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03:23, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Thread - Observations, Queries & the Weather.

Posted by The LensFor group 0
The Lens
GM, 186 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 00:12
  • msg #166

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

[waves] Hi Hetty! Thanks for letting me know. Your GM has been making reasonably pepparkakor-like objects - about the best that can be hoped for with my baking, but they're pretty close, I'd share some if I could - until half past 11pm and is now entirely exhausted, but I'm around in the general sense.

A little bit annoyed to find Edgar Allen Poe was lying to me for the sake of one of his logic puzzle stories, though: I recently got a book of sea tales from the library's withdrawn stock sale and even if modern drone footage of the tidal current there is extremely cool, there is no ship-eating mega-whirlpool in the Saltstraumen Maelstrom to behold. Just so you know. Presently I'm going to bed, I can no longer think straight at all...
Matthew Hall
player, 117 posts
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 01:31
  • msg #167

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

This quote from the pliosaur article…

”The skull is longer than most humans are tall…”

…really stuck with me.
The Lens
GM, 187 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 11 Dec 2023
at 08:49
  • msg #168

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

It would be a brief and dubiously welcome novelty for someone 6'6" (2m) to discover they were a bitesize snack, least you can gather some notion of Wrath's excessively efficient chompers from those teeth there. Pointy pointy.

Derek from the Agency down there doing his best to compare bite force with a T-Rex still makes me laugh, though.
The Lens
GM, 188 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 23 Dec 2023
at 01:16
  • msg #169

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Simply leaving an eerie sea for the solstice and wishing you both general compliments of the season & all that is good in the waxing year.


edit: ...and Happy New Year by the calendar as well, may it treat you both as well as it might. The fishing fleet are all home for Hogmanay and we no longer have any permanently manned lights, but I was thinking about keepers past during the Season the other day when a stormcloud swept between the harbour and the nearest islands, turning the view to a modern art cavas: a block of teal under one of slate. What a fearful thing, to be on a ship before the advent of GPS and radar soundings, and have the horizon just...go.

I forget if I've proffered the seasonal heroic tale of the Earl Thorfinn before, but yes, been thinking about such seas and that light. At any rate, I should go to sleep. Good wishes, all.

(here is the week from BBC Scotland readers, starting with a lighthouse)

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:31, Mon 01 Jan.
The Lens
GM, 189 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 01:33
  • msg #170

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Ahoy, Hetty, are you sure it's wise to teach Pest that if she stands on the table and screams for several minutes together, food happens?

Gently booping this game to see if it's still alive, and leaving this song about deep sea and a whale, since it reminds me of the Dowlings. Don't think I showed it here before.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 108 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2024
at 01:55
  • msg #171

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

*flails* Ahh, it's my turn to post! I'm so sorry for the delay! I will post likely tomorrow or Wednesday!
The Lens
GM, 190 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 20 Jan 2024
at 20:25
  • msg #172

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Thank you! Matt, there is enough milk for porridge - if you don't want/need to say so/anything else in particular I can nudge things along, but I'm also happy to wait. Got a lot going on elsewhere.

Incidentally, it's been snowy weather here lately (though now is just raining, alas) and I thought you'd like to have a look at the North Atlantic looking unusually blue:

The Lens
GM, 191 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 23:29
  • msg #173

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hallo, posting a note here to say that I'll get a proper post in for Matt/plot-moving tomorrow, have just been fairly buried under work. Thought I'd get some free time today, but life interfered somewhat and I have been exceedingly distractable this evening, so...apologies.

(Here is a particularly good batch of BBC Scotland photos, at least?

edit: to thank you for your patience/assure you I'm getting there, my head has been with many screaming distractions and not the sea of late. Maybe I should go stand in it on my way home...

edit II: I get treatment for Mystery Disease this afternoon, so having my mind freed up from constant low-level pain and associated difficulty in willingly staying alive should mean I'll have enough energy and intelligence to make a decent update at the weekend. My apologies for the considerable delay, and thanks for your patience, as always.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:32, Fri 01 Mar.
The Lens
GM, 192 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 3 Mar 2024
at 21:47
  • msg #174

