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Welcome to Charlotte by Night (Mature V:tM) - Best on RPOL. Period.

21:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Caetano Cohen

Height: 5'18"
Weight: 151lbs
Hair: Hay color
Eyes: Grey
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Embrace Date: 1st July 2012
Clan: Gangrel

Brief Bio:
Caco, as Caetano is known in some circles is a young vampire, of latin origin, although hearing him talk it would be difficult to place an accent on him.

He has earned his life as a Bike Courier... of the old sort with pedals and no motor, and payed for his veterinary studies, but now although he does it from time to time, he sports a small vet shop with which he earns his living, providing an emergency phone at nights for sick pets, and he ussually moves about with a big Dogue de Bordeaux.

He is Teri's Childe.

Animal food cookies.
Bike Helmet
Urban Bike (top notch tuned)
Caucasian Shepherd

Difficulty: Player Character

Following is full BG, this knowledge is mostly for reference rather than publicly known:

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Caetano Cohen was born in Brasil in Rio do Janeiro, his mother was spanish, and his father american, both doctors that met while working at the Pasteur hospital, fell in love and lived through the young years of the kid in that city, until Caetano had to start high school, as they wanted the kid to have an american education.

In those early years, "Caco", as they knew him in the streets lived like a wild brat on the beach and forests that surrounded their middle class urbanization on the outskirts of the city. An event would mark his life forever, though, just about the time his parents were about to move to the US, a large petrol boat had a large leak close to the shore, and large black spots arrived at the beach where he spent the time with his friends playing with the waves.

He worked hard along with his friends in the few days he had before leaving, but the place would take months of hard work and years to recover. Dolphins, seaguls and all sorts of animals dead by the shore, the nature he had had so much fun with during all his youth.

This left him with a sense of guilt for not being able to help and leaving his friends to cope with the catastrophe. However, a new set of problems came to greet him and managed to keep his mind busy full time. Highschool in the US, New York.

Even though he talked english, and that his father was american, the culture shock was quite big, he had nothing in common with the kids there. They were like aliens worrying about things that made no sense to him. Surviving through it was thanks to the help of his best friend Allen and the support of his parents, (when they were home as like the doctors they were they kept long and strange shifts through out the week).

Allen, was the one that hooked him up to eco-activism. At highschool, there was little he could do but he started to read up and follow lost causes around the world promoting them through the internet. Starting up blogs and writing and giving panflets on the streets.

His parents intent on giving him a good education, gave him only the basics, food, ceiling and education, but the rest he had to pay himself, and so he started to work as a delivery boy, which would have given his parents a heart attack if they'd known he rode his bike like a crazy nutcase to deliver packets all around.

University took him to Charlotte, and left his parents in NY. He took on his veterinary studies with crazy ideas about going back to Brazil to aid against deforestation and help wounded animals.

He started getting involved into more and more organizations Greenpeace, became a member of the NAEP and started to get into the more "active" part, participating in congresses, protests, and other less public actions, like clogging some factory toxic disposals, blocking the cut down of forests and these sort of things.

His studies started being left behind, even though the first years he had made good progress, now he couldn't concentrate enough on what he felt were minor things that did not deserve his attention so much as the causes he was involved in. The few animals he kept at home curing them, the blog, the movilizations, everything seemed to call for his attention much more than University, so, even though he was really close to finishing it, he never got to.

It was in these protests and covert actions that he sporadically started meeting the woman that would become his Sire, she was daring, she was passionate, and she seemed to put a heart and fierceness into whatever she did that well, made him fall in love, soon, he was doing other things, that this girl also felt strongly about, and that didn't exactly relate to eco activism, but that had humanitarian or anti-system tinges.

It was her that convinced him to go to Rio, his hometown, to protest for the deaths of other activists that were being killed at alarming rates. She said she'd meet with him there, and didn't travel with him.

Things got really scary there, and Caetano, Caco, did not understand half of it, but... there she was, helping him out of the mess, and sorting things out in a way he did not even think possible. Her prowess in the fight, awed him like nothing else could, him, well, he thought he did reasonably well, and managed to keep himself alive, Brazil is not the easiest place and the violence level easily gets well over any level he was used to.

There she was after it was over, on the beach that he had left about 10 years ago, already healed like a metaphor that chimed in his head, offering him to become more, and fight his fights in a new way he didn't dream possible.

She embrazed him there and then, and arranged for his flight back soon after. Only a few months have passed since then, and he keeps with her most of the time.

The way back was under another name, and his name appeared under the list of those that had died in the revolts in Rio. It broke his heart to do that to his parents, but he was intelligent enough to see the sense in it, rather than trying to maintain a farce that would soon end up breaking.