part of the studio, you guys can come around and check it out. We won't be starting any filming until after the Superbowl though"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:53, Sat 09 Sept 2023.
Lindsey Fawn Garret
player, 3305 posts
Beat Reporter - NBC Local
New Jack Studio
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #47

Dragon's Den #2

"Okay Babs," Lindsey lead her over to Paulo. "This is Paulo Sancho. He's the mastermind that will put New Jack on the map for major films production. And with him is his assistant, Lizzy Boone"

After they greeted her, Lindsey took her over to meet Sage. "Sage, this is Babs. She's an assistant trainer here. Babs, this is Sage Sinclair, actress and my closest friend in the world."

"Hi there Babs. Nice to meet you." After some light conversation, Lindsey brought her to meet Cole

"Hi Cole, having fun. This is Babs. Babs is an assistant trainer for the Dragons. She wanted to meet everyone."

"Hi Babs. Assistant trainer for the Dragons, huh. Wow, that's got to be some pressure. You must be pretty tough to keep this machine working smoothly. And so pretty too. It's nice to meet you."

Lindsey rounded out the introductions by bringing her to meet Bruno and then Carlton.

"I'm afraid I don't know who the rest of those people are yet, but I'm told they're part of the production staff. If you want to meet anyone else, let me know."

With introductions handled, Lindsey gathered the actors and lead them to the bleachers as practice was starting.

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