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Got treatment and was then promptly ambushed by the damn skeleton, but I got there. Here is a picture taken whilst after the seaweed to make pretend fish sauce with last week, low tide was near sunset. Y'all doing all right?
NPC, 24 posts
Tame Seagull
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 23:38
  • msg #175

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Pest is coming to help me say I'm not ignoring y'all, just a combination of stupid-busy and spring insomnia causing delays. Will try for the morrow.
Matthew Hall
player, 124 posts
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 01:24
  • msg #176

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Completely understand. I was slow for a bit, as I ignored a nagging cough which turned out to be bronchitis, but then began edging into pneumonia territory. A bevy of medications and a stern talking to from my physician later and I’m mostly back up to speed.
The Lens
GM, 193 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 17 Mar 2024
at 22:27
  • msg #177

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Oh no, please don't die of pneumonies, that's no help at all...
The Lens
GM, 194 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 24 Mar 2024
at 02:10
  • msg #178

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Bah. My sincere apologies for falling off the map again: I have been a hard-worked and weary beast of late. I will try harder. Right now it is 2am and I only got in at midnight yesterday, so...if there's any conversing between you all you'd like to do, have at, and if not, let me know so and I'll scoot us somewhere further. Just not tonight.
Henrietta Dowling
player, 114 posts
Sat 30 Mar 2024
at 03:26
  • msg #179

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Happy Friday! Hope you're both doing well. :)

My turn to share something unique and fun!

There was a bridge in my locale once known as "Galloping Gertie" because of how it would twist and bend and move in the wind before it collapsed. The remains of the bridge have since become quite a haven for all kinds of marine life! I want to scuba dive there some day should health and time and finances ever allow me to get the necessary certifications and such. Here is a picture! There don't seem to be too many available, alas.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:28, Sat 30 Mar.
The Lens
GM, 195 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 8 Apr 2024
at 00:26
  • msg #180

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I love your galloping bridge reef!

My sincere apologies for continued delays, but I cannot brain or stay awake any longer at present. A belated happy Easter to you both, and please behold these fat mermaids (the best sort):

Unrelatedly, I may have sort-of impulse-bought an extremely beautiful 1917 Singer sewing machine, which needs a name, either fancy-femminine or old-timey androgenous (e.g. Hilary, Frances, Eden). Suggestions accepted! I need to learn to use a sewing machine now, I said I never would unless I got one of these immortal built-in-a-shipyard deals.
Matthew Hall
player, 126 posts
Tue 9 Apr 2024
at 13:51
  • msg #181

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Shelby? Sierra? Victoria?

I really enjoyed the story of Galloping Gertie. It’s amazing how, when allowed to do so, nature can repurpose so many things as a habitat for new life.

I’ll confess, I find lost shipwrecks fascinating.
The Lens
GM, 196 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 11 Apr 2024
at 23:59
  • msg #182

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Are those fancy there? I'm thinking Hephzibah at present, but not for sure. Such a bonny machine. Past owner left little bobbins of thread in there, too.

How about these for reefs?

Thank you both for being so very patient, I really don't know what's wrong with my head at present. Will get there at the weekend if not before, it's just oddly hard, and I have insomnia like the very guilty.

edit: Not much of a thing, but something, at least. It's nigh 2am and I'm feeling terrible, so...if y'all have anything to add, add thereto, otherwise I'll struggle through sending you both outside with your secrets.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:48, Mon 15 Apr.
The Lens
GM, 197 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Thu 25 Apr 2024
at 21:00
  • msg #183

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Thanks, Matt, and sorry for the extreme lag. I miss y'all and this island. Right now my skeleton is attacking me.
Matthew Hall
player, 128 posts
Fri 26 Apr 2024
at 14:01
  • msg #184

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Truly sorry to hear it. Just focus on feeling better and getting well. This will keep.
The Lens
GM, 198 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Mon 6 May 2024
at 00:21
  • msg #185

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

[slaps table] Note to say I'm still alive despite an almost slapstick chain of health issues, that there's a scrap of the start of a post in my Scratchad here, and that I'll attempt to turn it into something good on the morrow, having failed to do anything useful today except possibly throwing snails and making dubious purchases (some sticky buns and what I sincerely hope is a single-type goth hollyhock). ...and so goodnight.

