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Welcome to Fire Emblem: Heart of Dissonance

11:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 5 ft 9
Weight: 185 pounds
Build/Body Type: Athletic
Complexion: Dark (Atypical to most people of Yotai)
Hair Color: Dark Brown (nearly black)
Hair Style: Medium length, pinned back or loose and windswept.
Facial Hair: Usually clean-shaven. Sometimes allows a short goatee.
Eye Color: Brown
Voice: Modulated and silvery.
Distinguishing Features: Forearm scars (usually covered), darker skin

Lvl 8 Thief

HP: 21/21 Def: 0 Res: 0 Parry: 5 Dodge: 93 Move: 10(11) Stealth: 5
Fine Dagger: Attack: 21 Range: 1 Accuracy: 107 Critical: 12 Strikes: 5
Throwing Daggers: Attack: 18 Range: 3 Accuracy: 107 Critical: 12 Strikes: 5
Storm Claws: Attack: 24+1Thunder Range: 1 Accuracy: 107 Critical: 12 Strikes: 6 (+1 Movement Speed, Allows Climbing)
Wrist Blades: Attack: 27 Range: 1 Accuracy: 107 Critical: 12 Strikes: 5
 Wraith Enchantment: Can't be seen or noticed, don't take up equipment slots.
 Enchanted that any attack made with it is always unseen and the damage is felt
 1 turn later.
Azuresteel Dagger: Attack: 33 Range: 1-3 Accuracy: 107 Critical: 12 Strikes: 5
 Razor-Ice Enchantment(att. roll<16): Enemy bleeds 10 True dmg, +5 per unit of movement next turn
 Sentience: Kills feed weapon

Items: Orb of Whispers, Smokebomb x2, Black Spider Venom Vial

Skill: Lockpick, Pick Pocket, Dark Stalker, Lithe Fighter, Deft Maneuvers, Combat Coordination, Renewal

Long Description:
   Shino is a 28 year old man of average height with an athletic build, his body taut with wiry musculature. It is apparent that he has done intense labor for a majority of his life, but it appears that he does not eat a morsel of food beyond what is necessary to sustain his standard of strength. His skin is dark, the sun browned hue of a tropical islander. His hair is darker, nearly black, and of a medium length that he either pins to the back of his head or allows to be windswept back messily depending on his mood. For a man of Yotai, Shino does not have any outstanding facial features--- his eyes are brown, his brows neither heavy hanging nor particularly shallow, his nose is short, flat, and somewhat wide at the base, and the shape of his face is roundish as opposed to long and angular like most white men or elvish people. However, his skin is darker than most people of Yotai, as he is from a smaller, more secluded tribe. He prefers to stay clean shaven when possible, but will allow a small goatee to grow when he doesn't have time to shave properly. His forearms are covered in lots of thin scars, most of which have turned white after healing, giving his arms a sort of hatch marked look. He typically wears leather bracers to conceal those scars, as well as hide throwing knives that he doesn't want people to see. Shino wears no other armor, preferring light, form-fitting and flexible clothing that allows him the greatest range of mobility. Quite used to running long distances and sprinting, he doesn't like to weigh himself down beyond the necessities. When possible, Shino will wear sandals and tropical style clothes, as it is what he finds himself most comfortable in. However, as a well traveled man, Shino will adapt to any climate or terrain appropriately. He prefers earthen tones for all of his clothes.


   Shino loves to smile, laugh, and enjoy the little things as much as possible. When possible, he prefers to slow down and drink deeply of each moment like sipping on a long draught of ambrosia. However, as a prideful man of professionalism, Shino rarely finds the time to do those things. He is usually always on the move, tending to matters of business with a serious tone and neutral expression. He is calm, rational, slow to anger, and prefers to outwit his enemies. If he can take down his opponents from the shadows, he will bide his time to do so, even if it means being diminished in public. However, when Shino is prodded to true ire, his wrath is inescapable, revealing the true depths of his unparalleled determination. When he has a goal, he will sacrifice almost anything to achieve it. Philosophically, Shino prefers high ambitions, cleverest solutions, and the path of least calculable harm.


Shino comes from a family of warriors, both by blood and by trade. His family was one of the many that entered into a kind of military service that provided escorts for ambassadors, diplomats, merchants, and other elevated persons. Family members often worked together, in the same units, to provide the fiercest sort of battle cohesion. When Shino came of the proper age, as well as his brothers, they entered into the family business as well. Trained since childhood, he proved to be excellent at his business.

   After his particular talents were discovered, Shino started getting more and more job offers. Often more dangerous offers, which would inevitably separate from his unit (and thus his family members and friends), but which would also earn him a lot more money and reputation. Within a few short months, Shino had officially left his previous service and surreptitiously joined a political group that dreamed of a stronger Yotai. A Yotai that would be economically independent and feared. It was during these years that Shino learned his darkest trades.

   When Veridia forced Yotai to bend the knee, much changed for Shino, his family, and his friends. Many members of the Yotai military and Navy were conscripted into Veridia's war instantly. After so many natives left to go to war, and Veridia got what it wanted from his nation, Shino watched as his nation shriveled. There was little incentive to do trade amidst the islands any longer, and in many areas it was all anyone could do to earn enough to continue putting food on the table. More and more it became enticing for the natives to sign up with Veridia and go off to war. Home became an empty shell.

   As Shino stood on the shore of his island home, contemplating the future, he realized that his previous ambitions were useless. Daring to dream of power, he had thrown away any appreciation for the things that mattered in Yotai before the alliance with Veridia. Freedom, family, security. So, in that moment, he decided to sign up with Veridia's military and fight for those things once again.