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02:24, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather.

Posted by The LensFor group 0
The Lens
GM, 1 post
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 11:07
  • msg #1

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather

Feel free to chat, strategise, and generally have a better time than your characters over here.
The Lens
GM, 6 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 17 Jan 2021
at 00:44
  • msg #2

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather

...all right, so the main map shows the maximum rock visible at low tide, the relative postions of the lighthouse, keepers' cottage, seal colony and boatshed (not to scale), the boggy patch in the middle of the lower side of the island and the shoals offshore.

Anything perplexing about said map or any maps you'd like to request whilst we're still setting up? I plan to do one of the cottage and maybe the [REDACTED] if I get round to them.

The island is roughly a mile end to end, maybe a little more, but Imperial scale defeats me.

edit: just checking for general safety's sake - neither of the players here are severely kabourophobic, right?
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:53, Mon 18 Jan 2021.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 1 post
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 19:05
  • msg #3

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather

Helloo! Looking forward to this. :)

And no, thanks for checking! On the note of safety, please no burning alive. :( That is, like, the one trigger of mine.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:06, Tue 19 Jan 2021.
Matthew Hall
player, 1 post
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 20:37
  • msg #4

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather


The map is outstanding. Very well done.

And no, I’m okay with crustaceans. I appreciate you asking.
The Lens
GM, 7 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 21:10
  • msg #5

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather

It's mostly me skewing the real geography/geology of one of Nova Scotia's old outlying lights slightly out of kilter, but thank you. I take it you've no requests, in that case.

[of crabs] You may not be after a while on the all seriousness, though, good to know and rest assured that I will intervene should any character attempt to immolate themselves or another being. I might sic Wrath* on them, even (Wrath is - perhaps ironically - not remotely flammable).

Glad to see you've picked yourselves some faces! Hoping to have the story up and running by early next week, maybe earlier if things work out and I manage to do the sleeping thing.

*This is just my game-notes shorthand for the entity: manifestations to be found in this game aren't really so simplistic and are highly personalised.

The Lens
GM, 9 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 21:22
  • msg #6

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather

Ah, with apologies since I really should have done this earlier: I tend to summarise the past/interludes in past tense and play in present, but do my players have preferences? Me being here to faclitate and all.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 2 posts
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 05:12
  • msg #7

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather

I am fine with either, though I tend to use past tense myself?

And I will have a post out tomorrow!
The Lens
GM, 10 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 08:24
  • msg #8

On Horrible Crustaceans

Looks like past it is, then. (O-yes-O) ...& I've done this to myself again. (a hundred years ago) haha.

Good to know and please don't feel harassed, I'm just excited to see story/being nervy about the settling-in stage is all.

edit: Please enjoy this monstrosity whilst Hetty fights off work:
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:33, Thu 28 Jan 2021.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 3 posts
Thu 28 Jan 2021
at 21:49
  • msg #9

On Horrible Crustaceans

I am currently very much losing that battle, LOL.
The Lens
GM, 11 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 28 Jan 2021
at 22:13
  • msg #10

On Horrible Crustaceans

Alas - may things ease up for you soon. Also, please accept this Ominous Crab I saw on the social medias:

If you haven't defeated the Real Life Beasties by Monday I may shift things along a step to be sure the game in general doesn't die at the outset. I really like the way both players' character concepts interact (you can both get mangled/eaten by each others' monstrous manifestations without breaking narrative metaphors, it's great!) and am hopeful we'll build something good here.
Matthew Hall
player, 4 posts
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 18:21
  • msg #11

On Horrible Crustaceans

The music that The Lens included with the game’s opening post is wonderful, not to mention period appropriate, but for some reason, every time I stop to visualize the lighthouse and the lonely island beneath a clouded sky, this song keeps coming to mind. It just seems to be a good match for the mood.
The Lens
GM, 12 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 5 Feb 2021
at 21:46
  • msg #12

On Seas and Songs

Firstly, let me just say I am so pleased someone's listening to the background music/appreciates my framing epherma. I'd do it anyway but that stated liking means a lot somehow. Relatedly, I'll advise in the vaguest fashion that the game'd likely work best viewed with a lightish RPoL theme and darkish background, but then again pretty much anything is better than the RPoL default scheme, so there's that.

Of the song I deinitely see what you mean, particularly the start - if I were better at tracking down a suitable Cape Breton air on fiddle I would honestly have been more likely to favour that than a working song - and the rough vocals. A pity it's about the wrong end of the world, it's got the right soft, nocturnal roll to its pseudo-shantiness.

Eh, planning to get a longish post in maybe tonight but more likely tomorrow, since apparently being extremely full of noodles blurs out my thinking power. An introduction to the boatshed (hello boatshed) and some chatter between the locals that might make it easier for Hetty to weigh in, stocktaking not being the most inspiring of left leads.
The Lens
GM, 14 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 22:03
  • msg #13

On Seas and Songs

All right, so.

I've seen you both logging in this week, so I believe there is still some interest in this project, but clearly things aren't working out as they stand. Now, generally I need 2-3 posts a week to keep a plural-player game ticking over, as mentioned in the original interest check, so that's what my posts here are calibrated for in terms of hooks/content/assumptions made to shift story.

I think I could drop down to a solo-like expectation of 1 post a week, but with 2 players and the way my brain works I'd need you both to commit to a day to give this thing attention. Would this be your preferred soloution?

Alternatively, is there something I can do to raise the post rate my side? Other ideas? If anyone's been logging in trying to work up the courage to say they're bored/not finding the promise of what they were after in the first three posts and would like to quit gracefully I can be PM'd & I won't shout, wail at you, curse your thresholds etc. I must put out a plea for communication, though, since I'm willing to put in the work, but there's only a point to that if it's something people actually want to do...
Matthew Hall
player, 5 posts
Sat 13 Feb 2021
at 23:46
  • msg #14

On Seas and Songs

My week ended up being more chaotic than I anticipated. The arctic weather that descended this way ended up killing my power for two days, and ultimately forced me to spend one night in a hotel. We may be in for another jolt of snow tomorrow, but hopefully, once it passes, we’ll be through the very worst of it. Part of the issue simply rests with the fact that my region of the world isn’t accustomed to dealing with this sort of thing. Even a light spritzing of snow is enough to cause things to shut down.

So, that’s the reason I’ve been on the quiet side. In a few days, I’m hopeful I’ll be back in the swing of things.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 5 posts
Sun 14 Feb 2021
at 02:22
  • msg #15

On Seas and Songs

Same, work has been really busy these past couple weeks. :( I am here and down to continue, absolutely. I am going to have a post up tomorrow for sure and I shall endeavor to be more active.
The Lens
GM, 15 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 14 Feb 2021
at 12:02
  • msg #16

On Seas and Songs

@Matt - Alas, I wasn't aware the entirety of the forces of nature had combined against your ability to post. I hope they stop it soon and that you'll not have flood problems after the snow. Be well, I can surely wait.

@Hetty - encouraged to hear you're still about! Would a 1/week posting schedule be more realistic for what you can do at present, do you think? If so, I find that having a dedicated regular slot or "deadline" helps mark out a space for a creative endeavour that might otherwise get filled up with the general jumble of little things free time tends to get filled up with. Alternatively, would it help if posts were a bit shorter, taking up less time and attention relative to motion? I don't want participation to get to feel like a chore or generally not fun, that's not what games are for at all at all.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 7 posts
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 01:56
  • msg #17

On Seas and Songs

That might work best for me at this time, yes. I am hoping that things settle soon!
The Lens
GM, 16 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 08:39
  • msg #18

On Seas and Songs

The former suggestion, or both?

If the former, how about Saturday for your posting day, would hat work?
The Lens
GM, 18 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 14:19
  • msg #19

On Seas and Songs

...or that, even, though feel free to wear a hat whilst posting.

Just setting out a little lead for Hetty if desired/to show we're alive. Matt's player is definitely tied up for a while yet, as I'm pretty sure he's in Texas and I am very worried about all the hot climate people in Texas right now.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 8 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 00:03
  • msg #20

On Seas and Songs

Hope Matt's player and their loved ones are staying safe and healthy and warm. :(

On a happier note, it's my mom's birthday weekend so I will try to post today but it may be tomorrow.
The Lens
GM, 19 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 00:29
  • msg #21

On Seas and Songs

I don't think anyone's had consistent power down there for days, so hopefully not being here means that any power going is being used to heat things/cook warm food rather than play games on the internet. Fingers crossed.

May your mother have some pleasing food and weather for her natal day, and the trying/notice are both appreciated. [nod]
Matthew Hall
player, 6 posts
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 15:12
  • msg #22

On Seas and Songs

Thanks very much for the well wishes. I’m sincerely appreciative.

After several days without power and water, and being forced to flee first to a hotel, then to a relative’s home, things are slowly transitioning back to some semblance of normalcy. My power was restored yesterday afternoon and water service resumed this morning. We’re still under a boil water notice in my area, but I’ve got plenty of bottled water and sufficient kitchen equipment to boil any more that’s needed. I count myself blessed. There are still people in the city without electricity and running water.

All that to say, I’m going to do my best to catch up on games in the next day or so. Focusing on a few well told stories will honestly be therapeutic for me, I believe.

Thanks for saving me a chair at the table. :)
The Lens
GM, 20 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 16:52
  • msg #23

On Seas and Songs

Ah! Matt! So good to hear from you! I am so very glad you are not frozen. Also that you'll be about a bit, but mostly that you are not an icicle. Huzzah!