(also, marine evoloution being weird but cool)
Matthew Hall
player, 129 posts
Mon 6 May 2024
at 03:23
  • msg #186

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Sticky buns are not a dubious purchase. They’re a smile inducing purchase.
The Lens
GM, 200 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sat 11 May 2024
at 22:52
  • msg #187

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

I am so sorry, I think my brain is a bit broken right now. Again, this pause in my narration is to give you two the option of talking/interacting with an area (any room in the lighthouse), but if you don't want to make anything much of it, just say and I'll carry on, hopefully before next month. Sincerely grateful for your patience, though as ever please don't feel this salt-crusted weird is an obligation.

Do y'all know I'm cursed? I was hit with insomnia yesterday, and apparently if I had gone out and taken a walk at 3am rather than trying to wind down and sleep in my south-facing house I would have seen a display of the aurora so spectacular that rare colours were seen and so strong that people in southern England were sending pictures. I found that out today, and the forecast for aurora activity is still high...only after being miserably hot and cloudless all day it's now too cloudy on my side of the island to even see stars. I really am deeply upset but also too sleep-deprived to feel it. I'm going to sleep now because I'm exhausted, and the sky will at once clear, I know it...
Henrietta Dowling
player, 115 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 20:43
  • msg #188

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hope you are both taking care of yourselves! I am recovering from a nasty cold and am hoping to catch up here shortly.
The Lens
GM, 201 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Sun 19 May 2024
at 22:11
  • msg #189

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

Hi Hetty! You don't have to go check under the bed with a buddy do anything in the lighthouse building if you don't want, just let me know.

I'm...not all right at all (the fun cycle of physical suffering, not being believed about it, suffering mentally from trying to maintain function with  constant pain & fatigue, having the physical suffering re-dismissed because 'you do have mental health issues' etc.), but you can be proud of me, I made myself take a walk earlier because I knew I needed more than what I'd had, and am trying to be hydrated. You be hydrated also, y'hear? Got to solve that cold problem with resources! and mucus.

Oh, and here's more of what I missed due to my sky curse. Also, since internet folk cures are needed, here is a picture of a cat. The cat no longer exists (and probably not the photographer, either), but you can still see it!
The Lens
GM, 202 posts
Thy focus of
the Light
Fri 24 May 2024
at 23:05
  • msg #190

On Liminal Spaces and Lateness

https://charminglyantiquated.t...t/751380083129925632 <- seems appropriate for here.

I am going to go and sleep soon, truly, but wanted to ramble a little about how human-bug interactions make for fine cosmic horror if parsed in human I saw a bumblebee looking exhausted and cold on the pavement and knelt down to offer her my hand for a ride, picked her up and tried to get her to go onto what I thought were fine-looking campanulas. Bee was unimpressed. I continued on my way until I found some rowan blossom, and lifted the  tired bee up, who clambered over at once...I mean, imagine you're sitting near-exhausted and shivering on some kerb and a pointing arrow that looks like it might be associated with a fast food joint manifests next to you, and following it you're suddenly warm and moving at a speed that'd be your best run until you're suddenly at a closed deli. Bemused, you stand there and after some time you're spirited to a chippy two streets away and walk in to find you've been ordered as many chips as you can carry. This never happens again, but you know an intelligence beyond your comprehension noticed you - that that's possible - and this time it brought you to food.

I mean, there's something there. Something about the awe of scale, I think. Very much overtired-rambling, but still.

edit: On the general theme of terrible things under the ground/fairly raw cosmic horror, anyone here watched The Borderlands? Got it recently and even if I'm disappointed by the ending being only fine and fitting to its buildup as opposed to great (Fake Documentary Q's channel has spoilt me - Film Inferno tackles roughly the same concept with awful elegance), it's really solid in terms of found footage storytelling. The characters are all distinctly flawed, but not to the extent you just want them to get et at once, and the combination of things left unresolved/buildup of dread is enough for the film to scrape itself a little hole at the back of one's head for hours after. Plus! Careful and sparing use of gore and horror props realistic enough not to throw the more anatomically aware viewer out of the story, that always wins points from me.

...anyway, I'm still fairly snowed under at work, but let me - or each other - know if you'd like me to move along and I'll dig the time out wth a shovel.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:09, Mon 27 May.
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