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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

22:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Eddie Thorn

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 157lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Apparent Age: Late 40s
Embrace Date: 21 March 1703
Clan: Brujah

Brief Bio: Mr Thorn is an elder Brujah whose mortal life was one of piety and understanding.  God came first in all things.  Ed Thorn had been a man of God his entire mortal life.  Then the Indians came.  If God had seen what happened that night he didn't mind.  Now Mr. Thorn is a kindred first, a scholar second, and a mind unfettered by morality third.  As a kindred, most of Eddie's humanity has been lost in the three plus centuries he's existed.

Embraced by a ravaging Brujah after an Indian attack, Eddie isn't really sure who his sire was, it happened so fast.  Since becoming a kindred, Mr. Thorn has given up anything resembling faith in God.  When he needed God most, the deity was nowhere to be found.  Instead he is focused on science and logic, the extreme opposite.  Still, Thorn associates with Amy and is a profound member of her Historic Society.  He is also on good terms with both Don Miguel and Sabina Giovanni, something of particular note, and is a member of the Historic Arms Guild.  He takes great pride in his collection of flintlocks.

Finally, Ed Thorn is falsely rumored to be the sire of Annabelle von Krieger.

Inventory: Flintlock pistol collection, Valuable historic library, Rolodex of kindred contacts, Antique wardrobe, & A morbid fascination with Necromancy

Difficulty: 7