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02:48, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Trade City of Abarion.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
Kavian Aminar
player, 5 posts
Urban Youth
Wed 17 Jan 2024
at 19:46
  • msg #2

Trade City of Abarion

As the sun begins its descent, painting the sky in warm hues, Kavian finds himself navigating through the bustling market. The day's business had extended longer than anticipated, and now, in the late afternoon, the market is alive with activity. The recent arrival of a large caravan has drawn a multitude of merchants, creating a vibrant and crowded scene.

Despite the urgency of the hour, Kavian weaves through the throng of people, his senses heightened by the buzz of trade and the fading light. The air is filled with the aroma of spices, the calls of vendors, and the animated chatter of buyers and sellers negotiating deals.

As the market's cacophony fades behind him, Kavian reaches the well. The sun, now a radiant orb on the horizon, casts long shadows around the well's opening. Without hesitation, Kavian secures the leg of mutton he had acquired during the day and begins his descent down the swaying rope ladder.

The well, standing unobtrusively on the outskirts of town, is a modest and weathered structure. Little more than a simple orifice in the earth, it holds a worn rope ladder that dangles into the darkness. The stones around its opening, marked by the passage of time, bear the faint traces of countless hands that have drawn water here.

Beneath the town's surface lies a hidden world of limestone caverns, a vast network carved out by the patient forces of nature over millennia. These caverns, shaped by the ebb and flow of rainy seasons, now house the region's lifeblood – an extensive aquifer that holds the collected waters of countless years.

In these caverns, away from adult eyes and the harsh elements of the surface, Kavian and his gang find solace. The limestone walls, silent witnesses to countless moments, stand as guardians of their secrets. The distant sounds of water droplets create a soothing background melody, and the play of shadows cast by his small oil lantern against the cavern walls feels like a familiar dance.

With a practiced ease, Kavian releases the well-worn end of the ladder, allowing it to slip through his fingers. The descent is deliberate, and he plunges softly waist deep into the cool waters at the bottom of the well. In the dimly lit cavern, he raises the lantern high, its glow casting ripples on the water's surface.

Kavian, lantern still held high and the leg of mutton carefully above the water, begins to wade through the cavern towards a distant firelight. The flickering flames dance on the southern cavern wall, serving as a beacon in the otherwise dim expanse. As he moves forward, the water gradually becomes more shallow, allowing him to navigate with greater ease.

The sound of sloshing water accompanies Kavian as he nears the cooking fire. The warm glow illuminates the forms of ten boys, a spirited congregation of various ages ranging from eight to fourteen years old. Their roughhousing, hollering, and excited jabbering reverberate against the cavern walls, creating a lively atmosphere.

However, as Kavian's approach becomes evident, a hush falls over the gathering. The raucous activities cease, replaced by intrigued silence. The boys turn their attention towards Kavian, their faces illuminated by the firelight, and then further illuminated with excited exclamations that ripple through the group. The anticipated arrival of their leader brings a spark of elation, and the cavern's atmosphere shifts from energetic chaos to an eager reception.

With a genuinely toothy smile, Kavian presents the prized mutton to the awaiting group. Greedy exclamations mixed with oohs and ahhs erupt through the boys as they marvel at the savory treasure. Kavian, soaking in their excitement, clambers up to the dry portion of the cavern.

As he reaches the solid ground, he hands off the mutton to the eager hands of Salim, who receives it with gleeful anticipation. With a swift motion, Kavian extinguishes his oil lamp, reserving the valuable fuel for another time.

Amidst the shifting shadows, Kavian assumes the role of an older brother, his affectionate demeanor evident in the way he greets each boy. He rubs heads, shares playful shoves on the shoulders of the older ones, and the cavern echoes with the laughter and camaraderie of a tight-knit group.

In the midst of the joyful interactions, Kavian, his tone now authoritative, commands, "Alright, my young conspirators! Bring out today's acquisitions!" The boys respond with eager nods and excited chatter, rushing to reveal the treasures they've gathered throughout the day. The air is charged with anticipation as the cavern becomes a stage for the unveiling of the day's accomplishments.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:50, Wed 17 Jan.
GM, 128 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2024
at 19:47
  • msg #3

Trade City of Abarion

The communion between the abandoned and the forgotten takes place, in a darkly appropriately manner, in the dismal underground.

Yet, the atmosphere is not one of dread or wistfulness, but one of camaraderie and hope. This is thanks to the efforts of one Kavian Aminar.

Once a street urchin like the rest of the gathered scoundrels, Kavian's supreme natural wit and charisma led him to soaring above his lot in life - at least in secret.

In reality, though Kavian and his gang may still live rather squalidly, thanks to Kavian's efforts, they do not starve, and they always have a warm place to stay the night. Furthermore, their trained efforts in information gathering have led them to a position where they hold valuable information, that can both serve their community, and act as a powerful tool of negotiation, if handled with great care.

Tonight, the group - cast in the sharp, messy shadows of an ancient grotto - simply shares what they have earned. Younger boys pull out loaves of bread or stale fruits, while the older boys bring out spare scraps of wealth. The earnings would be measly and insufficient for any one individual, but when selflessly pooled together in this way, everyone has just enough to scrape by for another short period of time.

Every member of this group has undergone vetting to ensure they have the determination to not reveal any of Kavian's secrets. The older ones have also been trained personally by Kavian, on how to carefully and accurately gather information.

For this reason, every pair of youthful eyes present, holds behind it a raging fire of will and spirit, a desire to see their lots in lives improve, and a devotion to their adopted family, in the form of Kavian and their brothers.

While this fortitude is not often put to the test, Kavian's instincts tell him these younglings, from children to adolescents, would surprise him in how far they would go to protect this little community.

Kavian's group currently numbers in at about a dozen. Fourteen of them, to be exact. All young males, the group has grown over time as Kavian has occasionally accepted new members from among the riff-raff.

Perhaps it saddens Kavian, or perhaps not - but no matter his efforts, he knows his current influence is not enough to save every child from poverty. Furthermore, there is nothing he has done for young women or little girls. For whatever reason(s), his group is solely comprised of males.

Currently, every one of the fourteen inducted members are present. There are many other individuals who are helped by Kavian's group, but none of them have been shown much of anything.

The fourteen young men and boys that are currently feasting and playing around Kavian:

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
OOC : Feel free to use as much of this as you want. I'm creating some profiles here, but you can change any of the ones you don't like or would rather replace with different ideas.

You can also mention if you want to the number of members to be higher or lower than I set them as

Ruhan Aminar, 14Y, Tall/Average/Handsome, responsible, capable and extremely loyal
Background: Your first mate, so to speak. He has been with you the longest and would probably die for you if it came down to it. Ruhan speaks the most freely with you out of everyone, and is also a sort of leader in absentia for the other kids.

Amir Aminar, 13Y, Tall/Thin/Average, cautious and patient
Background: Often paired with Mabarak to counterbalance his 'reckless' tendencies. Taken off the street five years ago, by Ruhan.

Mabarak Aminar, 13Y, Average/Wide/Ugly, rough and somewhat impatient
Background: Often paired with Amir to counterbalance his 'cowardly' tendencies. Taken off the street four years ago, by Ruhan.

Khan Aminar, 12Y, Average/Strong/Handsome, intelligent and unempathetic
Background: A young boy with a powerful physique and a naturally ruthless mind. Shows little care for anyone beyond the group, and even within the group is known as a relatively cold person. Not unloyal. He was found after killing an assailant who attacked him.

Tamur Aminar, 11Y, Average/Chubby/Average, quiet, diligent and loyal
Background: He is a bit slow, but he follows orders to the letter and without complaint. Rescued from starvation two or three years ago. He has an almost puppy-like loyalty to Kavian and Ruhan in particular.