You are very welcome. ^_^
The Lens
GM, 21 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 24 Feb 2021
at 21:17
  • msg #24

On Entities and Eggs

Maybe we need to get a well-trained friend like this to help with Merigg's culinary issues:
Matthew Hall
player, 8 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 03:29
  • msg #25

On Entities and Eggs

I’m actually a little stunned that the egg turned out as well as it did, all things considered.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 10 posts
Sun 28 Feb 2021
at 23:22
  • msg #26

On Entities and Eggs

Sorry for the delay! Things totally got away from me between birthday time and work but I have posted. :)
The Lens
GM, 22 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 1 Mar 2021
at 00:00
  • msg #27

On Entities and Eggs

Much appreciated! I'm giving you two a chance for your characters to talk/introduce themselves undistracted(/almost unchaperoned, gosh) a moment, though am willing to shift things along if you don't think they'll have anything to say.

and yes, Chef Friend is very dextrous and exceedingly well-trained, I kind of want one.
The Lens
GM, 23 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 4 Mar 2021
at 01:53
  • msg #28

On Entities and Eggs

In reply to Matthew Hall (msg # 25): <- pancakes!!
The Lens
GM, 26 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 27 Mar 2021
at 19:43
  • msg #29

On Windows and Wonky Dwellings

I hope the things in view from the back door are reasonably obvious, but I'm creating this message to remind myself/have something to nudge when I make an actual map of the place. For the general architecture, picture something like Kirbuster Farm Museum's kitchen, only with the walls nicely plastered and whitewashed on the inside and an iron stove inset flush to the far left (south-ish) wall rather than a freestanding hearth. Also less light from above, since the roof space has been given over to the upstairs you'll see in a wee bit.

Incidentally, about how tall are our victims noble protagonists?

Oh, and I feel I should share this twitter account I found whilst wandering t'internet yesterday, I love how vaguely harassed but determined this guy sounds:

edit: cottage map uploaded in the Group 1 slot. Huzzah!

much later edit, still on the theme of updated pictures: A reference for Pest's colouration, since I uploaded a more generic 'small seagull' picture to the gallery for maximum utility even when it does come through.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:10, Thu 15 Apr 2021.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 15 posts
Mon 19 Apr 2021
at 03:36
  • msg #30

On Windows and Wonky Dwellings

Very cool!

And I am doing okay, got my first vaccine shot today!
The Lens
GM, 28 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 19 Apr 2021
at 07:51
  • msg #31

On Windows and Wonky Dwellings

That's great news! By complete co-incidence I get mine this afternoon; we can be immunity buddies.

Do you have an approximate idea of how tall Hetty is, by the way? Remembering that either/both of you can put visually noticeable things in your description slots if you like.

On the theme of describing, if I doodled some of the monsters likely to show up around here that're less spoiler-y and more just ambient idiots, would you two like to see or would that be a distraction/spoiler/mood-breaking the mystery? I mean, I have reduced a PC to hyperventilating on the ground with literal bedsheet ghosts and given a someone RL nightmares with a zombie chicken before, I'm pretty good at describing things in a spooky fashion, but once you show someone a picture that's what things look like, y'know?
Henrietta Dowling
player, 16 posts
Thu 22 Apr 2021
at 15:10
  • msg #32

On Windows and Wonky Dwellings

I imagine her as petite. Also I should be able to have a post up tomorrow after work!
Henrietta Dowling
player, 17 posts
Sat 24 Apr 2021
at 02:15
  • msg #33

On Windows and Wonky Dwellings

Ack, the day got away from me. But tomorrow is Saturday, yay, so I will definitely have a post. :)
The Lens
GM, 29 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 6 May 2021
at 00:02
  • msg #34

On The Deep And The Old

All posts appreciated, truly. Meanwhile, I think this might be what happens when maritime cultists get hold of municipal funding, maybe.

Also, I got "Ancient Evil" on one of those personality quiz things currently popular in certain areas of the internet, and feel obscurely pleased. 's like stylistic consistency or something.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 20 posts
Wed 12 May 2021
at 00:29
  • msg #35

On The Deep And The Old

Ack so sorry for the delay! There has been a lot of transition at work and with Mother’s Day I just didn’t get the chance to post. I plan to post tomorrow and things are moving towards stability!
The Lens
GM, 30 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 12 May 2021
at 08:10
  • msg #36

On The Deep And The Old

Huzzah for stability!

What on earth is American Mothers' Day doing this far from Easter, though? Were they trying to snub Catholics so hard they went with the unreformed Orthodox calendar or something?
Henrietta Dowling
player, 22 posts
Thu 13 May 2021
at 00:48
  • msg #37

On The Deep And The Old

I just live here, LOL.
The Lens
GM, 34 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 21:20
  • msg #38

On The Deep And The Old

A quick notice on delays, since I didn't bank on a detour into Cooking With Matthew & Pest (a YouTube series I would definitely tune into) and I've been trying to drastically rearrange my living space, my washing machine broke down, I've been setting up another game on here, and tomorrow evening will be descended upon by visiting aunts...that is to say, with great appreciation for your patience, it may take a bit for me to get a post together.

Working on it! The fact that Firefox's new update is hideous and requires hacking I've not been able to crack (yet) to make me not feel like burglars have plastered boyband posters over my stuff really doesn't help in any way. >_<

Please accept this Important Information About Seashells in apology:
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:26, Fri 04 June 2021.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 27 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 21:49
  • msg #39

On The Deep And The Old

So sorry for my own delay! Been doing some househunting and such on top of work being busy!
The Lens
GM, 35 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 22:28
  • msg #40

On The Deep And The Old

Hetty! Glad you're still with us. ^_^
Henrietta Dowling
player, 28 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 22:38
  • msg #41

On The Deep And The Old

Absolutely! <3 I am enjoying Matt and Hetty and your writing. :) Every time I wanted to post or offer an explanation something would come up and then another thing until the day was over, LOL. I'm so sorry for the delay!
The Lens
GM, 36 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 26 Jun 2021
at 22:49
  • msg #42

On The Deep And The Old

Alas for real life interference...hopefully it'll all turn out well, though, and you'll have both gainful employ and a better place to live at the end of it: here's hoping. Glad you're enjoying the seagull shennanigans spooky story so far, I promise things will get so much worse more exciting after the intro/settling chapter.

Just giving Matt a chance to look in, since he's not seen your post yet. Pest is a genuinely sweet-natured nuisance...sometimes.

edit: sincere apologies for seemingly vanishing after the above - I'll give Matt 'til Tuesday to a) give me a chance to get on with the setup of another game on here and b) provide space for what I presume is a public holiday there before sending him to the land of Quietly Following Along and getting on with things. Again, sorry to be all "where are my players??" then bugger off for a week of heavy manual labour (not that I don't love mattocking pre-recorded areas) leaving you two wondering "where's the GM???", I am aware it's terribly gauche and unfair and will endeavour not to do that again.

Meanwhile, some incredibly accomplished (if possibly NSFW, if anyone has a computer overlooked by a boss) body horror found on t'internet:
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:34, Sun 04 July 2021.
The Lens
GM, 37 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 11 Jul 2021
at 23:37
  • msg #43

On The Deep And The Old

First off, thanks to Matt, secondly, continued apologies: I'm still severely busy and working on things elsewhere. Things should calm down midweek but right now I'm so tired I feel sick & need to be up in ~6 hours (and do a standard lateral flow test, yay). Thanks for bearing with me, I appreciate it a great deal.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 29 posts
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 02:17
  • msg #44

On The Deep And The Old

Hope you are both doing well! :) I was with my family this weekend, will have a post up tomorrow.
The Lens
GM, 38 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 12 Jul 2021
at 06:06
  • msg #45

On The Deep And The Old

Oh! In that case I will give you some mild seagull shenanigans to work with rather than adding them to the lighthouse tour, that being next on the agenda whilst he tatties boil. I'm amused Matt thinks Hetty's fussing to impress her uncle - he's a bit oblivious like that.

Fifty-odd good solid posts of story, though!
Matthew Hall
player, 26 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 22:54
  • msg #46

On The Deep And The Old

Yeah, Matt’s still got plenty of room for development in the social skills department.

I hope that both of you are well. Truly sorry to hear that work has been so demanding, and that you’ve been under the weather, GM. I sincerely hope that things get better soon.
The Lens
GM, 39 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 23:28
  • msg #47

On The Deep And The Old

Bless 'im.

Thanks for the well-wishes, I appreciate them. Right now I'm mostly just shaking and achey and will go to bed forthwith, it's just too hot to sleep if not exhausted and too windy to open a window right now...I'll get on to the lighthouse itself ASAP, but not tonight.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 32 posts
Sun 1 Aug 2021
at 01:46
  • msg #48

On The Deep And The Old

Hello all, hope you're doing well! <3 I am going to be making an offer on a place and have all the paperwork to review and such so I will probably have a post out tomorrow evening.
The Lens
GM, 41 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 1 Aug 2021
at 19:33
  • msg #49

On The Deep And The Old

Good luck!
Matthew Hall
player, 27 posts
Mon 2 Aug 2021
at 03:31
  • msg #50

On The Deep And The Old

I have a close friend who just managed to close on a house for himself and his significant other, so I’ve gotten some insight into how difficult it can be to purchase a home here in the States right now. I hope everything comes together for you!
Henrietta Dowling
player, 33 posts
Thu 5 Aug 2021
at 04:55
  • msg #51

On The Deep And The Old

Thank you both! This week has been a whirlwind at work and inspections and paperwork and financing stuff! I sincerely apologize for the delay! But I hope to make it worth it tomorrow when I post.
The Lens
GM, 42 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 6 Aug 2021
at 22:32
  • msg #52

On The Deep And The Old

So I'm not sure what I've done to have quite such severe brain fail at present, but please accept this maritime eerie I found on t'internet whilst awaiting a post tomorrow.

