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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

17:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nicolette Cain

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 136lbs.
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Apparent Age: Late 20s
Embrace Date: 27 February 1742
Clan: Brujah

Brief Bio:  Nicolette is the youngest surviving member of Ezekiel's Brood. She relocated to Charlotte a few decades after her release and has lived in the city ever since.  She has not gotten on well with Amy and the two have been rivals on and off for as long as anybody can remember.  This dislike began as merely differing political views but over the last hundred years its turned into a very personal rivalry.

Aside from Amy, Nicolette has few open enemies or rivals and she has a solid reputation as an elder.  Nicolette is on good terms with Dora, making her relationship with Christian a positive one as well.  Even though Nicolette doesn't personally like or trust Miguel Giovanni, she sees the Necromancer as a necessary evil.  Her feelings on the Ventrue seem to reflect Dragon's, and lately, Nicolette has been seen in the company of Esperanza with far greater frequency.

Nicolette has some Influence Queens University of Charlotte and the indie newspaper Creative Loafing.  She is expanding accounts as well, and has been known to be looking for able bodied day laborers for some sort of semi-secret construction project.

Inventory: A credit card, keys to a jaguar, a silver and steel knife, Dragon on speed dial, Elder contacts, 300.00 in cash, Fight Club poster, Day ghoul, & A Combat Knife.

Difficulty: 7