Qassar Aminar, 11Y, Tall/Average/Average, perceptive and intuitive
Background: the abandoned bastard child of a merchant and a prostitute, Qassar seems to have inherited the sharp mental tendencies of a merchant. Qassar was found in a bad place, soon after being abandoned by his mother who could no longer care for him. His mother died of disease soon after.

Laz Aminar, 11Y, Towering/Strong/Average, brotherly, humble and highly loyal
Background: The physically strongest member of the group, Laz is actually somewhat of a gentle giant. However, he does not shy away from violence if he is told to deliver it. Rescued from starvation two or three years ago, he is fully loyal to Kavian who personally took his hand when he needed it most.

Bazat Aminar, 10Y, Short/Fat/Average, hardworking and pessimistic
Background: Bazat is paradoxically someone who is unmotivated, but someone who puts in maximum effort during assignments. Bazat was previously part of another, disbanded group of urchin boys. Has some immature skills as a thief or scout

Sharid Aminar, 10Y, Short/Average/Unattractive, no descriptors (quite bland)
Background: A newer member. Not much to say about him.

Yasil Aminar, 10Y, Short/Thin/Scarred, blind and depressive
Background: Yasil was blinded in a freak accident, and could no longer perform most types of labor. Since the incident, he has been chronically depressed and even verging on suicidal. However, he is highly adaptive, and has learned to perform many tasks even without his sense of sight. He has a promising talent, according to Ruhan. Kavian may or may not recognize that.

Salim Aminar, 9Y, Short/Thin/Average, eager and excitable
Background: A member of one year, Salim fits in very well because he is outgoing and cooperative. He doesn't have any particular skills, but he is good enough at most things that don't require extreme caution in execution.

Anzar Aminar, 9Y, Average/Average/Average, talented, bright, clever, and optimistic
Background: A natural genius (though not at the level of Kavian), Anzar is still young but seems to be good at everything he touches. Ruhan has been struggling to decide how to apply his talents. Kavian has the final say, of course.

Ishrami Aminar, 9Y, Short/Emaciated/Average, chronically unhealthy, silent and terrifyingly intense
Background: Ishrami is the only member of the group who was first to approach them, instead of the other way around. He first appeared, terribly injured but completely in his wits. After lots of questioning, it was confirmed no leaks have taken place. Ishrami somehow managed to deduce your existence on his own. He was accepted into the group, as he has never refused or failed a single job he has been sent on. Ishrami is a complete loner, and the other children avoid him because his eyes give off an overwhelming feeling of intensity that few can face for long. Even Kavian and Ruhan find it exhausting to deal with him for more than a minute.

Najid Aminar, 8Y, Short/Thin/Cherubic, delicate and shy
Background: Ruhan refuses to say how he found Najid. He seems traumatized by whatever it was. Najid is ethereally beautiful, his every feature painted with complete innocence and delicacy. Najid is currently too young to do much, and he rarely says a word. However, Kavian has noticed that merely having him around has had... some sort of effect... on the group. It's hard to pinpoint, but Kavian's instincts tell him to keep the boy around, and his wits inform him that the direction of their lives are being accelerated in a favorable direction, ever since Najid appeared.

Kavian Aminar
player, 6 posts
Urban Youth
Fri 19 Jan 2024
at 21:28
  • msg #4

Trade City of Abarion

In the quiet enclave beneath the city, a tradition unfolds, binding the small gang of street children together. Kavian, their leader by unspoken decree, takes on the role of the provider. Gathered around a makeshift fire, the group prepares for a communal feast.

Kavian orchestrates the distribution of portions, a ritual that has become an integral part of their shared existence. Salim, the gang's unofficial cook, stands by the cooking fire, his hands deftly preparing the mutton and other dishes. With the assistance of Qassar and Ruhan, a modest but nourishing spread is crafted from the meager resources they have.

The aroma of cooking food mingles with the warmth of the fire, creating a sense of comfort and anticipation. Laid out on a simple spread near the flames, the feast beckons – a testament to their resilience and unity in the face of adversity. Each boy, weathered by the challenges of street life, receives his share with a mix of hunger and gratitude.

With a shared understanding, the boys exhibit a disciplined restraint, resisting the tempting aroma of the feast before them. Obediently, they wait, anticipation lingering in the air like the flickering shadows cast by the fire.

Once all have received their share, Kavian rises, and a subtle wave of excitement ripples through the group. With purposeful steps, he joins them at the communal fire pit, where worn mats await their eager occupants. The boys sit expectantly, their eyes reflecting a blend of hunger and anticipation, as they gather around the flickering flames.

Kavian takes center stage as the fire pit casts its warm glow upon the gathered boys. With a nod of acknowledgment, he singles out Salim, the gang's culinary maestro, and his assisting comrades, Qassar and Ruhan, for their efforts in preparing the nourishing feast. The boys respond with a chorus of thanks, their applause echoing in the confined space. Some add a touch of light-hearted teasing, offering playful critiques of the culinary creations.

Kavian recognizes each specialized team of boys in succession, celebrating their distinct contributions with brevity and a touch of lightheartedness. The scavengers, the water boys, the errand runners, and the beggars each receive their well-deserved moment of recognition.

With the last acknowledgments shared, Kavian raises his bowl and bellows, "Feast! Feast!" The chant reverberates through the cavern as the others quickly join in. The formalities conclude, and hunger takes center stage. The small gang eagerly digs into the meal, the night unfolding with a sense of celebration and freedom in their hidden sanctuary beneath the city.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Fri 19 Jan.
GM, 133 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 00:28
  • msg #5

Trade City of Abarion

As the assorted scrappy kids eat rather messily, quiet overtakes the group. It is not an uncomfortable or comfortable one, just one that signifies everyone present feels the need to sate their hunger and thirst for the night.

Once some have started to finished, conversations pick up here and there.

Kavian overhears Amir and Mabarak arguing about something inane, as they are wont to do.

Ruhan is patiently explaining something to Tamur, who is doing his best to understand.

Laz is roughhousing Sharid and Qassar, both of which seem slightly exasperated at his antics

Anzar helps Yasil clean up while giving him a well-intentioned motivational speech. The blind boy seems humiliated by this, rather than inspired.

Salim offers a second serving to Bazat, who declines.

Khan, Ishrami and Najid sit separately, each giving off different levels of approachability.

-- Overall, it is a regular gathering. Not more special than any other one, but equally precious to many of the group. Even the loners of the group decided to show up, which counts for something.

With the gang all here, does Kavian wish to announce anything, speak to any of them individually, simply rest for the night, or perhaps go on an outing alone, or with a few choice followers?

The city is your oyster! Well, at least a bit!
Kavian Aminar
player, 7 posts
Urban Youth
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 01:43
  • msg #6

Trade City of Abarion

As evening transitions into night, Kavian reclines on his mat, inviting each boy over one by one. They share the morsels of news they've gathered during their day's endeavors.

Having internalized the training provided by Kavian to the point of it becoming second nature, the boys offer precise details, including names, specific locations, and languages spoken. Kavian, drawing upon his well-honed skills, closes his eyes, orchestrating a mental map that encompasses both the city and its surrounding region. With each piece of information, his intricate web of understanding expands. In the recesses of his mind, Kavian strategically positions each puzzle piece, gradually bringing the final image into sharper focus. Interjecting intermittently, Kavian poses probing questions, pushing the boundaries of the boys' memories and extracting additional details that might not have been immediately apparent as significant.

