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09:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dr Karla Sofen ~ Moonstone

Real Name ~ Karla Sofen


Publicly known


Place of Birth
Van Nuys, California

Occupation AVENGERS  agent, Former criminal, psychologist

Physical Attributes



130 lbs.


Dark Brown/Black




Superhuman strength, speed, stamina and reflexes
Gravity manipulation
Photon blasts
Light generation
Minor molecular control

Moonstone can fly, become intangible, create laser bursts from her hands, and emit blinding light flashes. Karla possesses two moonstones, her powers are diversified and geometrically increased.


Karla is an expert psychologist and a master manipulator




Moonstone's powers all derived from the moonstones which reside inside her body. Her costume is an extension of the stone and can be altered into any form. Each moonstone is a shard of a Lifestone derived from the Kree Tree of Life, as are several stones which empower other superhumans.

Powers and Abilities
Karla's powers are the result of her fusion with a gravity stone designed by the alien Kree. After being absorbed into her body, the stone took on the form of energy that permeates her nervous system. She currently possesses two stones. If ine of the stones is removed from her body, Karla will die in 72 hours without its support.

Shapeshift and can adapt to all environments

Superhuman Strength: Karla possesses superhuman strength sufficient enough to lift around 10 tons.

Superhuman Speed: Karla is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: Karla's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair her.

Superhuman Durability: Karla's bodily tissues are tougher and more resistant to certain forms of physical injury than those of a normal human. She is able to withstand great impact forces, such as being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, powerful energy blasts or falls from great heights, that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human though she would suffer little to no injury herself. However, she is as vulnerable to conventional ballistic and bladed weaponry as any ordinary human.

Superhuman Agility: Karla's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are heightened in a similar manner and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

Flight: Karla could also allow the Earth's gravitational pull to propel her through the air at high speeds. To the casual viewer this would make her appear to disappear or teleport.

Minor Molecular Control: She can instantaneously change into/alter her costume.

Intangibility: She can make herself and other persons intangible by reducing her or the person's body's specific gravity.

Photokinesis: Karla possesses the ability to manipulate light to a limited degree. She can generate a blinding luminescence from every inch of her body or generate blasts of concentrated photons from her fists that are powerful enough to blow a hole in a steel plate.


Expert Psychologist: Sofen is a trained psychiatrist.

Expert Hypnotist: She is particularly skilled in using hypnosis. Like her predecessor, Doctor Faustus, Moonstone has perfect pitch and modulation in her voice, and can cause even the strongest minds to suffer a complete nervous breakdown.

Strength level
Class 10. Karla can lift around 10 tons.

What are Kree?

The Kree is an extraterrestrial humanoid race who have created a vast empire in the Greater Magellanic Cloud and have, on certain occasions, trafficked with the beings of Earth. The Kree race began on the planet Hala in the Pama system long before the first mammals appeared on Earth. The original Kree had blue-colored skin (later generations interbred with genetically-compatible aliens to produce the pink-skinned second race). Outwardly humanoid to a large degree, Kree bodies are adapted to environmental characteristics on Hala that are un-Earth-like: notably, higher gravity and higher nitrogen content in the atmosphere. Although the Kree cannot breathe Earth’s atmosphere without special apparatus, their denser bodies afford them about twice the average human being’s strength and endurance. Despite their physical superiority and relatively advanced technology, the Kree race has reached the pinnacle of their evolutionary development.

The Kree Empire extends across thousand worlds in the northwestern lobe (Earth reference) of the Greater Magellanic Cloud. The Kree began their empire over a million years ago, within 100 years of acquisition of interstellar technology from then-benevolent race of Skrulls. The Skrulls at the time were attempting to foster a galactic empire based on free trade, and they landed on Hala to help the barbaric natives advance to the point where they could join. Finding that Hala boasted two equally intelligent life forms, the humanoid Kree and plant-like Cotati, the Skrulls proposed a test to determine the worthier race. Enraged that the Skrulls chose the Cotati as superior, the Kree slew the Skrull ambassador and seized the starship and its attendant technology. Mastering it within two generations, the Kree began to attack the Skrulls, thus beginning their now eons-old Kree-Skrull War.

Though Hala is the planet of the Kree’s origin, the planet Kree-Lar in the Turunal system is the capital of the Kree Empire as well as the seat of the government. The Kree Empire is ruled as a militaristic dictatorship. The permanent ruler is the organic computer-construct called the Supreme Intelligence, an immense computer system to which the preserved brains of the greatest intellects of the Kree race have been linked. Aiding the Supreme Intelligence is a number if imperial administrators on Kree-Lar, appointed governors of each of the member-worlds, and a vast standing space militia. The Empire also employs powerful automatons called Sentries to keep member-worlds under surveillance, such as Sentry 459, which guarded an outpost on Earth before the Fantastic Four stumbled upon it and inadvertently destroyed the island and its guardian.

Although Earth is in a different galaxy from the Kree Empire, the Kree have become aware of the small planet and have frequented it and its solar system over eons. The Kree first learned of Earth from the Skrulls who deposited them and the Cotati on Earth’s moon for the test of worthiness (the Kree built a city in the Blue Area of the Moon). Once the Kree-Skrull War began, the Kree deposited a Sentry and a weapon depot on the planet Uranus, hoping to maintain a strategic site near one of the Skrulls’ known intergalactic space-wrap routing access-points. When the human race began the Kree learned of the vast genetic potential in the Earth’s dominant life form, and created an evolutionary-accelerated tribe of humanity called the Inhumans. Despite frequent surveillance, the official policy of the Kree government is that Earth is minor, limited-potential planet of little importance. The upper echelons are aware of the truth, however: not only is Earth is a strategic military position, but its denizens possesses the genetic potential to be a serious threat to the already-decaying Kree Empire and race.

Home World
Planet Kree-Lar, Turunal system, Greater Magellanic Cloud

Distinguishing Features
Large brains, opposable thumbs, stereoscopic eyes, and either pink or blue skin pigment
Technology Level
The Kree have mastered space travel and space colonization. The Kree also possess advanced warp-drive starships, cloaking technology, advanced energy based weaponry, advanced medical technology, genetic engineering, psionic technology, advanced robotic, cyborg, and cybernetic technology, and advanced communication technology. They also have the Omni-Wave Projector technology which can be used as a weapon and as a communication device enabling communication throughout hyperspace.

Military-technocratic dictatorship

Physical Description
Adult Kree typically range from between 5 to 8 feet tall. They are bilaterally symmetric, with two legs and arms terminating with feet and hands respectively. Kree hands have four independently moving fingers each with opposable thumbs. Kree have heads with two forward facing eyes, giving them precise stereoscopic vision. Kree are typically covered in short, almost transparent, hair over most of their bodies but exhibit thicker tufts of hair on top of their heads. Kree bodies are very dense giving them increased strength, endurance, and durability. Kree have two different skin pigments in their race; blue and pink. Pink Kree are much more durable than blue Kree. Some female Kree members can psychically influence men, and a few could even drain the life force of others. There is another type of Kree called the "Ruul" who are able to shapeshift and can survive in any hostile environment.