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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

14:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gordon Briscoe

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 241lbs
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Early 40s
Embrace Date: 08 April 1989
Clan: Gangrel

Brief Bio: Gordon is about as rugged as they get. Not a mountain main or survival nut job, but instead a working class, manual labor type. Gordon was an iron worker in Seattle when he was embraced, but before that had been an over the road truck driver. He picked up the life pretty easily, having always been able to cope with a hard knock life. Gordon enjoys his mobility and has fallen in with Team NOS and generally drives the rig that holds their cars. Gordon wouldn't necessarily claim he's a full fledged member of Team NOS, but he's respected like one.

Gordon has a large, long haired, gray cat with a black face and bright yellow eyes, he calls Chairman Meow.

Inventory: Keys to the OTR rig, keys to the haven, keys to the garage, keys to the camper, $500 in cash, a small zip-lock bag with cat treats.

Difficulty: 4