As Kavian concludes with the last boy, he sits up on his mat and eases his mind into a state of relaxation. In the quietude, he remains seated for a while, entering a meditative state to process the influx of new information. Behind his closed eyelids, rapid eye movements betray the workings of his powerful mind. In this mental landscape, secrets are unveiled, and new connections and relationships between the influential figures in the region are forged. The dance of his thoughts reveals a profound understanding as the intricate tapestry of the city's dynamics unfolds within the canvas of his consciousness.

Respecting Kavian's need for reflection, the boys refrain from interrupting during this contemplative time. They go a step further, managing to subdue their usual noise-making tendencies. The older ones take on the role of mentors, occasionally chastising and shushing the younger ones to maintain a tranquil environment, allowing Kavian the mental space he requires for his profound reflections.

After an hour of deep reflection, Kavian opens his eyes. A weariness seems to settle upon him, signaling the end of the day. He lies back down as if preparing to sleep, and several of the boys sit up expectantly. From his bundle of private belongings, Kavian retrieves a pouch, and their attention heightens. With a theatrical touch, he produces a dried date, holding it over his reclining head as if contemplating it.

Commencing a series of short phrases in foreign languages, Kavian meticulously selects expressions the boys might encounter during their work. Each phrase is paired with a specific fact he seeks to ascertain. The boys respond eagerly, shouting out the origins of the sounds with haste. The first boy to correctly identify the language is rewarded with the sweet. After each sweet reward, Kavian ensures a comprehensive learning experience by providing a translation for the previously spoken phrase.

In this manner, Kavian systematically enhances the capabilities of his team, elevating the value of their observations. The linguistic exercises not only sharpen their language skills but also contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the information they gather, turning each encounter into a valuable opportunity for learning and growth.

As weariness finally claims Kavian, he gently returns his pouch to his bundle, signifying the conclusion of the linguistic exercise. A few remaining boys who were still participating express their disappointment with audible groans. Undeterred, Kavian turns to his side, placing the bundle beneath his head, and succumbs to the embrace of sleep.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:33, Sun 21 Jan.
GM, 137 posts
Wed 24 Jan 2024
at 01:04
  • msg #7

Trade City of Abarion

OOC: LMAO, did Kavian just do a jimmy neutron brain blast? I love it xDD

After entering a session of deep reflection, Kavian emerges having synthesized and organized all the new information gathered by his gang. For their part, they watch hushedly in practiced quiet, as their boss undergoes the familiar procedure of becoming totally still. The more observant kids also notice that his eyes move frantically underneath his shut eyelids, as if he is in a deep sleep...

Regardless of whether they have any inkling of what goes on in that steel trap mind of his, they recognize the pattern, and can only appreciate that each time he emerges from this exercise, he is both totally exhausted and soon to deliver them some insane flashes of insight.

In his mind, Kavian has collected and ordered all the new information, and now begins applying it to his own ever-growing paracosm. This mental construct is represented by a mind map so solid and so lifelike that to Kavian it is nearly corporeal. He can almost touch it, taste it, feel it.

Kavian has long known his mind works differently than others. Most would acquiesce that it just works better, at least in certain fields. Since his first memories, Kavian has always had an absurd ability to observe his surroundings and to analyze information. He also rarely forgets anything he has witnessed or even briefly considered.

His intellectual faculties are not perfect, but they are damn better than most.

It is with this natural gift, clearly, that Kavian has been able to survive and even thrive in the situation of his unfortunate birth. Kavian may take great pride in his accomplishments, or perhaps he is a more humble sort. Regardless, it is undeniable to even the densest person that is familiar with him, that Kavian often thinks on a higher level than most people.

With this mind map of the city's functions and trends updated and in some places cleanly edited, Kavian's mental image moves ever closer to a clear, unflawed understanding. Yet, there are still gaps. These gaps may frustrate Kavian, or perhaps they entice him with the possibility of acquiring further knowledge.

Regardless, this exercise is a tiring one. One that pushes him past his normal limits, and leaves him enervated. Now, he must rest. In the morning, his considerations will flow to the top of his consciousness as they usually do, and he will be able to act on them.

With little talk, the whole group prepares for sleep, following Kavian's lead. A few of the boys leave for the night, intent on sleeping elsewhere, but most stay, having no place else to go.

There is no slants of sunlight to peek through the uneven limestone tunnels, alerting those who rest within that another day has dawned. Instead, they are left to rely on their internal clocks.

Fortunately, many of the children here are adapted to this kind of schedule, and a number of them wake up at the very same moment, their rhythms clearly synchronized.

As Kavian's eyes open up, thoughts are already swirling in his head. He takes a moment to calm and wrangle them. Some dissipate away from him, but enough are left to fill his day.

Kavian has realized the following:

 - A group of peasants have arrived from the Akaz Basin, the agricultural center of Ghanbar. They seem to be seeking military aid in quashing a dark danger that has emerged in their lands. Might be superstitious hogwash.

 - A number of arms-dealing merchants have arrived from Cantel. They were seen selling top-shelf bronze weaponry to some merchants in the city. These will likely be resold elsewhere in Ghanbar to military leaders, thus bolstering their offense for the upcoming Sedorian assault. Could be interesting.

 - A nobleman Kavian previously had a positive opinion on, now leaves him with a sense of incongruity between his true self and his appearance. Perhaps this warrants further investigation.
Kavian Aminar
player, 9 posts
Urban Youth
Tue 30 Jan 2024
at 00:53
  • msg #8

Trade City of Abarion

As the new day unfolds, Kavian awakens, his mind immediately consumed by the myriad possibilities ahead. His attention is drawn to Yasil, lying nearby, prompting a cascade of considerations. Discussions with Ruhan have shed light on Yasil's unique talent for information gathering—a blind child with an extraordinary attention to detail and a natural ability to sift through the relevant and irrelevant.

Contemplating Yasil's potential, Kavian envisions a role that transcends the limitations of a blind beggar. With a pensive expression, he explores how Yasil's skills could elevate the gang's capabilities. The untapped potential in this young member holds the prospect of a valuable asset—a silent observer adept at navigating social engagements without arousing suspicion.

However, amidst these hopeful considerations, the weight of the boy's despondency presses heavily on Kavian. Feeling an urgent need to intervene, he acknowledges that swift action is imperative. The plans for the boy's future cannot afford delays.

Amidst the multitude of other matters demanding follow-up and investigation, Kavian deliberately sets them aside for the moment, choosing to prioritize his quest for Yasil. The boy occupies a special place in Kavian's thoughts, and he has something significant in mind for him—a plan that comes with a considerable cost.

Kavian contemplates seeking assistance from a particular person, understanding that to make the impression he desires, he must present his best self. A swift self-examination leads Kavian to a sober realization – in his current state, he deems himself unpresentable. The marks on his clothing and the lingering scent on his person become undeniable factors in this assessment.

Faced with the reality that he cannot afford the luxurious oils and perfumes favored by his kinsmen to remedy his present state, Kavian relies on a more accessible solution. Acknowledging the abundance of soap and water at his disposal, he has learned to make do with the simple yet effective combination in the absence of opulent alternatives. While drawing enough water for a bath proves to be a laborious endeavor for many in his community, Kavian finds solace in the unique perks of living within the well.

Emerging from the depths of the well as the morning sunlight spills over the arid landscape, Kavian ascends to the surface. With a purposeful stride, he strolls through the bustling streets of the city. His journey leads him to a distinct change in scenery—an expansive walled estate in the affluent part of town.

As he approaches the imposing walls, he nonchalantly leans against them, and with a casual demeanor he begins to whistle a tune of his own creation, a calling card that echoes through the air. The sound carries a subtle announcement of his presence, a signal understood by a particular one within the enclave.

