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00:16, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Trade City of Abarion.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
GM, 262 posts
Sat 13 Apr 2024
at 23:34
  • msg #27

Trade City of Abarion

First things first, Asherah found an inn to settle down at with her ox, Dobson. She didn't really know if the animal had a name, but she had decided to call it that on the journey. The beast seemed indifferent, as it was to most things.

After writing her message for Lord Qhazakh and leaving it at the man's estate, in the safe hands of his manservant, Asherah returns to her inn and decided to rest right away. She is still troubled by that nightmare she had about the man-eating storybook monsters called Zajamurs.

She vaguely recalls getting up in the middle of the night to do something, but it's all rather fuzzy. Sure, Zajamurs are scary - but the real thing that is bothering her is how badly she had slept... She feels like she had been up for hours... but clearly, she had just imagined getting out of bed?

With her mind racing in circles, Asherah eventually tires and drifts off into sleep.
This sleep, at least, is restful.


In the morning, Asherah gets herself ready for the day. The inn is a rather quality one, so the owner - a young woman - comes up to offer Asherah a small tub of water and a towel to wash with. If she accepts, she may be surprised when the petite woman carries the whole tub up the stairs without any visible signs of exhaustion. Clearly, she's done this many times!


As Asherah is leaving the inn, the owner informs her that a letter was brought to her at the crack of dawn. She explains that she was woke up by the disturbance, but was fairly compensated by the intrusive man. She seems rather pleased, likely the fellow had been generous with his apology.

The letter likely came from the same or a different manservant that she had visited last evening. Reading the letter, it is very brief. The man, Qhazakh is busy for the forseeable future, but he will be able to meet with her at his estate in a few days.

Annoying, but at least he isn't avoiding her by purposefully not giving her a time and place to meetup. All in all, worse than she hoped, but better than she feared.

Now, Asherah has some days to burn.

She decides to go visit a marketplace.


It's not difficult to find, most of the city has some form of commerce, from isolated stragglers peddling suspicious wares or performing acts - to large swathes of extra-wide roads stuffed with semipermanent stalls.

Just from a glance, Asherah is excited! Almost anything she could want is available here! If she's looking for food or livestock, though, she will have to visit a separate area - it seems Abarion has a policy that products with intense smells or noises have to be in a different area from the rest. Overall, that results in a less unpleasant atmosphere - less reeking, chattering animals and overly fragrant or even half-rancid fruits.

Asherah, though, might only appreciate this conceptually. She hasn't visited a large marketplace such as this before. Commerce was handled differently in Kuracos, and hardly at all in Hakirrash. Her education, at least, included plenty of information about how to manage oneself in this sort of environment. Things like etiquette, haggling and actually finding what you are looking for.

Still, the environment is slightly overwhelming to the young woman. The countless overlapping voices, some shouting in angry disagreement or to bring attention to their products. There is also a lot of colorful clothing, and many people moving quickly. Fortunately, though Kuracos was but a fraction the size of Abarion, she has experience with handling herself in an urban city. She knew how to not get pickpocketed, at least for the most part.


What will Asherah seek in the market? Or, does she just wish to wander around and see if anything strikes her fancy?

OOC: A quick message for both Kavian and Asherah:

Don't try and meet up with each other just yet. I'll orchestrate that when the time is right (quite soon, methinks). Thanks for your consideration.

player, 69 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Wed 17 Apr 2024
at 05:40
  • msg #28

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would accept the offer of a quick clean up and made sure to compliment the woman on her impressive strength.

Asherah, although she saw the woman was alright with the intrusion, apologized profusely that her business intruded on the young woman's sleep.

Asherah would find the marketplace pretty quickly, but for the most part end up being disappointed. Sure, she immediately felt giddy and a little awestruck by its size. But there was so many people and noises. True, there was no fierce smells, but Asherah would probably prefer she be trudging through a pigs pen if it meant less noise. Asherah would wander, observing the wares. There was nothing she was really interested in. She would go up and ask one of them good tourist spots, but she always felt bad pretending to be interested in a merchant's wares. And she felt it would be rude to ask such information with out a purchase.

So Ashearh left the main market in search of somewhere she could get a nice snack, hoping this time it wouldn't be as... suffocating.
GM, 278 posts
Wed 24 Apr 2024
at 22:53
  • msg #29

Trade City of Abarion

Unfortunately, Abarion itself is a largely bustling city.

There are some quieter areas. These areas are largely the impoverished slums (which Asherah should probably not visit) but there are also the more elitist areas such as certain parks and plazas. They also some people, but a lot fewer and these people are more restrained in their behavior.

While Asherah is not by any means a noble in Abarion, she has a reasonable status and probably wouldn't face much opposition for visiting these kinds of areas. She is presentable, and is (technically) in a position of leadership within Hakirrash. Although Hakirrash is just an independent village, it's not an unimportant one to the Kingdom.

Asherah has to wander for a couple hours with her peckishness before she finds a well-dressed man selling refreshments and hand-folded wraps. These wraps are called Talafega and they consist of flat pieces of baked barley dough which are stuffed with seasoned vegetables, curry spices and kefir, before being wrapped into an iconic shape and boiled like a dumpling. They are usually topped with a honeyed olive.

