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00:07, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather.

Posted by The LensFor group 0
Matthew Hall
player, 76 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 15:36
  • msg #116

On Spooky Sea Stories

He isn’t. Part of him would like to do so, simply because bringing terrors out into the light sometimes has the effect of making them more bearable. But Kirkness still casts a long shadow. Matt worries about following in his predecessor’s footsteps: being labeled as mad and sent away in disgrace. So, at least for now, he’ll keep his own counsel.
The Lens
GM, 101 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #117

On Spooky Sea Stories

Thanks, that's all useful information and I shall sweep up as soon as I can - said relative has gone, but managed to leave a rucksack on the airport bus with £1,000 worth of tech etc. in, so much of yesterday evening was spent at the bus station/finding something to package a rucksack in to go off on the first postie 'plane this morning.

I am a little behind on everything in consequence, but please know y'all are not forgotten or being deliberately neglected, and if it is night there now go look at the moon. It was like a yellow paper cutout here earlier, a cartoon of the moon.

edit/update: A week later you have my most sincere apologies: I intended to get to this tonight at the latest but between health issues and work I've been struggling and I don't want to rush off a post when you both have put so much effort into yours. So. Tomorrow. One of this evening's distractions was putting up sauerkraut* before the cabbages dried overmuch and because I use a half/half red/white mix my fingers now look like I've been dead for about 17 hours.

Also, because I have some long meetings in my future and doodle as a means of focusing (fidget toys seem to be at a 90-degree angle to what I need), I promise nothing, but would it be all right to draw these characters, should that occur?

*it sounds like gross Health-As-Industry nonsense, but take warning, the thing they say about average shop-bought sauerkraut being nigh-intolerable once you've tasted home made stuff is true, I've seen it happen to several other people as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:36, Tue 06 Dec 2022.
The Lens
GM, 103 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 00:37
  • msg #118

On Spooky Sea Stories

No? Hokay. Today's wound up with me pretty much boiled by winding up next to the radiator for two hours and full of nailed-down savagery due to the single colleague who's a jerk being a jerk (alas that he is a specialist and very good at his job). Wasn't great or creatively stimulating. Still, that last post still counts as 'tomorrow' if I haven't gone to bed, right?

A note: Google Translate cannot speak Scottish Gaelic in any technical fashion - I lazily tried to avoid trawling through my floras for all common variants of English names and found that it translated "glasswort, oysterplant, scurvygrass and cloudberry" as 'lus na grèine, lus na grèine agus lus na grèine, dearcan-sneachda' ("sunflower, sunflower, sunflower and snowberry"),
Matthew Hall
player, 77 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 01:05
  • msg #119

On Spooky Sea Stories

Sorry. I was just slow to answer. If your artistic leanings do prompt you to make a sketch of Matt, I’d be quite interested to see the results.

Amazing transition post, by the way.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 66 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 03:26
  • msg #120

On Spooky Sea Stories

As would I of Matt and Hetty! Loving this!
The Lens
GM, 104 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 13:53
  • msg #121

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ach, well, no movement on that in particular as yet, but I did actually thumbnail a composition I've wanted to draw since finding out how well these characters' themes and personalities compliment each other, so there's that.

Hetty, now you know you have an uncle available, could you let me know in PM if you'll enlist his help? Got some setup to do in another game but you're not forgotten over here any.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 67 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 18:39
  • msg #122

On Spooky Sea Stories

Hi! I just got back from a convention so I have a lot of catch up at work to do. I will have a post tomorrow. :)
Henrietta Dowling
player, 68 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #123

On Spooky Sea Stories

Well I wanted to post today but it may be tomorrow.
The Lens
GM, 105 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 13:23
  • msg #124

On Spooky Sea Stories

Roll on the weekend, and thanks for the notice.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 69 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #125

On Spooky Sea Stories

So sorry my dog has been sick this weekend, she will be okay but needs some extra monitoring and I have been cleaning up after her. :( But she will be okay! Thank you for your patience, I will post in the next couple days.
The Lens
GM, 106 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 09:40
  • msg #126

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ah, poor creature. You keep your wee friend warm and hydrated and such, we'll be here.
Matthew Hall
player, 79 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 13:23
  • msg #127

On Spooky Sea Stories

Family members are priority. Hope she’s doing better soon.
The Lens
GM, 107 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #128

On Spooky Sea Stories

Not the sea specifically, but I felt I'd like to leave something here for you, so here's various spots about the country, industrial marine landscapes included:

May all you care for have warmth and food and rest.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 71 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #129

On Spooky Sea Stories

Happy Holidays to you both! The little dog is doing much better. <3 End of year considerations at work kept me busy but I have posted. :)
The Lens
GM, 108 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 10:15
  • msg #130

On Spooky Sea Stories

Greetings! May your time off be going well also, and glad to hear the beastie is doing better.