After a brief interval, a subtle creak breaks the stillness as a discreet courtyard door opens, revealing Leila on the other side. Their eyes meet in silent recognition, and without a word, Kavian is ushered inside the walled estate.
GM, 158 posts
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 13:51
  • msg #9

Trade City of Abarion

Entering the nicer part of town is possible even for someone with his current appearance. His practiced purposeful presence, perfected by years of trying to fit in and make something of himself, combined with a natural dignity rising from his intellect, Kavian manages to approach a walled estate.

It is still early, but Kavian's whistling tune, an unique calling card between him and his friend and ally, is quickly picked up by the intended target.

Soon, a short, mousey and waifish girl of about 16 years in a traditional outfit for a female servant of the nobility emerges from a door to the main building, and crosses over the lawn, only slightly skittish.

Opening the reinforced wooden gate that is embedded within the construction of the sandstone wall, Leila huffs lightly from the exertion on her smaller frame. This task would usually be done by multiple men, but it was more a matter of stamina than pure strength, and if Kavian could say anything about Leila, it is that she is an enduring person... Well, more than anything, she is loyal, but enduring is probably her secondary quality in terms of prominence.

Helping Leila close the gate behind them, Kavian himself is slightly winded by the exercise, but it goes by much faster with two than one.

Re-doubling along the lawn, Kavian follows a subtly nervous Leila as they enter the manor. She always suffers this kind of anxiety when meeting with him, which brings Kavian some guilt, however he ultimately knows he has to rely on her for this task.

His understanding of her character leads him to believe this sense of trepidation doesn't arise from a fear of getting caught in the act, but from an internal sense of duty she holds to her master and his estate. Loyalty is a double-edged blade, Kavian supposes. Perhaps the reason Leila is just an accomplice, and not a core member of his team whom she can share almost everything of his plans with.

Not that he is always the most forthcoming about his convoluted plans, that is. Those are generally too difficult to impart in full in a single sitting, and he has dozens of them brewing at a time. At least Ruhan, his lieutenant so-to-speak, has gotten incredibly good at picking up on the general details without needing to have it explicitly spelled out for him.

A small part of Kavian envies others for their ability to understand things purely through intuition, for him, he is much more clearly in the category of someone who understands by contemplation, methods of analysis, and logical understanding.

The estate is quite empty, with the faint sounds of a couple other servants being heard, but ultimately it is not so crowded that Leila finds it remotely difficult to secretly usher in Kavian. Even on busier days, Leila is adept at avoiding the other servants. It is possible they have an inkling of her activities, but as embarrassing as it is they would likely assume she is bringing in a secret lover she is too shy to reveal. It is not true at all, but it makes for a good cover if well-laid plans ever go ass-up.

Passing through the grand entryway to the estate which poses a magnificent and striking view, Kavian doesn't spend much time looking around. He knows it makes Leila uncomfortable when he lets his eyes wander, so he keeps his eyes on the figure ahead of him.

That doesn't mean he isn't (almost half-consciously) mapping the contents of the area around him. He can't help himself, it's a cognitive habit he has developed after living a life where environmental awareness was key to a long and free life.

Leila leads him down a flight of stairs to the laundry room, located near the cellar and other subsurface rooms beneath the main estate.

The laundry room is basically a giant closet space, with a lot of well-organized but limited amenities, from stacked wooden pales to racks of scented soap. The main bathing area is actually on the second floor of the manor.

An unfortunate design choice, as servants are given the unenviable task of making trips up the main stairway, carrying (and being incredibly cautious not to spill) buckets of water fetched from the private well outside, which are then heated in the kitchen area on the ground floor, before being brought up-stairs.

The laundry room here is mostly empty, as the master of the house is away, and his kin are also not currently present in the estate.

Leila knows the drill, and so heads over to one corner of the room, where she has stowed away some personal sewing supplies.
Noting that Kavian has only brought his own outfit, Leila nods.

"Just you, this time?" she asks, referring to whose clothes he needs patched up, cleaned, and modified to be more cohesive.

Leila has some really good skills, Kavian freely admits.

Honestly, Kavian is constantly just a little surprised that she would go so far to repay him. He had helped her out in a major way once, but that was many years ago, and she had been young enough back then that it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to simply forget the favor he had done her, or not understand the significance.

Clearly, Leila was a good cookie, and Kavian was careful to never overextend in what he asked from her. He didn't want to abuse her gratitude and generosity, so he made sure to limit his requests and visit infrequently.
Kavian Aminar
player, 11 posts
Urban Youth
Fri 2 Feb 2024
at 22:58
  • msg #10

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian, adopting a mischievous smile, replies, "Yes, just me. I've got some business to attend to. A certain girl I need to impress." He leaves the statement intentionally vague, allowing Leila to catch the undertones while maintaining a teasing air of mystery.

Leila held a place in Kavian's life that echoed the bonds of family. As much as his gang felt like a brotherhood, Leila stood as a sisterly figure in his world. Yet, as time marched forward, marking the evolution of Leila from the girl he knew to a young woman, Kavian couldn't help but entertain a subtle uncertainty. While the camaraderie and loyalty remained, he found himself pondering whether her commitment extended beyond the debt of favor owed.

Maintaining a casual tone and feigning innocence, Kavian artfully presents his request to Leila, all the while keenly aware of her reaction. With a playful demeanor, he tests her response, curious to discern any nuances that might unfold as he invites her into the realm of his personal affairs.
GM, 163 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 05:42
  • msg #11

Trade City of Abarion

Funnily enough, Leila does have a strong reaction to Kavian's words, though not the one he may have expected.

Her face clearly shows surprise, before some words come out of her mouth without any thought, "Wait, really?"

Perhaps realizing her words may be insulting, she schools her expression and bows her head slightly in apology, "Sorry, I was just... um... surprised."

She continues her task, not distracted from her work enough to stop in her tracks for more than that one moment.

However, she does give him occasional glances, with a raised eyebrow basically asking a silent question, 'Are you serious?' - clearly disbelieving but not sure why he would lie about such a thing either.

The mischievous smile seems to fly over her head, as she doesn't pick up on the fact he is joking. To be fair, Kavian is normally rather serious, though that doesn't mean he never loosens up now and then. Leila also isn't stupid, but she doesn't exactly have much worldly experience.

How does Kavian feel about the fact that him being interested in a girl is so shocking to Leila? Is he amused, perhaps, or depressed? Something else?
Kavian Aminar
player, 12 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #12

Trade City of Abarion

Leila's surprised reaction, evident in the subtle raise of her eyebrows, doesn't go unnoticed by Kavian. Engaged in her work, she tactfully questions him without causing offense. For Kavian, this unexpected response triggers a mix of emotions. While he didn't have specific expectations, it stings his pride slightly that the notion of his romantic interest surprises her. After all, he fancies himself as a bit of a ladies' man.

Simultaneously, there's a twinge of relief. Leila's reaction implies that she doesn't see him in a romantic light, sparing their relationship from potential complications. Secretly, Kavian harbors plans to depart from the city, and preparations for his eventual leave are already in motion. His romantic entanglements have always been short-lived, serving a purpose and always fleeting. However, he is adamant that Leila won't be subjected to such transience.

The mischievous tone in Kavian's statement to Leila wasn't woven from deceit; rather, it stemmed from a genuine truth – there was, indeed, a girl in the picture. His playful proclamation carried a sense of honesty, yet the mischief lay in the playfulness, a deliberate attempt to elicit a reaction from her. Even though the response didn't align with what his pride might have anticipated, the mischievous twinkle in his eye spoke more to a lighthearted teasing, a way of engaging with Leila aside from pure business.