Is this the last person to inhabit Merigg after everything goes terribly, terribly wrong? Could be! Who knows? I can't even type straight and need to go to bed.
The Lens
GM, 43 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 28 Aug 2021
at 22:47
  • msg #53

On The Deep And The Old

Not agitating - I know at least one of you is busy and will leave it a week before starting to fret at all - but just found a shiny on t'internet and thought it'd be appreciated here:
Henrietta Dowling
player, 35 posts
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 21:06
  • msg #54

On The Deep And The Old

Hello again! Moving is complete and I am settled! :D
The Lens
GM, 44 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 21:58
  • msg #55

On The Deep And The Old

Hetty! Hi!!! I am very glad indeed to hear you are moved and settled and not dead. These are all very good things.

Matt's player wound up with a three-buses-at-once situation in terms of running games, so he might be slow - do you need more to go on/do IC?
The Lens
GM, 45 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 12 Sep 2021
at 23:13
  • msg #56

On The Deep And The Old

Hm. All right...thinking about it, do you two want to play out any of supper for the sake of small (or otherwise) talking, or shall I summarise that and move you two onto separate night threads?
Matthew Hall
player, 32 posts
Wed 15 Sep 2021
at 20:31
  • msg #57

On The Deep And The Old

Matt’s primary concern about dinner is whether he succeeded in preparing something that was both palatable and filling. If there is something important that requires discussion over the meal, then I’m certainly open to participating in a chat during supper. Otherwise, please feel free to move things ahead to evening.
The Lens
GM, 46 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 16 Sep 2021
at 08:29
  • msg #58

On The Deep And The Old

All right. I'll give Hetty 'til the weekend to reply, since it's been a week and I'm already scraping up against the minimum post rate I need to keep going here.

Prepare for the last sort-of quiet night in a while...
The Lens
GM, 48 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 19 Sep 2021
at 22:29
  • msg #59

On The Deep And The Old

Behold! Pest has a portrait now. ^_^

My apologies to lock you both out of the first thread without others immediately there to migrate to, but it's 11pm and I feel I should probably not promise those at this point in the P.M.

I thank Hetty for showing up again, and hope both of you are still entertained (and know I'm here for comments and criticism as you like). Things get spookier from here on out. Fair notice that I intend to hide your new threads from each other unless requested otherwise, so that both of you can keep some mysteries to share or not as desired and get each other into terrible trouble.

Also, found this, thought of here (rude words warning).
The Lens
GM, 55 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 12:20
  • msg #60

On The Deep And The Old

Hmm. Well, to keep things sailing smoothly (surely a major goal for anything called The Lighthouse) I shall rule that draws where a player decision is already made will be taken by the GM if the player is not heard from in a week, starting tonight.

In the unlikely event you were planning to post tonight, Matt, please hang on 'til I've drawn for Hetty, in case the tower gets less stable & it affects what you roll.
Matthew Hall
player, 35 posts
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 14:15
  • msg #61

On The Deep And The Old

I had decided on Matt’s course of action yesterday, so I was preparing to go ahead and post his response sometime today, but I will assuredly hold off in the event that circumstances change (worsen).

If a 1 is drawn, does that mean a sudden, incoming tsunami will carry him out to sea?
The Lens
GM, 56 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 16:09
  • msg #62

On The Deep And The Old


...or just unceremoniously slither on a green bit, pitch over and fall unconscious into the North Atlantic. I do have (terrifying) eventualities planned for early tower collapses; don't worry about losing your character completely quite yet.

edit: it's past six, I'm leaving work, that counts as the evening! Draw made, tower stable; draw and/or post at your leisure, Mister Hall.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:13, Mon 11 Oct 2021.
The Lens
GM, 58 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 31 Oct 2021
at 23:38
  • msg #63

On Stories for All Hallows' Eve

A tale of a lighthouse, madness and coming to terms with the drowned (but not how you thnk): http://thehorrorsofitall.blogs...use-of-dead.html?m=1

...and Michael Hordern's reading of Rats, by M.R.James
Henrietta Dowling
player, 40 posts
Sat 6 Nov 2021
at 16:51
  • msg #64

On Stories for All Hallows' Eve

Hope you are both doing well! Sorry I have been quiet, there has been a lot going on! Will post tomorrow!
The Lens
GM, 59 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 6 Nov 2021
at 17:03
  • msg #65

On Stories for All Hallows' Eve

Much appreciated & glad to hear you're still with us. I'm actually doing all right this week, but I certainly hear you. If there's ever anything I can do or/and you two would like a definite hiatus time marked out, I'm always here for the asking. I'm only pretending to try and drive you insane/horribly murder you, after all.

Please accept whatever this horrible thing I found on the internet is, its strange beauty quite hypnotised me when I came across it:
Matthew Hall
player, 40 posts
Mon 8 Nov 2021
at 16:38
  • msg #66

On Stories for All Hallows' Eve

Glad you’re still with us! I hope that all is well.
The Lens
GM, 60 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 8 Nov 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #67

On Stories for All Hallows' Eve

A draw from the tower, please, Mister Hall.

I must say I'm entertained that anyone taking their problems to distract Captain Dowling from the shipping with is going to sound completely bonkers in a very mundane way...

edit: combat! For Dread, assume that anything you do that another character will object to, e.g. trying to strike them, trying to grab them, trying not to be hauled out to sea by a manifestation of lust and marine ambivalence when said manifestation is trying to drown you - will take a draw. The longer combat goes on, the higher the chance that it'll prove deadly to someone or other.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:14, Mon 08 Nov 2021.
The Lens
GM, 62 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 01:20
  • msg #68

On Spooky Sea Stories

The Lens
GM, 63 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 09:24
  • msg #69

On Spooky Sea Stories anyone still here?

I was struggling with two players at 4 posts/month, but if neither of you have any time at all...well, I can certainly put the game on hold until a set date if there's genuine interest in that, but otherwise...if all I'm making is a cause for guilt and apology, or yet another direction to be pulled on a too-packed schedule, that's kind of a rubbish thing to give people, right? I want to give my players good things.

I'll give it another week, and if there's echoing silence for the duration, please consider this as notice that I will quietly pack up and fold the endeavour away. If nothing else, I thank you for your great concepts and thoughtful contributions: I appreciate them all, even if this is all I'll get.

[leaves a thing for the player still about]
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:56, Fri 26 Nov 2021.
Captain Dowling
NPC, 9 posts
Experienced Wickie
Sat 25 Dec 2021
at 00:13
  • msg #70

On Spooky Sea Stories

{[quietly leaves this to be found]}

Henrietta Dowling
player, 41 posts
Sat 25 Dec 2021
at 21:17
  • msg #71

On Spooky Sea Stories

Merry Christmas! I sincerely apologize, I was dealing with some situations in real life. My interest is here for sure still but with holidays and end of year necessities I expect I'll be able to post after the New Year. :)
The Lens
GM, 67 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 25 Dec 2021
at 23:01
  • msg #72

On Spooky Sea Stories

!!! Hetty! You're alive and here! Thank you for looking in - I very much hope to see you in January.

I also hope the quiet period around the holidays treats you better than things have been. May you find a warm spot and food that pleases you and some Good Thing you get to keep. [nod]
Matthew Hall
player, 47 posts
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 15:41
  • msg #73

On Spooky Sea Stories

I hope that the New Year finds everything in a better place for you.
The Lens
GM, 68 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 17:49
  • msg #74

On Spooky Sea Stories

...and that liminal-spacemas treats everyone well. [nod] I had a booster shot today and keep being confused as to why my arm is sore.

Matt, this'll look bizarre to Hetty, but if our lad didn't take his clothes off/change into whatever he has for jammies before sitting down there I'm going to need a draw from you vs. hypothermia.
Matthew Hall
player, 48 posts
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 17:57
  • msg #75

On Spooky Sea Stories

Sorry. I should have been more specific regarding his actions, rather than focusing exclusively on ruminating over recent horrors. My intention was for him to shed his sea soaked clothing and change into something dry, whilst placing the wet garments in the stove’s vicinity.

All that said, I can still provide another draw if needed.
The Lens
GM, 69 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 27 Dec 2021
at 18:07
  • msg #76

On Spooky Sea Stories

Nope, just knowing he's in a decently dry rather than soggy state of collapse is fine. (Also, hello! ^_^ )
The Lens
GM, 71 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 1 Jan 2022
at 02:57
  • msg #77

On Spooky Sea Stories

{  {{distant wake out to sea that may or may not be a first-footing from Wrath, since it's incapable of stepping over thresholds rather than demolishing them in wall-crashing fury}}  }

A joyful New Year to you both. Since a certain post is crossing places I haunt again, this time with pictures, it felt appropriate to link the story of the Carpathia here. People get the wrong idea about hopepunk sometimes and assume because 'hope' is a positive word it must be a species of fluff fiction, but it's in dark places and with hammering pressure that you can talk about forging hope where there shouldn't be. There's half a thought about lighthouses in there somewhere, but it's 3am by now since I wound up making midnight bread, and I must sleep.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:58, Sat 01 Jan 2022.
The Lens
GM, 72 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 7 Jan 2022
at 00:03
  • msg #78

On Spooky Sea Stories

Feeling like I have scurvy due to chronic health issues (/requiring the ritual stabbing I recieve on Monday) and listening to the midnight rain made me think of here, and this, so I'm dropping The Longest Johns' version here:

Alas, that's the clearest version of theirs I can find on the internet. I don't always like TLJ's arrangements of traditional songs, but sometimes they hit absoloutely right. At any rate, I hope the start of '22 is treating you both well, and that we can continue to tell stories here in which the hungry sea - and the hope of saving lives from it - is also a part.
NPC, 10 posts
Tame Seagull
Wed 19 Jan 2022
at 01:13
  • msg #79

On Spooky Sea Stories

Seagull friend coming to help me tell you that I just need one or two posts from players before getting us back together again in a new chapter.

