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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

20:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Harvey Vineyard

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Embrace Date: 29 March 1966
Clan: Toreador

Brief Bio:  Harvey Vineyard is a younger Toreador who never really accomplished much as a mortal.  He had a sire who was infatuated with his look and his trippy drugs, and then after embracing him lost interest.  Like most Toreador, Harvey was quickly caught up in the little cliques and political schemes.  He noted how one minute he was someone's best friend and then in the next he was being shown the back door.

This bothered him as it happened more and more often.  Gradually he figured out that it was a part of kindred society as a whole and not his clan.  Within two decades of being embraced, Harvey had come to the conclusion that he just wasn't cut out to abide by the Camarilla's rules and sought his fortune in the west, the fabled Anarch Free State.

By the mid 90s, Harvey knew enough and had enough connections to be a player.  As an Anarch of some repute, he eventually drew the attention of other power players.  He liked Edge's organization best, and so that's who got his vote.  When Edge moved east, so did Harvey.

Inventory: Tec-9, Baseball Bat, 377.12 in cash, cellphone, & a blood doll

Difficulty: 5