Talafega come in many different price ranges, but given that she is outside of the main market, the price to buy from this man are quite ridiculous. Of course, she more than has the ability to pay, if she so chooses.

Still, these are some of the nicest-looking Talafega she has seen, so maybe it's worth the price - it's clearly a luxury version of the street food.

Nice benches rest nearby for Asherah to rest at.

OOC: Damn, now I'm hungry XD. You can think of Talafega as very similar to Samosas.

For the ingredients, I was inspired by ingredients from all over the Old World. Namely, the Mediterranean (olives), the Caucasus (kefir apparently, though I thought it was Middle Eastern), and South Asia (curry spices, though curry is made basically everywhere). These fit well enough with the Persian and Arabic inspired themes of Ghanbar, since the numerous ancient empires of those ethnic groups stretched quite far.

Hopefully this gives you something to chew on (pun intended) until Kavian's next post

Kavian Aminar
player, 24 posts
Urban Youth
Tue 30 Apr 2024
at 13:06
  • msg #30

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian's mind races as he holds the four small golden drops in his hand, their weight feeling heavier than he initially anticipated. The woman's gesture, both lavish and unexpected, catches him off guard. He takes a moment to absorb the implications of her generosity, the weight of her trust in him for Yasil's well-being sinking in.

"You've been far too generous," Kavian says, his voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and admiration. "This is more than I could have imagined."

Kavian realizes that he has underestimated her in more ways than one. Her wealth and generosity are only facets of a deeper complexity that intrigues him. With a newfound determination, he resolves to unravel the mystery of who she truly is, no longer content to view her as merely an entertaining puzzle.

As they converse further, Kavian is taken aback when the woman confesses that she appreciates his presence, her words carrying a weight that leaves him momentarily speechless. He can sense a deeper meaning behind her statement, something that resonates with the connection they've forged in this brief encounter.

With a nod of understanding, Kavian accepts her invitation to return in a week, her subtle gesture not lost on him. "I look forward to it," he replies, his tone reflecting his genuine anticipation. In that moment, he knows that he cannot afford to miss the appointed day, a chance to not only witness her performance once more but also to showcase the progress he has made with Yasil, a testament to both their efforts and the woman's generosity.

As they part ways, his mind is already racing with plans for the week ahead, his determination renewed by the promise of what the future holds.

With a sense of urgency, Kavian seeks out a quiet spot where he can collect his thoughts. The weight of the four baydham in his possession serves as a tangible reminder of the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. These small gold bullions represent more than just wealth; they symbolize a chance to invest in a future beyond mere survival.

As he reflects on his situation, Kavian realizes the need to proceed with caution. While the baydham offer potential for growth and prosperity, they also present risks, particularly in a society where suspicion and accusations of theft abound. Breaking them into smaller denominations is essential for both practicality and safety, allowing him to navigate the complexities of trade without drawing unwanted attention.

Moreover, Kavian understands the importance of providing Yasil with the education he needs without risking exploitation or deceit. Finding a reputable teacher and negotiating a fair arrangement will require careful planning and strategic thinking, traits that have served him well in the past.
player, 74 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Wed 1 May 2024
at 05:10
  • msg #31

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah got rather excited when she laid eyes on the talafega. She was hungry and it looked very appetizing. Originally, she had been looking for a food stall of some sort out of curiosity, now it was out of real hunger. Upon hearing the outrageous price though Ashearh, knew she had to pass. She complimented the man on his skill and explained how she really ought to not be spending that much on superfluous items. Bidding the man a good day, she would continue her search.

As Asherah walked, she moved back and forth with an odd sort of grace. When she was younger and had short legs that made everything seem farther, Asherah had made up a game. It wasn't particularly creative, it was just called 'the walking game'. It was just something to distract when she had to walk long distances. But essentially the goal was for her to walk as if she was dancing, without taking any steps back or twisting her hips more than needed. Asherah would take time to enjoy this game as she continued to walk through the nicer parts of town in search of something good to eat.
GM, 284 posts
Thu 2 May 2024
at 00:30
  • msg #32

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian feels deep appreciation towards this intriguing individual, and he also begins to understand her words a bit better. He had been seeing her as a bit of a puzzle. To him, that is rather natural, but clearly was not something the other party appreciated. Kavian is a flexible person, and so he changes his approach. From now on, he will try to understand her as a person, and he will be as earnest towards her as the anticipation he feels towards their next meeting.

Fortunately, Kavian is also aware of the new risks that are posed by having such valuable items on him. He has contacts that will hopefully be able to trade down for units of lower value. It would be seen as too suspicious if he uses these directly. Kavian is aware of his current social position, and though he is doing his best to break out of it - along with his companions - he is not hasty. He will be as patient as he needs to be.

Kavian seeks a quiet place to ponder. He knows the city well, so he subconsciously guides himself to an area that fits his needs...


Meanwhile, in a nearby part of the city, a young woman's hunger is enticed by the delicious display of high-end talafega. Unfortunately, she finds the price disagreeable, and so she compliments the vendor on his skill but does not partake of the appetizing meals.

She continues her way through town in a 'random' direction. But, is anything in this world truly random?


Within a short span of space and time,

A handsome man with great natural gifts absentmindedly moves in a surprisingly straight line. His mind is elsewhere.

