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Welcome to Fire Emblem: Heart of Dissonance

10:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Tomaj

Race: Human

Class: Thief

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance: Tomaj stands just shy of being an even six foot though his propensity for slouching makes him appear even shorter. His build is lithe, athletic and makes his active lifestyle very apparent from just his appearance. The one constant piece of his outfit is a green cloak so dark that it appears to be black unless it's seen in direct sunlight. Sewn into the cloak are many hidden pockets that Tomaj uses to store various odds and ends. One such item is a black bandanna he uses to hide his bright blonde hair when he's trying to be incognito.

Personality: Tomaj is a friendly sort and has no problem talking to anyone. As a performer, he enjoys receiving attention from others but knows the importance of managing when and where that attention comes. He enjoys being challenged but especially enjoys overcoming a challenge though creative problem solving. In any interaction with another, Tomaj is always looking for something he can gain. This can be anything from the contents of their wallet to as simple as an interesting conversation. Still Tomaj isn't completely morally defunct and will not kill outside of life or death situations no matter how upset, offended or even imprisoned he might get.

History: Tomaj originally hails from a small hamlet in Maedwen though to call it his hometown would be a stretch. As a child, Tomaj's family was always very poor and the young boy often skipped meals to allow his many siblings more to eat. That said, Tomaj was never hungry because he had no issues with helping himself to the stores of his wealthier neighbors. As he grew older, the neighbors began to realize what was happening. His main targets began increasing security and looking for proof of the young boy's actions. After a string of close calls with local law enforcement, Tomaj decided to take the opportunity to leave town when it presented itself. Not long after that decision a troupe of traveling performers came through his hamlet. Taking the visit as a sign, Tomaj stowed away in one the their supply wagons, leaving his family and pursuers behind.

Tomaj spent his teenage years traveling through out Atlinus with the performers learning all the trades he could from them. While he started out as a chore boy, Tomaj worked his way up to playing many parts in the various performances the troupe put on over the years. Still the skill he enjoyed learning the most was playing the lute. Besides his main job working with the troupe, Tomaj liked to collect souvenirs from all the places they visited and was of the mid that the best souvenirs can't be bought. This mentality caused Tomaj to embroil the theater troupe in various legal issues in nearly every country they'd visited. He often got out of them due to his young age and returning the stolen goods. Eventually when Tomaj entered his early twenties and he showed no signs of growing out of his behavior, the leader of the troupe gave Tomaj an ultimatum; the next time he was caught stealing he would no longer be a part of their troupe. By this time Tomaj's skill had increased dramatically from his teenage years and he rose to the challenge brilliantly by succeeding in staying with the troupe for almost another two years. When he was finally caught again, the troupe remained true to their word and left him to fend for himself. After his first brief stint in jail, Tomaj set off on his own to continue seeing the world.

Now a solo act, Tomaj travels the world earning what he can by playing his lute and taking anything else he might need when no one is looking.