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Welcome to The Cormyrian Crisis: Fear the Reaper (Adult)

23:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Kerina
Class: Sorceress
Align: Chaotic Good
Race: Human
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Marsember
Residence: -
Occupation: Dilettante
Affiliations: Cormyran Nobility (loosely)
Religion: Lliira
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black-Brown
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Build: Curvaceous, amazonian
Skin tone: Fair
Identifying Markings: Tattoo of an arrow at the small of her back

Tall and curvaceous, Kerina has fair skin which she keeps tanned to a golden brown, and a wealth of black-brown hair tumbles in a curled mass halfway down her back.  Her eyes are a clear hazel, and her makeup always appears perfectly applied.  She wears a variety of styles, depending on her location, mood, and the season, but her outfits are always exquisite.

While good at heart, Kerina is, ultimately, a little entitled.  A bit of a hedonist, she enjoys good food, fine wines, and rugged men who aren't prone to being clingy.  Fashion is important to her, and her collection of magical trinkets are largely additional ways of improving her standard of living.  She doesn't hesitate to indulge in...extralegal activities when she feels they're warranted -- most especially if it benefits her personally.  She dotes over her familiar, a small, aggressive terrier, and can always be relied upon when a good time is to be had.

She inarguably has a temper, and tends to speak her mind once it's loosed, but when she puts her mind to it she can fair convince anyone that the sky is plaid.  She's not a fan of heights and is extremely opposed to any amount of water deeper than her waist, but wouldn't take too kindly to anyone calling her cowardly.

Kerina is a dilettante, and is moved primarily by her own desires.  She seeks out new vistas and new experiences, but also makes a point to return to the ones she particularly enjoyed.  Her magics give her an unusually good opportunity to do pretty much whatever she chooses, and she takes full advantage of that on a regular basis.  Although she would deny it, she has a soft spot for cute creatures -- often moreso for most people.

She's always interested in more wealth or pretty jewellery, and she keeps up on the latest fashions wherever she goes.  She's rather free of significant goals at the moment -- it'll take something significant to catch her attention for long.

A younger daughter of minor nobility, Kerina was never expected to either amount to much or have much expected of her -- but her manifestation of sorcerous power at the advent of puberty changed all that.  Stubborn and strong willed, she resisted all attempts to train her powers to productive use, and instead turned them to making her life as easy and as interesting as possible.  Quick witted and even quicker tongued, she talked herself into and out of trouble on a regular basis even before she decided to go see the world -- and once she was out on her own with only her little dog for companionship, it was amazing that she didn't get herself killed, at first.

Disdaining to learn any sort of true combat magics, she preferred to avoid violent altercations if she could, and creatively used her more subtle magics if she couldn't.  She adventured here or there when a scenario or (often more likely) a particular hero caught her attention.  By far the most effective way of amassing wealth -- short of simply swindling the rich, something she didn't do often -- she enjoyed the enchanted treasures that could be found even more than the gold.  New toys could be fun!

Quite competent now in her own right and a bit wiser than in her youth, she flits from place to place as she desires, seeing sights and sampling exotic foods and vintages.  A bit bored of late, she will either have to find something interesting to do...or manufacture something.