Kavian, maintaining a playful demeanor, continues to jest with an exaggerated sense of injury. He raises an eyebrow and quips to Leila, "Seriously? Is it that hard to believe I'm a sought-after commodity with the opposite sex? Take a good look at me!" He gestures towards himself theatrically. He leaves the door wide open for a witty retort, Kavian grins, well aware that Leila is armed with her own brand of humor.
GM, 168 posts
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 22:33
  • msg #13

Trade City of Abarion

Picking up on the humor, Leila looks Kavian up and down with a cocked eyebrow before scoffing and saying, "I'm sure you'll look a lot better once I fix up these rags you call clothes" before returning to her work.

She also mumbles something about Kavian not needing anyone to help stroke his ego...

Soon, Leila has fixed up everything that was brought to her, and Kavian indeed strikes quite a handsome figure, though no amount of pestering will get Leila to admit it. She can be stubborn when she wants to, it is known.

With this task out of the way, Kavian is free to continue with his day, once he has been safely escorted back off the estate.
Kavian Aminar
player, 13 posts
Urban Youth
Sun 18 Feb 2024
at 13:54
  • msg #14

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian sets aside the levity and adopts a serious demeanor and confides in Leila. "Leila, I need to tell you something," he begins, his tone grave. "It's true that I came here to see another girl. I need her help. It's about Yasil. He's not well." A sense of urgency tinges his tone as he continues, "I feel like I'm running out of time. Today, I'm going to change his life."

As he gazes into the distance, a determined look crosses his face. His sharp eyes seem to pierce through time itself, as if glimpsing into the boy's future. Kavian's self-confidence and unwavering determination are defining attributes of his character, and now, as he speaks, they are on full display, almost unconsciously.

As Kavian's contemplation of the future subsides, he returns to the moment and meets Leila's gaze. "Thank you, Leila, for your help," he says sincerely. After a moment's pause, he adds, "I'll take my leave now."

Eager anticipation fuels Kavian's steps as he hastens towards the park, driven by the desire to arrive before the girl. His plan is clear: to leave his signature mark in its usual spot—nestled upon her seat—well before her anticipated performance. Amidst the journey, his thoughts echo with the melody of a song, his mind meticulously rehearsing each note as his vocal cords subtly flex in silent preparation.
GM, 187 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2024
at 23:51
  • msg #15

Trade City of Abarion

Leila nods seriously, a solemn expression on her small face.
She is obviously not fully in the loop, but doesn't seem interested in the particulars...

It's weird, because she seems less worried than you may expect about Yasil... hold on, have those two ever met? Well, she probably knows about him from what you've told her of your group (but then again, you've been careful not to overshare before... even if you trust her, she isn't exactly a trained confidant of yours - and has other allegiances, which she has made implicitly clear)

Anyway, she wishes you luck as you leave, and then returns to her own life and duties.

Kavian recognizes life is a complex web, and he begins to crawl along it - ready to make his next move!

The park Kavian heads towards is not really somewhere he should be, it is above his station in life, but he has found work-arounds for the numerous times he has been drawn to visit this place.

On his way to the park, and while entering - Kavian does get some disapproving glances. Though, he is not refused entry by anyone - and especially by nobody with a visible weapon. Fortunately, the fixing up his clothes went through were good enough to make it appear as though he is wealthier than he actually is. Though, the lack of jewelry or gaudy ornamentation are probably the reason behind the gazes. Most likely, those unhappy faces assume he is a rich fellow who has fallen on hard times - rather than someone secretly climbing above their station to enter this place.

Indeed, Kavian arrives at the park before the woman he has eyes for. He leaves a small flower, a red tulip, on the seat she usually rests at.
With that, he makes himself scarce, nearby but out of sight.

After about a half hour, during which Kavian is not interrupted nor particularly noticed - (It seems that being somewhere is less suspicious than entering that place. People probably subconsciously assume that if he's here it's because he was let in, and thus there are no isses with him... It's a fair assumption, if a false one that is easy enough to exploit.) - the woman appears.

The woman in question is of a wealthy family but not explicit nobility... he has not conversed with her directly up til now, so he has no way to know whether her family has greater aspirations , or is satisfied with their wealth but lacking influence.

Regardless, it's taboo but not outright forbidden for courting to occur between Kavian and her... though many things could and would go wrong, and it would not be a pretty sight... it's theoretically possible.

First though, Kavian would have to get a sign that she is interested... and at least, up until today, from the distance he has set  for himself, he has been able to confirm she has responded to his flirting... even as he slowly made advances, the woman did not seem put off, though she seems hesitant not to mention generally shy and withdrawn...

Perhaps today will be the day for Kavian to meet the woman face-to-face... he doesn't even know her name, yet...

Her appearance is something to behold (the less said about her blessed figure, the better) - even if she is by no means the most beautiful noblewoman he has ever laid eyes on, to Kavian nothing has stirred his heart in such a way before - with pale skin framed by long raven hair, her face is soft and delicate, with small features, her eyes are most striking - long eyelashes and slightly sunken - something some would consider unattractive or slovenly - but which fill Kavian with a sense of mystery... why does she appear tired? Why does she seem so melancholic when she plays her instrument?

Ah yes, the instrument. The reason he was first drawn to this woman -- before his heart began to pull him towards her in other ways... It was the way she played her qhit'al (OOC: a stringed instrument... similar to a sitar or maybe an ukulele) - most sounds from such a device would be folksy and traditional, played by minstrels to earn spare coin from passerbys... but hers sounded melancholic. It was a slow, crooning sound, one that told a story - but Kavian did not know the story

The instrument is a glossy black, perhaps carved from ebony, or a similar material. Regardless of it's source, it's darkly beautiful, and it matches the rest of her attire - which some may berate as gloomy, but Kavian finds frighteningly appealing - she wears a frilly dress, almost entirely black, though with traces of incredibly dark blues and indigos. The dress is unusual, as though it does have a large textile component, it is unique in that large raven feathers adorn it in meticulous patterns... truly enthralling.

The strangest piece of her outfit is her headdress - an uncommon sight in most contexts, and especially the social sphere she must reside in - but somehow Kavian feels the headdress (somewhere between a bonnet and a hood) is a personal expression of some kind... it too is pitch black, and also further obscured her features.

For adornments, they are rather limited - something which Kavian reads as even more charming than perhaps he should... he has never liked the ostentatious presentations the nobility will adorn themselves with... they clearly try to cover up their ugly nature with such things... truly, it's like tossing pearls to a swine.

Mainly, she wears a beaded necklace, which is made of some dark material that would need closer inspection... though such a thing will likely not be possible for a long time... if ever.

The second thing she wears is something Kavian didn't notice at first, but almost stopped his heart when he saw it... His first impression was that he was completely wrong about this woman... perhaps she was worse than the rest of them...

That was just how absurd what she was wearing was.

A pair of black earrings.

Totally normal, right?

Probably made of quality onyx or maybe even rare obsidian traded for from the far south (beyond the Param Sea)...


It took Kavian time... but he could tell.

Black Sapphire.

The rarest gemstone in existence.
Those tiny earrings are each no larger than a single grain of barley (about 10 grains of rough-hewn sand, or 100 grains of silky sand)
Yet, they are each worth almost as much as a pound or even a pound and a half of high-quality gold.

Ridiculous. Even among the royalty, black sapphires are not often seen.
You could buy ten tiny diamonds of the same size for those two earrings, and still have some money left over.

But, despite all this...
Kavian could not bring himself to feel greed.
The reason was simple, but it took him a while to consciously understand.

It was because his conscience wouldn't let him.

It wasn't just because he maybe liked this lady in improper ways...
It was because she hadn't originally worn these ornaments.
It wasn't until one of his more recent flirtatious episodes that she had come back the next day wearing them.
It could be coincidence...
But his heart and mind both agreed it was unlikely.
He was sure, that for whatever reason, she was wearing this... if not FOR him... then because of him.