Some notion of where Matt means to sleep (and whether he intends to barricade himself in just in case a certain entity is both determined enough to seal-hop across the island and learns how to open doors) and whether Hetty wants to tell the Captain anything (e.g. "I'd rather sleep up here tonight") would be good.

edit, update: Sorry to lock you out for a bit, Matt, I just need another post from Hetty to finish up there and I'll get going on a morning thread. Remember, it's the morning after Boat Day - there are pancake fixings! If you can keep them away from Pest.

I'm taking it that folk are all right with each others' threads being secret, at least for a while/until things finally come out IC? Seems it'd help immersion with the theme of isolation (though I rather want to give Matt some soup and a heat sock right now; lad needs a hug).

edit, another update: fair warning that I mean to boop the Tower thread to make the closed threads line up nicely at the bottom and that I've started drafting the start of the third chapter of our tale here, but I need to go scavenge for leftover supermarket bread tonight since I can't be bothered to make any, so...consider me to be working in the background here.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:39, Tue 01 Feb 2022.
Matthew Hall
player, 51 posts
Tue 1 Feb 2022
at 21:12
  • msg #80

On Spooky Sea Stories

Many thanks for the updates. Matt’s fine as he is for the moment. Fresh trauma to sleep off and such. :)
The Lens
GM, 77 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 13:22
  • msg #81

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ah, Lust there is just trying to help bring Matt out of his shell. You know, like an oyster.

Going to give Hetty a chance to look in but otherwise get to cleaning the Light around Friday. I hope y'all are as entertained as I am by the interspersal of being pursued by the dark and fearful corners of your psyches with an early-20th-century lighthouse-keeping sim.
The Lens
GM, 78 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 23:19
  • msg #82

On Spooky Sea Stories

I can't cope with this amount of stuff even theoretically, but a heads up since there are some really neat titles in here, including awared-winning CoC scenarios and a sweet little mod to make D&D into something more closely related to The Witcher or Bloodborne: is giving away all the games in return for donations to help protect the kids whose state govenor tried to get their parents lynched as a distraction/fascist rallying tactic recently.

They're good eggs, those folk.

edit: yes, I need to scrape together enough brain to make you two some intricate and lovely posts (to write about the sea with no awe or beauty is to do it wrong, I feel) but I also very much need to show you the seal breads. Look at them!
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:14, Tue 08 Mar 2022.
The Lens
GM, 81 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 07:59
  • msg #83

On Spooky Sea Stories

...anyone still here?
Matthew Hall
player, 57 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 13:03
  • msg #84

On Spooky Sea Stories

I am! Sorry, I’ll get an update posted soon.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 49 posts
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 02:47
  • msg #85

On Spooky Sea Stories

Yes, ack, so sorry! Life stuff has again cropped up, I'll have a post up no later than the weekend.
The Lens
GM, 83 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 15 Apr 2022
at 10:24
  • msg #86

On Spooky Sea Stories

I'm intending to let the Captain reply to both the young folk in the one post, in case you two were waiting on me.

Also...I know World Events at present just tend to fall into various categories of Awful, but on a maritime theme, Russia pretending its huge flagship randomly caught fire, developed a missile-shaped hole and sank on account of being shoddily built is the funniest thing in the whole utterly grim buisness. May the rest of the fleet be built as badly.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 52 posts
Mon 25 Apr 2022
at 03:37
  • msg #87

On Spooky Sea Stories

Hope you are both doing well! I am having some technical difficulties with my computer and am taking into the shop tomorrow. I expect that it will be resolved within a couple days and I will post when I have it back!
The Lens
GM, 84 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 25 Apr 2022
at 07:32
  • msg #88

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ah, thank you, I much appreciate the notice. I am re-reminded to PM you about stacks, too...semi-relatedly, did you know that Nova Scotia is held to have the best dulse in the world? Matt canonically has no seaweed lore, though, so Hetty will have to stop him grilling it or mixing it in with the wrack hauled up to go on the garden...
The Lens
GM, 85 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 9 May 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #89

On Spooky Sea Stories

Hm. Hetty, lass, if you need extra time due to current events, could you let me/us know? Saw you pass by but not post there.

Matt, likewise if you need it, and thank you for sticking around in general. There's a little bit of peace here before I start tormenting you both again...
Matthew Hall
player, 62 posts
Mon 9 May 2022
at 21:28
  • msg #90

On Spooky Sea Stories

Still here. Still terrified of setting foot on the beach after dark. :)
Henrietta Dowling
player, 53 posts
Sat 14 May 2022
at 16:30
  • msg #91

On Spooky Sea Stories

Oof, so sorry! :( I thought I had posted here but in the swirl of events maybe I typed but never sent. :P I have two choir concerts today, so I'll be posting tomorrow! Thank you both for your patience, I love both of your writing!
The Lens
GM, 86 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 14 May 2022
at 16:56
  • msg #92

On Spooky Sea Stories

Hi, happy singing, and thank you! I appreciate both your efforts as well.

[waves at a passing Hetty]
The Lens
GM, 87 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 22 May 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #93

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ahoy! I was at the museum at the other end of the island Saturday - anyone want to see some period keeper's gear and/or a tiny ship model of the kind made of bone planks by Napoleonic POWs?
Matthew Hall
player, 63 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #94

On Spooky Sea Stories


Apologies for my quietness, by the way. A project has had me somewhat distracted. I should have a post up within a day or so. To echo the praise already given, I truly enjoy reading your contributions Miss Dowling, and yours, Lens. The setting of this game and all of its mysteries, large and small, fascinate me.

But I still dread the beach. :)
The Lens
GM, 88 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 23 May 2022
at 21:19
  • msg #95

On Spooky Sea Stories


It's about 15cm long to the tip and the cutlass just visible below it was (unrelatedly) off an officer of the Bounty.

Lighthouse gear!

The weird round brass thing with a howling face is a lamp room vent, to avoid anything getting greenhoused into melting/any open doors up there interfering with the flash timing in the early evening and getting ships lost. The lamp's fairly self-explanatory, save that it's huge to go in the middle of a long cataditropic lens because some of ours switched over to Fresnels fairly late - very early 20th century, I think the last one came in. The glasses without sides reflect the relatively lower power of such, but being in the lamp room whilst the Light was active wasn't something anyone would aim to do if it could be avoided, so we needn't fear for the old-timey keepers' eyeballs much.

At any rate, now you know that our Merigg Light is thus better-equipped than most of its contemporary Scottish counterparts; praise the Canadian Board of Marine & Fisheries. for being beach-ready, lots of people are shy about unveiling their flesh before the merciless yet all-cradling ocean! Matt's not alone. He does, however, have the advantage of knowing that without a heart sworn to the land, he will be looked favourably upon, whatever he deems his flaws. Particularly if he toasts himself in the sun a bit and covers himself in mustard. I don't actually know what the Lady would make of mustard. Or the Thief for that matter. Feel free to experiment.
Matthew Hall
player, 65 posts
Tue 24 May 2022
at 00:57
  • msg #96

On Spooky Sea Stories

Many thanks for sharing those. They’re genuinely wonderful. If I had a maritime museum in close proximity, I’d probably haunt it regularly.

Speaking of haunting, on an entirely different note, this exercise in role playing has gotten me thinking about this little piece of computer entertainment, which I enjoyed some years back. Wonderfully creepy, if you enjoy games that are in the vein of Myst and Riven.
The Lens
GM, 89 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 27 May 2022
at 22:47
  • msg #97

On Spooky Sea Stories

Hey there, thanks for that, Matt, and gosh I'd like to play that game, though I'll mark it on my calendar for autumn else knowing myself, I'll never quite get round to it.

Just wanted to say that I am vaguely around and certainly entertained by the chatting about seals (Hetty, did you knock back the bread before leaving?), I just have a case of the summer-insomnia/stress-related stupids and find myself unable to word a thing in the shape the thing should be at all. I will endeavour to get an update up tomorrow, and thank you for your continued patience. Really pleasing to see these characters interact.

If you require immediate entertainment, the aquarium in Montery Bay has a live giant crab cam in its current deep sea exhibit, where you can see crabs few humans have actually seen alive with your very own eyeballs, in the comfort of your home, and without importing critters with a car-sized legspan into your kitchen or bathroom! Isn't that marvellous?
Henrietta Dowling
player, 56 posts
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #98

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ooh! Thank you both for sharing. And for your continued patience, I am recovering from a small stroke. Prognosis is good! I will have post this evening after work or tomorrow!
The Lens
GM, 91 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #99

On Spooky Sea Stories

Gosh, that's alarming, I hope you at least feel better, even if you're not fully mended yet. Do take care of your poor brain and thank you very much for finding a moment to update me. May you be hydrated in your favoured manner, puzzled in a entertaining and convenient way, and find good foods for yourself. [nod]
Matthew Hall
player, 67 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 14:57
  • msg #100

On Spooky Sea Stories

Best wishes for a strong recovery, Henrietta! So sorry to hear it. Take all the time that you need to get better.
The Lens
GM, 92 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 18:57
  • msg #101

On Spooky Sea Stories

No hassle, just an observational post: saw this on the internet and found it curious that the same notion of the sea taking who it wants as a set tithe is native to Scotland, too (and incidentally at least imported to Nova Scotia, if it wasn't there already).

