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11:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anton Petrovna-Wagner ~ Shadowbourne

Name: Anton Petrovna-Wagner
Callsign: Shadowbourne
Affiliations: Formerly X-Corporation, H.A.M.M.E.R.
Relationships: Moonstone/Dr. Karla Sofen
Lineage: Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler(Father, Deceased), Laynia Petrovna/Darkstar(Mother, Deceased), Nigel Styger/Abyss(Uncle, Deceased), Kiwi Black(Uncle, Deceased), Azazel(Grandfather, Deceased), Raven Darkholme/Mystique(Grandmother, Deceased), Margali Szardos(Adopted Grandmother/Unknown), Nikolai Krylenko/Vanguard/Red Guardian(Uncle, Deceased), Sergei Krylov/Presence(Grandfather, Deceased).

Personality: Much like his father, Anton is both an optimist and an idealist. This drives him to always look for the best in any situation, even ones where there is seemingly no hope. To further drive this sentiment is the fact that his own abilities would not let the one time darkness drove his decisions to be the end of his life. From his mother he inherited a strong sense of duty and pragmatism, which, in terms seems to clash with the traits of his fathers. These warring viewpoints  allow Anton to find that one thing amongst all the others that can change. Since arriving in the current dimension, this odd combination has been fortified by the sheer fact that he exists and the others exist...therefore, there is a purpose to what he has went through. However, that does not lessen his survivors guilt any. In fact, it only strengthens the conviction that he must find a way to stop the rise of the Sentinel Program, or be doomed to suffer great loss again.
Age: 27
Weight: 167 lbs.
Height: 5”11”(Length w/Tail: 10')
Description: Anton has the same Neyaphem characteristics that his Father and Grandfather have; triple digit hands and feet, pointed ears, featureless eyes  and fangs, barbed devils-tail and exotic, distinctive skin Anton's case, a purplish gray. His hair is a deep black with a purplish sheen, cut in an asymmetrical medium shag. His lower jaw is framed in a sculpted minimal goatee. His eyes are featureless pools of darkness with a reflective purple gleam, like a nocturnal animal. Anton's features are sharper, exaggerated in comparison to his lineage. His ears are longer, swept back and much more mobile, capable of independent movement. His jawline is longer and underslung while his fangs are more pronounced. All of this gives him a much more predatory countenance.

Anton has a sleek, gymnast's body, with his limbs slightly longer than normal. His barbed, devils-tail is three quarters of his height in length(nearly four feet)and prehensile. It can support up to fifty percent more than his body weight. The barb at the end of his tail is hardened, much like a fingernail or talon. His fingers are twice normal length while his toes are quadruple normal length, making both roughly six inches. Like his father, Anton's body has an unusually high flexibility, allowing for amazing contortion capabilities and insane reflexes.

Flowing across the left side of his body and limbs is an amalgamation of scarification and tattoo which he refers to as his Hex/Scar. It is a series of swirling, coiling tribalistic runes. They are arranged in a serpentine pattern along his limbs that amass into a mystical circle upon both his chest and back. Hints of some of the coils slide up along his neck. These runes seem to pulse with his heartbeat, with the most visible pulse being at and around where his heart should be. The origin and nature of these runes is something that Anton does not talk about.

Anton wears a hooded, sleeveless bodysuit with impact resistant padding. The voluminous hood, when pulled up, extends over most of the face, only exposing the lower jawline. It is composed of a specialized, thinner material that simultaneously reduces incoming lights intensity, yet still allow for unimpaired vision. When pulled back, it drapes across the shoulders with trailing, tattered tails that nearly extend to his feet. The armored padding is arranged asymmetrically across his upper body and torso, concentrating on his right side. The pads are downward chevrons set in a rib-like flow down the entire right side. The same padding flows down his left thigh and leg. His chest and torso have larger hexagonal padding that descends into smaller, overlapping, snake belly scales. Leather strapping wraps around his right hand and forearm, up to his elbow. His knees, shins and top of his feet are protected in the same overlapping scale-like formations. The primary coloring is black, with the padding blending into a deep charcoal gray and deep purple highlighting along the lower portions of the designs. At the top of his right pectoral is a charcoal, slash X with deep purple shadowing. This is a remnant of his X-Corporation logo...a hold over from his past and a reminder of what was lost.

When relaxing, Anton prefers loose clothing, to allow for maximum ease of movement and comfortability.  Tank tops and tees with sweats and lounge pants in a dark, nearly monochromatic palette. He also wears a pair of extremely dark glasses to afford some protection to his light sensitive eyes.

Anton Petrovna-Wagner, Shadowbourne is the son of Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler from a parallel dimension. In that dimension, Kurt Wagner met Laynia Petrovna, Darkstar of the Winter Guard., and had a brief romantic tryst. A tryst that resulted in the birth of Anton. A deeply religious man, Kurt sought to marry Laynia after discovering the pregnancy. However, Laynia did not feel the same. While not hostile to Kurt, she politely refused his offer. She did not, though prevent any contact between father and son. In truth she encouraged their time together whenever possible.