A young woman with a deceptively simple past and plentiful hope for the future moves in a path that will soon converge with the man's. Her mind is focusing on a silly game to entertain herself.


Though it is not visible to any being present, the universe itself is undergoing a strange reaction. Reality is bending under the weight of a massive pressure converging in a single point.

FATE cries out in ecstatic victory. It's goal is being accomplished. It has begun to fulfill the ◼◼◼◼ ◼◼ ◼◼◼ ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼! At last!


A convergence of infinite possibilities is initiated.

Two of four paths, which should never have crossed, have been made to cross.


Kavian has found a quiet place. It's still on the higher end, but it's not a place with too much attention on it.
Asherah, looking around for affordable but high-end food, stumbles across a cozy and quiet palce. It's scenic, in it's own way.

Two persons cross by each other.

Kavian is surprised to see a young woman standing at a short distance from him. This is a small clearing behind some old merchant's warehouses. It's rarely visited by anyone, so Kavian likes to spend time here.

Asherah is surprised to see that she has inadverdantly made her way to an isolated location. The population around her has thinned to almost nothing. Oh, there is one person in the distance.

Kavian raises his gaze to meet the young woman's.
Asherah raises her gaze to meet the young man's.

Two gazes meet. A Connection is thus formed, in accordance with one of the Three Notions.

In that moment


Something deep inside of you trembles. A jolt courses through your mind and body. A powerful wave of understanding and realization nearly washes away your sanity.

Then, everything is utterly calm.

Your gaze is still locked with another.

That individual. You feel an intrinsic, undeniable sensation coming from them. A sense of "Kinship". Neither positive nor negative. You simply recognize them as "like yourself".

The strangest thing is that it is difficult to grasp in what way you are "alike". You feel this is the most important thing, as it says something about you, yourself.

In that moment, you also somehow know they have come to the same conclusion - through means you cannot understand - perhaps you see it in their Eyes. Because they see it in yours.

It is quickly clear to you. You and this stranger are, in some unclear way, the same kind of being.


What will Kavian and Asherah do?

OOC: Congrats, you are the first two to meet another PC! I was tempted to throw Sigismund into the mix, but this post was already very busy. I didn't want to overload it with even more. You both will meet him soon, though

Feel free to interact freely now. You don't need to wait for responses from me unless one of you takes an action that the other tries to oppose. Generally, this only applies if you decide to initiate combat (which I don't foresee). If you leave the scene, I'll continue adjudicating as usual.

I'm so happy we actually got to this point :-D

Kavian Aminar
player, 25 posts
Urban Youth
Thu 2 May 2024
at 14:05
  • msg #33

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian's initial reaction is one of profound confusion and disorientation. The sudden jolt and wave of understanding leave him momentarily stunned, struggling to comprehend the depth of what he's experiencing. Yet, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, there is a strange calmness that settles over him, as if some part of him recognizes this moment as significant and inevitable.

As he locks eyes with Ashera, Kavian feels a strange sense of connection, a resonance that defies explanation. It's as if they are two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly, yet he can't quite grasp the nature of their similarity. This realization fills him with a mixture of awe and apprehension, stirring up questions about his own identity and purpose.

Despite the uncertainty and the overwhelming flood of emotions, Kavian remains composed, his curiosity piqued by the girl's presence.

As the strange sensation dissipates, Kavian can't help but break the silence with a curious question. "Pardon my forwardness, but have we crossed paths before?" His brow furrows slightly, his gaze probing hers for any sign of recognition.

A playful smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he continues, "Because you're giving off a sense of deja vu that's hard to ignore."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:06, Thu 02 May.
player, 75 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Thu 2 May 2024
at 17:37
  • msg #34

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would feel... Something. Not hunger, just, something. It was like a ghost nudging her, it had no weight, she wasn't even sure it had been there. But because of something she looked up. In that moment, she felt lightning shoot through her and an utter quiet like none before. Asherah knew peace, but had never experienced true serenity like this. The knowledge came next, it wasn't sudden, [though it had appeared out of nowhere] it was slow... like a feather's descent. Asherah didn't feel it coming, it was just, there.

Asherah would sway under all this understanding. She felt like a piece of cloth jerked to another, with the patterns aligning perfectly. Asherah would stay stunned till the young man spoke. She'd give a light laugh feeling the weight of what happened immediately lift. "Forwardness pardoned. And no I don't believe so, I would remember a face like yours." Asherah joked. "though I must admit your giving off the same sense." Asherah would think hard, he looked nothing like the boys in Hakirash. Not that Asherah paid much attention to them anyway. She despised only getting these peaks at the truth though. She would get to the bottom of what the heck just happened. "What does your family do for a living? Maybe we've seen each other in passing?" Asherah would ask earthen brown eyes still meeting his.
Kavian Aminar
player, 26 posts
Urban Youth
Fri 3 May 2024
at 01:52
  • msg #35

Trade City of Abarion

As Ashera acknowledges the sense of familiarity, Kavian's interest piques. "You feel it too? I thought I was going mad," he admits, a bemused smile playing on his lips.

As Ashera jests about his forwardness, Kavian laughs lightly, taking her comment in stride. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment," he replies. "I've been told I have a memorable face."

Grinning like a rogue who's just unveiled his favorite trick, Kavian extends his hand in greeting. "I'm Kavian," he announces with the confidence of a ringing bell.