It used to be that folk in the Hebrides wouldn't try to rescue people who started drowning close to shore, considering them 'claimed' and the owed sacrifice to be greater if first denied, though I don't know if that's current.
The Lens
GM, 93 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #102

On Spooky Sea Stories

I watched ABG's playthrough of this, since time, energy, I haz not them, but thought it'd be of definite interest here, either way:

"Oops."  XD
The Lens
GM, 94 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #103

On Spooky Sea Stories

Something something atmosphere something...

Must say I'm loving Hetty's laser-guided questions here, even if Matt doesn't appreciate them. Let me know if you two need rescuing from conversing and would prefer to be herded somewhere else.

edit: knocking the above to restate its ongoing relevance and showing you this swoosh, because it is awesome:
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:37, Tue 23 Aug 2022.
Matthew Hall
player, 72 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 20:16
  • msg #104

On Spooky Sea Stories

Sincere apologies for being quiet for so long. I had a loss at the end of August and found engaging in creative endeavors somewhat difficult. I should be more consistent from this point forward.
The Lens
GM, 95 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 20:21
  • msg #105

On Spooky Sea Stories

Great story from Matt there, though!
Henrietta Dowling
player, 61 posts
Wed 12 Oct 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #106

On Spooky Sea Stories

Indeed! So sorry for your loss and glad you are still here as am I! I will post tomorrow.
The Lens
GM, 96 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 22 Oct 2022
at 12:43
  • msg #107

On Spooky Sea Stories

I'd like to note that whilst she was partly raised in the wee town over there on the mainland, it's equally possible Hetty was born on Merigg itself - I leave it to Hetty as to whether that's true or whether she even knows, her parents not being about to ask (which is maybe why Matt thinks she's from elsewhere despite the light station being the only home for her).

As a quiet tangent, if either of you are interested in experimental and/or weird weird fiction, culturally semi-Scottish islands and themes of home and belonging, Deep Wheel Orcadia by Harry Josephine Giles is an equally fascinating and tantalising piece of literature. It's presented as a subtle verse novel in a future Orcadian-Highland-blend dialect with Standard English translation, and is something of a slice-of-life amongst the "islanders" of the titular space station as they try to keep up with industrial shift, a secret fugitive arrives as a 'tourist' and strange things happen. A semi-warning that it ends at exactly the right place for its story (of the world before whatever happens does) and it's mildly infuriating, but also an awesome finale.
The Lens
GM, 97 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 23:35
  • msg #108

On Spooky Sea Stories

Are we still here?

If so I can/will wrap up the slow inter-character interaction (much as I love what y'all are doing, but 2 posts a month means I'm going to have to go back to my notes, find momentum and take a runup) and summarise to somewhere faster as soon as I'm less stupid from painkillers/chronic put-together-badly issues.

If not, we made a very bonny thing while it lasted and I'll quietly sweep up after another week or so's silence.

Also, I should have posted this before All Hallows', or maybe on All Souls, but an eerie song for ye:
Matthew Hall
player, 74 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 03:08
  • msg #109

On Spooky Sea Stories

I'm still about!

Truly an unsettling little song, that. Very appropriate for this story.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 63 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 05:00
  • msg #110

On Spooky Sea Stories

I am still about too! There have been some changes at work which will be good for me but things need to settle a bit and I am also helping others adjust as well. I have been enjoying this immensely! And truly love writing with both of you!
The Lens
GM, 98 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 01:34
  • msg #111

On Spooky Sea Stories

Yay, we're here! ^_^

Also glad to hear your new position suits you, Hetty. Do you think you'll get an answer in to Matt or should I just get my broom out and sweep the chapter into a nice pile?

If so, can I just confirm that neither of you wants to talk about anything that might have happened at night? The deep night version of Merigg seems very distant even in a bright-cloudy daylight, I know, and I will quite gleefully watch our protagonists build themselves little walls of secrets even as their fingertips metaphorically brush over their mutual construction.

I have not had a weekend with much brainpower, however, and it is somehow 1:30am now, so...goodnight, and I am greatly pleased you're both still interested and invested in this odd and quiet thing.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 65 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 02:13
  • msg #112

On Spooky Sea Stories

I did just post and Hetty would not share her experience! I am good to move the scene on if Matt is as well?
The Lens
GM, 99 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 23:39
  • msg #113

On Spooky Sea Stories

Appreciated. Matt?

I do have a relative visiting this week but am also plotting away here, no worries. Plus I need to be entirely distracted from the Goncharov* memery, that (lack of) film is an actual cognitohazard.

It's like having part of a song stuck in my head that can't be exorcised due to not knowing the rest to sing, but in the storytelling part of my brain, or a sensation exactly between obsession and being in a chairoplane. Is this what FandomTM feels like all the time? Aghdfgrgnngrnkllkq.

Matthew Hall
player, 75 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #114

On Spooky Sea Stories

Congratulations on the favorable work changes, Miss Dowling!

I am entirely good with moving the scene forward, Lens. Do I need to add anything there before you transition things?
The Lens
GM, 100 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 00:26
  • msg #115

On Spooky Sea Stories

Just a confirmation Matt's not going to talk about last night/ask Hetty if she's heard/seen anything odd about the island.

edit: which can be here, for clarity.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:27, Wed 23 Nov 2022.
Matthew Hall
player, 76 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 15:36
  • msg #116

On Spooky Sea Stories

He isn’t. Part of him would like to do so, simply because bringing terrors out into the light sometimes has the effect of making them more bearable. But Kirkness still casts a long shadow. Matt worries about following in his predecessor’s footsteps: being labeled as mad and sent away in disgrace. So, at least for now, he’ll keep his own counsel.
The Lens
GM, 101 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #117

On Spooky Sea Stories

Thanks, that's all useful information and I shall sweep up as soon as I can - said relative has gone, but managed to leave a rucksack on the airport bus with £1,000 worth of tech etc. in, so much of yesterday evening was spent at the bus station/finding something to package a rucksack in to go off on the first postie 'plane this morning.

I am a little behind on everything in consequence, but please know y'all are not forgotten or being deliberately neglected, and if it is night there now go look at the moon. It was like a yellow paper cutout here earlier, a cartoon of the moon.

edit/update: A week later you have my most sincere apologies: I intended to get to this tonight at the latest but between health issues and work I've been struggling and I don't want to rush off a post when you both have put so much effort into yours. So. Tomorrow. One of this evening's distractions was putting up sauerkraut* before the cabbages dried overmuch and because I use a half/half red/white mix my fingers now look like I've been dead for about 17 hours.

Also, because I have some long meetings in my future and doodle as a means of focusing (fidget toys seem to be at a 90-degree angle to what I need), I promise nothing, but would it be all right to draw these characters, should that occur?

*it sounds like gross Health-As-Industry nonsense, but take warning, the thing they say about average shop-bought sauerkraut being nigh-intolerable once you've tasted home made stuff is true, I've seen it happen to several other people as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:36, Tue 06 Dec 2022.
The Lens
GM, 103 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 00:37
  • msg #118

On Spooky Sea Stories

No? Hokay. Today's wound up with me pretty much boiled by winding up next to the radiator for two hours and full of nailed-down savagery due to the single colleague who's a jerk being a jerk (alas that he is a specialist and very good at his job). Wasn't great or creatively stimulating. Still, that last post still counts as 'tomorrow' if I haven't gone to bed, right?

A note: Google Translate cannot speak Scottish Gaelic in any technical fashion - I lazily tried to avoid trawling through my floras for all common variants of English names and found that it translated "glasswort, oysterplant, scurvygrass and cloudberry" as 'lus na grèine, lus na grèine agus lus na grèine, dearcan-sneachda' ("sunflower, sunflower, sunflower and snowberry"),
Matthew Hall
player, 77 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 01:05
  • msg #119

On Spooky Sea Stories

Sorry. I was just slow to answer. If your artistic leanings do prompt you to make a sketch of Matt, I’d be quite interested to see the results.

Amazing transition post, by the way.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 66 posts
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 03:26
  • msg #120

On Spooky Sea Stories

As would I of Matt and Hetty! Loving this!
The Lens
GM, 104 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 13:53
  • msg #121

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ach, well, no movement on that in particular as yet, but I did actually thumbnail a composition I've wanted to draw since finding out how well these characters' themes and personalities compliment each other, so there's that.