The contact became easier when Laynia became head of European division of X-Corporation during Anton's teenage years. It was at this time Anton full range of gifts became active. Though not a traditional family in any sense, both mother and father guided and trained Anton in his new abilities. It was during these times that Anton discovered that he made a natural courier, capable of traversing areas that no one could at speeds and ease that no one could match. In a short matter of time, the growing teen became a specialized courier for X-Corporation.

Life is never fair. After a few months of his new job, Anton's world...his whole world crumbled into flames. Through underground legislation, the Sentinel program was fully activated. In a matter of days, the world was at war with mutants. In a matter of weeks, Earth became an apocalyptic nightmare. Over the next few months, Anton became a lone survivor as he watched his Father, Mother, and all of his friends burn and die at the hands of these insidious machines. Only Anton's natural abilites kept him one step ahead of his own demise. In the end, even that would not have held out forever...except that Anton's abilities wouldn't let him fail.

Depressed, suicidal, Anton decided he would take on as many Sentinels as he could...destroy as many as he could before they could end his life. The battle was amazing. A battle of darkness and shadows that were always one step in front of the robots...never where the blaster struck...always just out of reach. Until he was behind them and striking them in places they couldn't respond to. After hours of cat and mouse, exhausted and tired, Anton charged a Sentinel head on, daring it to end his suffering. Just as the blaster started to the very instance he would have collided with the blaster arm and his very doom, Anton's power through another kink into his abilities.

Instead of exploding into scattered atoms, Anton's gift ripped apart the dimensions in an implosion that sent careening through the Multiverse. In the next instance, Anton found himself in a different place. A place where there where the end hadn't happened. At least not yet. Throwing down the severed Sentinel limb, Anton slid  carefully out of an alleyway. Pulling his hood up, and staying in the shadows, Shadowbourne set out to see where he was...and more importantly, to see if he was too late.

Shadows...they are everywhere...behind you...just off your peripheral vision...sometimes, even in front of you. They are everywhere in our existence, even when you don't think they are there. And...they move with us. They follow us no matter where we go. You cannot escape them. You cannot avoid them. Like us, they simply more, no less.
And from these shadows? From these shadows we have created our greatest fears. From our own personal darkness we have created monsters. Monsters that drive us to avoid these avoid the banish the night into the light. Only to create more shadows.
You can't hide from the darkness...You can't hide from your shadows...More importantly, you can't hide from me.

Excerpt from interview conducted by Dr. Henry McCoy, aka Beast with Anton Petrovna-Wagner, aka Shadowboure on how he saw his mutant gift.

Umbral Transmigration, or Shadowflow as Anton calls it, is a form of dimensional manipulation and projection, with Anton's own body being the primary focus. Like a melding of his parents abilities, it allows him unparalleled mobility, with more versatility than his fathers teleportation. It does this by allowing Anton access to what he calls the Shadowzone, a buffer-like dimensional layer that exists be tween Earth and the Darkforce Dimension. Existence in the Shadowzone is like just being a few steps away from things, being able to see and travel, yet never able to touch. Anton can move freely between Earth and the Shadowzone, sometimes without even realizing it, much like when a person blinks. As his body is the primary focus, it makes Anton a living dimensional breach...a rip into the Shadowzone. That means that anyone or anything that can detect dimensional anomalies can detect and even track Anton( Note: Anton will register as a hole with larger space within the frame of his form.). It also means that anyone or anything that can affect dimensional anomalies will also directly affect him.

Neyaphem Physiology: Outward physical form has demonic/devil features; pointed ears, fangs, triple digit hands and feet, prehensile, barbed devils-tail. Skin coloring is dusky, purplish gray. Eyes are purplish black, have no features(no pupil/iris), and are reflective like a nocturnal animal(Deep Purple Gleam). His long prehensile barbed devils-tail acts like a fifth limb, with the capability of supporting up to fifty percent past his body weight(roughly 230 lbs.). Anton is capable with all five of his limbs, each just as coordinated as the others. Cartilage Skeletal structure instead of normal bones, making it incredibly flexible and highly resistant to collision/impacts. Increased stamina and endurance for extended periods of movement. Body heat and internal temperature are buried deep within body core, insulated from extreme cold. Eyes are highly adapted to lightless environments, capable of generating their internal light and adapted to no outward radiance. Body is also highly tuned to dimensional rips and tear in nearby area, felt as a slight tremor.

Notes from Dr. Henry McCoy/Beast:

Skills: Olympic Level Gymnast, Parkour, Tricking(Combination of Capoeira, Taekwondo, and WuShu), Polyglot(Czech, English, French, German, Romanian, and Ukraine), Mysticism.
Equipment of Note: An amazing array of bladed weaponry, mostly short blades and knives(an occasional long blade and even spear somewhere in there) stored in the Shadowfold.


Marvel FASERIP Version
Fighting IN/36
Agility IN/36
Strength GD/8
Endurance RM/26
Reason GD/8
Intuition EX/16
Psyche EX/16

Health 106
Karma 40
Resources 0

Powers (3/5): Shadowshaping(RM)/Shadowcasting(RM), Energy Path: Shadow(IN), Dimensional Travel(TY)
Talents (2/8): Acrobatics, Languages, Martial Arts A, Martial Arts C, Sharp Weapons, Stealth, Thievery, Tumbling