"And I must admit, it's highly unlikely that our families know each other. I don't have any family to speak of," he adds casually, not showing any sign of discomfort about the subject.
player, 76 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Fri 3 May 2024
at 04:07
  • msg #36

Trade City of Abarion

"Asherah. Pleasure to meet you kavian." Asherah would say taking Kavian's hand and giving him a firm handshake. Should Kavian be the observant type, [I've heard he is] he would likely notice the odd callusing on Asherah's hand. Instead of the callus being on her palm like most calluses of frequent weapons users, they would be on her fingertips. As they shook hands Asherah would smile as well.

Asherah would blink at Kavian's casualness. "Oh. My apologies for your misfortune." She would say, not in a piiful voice, but a 'thats rough buddy' type voice. "Has something like this ever happened to you bef-gosh I'm hungry" Asherah would say rather suddenly with her hands on her hips. "I would like to get to know you more. You don't seem like a kill joy so you must be somewhat good company. Would you like to get lunch with me?" Asherah would ask inquisitively. It seemed she should be the one apologizing when it came to forwardness.
Kavian Aminar
player, 27 posts
Urban Youth
Sat 4 May 2024
at 16:22
  • msg #37

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian extends his hand to greet Asherah, he can't help but notice the roughness of her fingertips. The callouses speak of a life spent working with her hands, an odd place on the fingertips he muses. In contrast, Kavian's own hands remain soft and smooth, a reflection of his unconventional path to survival.

"I appreciate your faith in me." Kavian chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "With your expectations set as my guiding star, my day is reborn. And lunch with you sounds fantastic."

Eager to introduce her to a local delicacy he invites her to follow him. "Come with me," he says, his voice tinged with excitement as he extends his hand to her. "I know just the place to get a taste of the city."

Kavian guides Asherah towards the outskirts of the market, the streets gradually transition from the affluent neighborhoods they are emerging from to a bustling thoroughfare. The rich aroma of sizzling meats and fragrant spices fills the air, signaling their proximity to their destination. Positioned strategically at the market's entrance, the savory offerings of nearby food stands tempt hungry passersby, luring them to indulge in a quick and satisfying meal before continuing on with their errands.

As they approach the market, Kavian's keen eye catches sight of the first food stands lining the bustling streets. Without a moment's pause, Kavian strides towards a bustling street stand adorned with the enticing aroma of Bamlouk, a beloved street delicacy among the locals. "Trust me, you're going to love this," Kavian assures Asherah with a grin as they approach the street stand. "Go ahead and order. I've already eaten, so I'll just wait here," he says, gesturing towards a nearby bench with a friendly nod.

Despite his statement, Kavian's stomach growls in protest, a silent reminder of his hunger. However, revealing his financial constraints wasn't an option at the moment, so he decides to play it cool and wait patiently as Asherah orders their food.

Bamlouk: Crunchy chickpea patties mixed with finely chopped lamb or goat, seasoned with traditional spices like cumin and coriander, then pan-fried until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Wrapped in fragrant leaves to preserve its warmth and make it easier to handle, the savory treat promises both affordability and satisfaction. 
This message was last edited by the player at 17:07, Sat 04 May.
player, 78 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Sun 5 May 2024
at 05:50
  • msg #38

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah didn't pay much attention to the hand shake. She did however, laugh at Kavian's flowery language. "something of a word smith are we? Never been much good with words May I ask how your day is being reborn?" Asherah would ask, head tilted to the side.

Asherah's eyes would light up when Kavian claimed he knew the best place to eat. "At last a local who isn't just trying to sell me something." She'd say jokingly.

As they walked, Asherah would observe everything she could about their surroundings. With such wide eyes it wouldn't have been hard for someone to mistake her for an abnormally tall child. Asherah would let out a soft 'mmmmm' as the smell of food hit them. She'd look around, a touch giddily, as they passed by the different food stalls. There would be wonder in ASherah's eyes as she tried to deduce what stall they were stopping at.

Asherah would nod to Kavian as he went to sit on the bench. She'd purchase the bamlouk and dig in. It was as delicious as it smelled. Asherah couldn't help  devouring it after that first bite. It was nearly gone by the time she sat down next to Kavian. "So... has wierd stuff like that happened to you before?"
Kavian Aminar
player, 28 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 6 May 2024
at 13:21
  • msg #39

Trade City of Abarion

"Indeed, words can be like a river, guiding us through the currents of the day," Kavian replies, his tone thoughtful. "It's just an expression of my determination to be good company," he explains, flashing her a charming smile. "A day reborn with new purpose, you might say." His words are accompanied by a subtle tilt of his head, inviting her to share in the moment's lightheartedness.

For Kavian, the realization that he and Asherah share an inexplicable connection stirs a sense of intrigue and uncertainty. Despite both being aware of their humanity, the notion that they might be more than just ordinary humans lingers in his mind. His lack of recollection about his family history leaves room for the possibility that there's more to his identity than meets the eye, a notion he finds both intriguing and unsettling.

This idea, while frightening, also piques Kavian's curiosity. He wonders if there's a hidden truth about his origins that he's yet to uncover, and if Asherah might hold the key to unlocking it. As he contemplates this possibility, he finds himself drawn to Asherah even more, sensing that she may hold clues to his own identity and purpose.