Hetty, now you know you have an uncle available, could you let me know in PM if you'll enlist his help? Got some setup to do in another game but you're not forgotten over here any.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 67 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 18:39
  • msg #122

On Spooky Sea Stories

Hi! I just got back from a convention so I have a lot of catch up at work to do. I will have a post tomorrow. :)
Henrietta Dowling
player, 68 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 03:20
  • msg #123

On Spooky Sea Stories

Well I wanted to post today but it may be tomorrow.
The Lens
GM, 105 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 13:23
  • msg #124

On Spooky Sea Stories

Roll on the weekend, and thanks for the notice.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 69 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 03:12
  • msg #125

On Spooky Sea Stories

So sorry my dog has been sick this weekend, she will be okay but needs some extra monitoring and I have been cleaning up after her. :( But she will be okay! Thank you for your patience, I will post in the next couple days.
The Lens
GM, 106 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 09:40
  • msg #126

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ah, poor creature. You keep your wee friend warm and hydrated and such, we'll be here.
Matthew Hall
player, 79 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 13:23
  • msg #127

On Spooky Sea Stories

Family members are priority. Hope she’s doing better soon.
The Lens
GM, 107 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #128

On Spooky Sea Stories

Not the sea specifically, but I felt I'd like to leave something here for you, so here's various spots about the country, industrial marine landscapes included:

May all you care for have warmth and food and rest.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 71 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #129

On Spooky Sea Stories

Happy Holidays to you both! The little dog is doing much better. <3 End of year considerations at work kept me busy but I have posted. :)
The Lens
GM, 108 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 10:15
  • msg #130

On Spooky Sea Stories

Greetings! May your time off be going well also, and glad to hear the beastie is doing better.

I've taken some of the latter part of your post to put on your next thread, since Matt leaves the kitchen/cottage to start his shift at nautical twilight, coming up to 6pm, and the Captain will be hanging out in the cottage kitchen/parlour until his own shift starts at midnight. New threads as soon as I can get 'em, folks.
The Lens
GM, 111 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 18:40
  • msg #131

On Spooky Sea Stories

I know it's not quite time for new year songs, but the 301 was bothering my sense of aesthetics, so here's some quiet and rime-encrusted martime Canadiana for the dark:
The Lens
GM, 113 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 22:34
  • msg #132

On Spooky Sea Stories

Well, it's a new year now! May it treat everyone well.

I've actually done a good...ah, 40% of that composition I mentioned, though I'm not quite happy with my attempts to draw Hetty yet and it likely won't finish fast, since I'm keeping it as a kind of 'just-enough-detail to doodle in patches as desired' sort of thing. I think you two will like it, though it features a metaphorical scenario I don't expect to/will laugh if y'all manage to mess up enough to make into an actual one.

Relatedly, Matt - pale eyes or dark? Oh, and Hetty, if any reference already exists off the top of your head for your lass beyond the portrait and nicely-woven description given already, feel free to tell me before I ink up there.

Nothing else, I think. Oh! Sort of on-topic, I found a use for an abandoned knitting project inherited from a far more skilled friend-of-a-friend and am making a very silly kraken hat with my usual "no pattern, no plan, no clue" approach. All these tentacles are going to give me plenty of practice at getting in the rhythm of knit/purl, though I'm half tempted to give up and start just knitting every other row backwards in the manner my grandfather was said to have done. I suspect Captain Dowling knits, it seems to be a naval thing.
Matthew Hall
player, 81 posts
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 03:34
  • msg #133

On Spooky Sea Stories

Dark eyes.

I hope you’ll share a photo of whatever the kraken knitting project evolves into, hat or otherwise. :)

Happy New Year to you both!
The Lens
GM, 114 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #134

On Spooky Sea Stories

Thanks, and since asked, I shall. ^_^

an exchange at lunchtime today:
colleague: Oh! What are you knitting?
me: Tentacles! :D
colleague: ... of course you are.

Also I spotted a really good rainbow today and we all ran out to look, because archaeologists are Very Serious Scientists, yes we are. The weather was good for this game today, too, since it reminded me of rare colours the North Atlantic can be under distant hail or in a sunny gale.
The Lens
GM, 115 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 18:20
  • msg #135

On Spooky Sea Stories


Fair notice that I mean to show you both that drawing(/fancied-up collection of biro doodlage) in an edit to this post once I've updated your threads. Since it's large I'll not leave it up forever, but it seems the simplest way for you to both look (and nab a copy if you want it).

That said, you've both chosen to look at complicated things right now, and I intend a foray to the supermarkets for supper ingredients now it's stopped snowing a moment, so I might be a while. Mostly-sucessful foray achieved! I got snowed on, but it's good fun whilst not facing directly into it. The horizontal nature of precipitation around here meant not quite enough snow had blown about to cover the little house-shape on the road next to my house, which entertained me.


[image removed]

There y'go. I hope I haven't been too mean to/far off in drawing your peeps.

In terms of Project Kraken Hat I've completed four of the normal arms and one of the true- or hunting tentacles, and am working on the other.

Thank you both for sticking around and bearing with me in general, by the way, this is such a nice box of ghosts and night-dragging things...
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:42, Fri 31 Mar 2023.
Matthew Hall
player, 83 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 03:21
  • msg #136

On Spooky Sea Stories

That’s a phenomenal piece of artwork, Lens! Thank you very much for creating and sharing it.

I am eagerly awaiting the completion of the the tentacle project. :)
The Lens
GM, 118 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 23:36
  • msg #137

On Spooky Sea Stories

Ah, well, thank you - take a copy as you like, and you see why I said I'd be surprised if you two actually managed to get into such a pickle. Matt's not really showing his tendancy to look older here, but when it comes to ink you have to choose your lines. I was going for a Quillivic sea in terms of visual rhythm, and I think I got that, at least.

Working on them! There's enough done that it does look like a random huge squid wherever I set the main bit down now, and oof but the news and patchy tasks around what's frozen at work have put me in need of some steady handiwork to calm myself down. Going to try and get halfway on the other hunting tentacle before midnight and go to bed, methinks.
The Lens
GM, 120 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #138

On Spooky Sea Stories

So I was off work today because my body is much like a Soviet car, but I'm happy to call Project Kraken Hat at least primarily done, minus any adjustments that turn out to be needed after some use. Please excuse my lack of bright lighting/bed/face:

Matthew Hall
player, 84 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2023
at 02:34
  • msg #139

On Spooky Sea Stories

I am officially an enormous fan of the kraken hat! It looks fantastic, especially when worn! I think when I pictured it, I didn’t fully consider how long the tentacles would end up being, but they’re honestly a perfect size. I think that it’s great that when he’s not being worn, he looks perfectly at home on the sofa, like a beloved plush animal.
The Lens
GM, 122 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 1 Feb 2023
at 22:07
  • msg #140

On Spooky Sea Stories

Heheh, thank you - my friends the other side of the island instantly named the beast Archie (as in Architeuthis sp.). A very warm skull-monching friend indeed.
The Lens
GM, 136 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 31 Mar 2023
at 21:39
  • msg #141

On Spooky Sea Stories

Collection of fatae Morganae for ye (if that's how the plural works):

Addition: cool marine lava landscapes:
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:39, Tue 18 Apr 2023.
The Lens
GM, 144 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 29 May 2023
at 12:11
  • msg #142

On Tombs and Potatoes

Slogging through some archive checking today and found this: (look at the archaeology notes)

...I wonder if his tatties wound up haunted.

edit: Potato ghosts aside, you are both very smart and apparently apologies for the wait, it's a case of needing brain space to work with unexpected fleeing/politeness with the proper attention and engagement, and summer is busy time for me. Will try to move things on tomorrow, just wanted to assure you both I'm working on the thing.

Also, a good picture of a ship that doesn't quite exist yet: https://ltwilliammowett.tumblr...bley-aboard-the-brig
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:15, Sat 01 July 2023.
NPC, 18 posts
Tame Seagull
Thu 28 Sep 2023
at 21:07
  • msg #143

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

Pest is here because I miss her and I want to place an apology/explanation out here where it can be generally seen: had a block of Busy run straight into a block of bad luck that sees me with no home computer, hasty lunch breaks at work, and an inherited iPad which is slightly insane ever since being bonked a bit too much by French customs (this morning, for instance, it decided that punctuation was illegal and we needed as many Ls as possible) for evening use. I might get an interim/replacement from a friend at the start of next week, but that's where things stand.

Oh, and I'm trying to manage a huge and chaotic fight in my other game at present, so...aye. Not neglecting you two on purpose, felt it was time for a proper update, and please be assured that if you two are content to trundle on, I will continue to endeavour to give this odd little story all the finesse it deserves in light of what you're putting into it. Right now I have potato brain, but please consider this a "soon, when I can" rather than hiatus post.

Alas, I don't think I have any eerie sea things to leave here like seashells, though I did think of Hetty when a terrible scratching sound in my bedroom at night turned out to be a medium-sized spider with a great feel free to put some of your own here if you find any.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 95 posts
Wed 4 Oct 2023
at 03:05
  • msg #144

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

I miss Pest too! Hope you and Matt are both doing well, I've been dealing with health matters (again) so please feel free to take your time! :)

Speaking of eerie sea things, I don't have a picture but we went to the beach at a certain time of day when the tide was at a certain level. ALL of these clams (least I'm pretty sure that's what it was) had their long skinny necks sticking out of the sand near the edge of the water. For hundreds and hundreds of feet. It was so alien and eerie looking...
The Lens
GM, 161 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 8 Oct 2023
at 20:00
  • msg #145

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

Spooky spoots! I find it kind of magical when the tide sorts a bunch of sea potato shells onto the beach and they dry out and go rolling not-quite spherically along with the wind like bobbing sea urchin ghosts...

Ach, I hope your issues clear up as much as possible in the swiftest fashion, Hetty. I'll do my best to get you something up tonight, though that thing I mentioned relating to Matt's actions isn't settled yet, so it won't necessarily move things all that far.

