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Welcome to Erie by Night (Revised V:tM Adult)

21:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Isiah Roberts

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Clan: Ventrue
Generation: 10th

Brief Bio:  Mr. Roberts was embraced during the prohibition.  He was a black man working as a distributor for a group of Kentucky bootleggers who brought their moonshine to the south side of Chicago.  Isiah has seen it all when it comes to racial prejudice and what a person will do for a few extra dollars.  He is cold, speaks slowly like he is thinking about what to say, and seems to always expect the absolute worst in someone.

Mr. Roberts is one of those kindred who is nominally a member of the Camarilla.  He is loyal to sect and clan because that's just the way it is.  He has little ambition to improve his station beyond being an enforcer for his clan who handles the criminal underworld because more "proper" Ventrue can't be bothered with such things.

Isiah doesn't trust anyone, especially kindred, keeps his cards close to his chest, his words carefully selected, and makes sure not to put any faith in humanity.  This allows him to be pleasantly surprised when someone actually does the good thing instead of the selfish thing.  Mr. Roberts has long since lost a great deal of his own humanity, and now some critics are wondering just how long it will be before he finally snaps and becomes just another victim of wassail or worse, brings shame to his clan in the process.

Known Facts:
-Significant Underworld Influence
-Low level Street connections
-Low level Transportation influence
-Familiar with Alcohol distribution in Erie
-Resents greed & selfishness
-Has no hope for the future of humanity
-Good contact for new kindred in need of a Ventrue ally