And so, perhaps this wasn't the same as what the other nobility did...
At least, his heart hoped so... and his mind went along with it because it wasn't impossible to be true with the info he had... yet.

With all that though, it was not just her appearance that struck Kavian... He could see prettier sights if he wanted to... he would just have to wait for some hateful noblewomen to parade themselves around town dressed to the nines... they objectively had done more to make themselves as ''beautiful'' as possible... though Kavian would admit that it did little for him, with the knowledge that they were likely very undesirable people in terms of personality.

Ultimately, it was something about this woman's demeanor that drove him crazy. At first, he thought she was just shy and quiet... If he was being generous, he could call that cute. If he wanted to give her as much charity as he usually gave to the upper class... he would call it annoying or maybe even passive aggressively pretentious...

But it was sincere.
Or at least he felt so.

The shyness and quietness was not some demure act, but the result of something else... Something deeper and more mysterious.
Later, by now, he had and has realized she is not just shy and quiet... she is somber and melancholic.

Reserved, but not in the way noblewomen usually are. Hiding a scheming mind behind an innocent expression. No, this was no crafty fox... she didn't seem dangerous... at all, really... though he knew it was foolish to blindly underestimate someone... especially someone who eventually would feel comfortable to wear black sapphire earrings around an unknown suitor who she probably recognized as being of the underclass...

Maybe that was it. The level of trust she was showing... or perhaps it was naivety, but Kavian wanted to believe it was a purposeful opening... a show of vulnerability... Though, who knows if he would do the same in her place. Maybe, maybe not. Only Kavian would know what Kavian would do... or maybe even he was unsure of his own true core of personality.

Regardless, the woman had a subtly powerful demeanor... it wasn't just gloomy as most around her seemed to think... Kavian could see it was something far deeper and more sorrowful... It made him want to protect her, to make her smile... he had even succeeded a few times, now. Small smiles that made his heart flutter. More than just a polite smile... a true smile... though restrained... by something.

Enough of that.
Back to the present.

The woman had sat down, noticed the tulip and shyly tucked it away into her long sleeve... He couldn't see her face clearly. His fantasies told him she was blushing... But he had no proof.

The woman had already begun to thrum a melody. Kavian realizes he has lost track of time. Time seems to melt when this woman starts playing. He hasn't only forgotten how much time has passed, he doesn't even know the order of events anymore... Did she take his flower after he noticed her earrings? Did she start playing before or after he arrived? When and where was he? It doesn't matter.

She was so beautiful.

And mysterious.


A lightning bolt explodes in Kavian's head - knocking him out of his deeply peaceful trance! His mind rapidly reorganizes the events, but it is clumsy, because he is focused on his sudden epiphany!

He knows why he finds this woman so appealing, finally!
It is the mystery!

He is so used to seeing through things... yet this womna, he cannot see through - even the most basic things give him pause, or confound him!
It is deliciously frustrating.


The sounds eventually stop, and Kavian's heart begins to race.

The woman is preparing for a new song...

Now is the time to approach.
No more playing the rogue.
He will directly approach her now.
There is Yasil's future to consider, surely, but also he has to do this for himself...

He desperately wants to meet this woman...

And now, he has the courage to do so.

What is Kavian's game plan?

OOC: Hopefully I managed to write this in an agreeable way. I worry I may have inserted too many feelings into Kavian, but I don't know how to write about things like love without mentioning a lot of feelings... well, there are ways, but I think they don't fit the case as well as this.

Overall, I tried to limit stuff to what we had already discussed in PMs (at least from what I remember, its been about a week tbf)

If there are any changes you want me to make, I will do so.
Hopefully you enjoy, I put a lot of effort into this and think it could turn into smth really beautiful. LMK what u think though!

Kavian Aminar
player, 15 posts
Urban Youth
Sun 3 Mar 2024
at 18:34
  • msg #16

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian approaches the mysterious musician, the uncertainty of the moment electrifies the air. She is an enigma, different from any he has encountered before. Her sorrow is plain to see, yet it runs deep, like an endless abyss he cannot fathom. Despite the premature nature of his approach, circumstance leaves him no choice but to proceed. Though he feels exposed and vulnerable, moments like these test his resolve, yet never catch him completely unprepared.

With unwavering focus, Kavian executes his plan, refusing to allow his nerves to sway him. As she prepares to begin her next song, he moves forward with soft, deliberate footfalls. Initiating a song, a subtle song request, its familiar tune resonates in the air, a melody he has heard her play countless times before. With intimate knowledge of her variations and flourishes, he sings softly and seductively, his voice weaving seamlessly with the music. Maintaining intense eye contact, he approaches her slowly, his gaze fixed on hers, regardless of whether she returns the gesture or not.

Verse 1
In the still of night, beneath the moon's soft glow,
I heard a song that whispered secrets, so low.
Melancholy melodies, haunting and clear,
Drawing me closer, dispelling all fear.

What mortal can fathom a goddess's sorrow?
Her song rings in my heart, echoes till morrow.
In the quiet of solitude, it calls out my name,
Compelling me to her, in her melancholy game.

Verse 2
With each passing note, I'm drawn deeper in,
Lost in the music, the sorrow, the sin.
Love for a brother, keeps me tethered here,
But the pull of her song, whispers in my ear.

What mortal can fathom a goddess's sorrow?
Her song rings in my heart, echoes till morrow.
In the quiet of solitude, it calls out my name,
Compelling me to her, in her melancholy game.

Time loses meaning in her presence so divine,
But I must keep my distance, for my charges in line.
Her pull is powerful, I'm just a mere mortal,
But her song draws me closer, to her ethereal portal.

Verse 3
In the depths of her heart, secrets untold,
I glimpse the mysteries, her sorrow unfolds.
I'm torn between duty, and desires untamed,
As her song echoes on, in my soul it's ingrained.

What mortal can fathom a goddess's sorrow?
Her song rings in my heart, echoes till morrow.
In the quiet of solitude, it calls out my name,
Compelling me to her, in her melancholy game.

Though I may resist, her pull remains strong,
For her song is the essence of where I belong.
In the depths of her sorrow, I find solace and grace,
As I'm enveloped in music, in her loving embrace.

GM, 197 posts
Mon 4 Mar 2024
at 17:24
  • msg #17

Trade City of Abarion

OOC: Damn, that was awesome. I can't say how grateful I am to have players that will write literal lyrics for my game!
I definitely feel like these lyrics absolutely matched the tone we're setting up here! Bravo!


As the mysterious noble lady begins to play a familiar tune, Kavian pushes himself forward. He is nervous. It is always scary to make yourself vulnerable, but it's the thing he knows he needs to do to put his convictions to the test. He would prove to himself that mere shyness could not cause him to miss taking the chance of his lifetime. He didn't know if this would work, but he knew he would always regret it if he didn't bring himself to try.

It had taken him quite some effort to compose the lyrics for this piece. Kavian didn't know if this tune was purely instrumental, or if it had lyrics that the mysterious woman just didn't know, or didn't sing.

His intuition tells him it's the latter of those. The dark lady is greatly skilled with the qhit'al, but she never sings the lyrics to any of her songs, even if Kavian vaguely knows the tune from his memory, and is aware it has lyrics.

Perhaps she isn't confident in her voice, or maybe she is only focused on the qhit'al. It's just another thing he doesn't know about her, and can't learn if he doesn't get closer.

Thus, Kavian decided to make his own lyrics. Some may say it was corny, but to him it was an expression of his sincerity.
The lyrics were built around how he felt when he watched this woman play.