As Asherah poses her question, Kavian's brow furrows slightly, his gaze thoughtful as he considers her words. He exhales softly before responding. "No," he admits, shaking his head slightly. "I would have certainly remembered if it had. But this... it's been consuming my thoughts since it happened." He pauses, searching for the right words to convey the gravity of his experience. "It's like... there's something more between us, something beyond the ordinary bounds of family, culture, and personality."

His words hang in the air, tinged with a sense of uncertainty and wonder. Despite the unfamiliarity of their connection, Kavian can't deny the profound impact it's had on him, stirring a curiosity that drives him to seek answers.

As the weight of his thoughts presses upon him, Kavian's typically confident demeanor wavers for a moment. But then, like a sudden gust of wind dispersing dark clouds, his charm returns, enveloping him once more in its familiar cloak.

With a self-conscious chuckle, Kavian breaks the tension that lingered in the air. "Well, that sounded like the beginning of a rather unconventional pickup line," he remarks, his tone light and playful. It's a familiar tactic, one he often employs to diffuse awkward moments and keep conversations flowing smoothly.
player, 79 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Tue 7 May 2024
at 17:16
  • msg #40

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would laugh lightly and shake her head. "Sorry, I'm not great with words. My older siblings claim its because I'm to blunt. While I think poetry and wordplay are good fun for entertainment; I never understood why people minced words outside of that." Asherah wouldn't sound frusterated, she'd sound more... curious. "I mean, the world is complicated as is, why make it worse by fabricating stuff?"

Asherah would nod along, taking another bite of her bamlouk. "It felt the same way to me, it certainly wasn't anything physical. More like a instinct, except even more intrinsic." Asherah would say thoughtfully. "Have you ever noticed something different about yourself from others? Personally I haven't, but who knows, maybe we were suppose to find each other for a purpose?" It looked like Asherah was in deep think mode as she very seriously finished her bamlouk.

She would laugh hard at Kavian's pick up line joke. At first it would seem like the joke had just caught her off guard, but after a momment anyone would realize that she geniuly found that hilarious. Asherah would take a momment to calm herself and take a breath then say: "Good thing it wasn't. I'm not terribly found of men courting me."
Kavian Aminar
player, 29 posts
Urban Youth
Wed 8 May 2024
at 01:24
  • msg #41

Trade City of Abarion

As Asherah shares her thoughts on words and their complexities, Kavian listens attentively, intrigued by her perspective. "Bluntness has its merits," he concedes, his tone thoughtful. "But there's a beauty in the art of wordsmithing, wouldn't you agree?"

He considers her perspective for a moment before responding. "Indeed, poetry and wordplay can seem frivolous at times, but they also hold a unique power," he explains, his tone contemplative. "They allow us to convey complex emotions and ideas in ways that straightforward speech cannot."

Asherah's question strikes a chord within Kavian, prompting him to reflect on the stark differences he's long noticed between himself and others. It's a realization that's accompanied him through every interaction, a silent reminder of his exceptional intellect and perceptiveness.

As Asherah speaks of her experiences of normalcy, Kavian can't help but contrast it with his own sense of exceptionalism. Yet, with his keen social intuition, he knows better than to boast or appear arrogant. Instead, he offers a warm smile and nods in agreement with Asherah's words. "Yes, just two ordinary people fated with purpose."

Kavian's heart lightens as Asherah responds to his attempt at levity with a genuine laugh. Her laughter, like a warm breeze in the midst of uncertainty, brings a sense of ease to the moment. He can't help but smile in return, finding solace in the simple joy.

With a gentle smile lingering on his lips, Kavian's curiosity guides his next question as the laughter subsides. "So, where do you come from, Asherah?" he asks, his tone warm and genuine, inviting her to share her story. "And what brings you to our humble city?" He leans in slightly, eager to hear her tale unfold.
player, 80 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Mon 13 May 2024
at 05:21
  • msg #42

Trade City of Abarion

"Oh no I completely agree! I think word smithing and poetry are beautiful! I was just citing bluntness as the reason I'm so inept at it." Asherah would say hurriedly. She didn't want Kavian to get the wrong idea. "I respect art in all its forms. Hard not to where I come from." Asherah would laugh lightly.

Asherah would seem oddly disappointed when Kavian claimed to be ordinary too. If he had strange things happen to him then maybe they could discuss that and get some where or at the very least Asherah would have something fun to listen to. "Ah alright then." Asherah would furrow her brows at the ground. As if it had done something wrong and she'd caught it in the act.

Once calmed Asherah would turn to Kavian and listen to his question. She would shrug. "I'm from the south, I live in the Kalatorian coast by the beach. In a decent sized village called Hakirash. I'm the daughter of our villiage's chief so sometimes I get sent here to Ghanbar on business. Its like I said, other than being a chieftan's daughter, I'm pretty ordinary." Asherah would stop there for momment; Unsure of how to continue. Then her eyes lit up. "What are you doing here though? This is one of the nicer parts of the city so you must have some coin. And yet you said you don't have a family. Did somebody take you in? Or do you just work here under some rich family?" Asherah would lean towards him a little. Her eyes sparkling like a child reading something who knew they shouldn't.

