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21:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cinead Ambarsan Barrett

Name:  Cinead Ambarsan Barrett

Nickname/Title:  Nickname none / Title:  The Honorable Mr. Barrett

Age:  29

Birthplace:  York

Sexuality:  Heterosexual

Play-By:   Douglas Booth

Occupation:  Gentleman of Leisure

Physical Description:

*Quick note:  Cinead stands 6’2’ tall, of accommodating weight.  He has dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Cinead is on the taller side of average, standing at 6’2” tall, an inch shorter than his younger brother. He has dark brown hair worn in the modern fashion, and has blue eyes. He is neither a dandy nor a fop, dressing neatly but not showily, preferring to show his family's wealth in the cut and fit of his clothes. He keeps himself trim by riding or walking and does not eat or drink to excess when in polite company. While he has a good leg for breeches and stockings, he prefers the newer fashion for every-day wear.

Distinguishing Features:
His soulful blue eyes.

Personality Description:
It is almost easier to define Cinead in terms of what he is not - a rake, a cad, a soldier, a sailor, a statesman – than by what he is. He is self-assured without being brash, is educated without being a great scholar – or indeed a great reader.

He is easily bored by talk of fripperies and nonsense, but tries his best to hide it when in polite company – which is mostly when such things are discussed, anyway.

Cinead is good-humored and easy-going, preferring to look on the bright side of things. He is polite and tactful – or tries to be, although sometimes he can be a little brash. He is confident in his position in society, a little demanding at times because of his upbringing, but not to the point of being rude. While neither staid nor dull, he is nevertheless more serious than either of his younger siblings, in part because he is the heir and feels the responsibility of his position, and in part because it is a natural part of his character. When he shows a flash of wit, it tends to the drier side of humor, and it is possible to mistake a joke for a serious comment as he keeps a straight face during the delivery of such flashes of inspiration.

He is enjoying the life of a single man-about-town but knows that he will eventually have to marry and settle down – if only to get Lady Barrett off his back 'because he is the heir to the Viscountcy and it is his duty to father an heir of his own'. He would far rather leave duty to his younger brother, who is much more suited to that sort of thing.

Characters History:
Cinead is the first-born son of Lord and Lady Barrett, and is the eldest of three surviving siblings. His brother John is away fighting with the Army in Spain and his sister Rebecca is still unmarried due to the death of her fiancé. His childhood was an overall happy one, spent roaming the park of the family home, Fallbrooke House, in the company of his younger brother and (when she was old enough to join them) his younger sister.

He went away to school at Winchester, where he boarded despite the family home's relative proximity to the town.

In his early years, his uncle bought John his Colors as an Ensign in the 45th Foot, and Emma went away to school in Bath. Suddenly deprived of his childhood companions, Cinead took advantage of the signed Peace of Amiens and went on a Grand Tour with a tutor, a trip that was cut suddenly short when fighting broke out.

His knowledge of German meant that their natural route lay through the German states of Hanover, Prussia, Saxony, then into Austria and on into Italy, but the pair had barely got halfway when renewed hostilities meant that they had to turn north and try to reach the coast and find a vessel willing to take them home.

He found during this period that he had no taste for adventure, unlike his younger brother, and was more than happy to live at home in England and never think of venturing abroad again. Although he admires those who have taken up arms against the Corsican Ogre, he does not envy them, nor does he wish to join them.

Despite not being a particularly distinguished scholar, he went to university at Cambridge after his return, leaving with his degree in Classics and not much else to recommend him apart from being the heir to the Barrett title and estates.

As he has no need of a career, he has settled down to be the man about Town, having free reign of Barrett House, the family's town residence in Portman Square, when Lord and Lady Barrett are in the country or spending the Season in Bath.

Mother:   Henriette Barrett, Viscountess Barrett, was only 16 when she married the wealthy, charming William Cinead Barrett, a family friend two decades her senior. She discovered too late that her new husband was a womanizer and has spent the years of her marriage protecting their three children from the rumors of merry bastards running about.  She is a pleasant woman otherwise with a tendency to pretend her husband indiscretion are false.

Father:   To have a sensitive boy with a love of theatre, fabrics and music for a son was William Cinead Barrett’s worst nightmare.   Thankfully this didn’t happen but to his displeasure Viscount Barrett has been mostly disappointed with his eldest son.  The ruthless banker rules his business, household and family with an iron fist, believing in victory at all costs and letting nothing stand in his way.  He would not tolerate failure from his children and his eldest is a bit of a sore spot whilst his second son John is his pride and joy.

Brother:  John, in the military.  They have always been close as well.  Close in age only two years apart.  They were a bit of a terror when they were boys.

Sister:  Rebecca, his beautiful and musically talented baby sister.  She is the apple of his eye.  Some believe him to care a bit too deeply for the girl but he has never let that mar his relationship with her.  She is a comfort and a blessing to their family.

Dog:   Charles.  Chocolate poodle and constant shadow of Cinead.

He knows he must marry and produce an heir, time is running out for that.  He would also like to see about acquiring some land for development.  He is intrigued by the races and would like to beginning breeding race horses.

He enjoys a good hunt.  Sampling wines of new regions.  Riding.

Being reminded of his duties, he is well aware of them.
Pontificating fools.