As Kavian approaches, the woman the song halts as she jumps. She must have been caught up in her own world, not having heard or seen him approach. As he begins to sing and approach, she quickly realizes what he is doing, and without hesitation, continues the song.

From there, a strange aura envelops around the two people.
Perhaps she is aware of his intentions, or maybe she just respects music too much to stop her playing when a perfect duet partner has appeared.

Regardless, as the verse moves into the chorus, into the bridge, and finally settles on the outro - Kavian has slowly moved closer, and is now on the verge of her personal space.

While he has made eye contact with her the whole time, she has kept her head down. The same position she usually plays in. As if she's focused on her own memories.

As the song calms to a melancholic but hopeful end, the warbling in the air seems to stretch for hours. The distance between them feels both incredibly far and incredibly short, even as Kavian realizes he is incredibly close to the person he fancies, and has all but fallen for.

As the last vestiges of the soft, shadowy song finally leave the air, the woman looks up and meet his.
Kavian's heart skips a beat when he realizes a single tear has fallen from one of her eyes.
The lady perhaps reads something from his face, and quickly raises her embroidered sleeve to gently wipe her cheek.
It's not completely proper (usually, one would use a handkerchief), but her gentle movements fill the act with a sense of nearly divine elegance

Her dark eyes are like the abyss. But, looking into them, he doesn't feel cold.
Though, he also doesn't feel the same incredible warmth in his own heart...

Her reaction comes after a few moments of their eyes gazing into each other's. Her expression hasn't changed, it still has the same flatness that she always wears... but there is a hint of something new. A softness. Kavian realizes quickly, from his years of experience in reading faces.

The skin around her eyes has relaxed slightly. She looks at him earnestly, even though she doesn't smile.
This still fills him with near-euphoria. Somehow, he feels that a smile from her would have been a sign he had failed and she was being polite but insincere. This lady does not smile.

Her voice meets his ears then, as her thin lips open, revealing white teeth.

"Thank you... That was beautiful."

She doesn't say anything else, and her eyes leave his, returning to a space between the ground and her instrument. She usually plays with her head down like this. As if she is focused only one her music - and her memories.

For now, she does not say anything else. Nor does she begin another song.
The quiet threatens to be replaced by emptiness. Kavian knows, it's his time to speak.
Kavian Aminar
player, 17 posts
Urban Youth
Tue 5 Mar 2024
at 14:28
  • msg #18

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian senses the weight of the silence settling around them, he knows he must tread carefully. Rather than diving into introductions or probing questions, he opts for a simpler approach. With sincerity in his voice, he expresses his admiration for her talent and the acknowledgment of her message. "I hear you. And you are beautiful," he says softly, allowing the words to hang in the air.

Choosing to maintain a respectful distance, Kavian settles onto the grass nearby, his posture conveying empathy and warmth. He hopes to convey his genuine interest in her without overwhelming her, offering himself as a source of comfort and support in the quiet moments of her music. With bated breath, he awaits her response, hoping that she sees his presence as a welcome addition rather than an intrusion.
GM, 209 posts
Tue 12 Mar 2024
at 17:34
  • msg #19

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian gets a glance at his rather sudden compliment, but the lady doesn't say anything. That could be a good or bad sign, it's impossible to tell.

As Kavian settles down, the mysterious woman eventually continues playing, going through a few more songs - some of which are familiar to Kavian by now.

After an hour has passed, the lady begins to place her qhit'al back in it's case, and smooths out her dress before standing up.
Soon, she is preparing to leave.

Now is probably the time for Kavian to bring up Yasil's matter, unless he wishes to hold his peace until a later time?
Kavian Aminar
player, 21 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 18 Mar 2024
at 19:34
  • msg #20

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian sits in quiet companionship with the woman, he finds himself unable to fully immerse himself in the beauty of her performance. While she seems unfazed by his presence, his own inner turmoil clouds his ability to enjoy the music.

A pressure builds in his heart and stomach, a sense of unease settling within him as he gathers his courage. Despite his usual confidence and clarity of purpose, he struggles to discern the right words to ask something of a woman whose emotions remain a mystery to him.

Reflecting on the depth of his emotional investment in this moment, Kavian is struck by its uncharacteristic nature. He rarely allows himself to be so affected by others, yet here he sits, captivated by the enchanting woman before him, his usual composure momentarily shaken by the intensity of his feelings.

As the woman finishes her performance and begins to gather her belongings, Kavian's sense of urgency intensifies. It's only then that he realizes how swiftly time has passed, caught up in the spell of her music and the weight of their silent exchange.

With a quickening heart, Kavian rises from his seat, a surge of panic coursing through him as he realizes the fleeting nature of the moment. He knows he must seize this opportunity to speak his mind before it slips away, lost in the passage of time like grains of sand through an hourglass.

As Kavian stands before the woman, he feels the familiar pull of his normal habits, the inclination to manipulate his way through conversation. Yet, something about her intelligence and perceptiveness makes him pause. He recognizes that resorting to manipulation could risk alienating her, jeopardizing any chance of building a genuine connection.

With a determined resolve, Kavian steers away from his usual tactics. Instead, he opts for a more ambiguous approach, speaking in riddles that would keep her intrigued and her mind engaged long after their encounter ends.

Leaning forward slightly, he waits for the moment when the music fades, leaving only the echo of its resonance in the air. "I hear your sorrow," he finally speaks, his voice low and reverent. "But I see your strength."

Turning to face her directly, Kavian offers a small smile, hoping to convey his sincerity. "My name is Kavian," he introduces himself. "Yours is a song I am burdened with every day, an entire symphony of sorrow," he continues, his gaze pained by the reality. "And I will save them all if I can."

"But, I can't save him," Kavian admits softly, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with undeniable conviction. "Darkness threatens to smother him, and his light wanes."

Pausing briefly, he locks eyes with her, his gaze searching for understanding. "I sense you can achieve what I cannot," he confesses, his tone weighted with both admiration and a silent plea. "You could help, if you are willing."
GM, 218 posts
Sat 23 Mar 2024
at 07:52
  • msg #21

Trade City of Abarion

The dark lady's expression remains placid like a calm lake as Kavian shows his linguistic capabilities.

However, by the time he is done, a slight, small frown has appeared on her face.

Her black eyes are cold as she looks at him. Kavian cannot read them well, but from her following tone, he is able to read a mixture of emotions - mild confusion and frustration, with a lot of other minor emotions that currently elude him.

She says, "Why do you speak in riddles, young man?" Kavian gets the intuition that she has deliberately avoided using his name... Also, 'young man'? That's a strange term of address coming from someone of roughly the same age...

"Do not presume to know more about me than you do. Indeed, my songs tell of my past. But you do not know it. And you will not get anything from me, with this kind of melodrama"

Clearly, the woman is unimpressed and even insulted by this approach. She hadn't taken any offense with his presence - as many upperclasswomen may have done - nor had she been offput by his spontaneous ballad, she had even complimented it.

However, his honeyed words on her had earned him no reaction - and as he stops her departure to behave in such an overdramatic way - she is clearly displeased by it all.

"Speak clearly your request, do not play word games with me."

This was not going too well...!
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:52, Sat 23 Mar.
Kavian Aminar
player, 22 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 1 Apr 2024
at 14:54
  • msg #22

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian listens intently as the woman voices her displeasure with his cryptic approach. Her choice of words strikes him as peculiar, referring to him as a "young man" despite her own youthful appearance.

Despite feeling slightly thrown off by her directness, Kavian approaches the situation with good humor, rolling with her rebuke and maintaining his engaging demeanor. As the conversation unfolds, he finds himself intrigued and excited by the unexpected turn of events. This interaction deviates from his usual conversational style, where he typically orchestrates the flow like a conductor. He notes with interest the woman's thoughtful and introspective nature, which sets her apart from others he has encountered.