OOC:Sorry its a little rough
This message was last edited by the player at 15:15, Mon 13 May.
Kavian Aminar
player, 30 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 13 May 2024
at 12:46
  • msg #43

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian gazes at Asherah, he discerns a fleeting expression of disappointment clouding her features. It's a subtle shift, but Kavian's keen perception catches it nonetheless. He ponders the source of her reaction, considering the possibility that she might harbor suspicions about his true nature. Could it be that she senses a hidden depth within him, mirroring her own unique qualities?

Kavian observes the dynamic between himself and Asherah, a familiar childhood game comes to mind: "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." It's a game of innocent curiosity, a precursor to understanding and connection. With a knowing grin, he recognizes the parallel between their interaction and this childhood pastime. Though he contemplates exposing, so to speak, his own uniqueness first, he decides against it for now, preferring to keep the mystery alive between them.

He listens attentively to Asherah's questions, her curiosity about his circumstances evident. With a thoughtful expression, he ponders how best to respond. "It's a bit complicated," he begins, "and I think it would be easier to show you rather than explain."  Having the need to part ways for now, he continues, "I must excuse myself momentarily for pressing business, but if you're willing," His gaze shifts to a distant point, as if visualizing the location. "There's a well on the outskirts of town, near the old olive grove. Meet me there tonight, just before sunset and join me for a meal. I want to show you something."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:23, Mon 13 May.
player, 81 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Mon 13 May 2024
at 15:49
  • msg #44

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would shift uncomfortably. Immediately leaning back. She knew better than to leave her place of stay in the night. The city was not her home, it was not safe.

Should she trust this fascinating boy? Or should she just never arrive? Asherah would think on this deeply, trying to rush the process. Seeing as how the boy said he had pressing matters to attend to. If I don’t come he might feel hurt and I might ruin this new friendship. On the other hand it could be a trap. I did just meet him. I’ve never seen olive trees before though. I wonder what they look like? I mean all trees sort of look the same. Each one just has a few little differences.

Asherah would shake herself out of her reverie. “Sorry, spaced out for a moment there. I’ll do my best to be there.” She’d say standing up and offering Kavian her hand.
Kavian Aminar
player, 31 posts
Urban Youth
Mon 13 May 2024
at 16:30
  • msg #45

Trade City of Abarion

As Kavian extends his invitation, he keenly observes Asherah's apprehension, empathizing with her reluctance. He comprehends the weight of his request, acknowledging the risk she would be undertaking to meet a stranger in an unfamiliar city, especially at night. Yet, he also recognizes that he is entrusting her with his own safety and that of his young charges. Despite the uncertainty, the connection they shared during their encounter fuels his confidence that she will accept the invitation.

"I understand if it's a lot to ask," he says earnestly, his tone softening with sincerity. "But I believe you'll come. And I trust you'll be there." With a hint of his usual cocky charm, he adds, "I know you will." As he turns to depart, he pauses, casting a playful glance over his shoulder. "Come hungry," he advises with a mischievous grin, "and don't bother dressing up." With that, he disappears into the bustling market, leaving Asherah to contemplate their impending rendezvous.
player, 82 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Mon 13 May 2024
at 22:04
  • msg #46

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah would blink, startled by the amount of trust he was putting in her. She always delivered on her promises, sure. But nobody had placed their faith in her with such sincerity. Likely because of the tricks she often played on people. It was... oddly nice though

Asherah shook the feeling off. She decided she didn't like Kavain. No boy should be that tolerable and have that disarming of smile. There were plenty of decent looking boys in her village. It was just none of them had been as... playful, as Kavian. He was like nobody she'd ever met before and Asherah simply couldn't take it. She needed to find out what made him that way.

Asherah would happily stick her tongue out at Kavian as he disappeared into the crowd. Once Kavian disappeared Asherah would pivot and begin to make her way back to the inn so she could clean up a touch.

As she walked it would come to Asherah's attention that she had no idea where she was. Asherah would sigh and begin attempting to re-trace her steps back to the inn, likely just getting herself more lost.
GM, 292 posts
Tue 14 May 2024
at 18:53
  • msg #47

Trade City of Abarion

(---> Kuracos)

Around the city of Abarion, summer is fading into autumn, as it has always done and always shall. The world's cycle unbroken.

The autumnal colors are beginning to stain the leaves.

Arriving in the city, Li Hua is once again alone. However, she is - for the first time in a long time - fully-armed, so to speak.

She has a grasp on the local culture, politics, and language. It's not perfect or complete by any means, but she can get by as well as an average commoner in the lands could.

Furthermore, she has finally arrived at somewhere where her expensive goods from her homeland will be able to fetch their proper value. She has come to understand the best way to use these will be as financial leverage, not for single purchases as she has been recently forced to use them as.

Her goals are her own, but she has many possibilities in front of her.

After getting settled, Li Hua wanders the town. It is bustling, and impressive. In truth, it is far more colorful than Mazan ever was. Though, Mazan was perhaps the least visually-impressive city in all of Kri Tan. She still loved the place, but the criticism against it for putting form over function was not unfounded.

Still, Li Hua was not overwhelmed. She had been to Aderun, that damned place, and even before that she had visited Zhulon a few times in her youth. Compared to either of those two settlements, Abarion was noticeably inferior in scale and scope. Still, it was more than impressive. Li Hua was not trying to degrade it.

