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Welcome to [B2D] Setting Small Town

04:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kyle Sommerfeld

Name: Kyle Sommerfeld
Origin: Killeen, Texas
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 259 lbs.
Activities: Football, mechanics, hunting
Quote: "Ambition isn't a dirty word."

Relationships:  Jo Sommerfeld (Mother), Devlin Sommerfeld (Father), Mirvat Ismail (Acquaintance)

Description: Kyle is massive for his age, both in height (6’2”) and in weight (259 lbs), though the latter is a development of hard work throughout his years and not just genetic luck. Kyle’s build is not that of a gym rat though, but of what he is, a football player. As such he doesn’t have ripped muscles and sixpack abs, instead he has solid slabs of muscle, that are there simply to perform their function rather than there for looks. His hair is a fiery red, nearly shaved on the sides and back whilst being longer on the top (he’ll claim due to the helmets). He has some facial hair starting to grow in, a good bit of stubble that doesn’t look bad on him, even if he generally shaves before it gets too long. His skin is for him fairly darkly tanned, though for most they would just say he had an average complexion. His eyes are a bright green, the same as his grandfather’s eyes were, and they very obvious, especially when in natural light.

Kyle typically wears black jeans and a well-fitted collared button down or dress shirt depending on the day, tucked into his pants, a belt and a pair of dark brown derby’s that are sharp and angular. If he feels he needs something else he will throw on a sports jacket, usually when he wants to dress more than causal but not fully formal.

Personality:  Kyle doesn’t like to waste time, he remembers his grandfather explaining it, “The rest of your life stems from your choices and actions you complete right now. Don’t waste time as it is the only thing you can never get more of. Always be working towards what you want, and never let others tell you it can’t be done.” Due to this he is generally rather serious, driven, and tends to not like goofing off or spending time playing video games and the like as those are in his mind a waste of time. While more than capable of building friendships and being friendly in general, he tends not to do it unless he sees some benefit, after all, he doesn’t know any of these people, and they don’t know him, why should he care if they can’t help him in some way?

Kyle can’t stand bullying and those that participate in it, he won’t stand by and let it happen, especially as he is used to being able to stop it with little to no problem. While if an instructor or other faculty member is nearby he will tell them of the incident and expect them to fix it right away, if they don’t or appear not to care, he will step in and never expect that person to do anything about it in the future and ignore them as an option.

History: Kyle is a military brat, raised on the various bases his father moved to when the army ordered, the only place he lived more than two to four years at was in Killeen, Texas, where his father was stationed in the military until he retired. Kyle hated it when his father decided they were moving the summer after his last year in middle school. There was no real explanation for the move given to Kyle, other than it was required and that he should be happy to be in a new place rather than the same old area that he had been for the last several years. What they never tried to mention was that he had left behind all of his friends, and his previous girlfriend of a year, that the new school had a different curriculum and that he was now behind instead of doing well, especially in math.

Kyle arrived in Marchwood too late to participate in what the local football team calls camp, but was accepted on the football team immediately by the coach when shown his latest recruitment video, as well as his playing history despite this. With being unable to participate in and with the football team during the summer, he had intended to instead spent some time with the local soccer team, doing training with them, as they seemed to be of a much bigger deal than the football team, and he honestly didn't see how hockey would help him. But with it being to close to the beginning of the school year, and the fact that he didn't know any one in town, he wasn't able to find anyone that he could deal with, so instead worked on  his own to maintain his abilities, training with his own personal equipment as he did when he didn't have access to the schools weights and the like, hell he didn't even know if the school had weights for the football team. He intended to build cooperation between the soccer, football and hockey teams, both to get the football team better equipment and perhaps funding, he knew that relationships built up now can be leveraged in the future (thanks dad).

Kyle is a new arrival in Marchwood and has not found his place as of yet. He is an avid participant in what is not a very popular past time in the city that he is used to being the major pastime. He is actively trying to build support for the football team, via building relationships with other sports teams and coaches, as well as finding funding for the football team and its rather pathetic equipment (though he has his own good personal equipment). He intends to do that via leveraging his father’s contacts, and by improving his team’s ability to the point where it is useful.

Powers: Unknown.