Still don't have my laptop, as an update on that. Haven't set up this old one from a friend's attic in a forever fashion, and likely won't until I know what's happening with that. It mostly works, even if it's a little obsessed with threes.
Matthew Hall
player, 104 posts
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 18:39
  • msg #146

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

Sorry for my brief silence. I moved into a new residence yesterday, which has been a positive change, but demanded a bit of work to make happen. I feel like I’ll be unpacking for a month. :) There was a brief hiccup with my internet service, which required the intervention of a technician, but all is resolved and working now.

I’m sorry to hear about your laptop headaches, Lens. I hope that situation improves soon.

I hope that both you Anna Miss Dowling are doing well. :)
The Lens
GM, 163 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 10 Oct 2023
at 20:30
  • msg #147

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

It's no small achievement to shift all the peripherals of your life to a different dwelling, and that's a more than reasonable reason to be scarce. May your unboxing go smoothly and may your new place smell like home soon.

Ach, I do appreciate the Thing From The Attic, peculiarities and all. Just a lot of minor inconvieniences until I at least know what's going forward.

I need more blood and more sleep/less of whatever is gradually killing me, but I saw the most perfect black cat today and got cheap raspberries and Eastern European foodstuffs that don't have a chunk of pig in them (there are very few Eastern European foodstuffs, it seems, that don't have a moderate-sized chunk of pig in, but I like all of them).

As a possibly-entertaining/?horror-themed work anecdote, I've been basically sieving people out of gravel from a tomb site recently and came across a sample that instead of a grid code or proper context number was just labelled..."legs". Both on the container and in the register. "Legs".
The Lens
GM, 164 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 00:40
  • msg #148

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

Silly a.m. notice to say I'm still here (if on the interim machine still), just not sure what's going on with Matt/'s internets and it's kind of critical to know what he's doing to know what the next post for Hetty will be. Should he prove to have vanished I'll eventually consult the Magic 8-Ball if you want to continue, Hetty, but for now here is a Lorge Strandbeest:

edit at work: Matt sighted! Though since going and looking at the Dice Roller to move things on, you seem to have rolled twice and taken the worst result for some reason (fatalism?)...I'm out of lunchbreak at present, but let's not do that.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:45, Mon 23 Oct 2023.
Matthew Hall
player, 107 posts
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 17:22
  • msg #149

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

My internet access is good. It required the installation of a new broadband jack in my bedroom, but now all is functioning as hoped.

I rerolled because I thought I had rolled with the wrong total (d48 vs. d46), but it is entirely possible that I was wrong on the current standing of the tower. My apologies for any confusion.
The Lens
GM, 165 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 23 Oct 2023
at 20:18
  • msg #150

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers


... You know what, you're right, but ask the Magic 8-Ball if you can keep the first roll. I'd usually give it to you since it was my mistake causing confusion and I'd started to plan on it, but it's not *strictly* mathematically fair, so.
Matthew Hall
player, 108 posts
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 02:39
  • msg #151

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers


21:39, Today: Matthew Hall got the result "Ask again later" on the magic 8-ball.  May I Keep the First Roll?
The Lens
GM, 166 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 12:45
  • msg #152

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

Well, looking at the dice roller it seems you did that, so we'll take that roll and I'll adjust everything/try to get posts up tonight. Matt, at this point I can work around it, but try your best not to die in the next two posts, all right?
Matthew Hall
player, 109 posts
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 14:33
  • msg #153

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

But…if I do get myself killed, won’t that be somewhat dramatically appropriate? ”The poor lad slipped into one of those liminal spaces and was never seen again.”

:) I’ll do my best to make wise decisions.
The Lens
GM, 167 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 15:02
  • msg #154

On Potato Brain and Lack of Computers

That's rather presuming death is a translation of animate matter to inert matter and energy in the Other Merigg in the same manner as the normal one. [bright grin]
The Lens
GM, 171 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 28 Oct 2023
at 21:44
  • msg #155

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I saw this and felt like like our characters would sympathise: https://charminglyantiquated.t...t/731539290633502720
Matthew Hall
player, 111 posts
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 22:53
  • msg #156

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I love that this otherworldly phenomenon is treated like an annoyance, its ability to bend time and space secondary to the fact that it makes travelers late for appointments. :)
Henrietta Dowling
player, 99 posts
Mon 30 Oct 2023
at 22:54
  • msg #157

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Honestly, that would be the thing that would drive me over the brink of madness, LOL, I cannot stand being late!
The Lens
GM, 178 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 22:04
  • msg #158

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Given the regularity with which the area becomes a small-town horror setting, I assume there must be a Pacific Northwest equivalent to Night Vale somewhere.

Gentle and general notice that Hetty's finished with her night thread and I believe/hope Matt's within a couple of posts of finishing his; I'll get to work on a daylight thread for you both when that's done and I have more brains in than I do at present.

I leave you with a fun nature fact I only found out recently: apparently fish sing the sun up the same way birds do, so...thank you fish. I sincerely hope the sun would come up anyway, but just in case.

Also, here is a kind of beautiful ogre, because look at her:
Henrietta Dowling
player, 103 posts
Sat 18 Nov 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #159

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hope you're both doing well! Looking forward to writing together again, Matt. :)
The Lens
GM, 179 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 00:44
  • msg #160

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

About to facekeyboard with fatigue, but been mildly obsessed with this song about being the opposite of lighthouse keepers of late and didn't think I'd shared it, so:
Matthew Hall
player, 114 posts
Mon 27 Nov 2023
at 06:24
  • msg #161

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I’m doing well! I hope you and the Lens are well also.

I’m also looking forward to further writing together. I don’t want to jinx things, but I think Matt has made it through his evening relatively unharmed.
The Lens
GM, 181 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 28 Nov 2023
at 22:51
  • msg #162

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Maybe one more post from you, if you can resist falling over and dying in it, though if you feel uninspired/want to just get on with things forthwith, let me know.

Hm! I'll have to see if I can find a suitable chapter banner amongst what I have, or whether I'll have to go outside and take pictures of the North Atlantic...

Mildly surprised neither of you had any comment to the wrecker song, but maybe it's only me feels it's a piece of maritime horror rather than old timey crimes being harsh. Have I anything nice to leave here...? I think so, behold: weighing an octopus.
The Lens
GM, 184 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 4 Dec 2023
at 00:39
  • msg #163

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Posted some story with 8 minutes of technical weekend to spare! I hope that's a few hours your end.

Last night was a very heavy frost up here, and walking on the beach near a friend's house yesterday - well, Saturday - all the ware was covered in hoarfrost. I'll edit in a picture here later if any came out, the increasing lack of true daylight at this time of year does not much please any picture-taking devices I possess.



edit: I shows ya the seaweeds.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:49, Tue 05 Dec 2023.
The Lens
GM, 185 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 20:20
  • msg #164

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Rattling the game/locking myself out to remind y'all it exists, but mostly to show you this BBC article, which is genuinely fascinating, but the stock photo illustrating "bite force" absoloutely cracked me up, so:
Henrietta Dowling
player, 104 posts
Sun 10 Dec 2023
at 21:35
  • msg #165

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Thanks for the pictures and the article! I am around, just not on a great device for posting, LOL. I intend to post on Tuesday when I am back at my computer.
The Lens
GM, 186 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 00:12
  • msg #166

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

[waves] Hi Hetty! Thanks for letting me know. Your GM has been making reasonably pepparkakor-like objects - about the best that can be hoped for with my baking, but they're pretty close, I'd share some if I could - until half past 11pm and is now entirely exhausted, but I'm around in the general sense.

A little bit annoyed to find Edgar Allen Poe was lying to me for the sake of one of his logic puzzle stories, though: I recently got a book of sea tales from the library's withdrawn stock sale and even if modern drone footage of the tidal current there is extremely cool, there is no ship-eating mega-whirlpool in the Saltstraumen Maelstrom to behold. Just so you know. Presently I'm going to bed, I can no longer think straight at all...
Matthew Hall
player, 117 posts
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #167

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

This quote from the pliosaur article…

”The skull is longer than most humans are tall…”

…really stuck with me.
The Lens
GM, 187 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 08:49
  • msg #168

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

It would be a brief and dubiously welcome novelty for someone 6'6" (2m) to discover they were a bitesize snack, least you can gather some notion of Wrath's excessively efficient chompers from those teeth there. Pointy pointy.

Derek from the Agency down there doing his best to compare bite force with a T-Rex still makes me laugh, though.
The Lens
GM, 188 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 01:16
  • msg #169

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Simply leaving an eerie sea for the solstice and wishing you both general compliments of the season & all that is good in the waxing year.


edit: ...and Happy New Year by the calendar as well, may it treat you both as well as it might. The fishing fleet are all home for Hogmanay and we no longer have any permanently manned lights, but I was thinking about keepers past during the Season the other day when a stormcloud swept between the harbour and the nearest islands, turning the view to a modern art cavas: a block of teal under one of slate. What a fearful thing, to be on a ship before the advent of GPS and radar soundings, and have the horizon just...go.

I forget if I've proffered the seasonal heroic tale of the Earl Thorfinn before, but yes, been thinking about such seas and that light. At any rate, I should go to sleep. Good wishes, all.

(here is the week from BBC Scotland readers, starting with a lighthouse)

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:31, Mon 01 Jan.
The Lens
GM, 189 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 01:33
  • msg #170

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Ahoy, Hetty, are you sure it's wise to teach Pest that if she stands on the table and screams for several minutes together, food happens?