While wandering, Li Hua comes across an olive tree. Perhaps having the tension of such a long journey (which had begun several months ago, and just now reached a point of stability) finally drain out of her, she found herself captivated, staring blankly at this particular tree.


For hours.

Until night came.

OOC: As a guideline, Li Hua now speaks Dural semi-fluently. You can feel free to write your dialogue much more freely and less stuntedly than you had to in Aderun. However, consider that Li Hua might show subtle signs of incomprehension at times. In particular, she might have some trouble following Kavian's flowery dialogue XD


Elsewhere in the city, Kavian and Asherah went about their own business.

Kavian returned to his usual haunt, and accomplished whatever he could before the sun began to set. His companions were there for him, should he need to call on them or have them accompany him

Asherah managed to find her way back to her inn, pleased with herself that she didn't get lost. She remarked internally how capable she had become. For a moment, she felt deeply in control of her own life. Then, she remembered that many things still evaded her.... Her father's mysterious title weighed heavily on her mind... but she shook it off, she had business in town. She could question her family when she returned home.


As the sun set over the trade city,
a mysterious event of just the other day re-occurred.

A shudder broke through the universe, unseen by any of the three supposed mortals who were related to it.
It was similar to before, with some fundamental part of the universe crying out in accomplishment.

A plan nearing it's fruition.


Two acquainted figures make their way through the streets, while a stranger meditates beneath a tree, unaware of the passing of time.
As they become aware of each other, a powerful feeling courses through the three of them, deep into their souls.

OOC: I'm going to let you guys describe the specifics of this here. I've done a lot of writing already today, and if you need guidelines for what to follow, just scroll up a bit ITT. Besides, organizing this in a satisfying way is a bit beyong my skill level at the moment, so I'm dumping it on you all XD
Zhao Li Hua
player, 114 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Wed 15 May 2024
at 12:32
  • msg #48

Trade City of Abarion

Well Li Hua was feeling very happy! Although her trip had started really badly, and go through a degree of horror she was unable to express to others, after that it had become a lot simpler. Taking her time had allowed her to feel a lot safer, and now she was relatively safe in this trade city. That happiness was reflected in her clothes, but this nice dress didn't preclude her carrying a very expensive looking copper sword in a fine leather sheath

She'd learned a lot on the way. Among them the need to be ready to run at a moment's notice, but right now she was enjoying the relative safety of just sitting under the date tree and enjoying the world go by. From what she could tell she had moved far enough. Right now she would be able to do buying and selling, make a significant profit and return back. Ideally via a slightly different route that didn't involve Divine Intervention! And make another profit at the far end.

That was all for another day. Or maybe another month or three. She could take it easy. Or so she thought. Until suddenly...

There was a sound that sounds suspicously like an expletive. "Not again" she finally said trying that out in the tongue of this place. The last time this kind of thing, this kind of feeling, had happened she'd been given the 'bums rush'. By a God no less. Who had started bleeding just because she was nearby. If it hadn't been for the truly horrific weeks after that she might have thought it a dream.

Well the world was the way the world was. No point stressing about it until she found out what was happening. And maybe these people wouldn't start bleeding from the eyes just because she was nearby. Maybe. That wasn't something she was entirely sure about as she rose smoothly from her meditation position and scanned the people around looking to see what she could
This message was last edited by the player at 12:36, Wed 15 May.
player, 83 posts
Little Scamp
Tailor's Apprentice
Wed 15 May 2024
at 16:20
  • msg #49

Trade City of Abarion

Asherah was rather surprised with herself when she got back to the inn fine. She wasn’t fond of this whole mature woman business, but it was nice to see growth like that. She wanted to grow in knowledge. Well not knowledge in general, all that got her was half-truths and peaks at a much larger picture.

Suddenly Asherah’s mood was ruined. She didn’t sigh, rather, drank in the air. She did this because she suddenly felt like she was drowning. The weight of the things she’s seen since she’s returned from Kuracos weighed on her. Asherah slumped to the ground as she felt tears start to gently prick her eyes. She began working to wipe the tears away before they really formed. All while she breathed deeply telling herself she was still alive.

Once Asherah had cleaned up a bit, she would get directions from the inn-keep to where the olive grove was. Asherah would follow these directions and make it safely to the olive grove. There she began searching for the well.

Asherah hadn’t dressed up like Kavian asked, but still wore a dress. It was a sort of turquoise color with varying blue waves embroidered at the bottom. A simple pencil dress with durable fabric. Although for some reason,  that didn’t stop the dress from catching on something and tearing. “Confound it.” Asherah huffed. She wasn’t fond of swearing, but that was as close as she got. Asherah would sit down in the dirt, pulling out a needle and some yellow thread to stitch it up quickly. Then she would tuck it away.

As Asherah carried on she realized there was… something about this place. A strange mix between apprehension and power. As if something made the area come alive only to hold its breath. Asherah would try to shrug this feeling off as she walked through two trees and met eyes with a woman sitting just beneath it.
Kavian Aminar
player, 32 posts
Urban Youth
Wed 15 May 2024
at 16:27
  • msg #50

Trade City of Abarion

Kavian navigates through the bustling market, his mind racing with plans and contingencies. As he approaches the fruit stand, he spots Ruhan, his loyal second-in-command, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings.