I've taken some of the latter part of your post to put on your next thread, since Matt leaves the kitchen/cottage to start his shift at nautical twilight, coming up to 6pm, and the Captain will be hanging out in the cottage kitchen/parlour until his own shift starts at midnight. New threads as soon as I can get 'em, folks.
The Lens
GM, 111 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 18:40
  • msg #131

On Spooky Sea Stories

I know it's not quite time for new year songs, but the 301 was bothering my sense of aesthetics, so here's some quiet and rime-encrusted martime Canadiana for the dark:
The Lens
GM, 113 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 22:34
  • msg #132

On Spooky Sea Stories

Well, it's a new year now! May it treat everyone well.

I've actually done a good...ah, 40% of that composition I mentioned, though I'm not quite happy with my attempts to draw Hetty yet and it likely won't finish fast, since I'm keeping it as a kind of 'just-enough-detail to doodle in patches as desired' sort of thing. I think you two will like it, though it features a metaphorical scenario I don't expect to/will laugh if y'all manage to mess up enough to make into an actual one.

Relatedly, Matt - pale eyes or dark? Oh, and Hetty, if any reference already exists off the top of your head for your lass beyond the portrait and nicely-woven description given already, feel free to tell me before I ink up there.

Nothing else, I think. Oh! Sort of on-topic, I found a use for an abandoned knitting project inherited from a far more skilled friend-of-a-friend and am making a very silly kraken hat with my usual "no pattern, no plan, no clue" approach. All these tentacles are going to give me plenty of practice at getting in the rhythm of knit/purl, though I'm half tempted to give up and start just knitting every other row backwards in the manner my grandfather was said to have done. I suspect Captain Dowling knits, it seems to be a naval thing.
Matthew Hall
player, 81 posts
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 03:34
  • msg #133

On Spooky Sea Stories

Dark eyes.

I hope you’ll share a photo of whatever the kraken knitting project evolves into, hat or otherwise. :)

Happy New Year to you both!
The Lens
GM, 114 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #134

On Spooky Sea Stories

Thanks, and since asked, I shall. ^_^

an exchange at lunchtime today:
colleague: Oh! What are you knitting?
me: Tentacles! :D
colleague: ... of course you are.

Also I spotted a really good rainbow today and we all ran out to look, because archaeologists are Very Serious Scientists, yes we are. The weather was good for this game today, too, since it reminded me of rare colours the North Atlantic can be under distant hail or in a sunny gale.
The Lens
GM, 115 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #135

On Spooky Sea Stories


Fair notice that I mean to show you both that drawing(/fancied-up collection of biro doodlage) in an edit to this post once I've updated your threads. Since it's large I'll not leave it up forever, but it seems the simplest way for you to both look (and nab a copy if you want it).

That said, you've both chosen to look at complicated things right now, and I intend a foray to the supermarkets for supper ingredients now it's stopped snowing a moment, so I might be a while. Mostly-sucessful foray achieved! I got snowed on, but it's good fun whilst not facing directly into it. The horizontal nature of precipitation around here meant not quite enough snow had blown about to cover the little house-shape on the road next to my house, which entertained me.


[image removed]

There y'go. I hope I haven't been too mean to/far off in drawing your peeps.

In terms of Project Kraken Hat I've completed four of the normal arms and one of the true- or hunting tentacles, and am working on the other.

Thank you both for sticking around and bearing with me in general, by the way, this is such a nice box of ghosts and night-dragging things...
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:42, Fri 31 Mar 2023.
Matthew Hall
player, 83 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 03:21
  • msg #136

On Spooky Sea Stories

That’s a phenomenal piece of artwork, Lens! Thank you very much for creating and sharing it.

I am eagerly awaiting the completion of the the tentacle project. :)
The Lens
GM, 118 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #137

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ah, well, thank you - take a copy as you like, and you see why I said I'd be surprised if you two actually managed to get into such a pickle. Matt's not really showing his tendancy to look older here, but when it comes to ink you have to choose your lines. I was going for a Quillivic sea in terms of visual rhythm, and I think I got that, at least.

Working on them! There's enough done that it does look like a random huge squid wherever I set the main bit down now, and oof but the news and patchy tasks around what's frozen at work have put me in need of some steady handiwork to calm myself down. Going to try and get halfway on the other hunting tentacle before midnight and go to bed, methinks.
The Lens
GM, 120 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #138

On Spooky Sea Stories

So I was off work today because my body is much like a Soviet car, but I'm happy to call Project Kraken Hat at least primarily done, minus any adjustments that turn out to be needed after some use. Please excuse my lack of bright lighting/bed/face:

Matthew Hall
player, 84 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 02:34
  • msg #139

On Spooky Sea Stories

I am officially an enormous fan of the kraken hat! It looks fantastic, especially when worn! I think when I pictured it, I didn’t fully consider how long the tentacles would end up being, but they’re honestly a perfect size. I think that it’s great that when he’s not being worn, he looks perfectly at home on the sofa, like a beloved plush animal.
The Lens
GM, 122 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 22:07
  • msg #140

On Spooky Sea Stories

Heheh, thank you - my friends the other side of the island instantly named the beast Archie (as in Architeuthis sp.). A very warm skull-monching friend indeed.
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