Unfazed by her criticism, he maintains his composure and responds with a mix of explanation and defense, delivered in his usual confident and charming manner. While he refrains from offering an outright apology, he seeks to clarify his intentions and justify his approach.

Kavian nods in acknowledgment of her request, his demeanor shifting slightly as he prepares to make his plea in earnest. With a graceful bow of his head and a wide gesture of his arms, he adopts a posture of submission, as if laying himself bare before her.

"To abandon the artistry of my speech would risk dulling its edge," he begins, his voice soft yet playful. "I make no presumptions about you, my lady, but merely speak to what I have observed." He pauses briefly, meeting her gaze with sincerity. "You are correct in surmising that I have a request to make." He continues.

"I care for many orphaned souls, providing them not only with the basics of sustenance and shelter, but also with guidance and purpose," Kavian explains, his tone tinged with compassion. "However, there is one among them whose pain runs deeper than I can reach alone. I seek your assistance in granting him the gift of your skill—a means to find value and self-worth, and an outlet for his emotions."
GM, 238 posts
Tue 2 Apr 2024
at 16:09
  • msg #23

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian continues with the same routine, which verges on showmanship, the woman's face begins to show a bit of change. Not a good one, either. Her face crumples slightly, and her expression is dark.

However, when he gets to the part about taking care of orphaned souls, her expression becomes a conflicted one instead...

Silence stretches thin between them for a long moment. Eventually, she speaks in a cold voice, "I dislike these games you are playing and am beginning to dislike you. However, if it's true that you show care to those in need, you have my respect, though begrudgingly. Still, this all begs the question, what do you need from me that you cannot get elsewhere? If you are referring to my musical skills, I am self-taught. You can find better - and cheaper - teachers than I, and you should. I don't have time for such a thing, nor would you or your child want the attention that would come from me associating with you"

After a brief moment of thought, the woman adds one more thing, "And speak without this -" she gestures widely, "- artistry, or risk losing my ear from here on."

What is Kavian's response to this turn of events?
Kavian Aminar
player, 23 posts
Urban Youth
Wed 3 Apr 2024
at 17:50
  • msg #24

Trade City of Abarion

In the midst of their conversation, Kavian's demeanor softens as he acknowledges her distaste for his wordplay. "I apologize for the necessity of such tactics," he concedes, his tone genuine. "I agree with you; these methods aren't to my liking either."

Continuing, he explains his intention behind these tactics. "However, sometimes, a bit of persuasion is necessary to motivate others to follow their hearts," he explains, his words carrying a note of justification. "It's not about manipulating them, but rather, inspiring them to do what they already know is right."

His gaze holds a hint of disappointment, reflecting the frustration of witnessing this pattern all too often. "It's a curious thing, isn't it?" he remarks, his tone carrying a gentle rebuke. "People are eager to sympathize when it costs them nothing, but suddenly become too busy when a commitment is asked of them."

He glances at her, hoping she will understand the candor behind his words. "I hope you can forgive the necessity of such tactics, given the noble intentions behind them," he concludes.

When questioned about why he chose her instead of a potentially more affordable teacher, he responds thoughtfully. "Affordability is subjective, especially for children who possess so little," he explains. "I do not intend to burden them with the cost in the long run. I prepare them for the day when I can no longer provide for them."

Kavian elaborates on his decision to approach her, his tone reflective as he delves into his reasoning."I feel that Yasil's situation requires more than just a business transaction." he adds.

With a slight blush creeping up his cheeks, Kavian admits, "Perhaps I misjudged, but I believed that together, the two of you could find comfort in one another." His voice carries a hint of embarrassment, as if he's unsure of his own intuition and hesitant to acknowledge it.
GM, 251 posts
Sat 6 Apr 2024
at 23:34
  • msg #25

Trade City of Abarion

The woman spends a long time looking at Kavian. She seems very conflicted about what choice to make.

Eventually, she lets out a sigh.

"I think I understand what you're doing, now. You're doing what you think you need to do, in order to help those you've sworn to protect. It's something I can appreciate. However, as someone on the other side of this exchange, I'm not pleased."

She is quiet for a moment, though her bearing shows she isn't giving you a chance to speak but rather carefully selecting her next words.

"Indeed, I sympathize with the less fortunate. Even if that 'costs me nothing' as you say, it's more than you might find amongst those of my station. For better or worse, I have personally experienced the darker aspects of life, and so I'm aware of and appreciative towards my fortune, both material and immaterial."

She continues, speaking more than she was at first, "Yet, what exactly do you ask of me? Do you wish for me to educate this child, Yasil, you said? To teach him music? It is a bold request, especially towards a stranger."

She stops there, chewing the inside of her lip for a moment before finishing her words. "For now, I will refuse. Though you may have your own thoughts about how the well-to-do spend their days, I have my own business to which I must attend. I do not have time for this kind of charity. However, that does not mean I will not help."

She reaches into her purse, pulling out some money. Her delicate palm reaches out towards you, placing four Golden Drops into your hands.

"Use this to purchase a music teacher for that boy. Do not bother me with this topic again, or else I'll stop appreciating your presence." She gives you a meaningful look that is hard to decipher, before turning around and packing up her things.

As she's about to leave, she looks back at you and says one last thing, which lets you salvage some hope for a possible future with this individual, "I'll return here to play again in a week. If you bring that boy along, I won't complain. Don't expect anything, though. I do this to help relax myself, and interruptions would be an unwelcome nuisance."

Kavian has a chance to speak, should he wish, before the woman leaves for the time being.

OOC: A Baydham is basically gold bullion. Specifically, A Golden Drop is a rough spheroid about the size of a fingernail. Four of them are quite a lot of money, especially for you. It could go a long way.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, the pull of Fate begins to show it's hand.

A young woman with a fairly athletic build enters the city in a small caravan. As she departs her ox-and-carriage, her plain heart-shaped face with a sharp chin show an expression of wonder at the city around her. This place is so much bigger than Kuracos!

Though the woman craves adventure, she has been taught well and knows one must complete work before they can play.
After about an hour, she successfuly sets up an Inn to stay at for a few nights, as well as a stable to store her ox-and-carriage.

She hopefully won't be in the city long.
She once again checks her missions statement, written by her mother, Tarisha of Hakirrash.

Dear Asherah,

Up north in the Trade City of Abarion, there is a banker named Hormuz Qhazakh. Please convince that stubborn ox to stop campaigning on increasing the tarrif rate on our dyes

I have confidence you'll be able to complete this task quickly. Your father and I, as well as your two little brothers both eagerly await your return.

Speak to you soon,


This message was last edited by the GM at 21:02, Wed 10 Apr.
player, 65 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Wed 10 Apr 2024
at 20:41
  • msg #26

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would stare in awe of the city. It felt as if her feet were itching, desperate to move, to run, to go free, and absorb this new place. It was huge! it would probably take weeks to explore it all. It was too bad she didn't have such time.

After work ASherah would have to find the marketplace quick and ask around for good spots to visit before she left. Maybe she could even talk to [insert title] Qhazakh about it, if things ended on steady, friendly terms.

Once Asherah had situated Dobson [the Ox] and had situated herself in an inn room, she began work. She composed a letter that was polite, but insistent in asking for a meeting with Qhazakh. Once composed she'd go to the proper channels and send it off. It had taken awhile to write though, so now it was dark out. Asherah would sigh. She would sigh, as much as she wanted to go now and explore... That Zajamur nightmare was still lurking in the back of her head. She shuddered and went straight back to the inn.

That morning though, provided there was no response from Qhazakh, Asherah would head off in search of a somewhat central market area.
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