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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

19:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Frank Baxter

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 225lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Embrace Date: 12 August 2004
Clan: Toreador

Brief Bio:  Franky Baxter is an intelligent, good looking, educated, well to do man of moderate height and build.  He is classy and witty, and is known to make the perfect accessory to most evening occasions.  Frank will do just about anything for the right price when it comes to his terms as an escort, but his loyalties are to the Camarilla and clan.

Frank knows his role as a yes man.  He is seen as a pushover, and while he does have to swallow his pride on occasion, Frank knows the value of being underestimated.  He does a particularly good job of being an escort because he is also seen as a poseur in his clan, a Toreador with no real artistic talent.

Inventory: Tailored suit, Custom pistol, Expensive cigarettes, Custom lighter, Money clip, Blackberry, Bodyguard, & Driver

Difficulty: 3