Gently booping this game to see if it's still alive, and leaving this song about deep sea and a whale, since it reminds me of the Dowlings. Don't think I showed it here before.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 108 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 01:55
  • msg #171

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

*flails* Ahh, it's my turn to post! I'm so sorry for the delay! I will post likely tomorrow or Wednesday!
The Lens
GM, 190 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 20:25
  • msg #172

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Thank you! Matt, there is enough milk for porridge - if you don't want/need to say so/anything else in particular I can nudge things along, but I'm also happy to wait. Got a lot going on elsewhere.

Incidentally, it's been snowy weather here lately (though now is just raining, alas) and I thought you'd like to have a look at the North Atlantic looking unusually blue:

The Lens
GM, 191 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 23:29
  • msg #173

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hallo, posting a note here to say that I'll get a proper post in for Matt/plot-moving tomorrow, have just been fairly buried under work. Thought I'd get some free time today, but life interfered somewhat and I have been exceedingly distractable this evening, so...apologies.

(Here is a particularly good batch of BBC Scotland photos, at least?

edit: to thank you for your patience/assure you I'm getting there, my head has been with many screaming distractions and not the sea of late. Maybe I should go stand in it on my way home...

edit II: I get treatment for Mystery Disease this afternoon, so having my mind freed up from constant low-level pain and associated difficulty in willingly staying alive should mean I'll have enough energy and intelligence to make a decent update at the weekend. My apologies for the considerable delay, and thanks for your patience, as always.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:32, Fri 01 Mar.
The Lens
GM, 192 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 3 Mar 2024
at 21:47
  • msg #174

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Got treatment and was then promptly ambushed by the damn skeleton, but I got there. Here is a picture taken whilst after the seaweed to make pretend fish sauce with last week, low tide was near sunset. Y'all doing all right?
NPC, 24 posts
Tame Seagull
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 23:38
  • msg #175

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Pest is coming to help me say I'm not ignoring y'all, just a combination of stupid-busy and spring insomnia causing delays. Will try for the morrow.
Matthew Hall
player, 124 posts
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 01:24
  • msg #176

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Completely understand. I was slow for a bit, as I ignored a nagging cough which turned out to be bronchitis, but then began edging into pneumonia territory. A bevy of medications and a stern talking to from my physician later and I’m mostly back up to speed.
The Lens
GM, 193 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 22:27
  • msg #177

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Oh no, please don't die of pneumonies, that's no help at all...
The Lens
GM, 194 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 02:10
  • msg #178

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Bah. My sincere apologies for falling off the map again: I have been a hard-worked and weary beast of late. I will try harder. Right now it is 2am and I only got in at midnight yesterday, so...if there's any conversing between you all you'd like to do, have at, and if not, let me know so and I'll scoot us somewhere further. Just not tonight.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 114 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 03:26
  • msg #179

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Happy Friday! Hope you're both doing well. :)

My turn to share something unique and fun!

There was a bridge in my locale once known as "Galloping Gertie" because of how it would twist and bend and move in the wind before it collapsed. The remains of the bridge have since become quite a haven for all kinds of marine life! I want to scuba dive there some day should health and time and finances ever allow me to get the necessary certifications and such. Here is a picture! There don't seem to be too many available, alas.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:28, Sat 30 Mar.
The Lens
GM, 195 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 00:26
  • msg #180

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I love your galloping bridge reef!

My sincere apologies for continued delays, but I cannot brain or stay awake any longer at present. A belated happy Easter to you both, and please behold these fat mermaids (the best sort):

Unrelatedly, I may have sort-of impulse-bought an extremely beautiful 1917 Singer sewing machine, which needs a name, either fancy-femminine or old-timey androgenous (e.g. Hilary, Frances, Eden). Suggestions accepted! I need to learn to use a sewing machine now, I said I never would unless I got one of these immortal built-in-a-shipyard deals.
Matthew Hall
player, 126 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 13:51
  • msg #181

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Shelby? Sierra? Victoria?

I really enjoyed the story of Galloping Gertie. It’s amazing how, when allowed to do so, nature can repurpose so many things as a habitat for new life.

I’ll confess, I find lost shipwrecks fascinating.
The Lens
GM, 196 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 23:59
  • msg #182

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Are those fancy there? I'm thinking Hephzibah at present, but not for sure. Such a bonny machine. Past owner left little bobbins of thread in there, too.

How about these for reefs?

Thank you both for being so very patient, I really don't know what's wrong with my head at present. Will get there at the weekend if not before, it's just oddly hard, and I have insomnia like the very guilty.

edit: Not much of a thing, but something, at least. It's nigh 2am and I'm feeling terrible, so...if y'all have anything to add, add thereto, otherwise I'll struggle through sending you both outside with your secrets.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:48, Mon 15 Apr.
The Lens
GM, 197 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 21:00
  • msg #183

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Thanks, Matt, and sorry for the extreme lag. I miss y'all and this island. Right now my skeleton is attacking me.
Matthew Hall
player, 128 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 14:01
  • msg #184

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Truly sorry to hear it. Just focus on feeling better and getting well. This will keep.
The Lens
GM, 198 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 6 May 2024
at 00:21
  • msg #185

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

[slaps table] Note to say I'm still alive despite an almost slapstick chain of health issues, that there's a scrap of the start of a post in my Scratchad here, and that I'll attempt to turn it into something good on the morrow, having failed to do anything useful today except possibly throwing snails and making dubious purchases (some sticky buns and what I sincerely hope is a single-type goth hollyhock). ...and so goodnight.

(also, marine evoloution being weird but cool)
Matthew Hall
player, 129 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 03:23
  • msg #186

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Sticky buns are not a dubious purchase. They’re a smile inducing purchase.
The Lens
GM, 200 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 11 May 2024
at 22:52
  • msg #187

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I am so sorry, I think my brain is a bit broken right now. Again, this pause in my narration is to give you two the option of talking/interacting with an area (any room in the lighthouse), but if you don't want to make anything much of it, just say and I'll carry on, hopefully before next month. Sincerely grateful for your patience, though as ever please don't feel this salt-crusted weird is an obligation.

Do y'all know I'm cursed? I was hit with insomnia yesterday, and apparently if I had gone out and taken a walk at 3am rather than trying to wind down and sleep in my south-facing house I would have seen a display of the aurora so spectacular that rare colours were seen and so strong that people in southern England were sending pictures. I found that out today, and the forecast for aurora activity is still high...only after being miserably hot and cloudless all day it's now too cloudy on my side of the island to even see stars. I really am deeply upset but also too sleep-deprived to feel it. I'm going to sleep now because I'm exhausted, and the sky will at once clear, I know it...
Henrietta Dowling
player, 115 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 20:43
  • msg #188

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hope you are both taking care of yourselves! I am recovering from a nasty cold and am hoping to catch up here shortly.
The Lens
GM, 201 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 19 May 2024
at 22:11
  • msg #189

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hi Hetty! You don't have to go check under the bed with a buddy do anything in the lighthouse building if you don't want, just let me know.

I'm...not all right at all (the fun cycle of physical suffering, not being believed about it, suffering mentally from trying to maintain function with  constant pain & fatigue, having the physical suffering re-dismissed because 'you do have mental health issues' etc.), but you can be proud of me, I made myself take a walk earlier because I knew I needed more than what I'd had, and am trying to be hydrated. You be hydrated also, y'hear? Got to solve that cold problem with resources! and mucus.

Oh, and here's more of what I missed due to my sky curse. Also, since internet folk cures are needed, here is a picture of a cat. The cat no longer exists (and probably not the photographer, either), but you can still see it!
The Lens
GM, 202 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 24 May 2024
at 23:05
  • msg #190

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

https://charminglyantiquated.t...t/751380083129925632 <- seems appropriate for here.

I am going to go and sleep soon, truly, but wanted to ramble a little about how human-bug interactions make for fine cosmic horror if parsed in human I saw a bumblebee looking exhausted and cold on the pavement and knelt down to offer her my hand for a ride, picked her up and tried to get her to go onto what I thought were fine-looking campanulas. Bee was unimpressed. I continued on my way until I found some rowan blossom, and lifted the  tired bee up, who clambered over at once...I mean, imagine you're sitting near-exhausted and shivering on some kerb and a pointing arrow that looks like it might be associated with a fast food joint manifests next to you, and following it you're suddenly warm and moving at a speed that'd be your best run until you're suddenly at a closed deli. Bemused, you stand there and after some time you're spirited to a chippy two streets away and walk in to find you've been ordered as many chips as you can carry. This never happens again, but you know an intelligence beyond your comprehension noticed you - that that's possible - and this time it brought you to food.

I mean, there's something there. Something about the awe of scale, I think. Very much overtired-rambling, but still.

edit: On the general theme of terrible things under the ground/fairly raw cosmic horror, anyone here watched The Borderlands? Got it recently and even if I'm disappointed by the ending being only fine and fitting to its buildup as opposed to great (Fake Documentary Q's channel has spoilt me - Film Inferno tackles roughly the same concept with awful elegance), it's really solid in terms of found footage storytelling. The characters are all distinctly flawed, but not to the extent you just want them to get et at once, and the combination of things left unresolved/buildup of dread is enough for the film to scrape itself a little hole at the back of one's head for hours after. Plus! Careful and sparing use of gore and horror props realistic enough not to throw the more anatomically aware viewer out of the story, that always wins points from me.

...anyway, I'm still fairly snowed under at work, but let me - or each other - know if you'd like me to move along and I'll dig the time out wth a shovel.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:09, Mon 27 May.
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