Kavian catches Ruhan's gaze and subtly raises his hand, drawing an invisible bow and releasing an imaginary arrow. It's their prearranged signal for urgency. Ruhan’s relaxed demeanor shifts instantly, his eyes narrowing with focused alertness.

In the same instant, Ruhan nods almost imperceptibly and starts to move, weaving through the market crowd with practiced ease, signaling the other boys along the way.

Kavian heads towards the outskirts of the market district, taking a winding path through narrow alleyways and backstreets, ensuring he's not being followed. The weaver's workshop entrance is marked by a weathered wooden door, its heavy frame partially hidden by creeping ivy.

He slips through the barely noticeable gap and ascends a rickety ladder leading to the rooftop. The air is cooler up here, the bustling noise of the market below muted by the height. The familiar sight of the workshop's idle looms and drying racks, as the weavers prepare for the autumn harvest, come into view.

Moments later, Ruhan and the rest of the team filter in, each boy finding a spot among the shadows, their faces reflecting a mix of anticipation and readiness.

Kavian stands at the center of the assembled boys on the rooftop, the late summer sun casting long shadows across their faces. The air is thick with anticipation, every eye fixed on him. He knows the importance of his next words and takes a deep breath.

"Listen up," he begins, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and authority. "Something big happened today, bigger than our usual operations. Because of this, we're suspending our usual activities. It's a rare occasion, but it's necessary."

He pauses, looking each boy in the eye, making sure they understand the gravity of the situation. "I'm going to be tapping into the emergency funds to make this happen. This is the kind of big that can change things for us—permanently."

The boys exchange glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and excitement. Kavian continues, his voice steady and confident. "I can't share all the details right now, but trust me when I say there's a lot to be gained. Your usual tasks will be put on hold, and we'll need everyone to be at their best. We're taking a calculated risk, but one that could pay off in ways we've only dreamed of."

He begins calling out names, his voice firm and clear. "Amir, and Mabarak—you will focus on the jewelers. I want detailed notes on the movement and inventory of precious metals. Pay close attention to who's buying, who's selling, and any unusual activities."

The boys nod, their expressions serious as they take in their assignment.

"Quassar, Bazat and Yasil—you'll cover the metal smiths. Same drill: inventory, clientele, and anything that seems out of place. Be discreet, but thorough."

Another set of nods follows, the boys already strategizing their approach.

"Tamur, and Sharid—you've got the trinket vendors. They might seem less important, but sometimes the smallest details can give us the biggest insights. Keep your eyes peeled."

With the main teams assigned, Kavian looks at Khan and Laz. "You two are with me. You'll shadow me from a distance and cover my back. Bring your batons, and stay sharp. We can't afford any mistakes."

Khan and Laz exchange a quick glance and nod, two of the larger boys. Kavian knows he can rely on them; they've proven themselves time and again.

He finishes with a final directive, "Remember, this isn't just about gathering information—it's about making sure we stay one step ahead. Keep your wits about you, and let's make this count."

Kavian stands tall, surveying the assembled boys one last time before they disperse. "Before you go," he announces, his voice carrying across the rooftop, "we'll have a guest at our gathering at the well tonight. Make her feel welcome." The boys exchange curious glances but nod in understanding, ready to carry out their tasks.

As they start to leave, Kavian watches them go, waiting until the last of them has descended the rooftop before turning to Ruhan, his loyal second-in-command. Khan and Laz stand just outside, giving the two some privacy.

"Ruhan," Kavian begins, lowering his voice, "something big happened today." He quickly summarizes the encounter with the musician, the strange event, and shows him the four golden baydham. Ruhan's eyes widen at the sight, but he remains silent, absorbing the information.

"I need you to go to the caravanserai," Kavian continues. "Confirm Asherah's story, stay unseen, and make sure she arrives at the well safely tonight."

Ruhan nods, his expression serious and determined. "Consider it done," he replies.

Kavian claps him on the shoulder, a silent gesture of trust and camaraderie. "I'll see you at the well," he says. Ruhan nods once more before slipping away, his figure quickly blending into the shadows.

Kavian watches him go, then exits to join Khan and Laz, his mind already strategizing the next steps in his complex plan.
Zhao Li Hua
player, 115 posts
Noble Swordswoman
Wandering the World
Wed 15 May 2024
at 17:18
  • msg #51

Trade City of Abarion

"Good evening" Li Hua said scanning the Asherah's eyes. Wondering if they were going to start bleeding or something awkward. This didn't feel quite the same as before, but it was still in the 'wierd stuff is happening' category of events. It helped a lot that the woman looked 'normal'. Not a huge floating eyeball made of metal surrounded by crazed followers.

Unlike the woman with a slightly torn dress, Li Hua was dressed in one of her prettier silk outfits. She'd felt so good today that she'd swapped into it instead of the more hard wearing 'trail clothes' she'd taken to wearing. Right now she wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. She did get the feeling she wouldn't need her sword. This woman didn't look threatening in that kind of way. In fact quite the opposite. Li Hua quite liked what she saw.

"I am Li Hua of the Zhao family. It is pleasant to make your acquaintance. Might I know your intentions?" she said in an accented version of the local lingua. It was tempting to say something like 'I am just passing through, not going to make your eyes bleed on purpose'. But really at a time like this, the least said the better.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:18, Wed 15 May.
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