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Welcome to Sanctuary Cove:An Adult Furry Game

11:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Nickname: "Sparks", "X the Steam"


Collar:Black and Yellow (Dangerous)

Classification/DNA Source: Type Gamma, White Siberian Tiger


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight.

Hair Color: White, with silver grey metallic stripes not unlike his pelt, which is also white with black tiger stripes

Eyes:Silver, with Gold flecks

Height: 6' 5''

Weight:Approx 280 pounds, most of that being in muscle.

Physical Description:

Toned, with nicely defined muscles, but the Hulk Xavier  is not, still retaining some feline graces and a nicely balanced physique all around. X can be a little imposing at first glance as , what with how tall he is at 6' 5'' and his overall predatory looks as a Type Gamma Splice. However, once you get past that, you can see there are little touches of the personality within behind the animal, the sharp glint of intelligence in his silver eyes, a slight grin touching at the corners of his muzzle when he's amused, hiding a set of long and deadly fangs, a little flick in his thick and prehensile tail, which is almost as long as he is tall, and is a good indicator of his real mood along with how he sets his feline ears. "My poker face, better than Darth Vader's," he has said when in a chatty mood, "My poker butt and ears, however, leave much to be desired."

His hands are very pawlike, with pads on the palms and retractable claws in the fingertips instead of nails, which tend to come out when he gets agitated/angry, as do the ones in his feet, which are practically tiger's paws themselves, which precludes X from wearing footwear of any sort. Nonetheless, he's very deft with his hands, almost surgeon-like at times whenever he might be manipulating something small and delicate, which he does often as he likes to tinker and to build & repair things. He has a real soft spot for antiques, especially mechanical contrivances like steam engines, old clocks, and typewriters, though he's equally at home with modern tech too.

X tends to be a bit old-fashioned in his ways despite his youth, and this crosses over into his clothing, which leans towards the fashions of earlier times, especially the Victorian age, his favorite outfit for his everyday casual wear being a white silk shirt with brass buttons, a pair of black slacks with brown suspenders, and an English-styled flat cap on his feline head. However, he will just as easily wear modern clothing, it depends upon his mood, and often as not when he's alone or no prudish humans are around he'll wear nothing at all and lounge about "in the fur".

You'll often see X having a look at an old-fashioned mechanical pocket watch from time to time, this is his one of his most prized possessions, and he takes pride in being able to keep the mechanism in good working order, woe betide you if you mess with this item, he won't take kindly to it.


Possessing a near-genius level intellect, in general X tends to be a private sort of individual, tending to keep to himself for the most part, and he watches the world around him with an intensity and sharp attention to detail that'd make Sherlock Holmes blink in surprise. X can be quick to temper, his mood can switch polarity in an instant, and there are often good days and bad days with how he feels, but he's more or less an okay sort. He can also be very direct and to the point, and will speak his mind regardless of how others might perceive him for doing so. I.e. he he hates your guts, he's going to say so without any pretense. Naturally this kind of brutal honesty can get him into trouble a lot, and some would say he's a bit of an ass, particularly when on the receiving end of one of X's snappy retorts, and his general disinterest in how other people or Synths see him.

However, this prickly, somewhat curmudgeonly personality is in large part a facade, a mask, and isn't how X really is at heart at all. If one is patient, and takes some time to get to know him, one would quickly see that Xavier can be a very kind and personable fellow with a real zest and joy for life, who enjoys friendly company (and a good hot cup of tea),  and who only desires the best for everyone, hating to see others unhappy or suffering. Despite what he might say or do, he likes to get a good petting or a good tumble under the sheets when he can get it.

X wears the mask because deep in his heart of hearts, he's been scarred by the events of his past, and he's very selective about whom he allows to get close to his real self for fear of getting hurt again. As such, the people and other Synths he considers friends is a very short list, but a very treasured one, and X will bend over backwards to help his friends, his sense of loyalty to those that have earned it being stronger than steel.

How does this Splice React to Humans?: Although he's been around them for most of his life, X still retains an innate distrust of humans, though he doesn't out and out hate them as some Synths do. He likes human females very much, but most males he tends to be a bit standoffish with at first until he gets to know them and they get to know him.

How does this Splice React to Other Splices: Xavier has, as a general rule, a "live and let live" policy towards others of his kind. If you are peaceable to him, he will be peaceable towards you (this also applies to humans, he might be gruff, but he'll never intentionally hurt you in any way unless you've done something to earn it).


Xavier was created by a secret branch of the British military, known only to even X himself as "the Service",  to serve as a special ops soldier, primarily used for spying, assassinations, and demolitions work, having been trained since he was very young for this task. All went well until he started maturing, and age 20, for want of better terms, Xavier had a crisis of conscience about what he was doing, and rebelled against his makers by intentionally botching a critical op.

The Tiger Splice was immediately pulled from active duty, and was slated to be "retired", AKA euthanized, but his commanding officer took a small measure of pity on him, and had all traces of his existence wiped from the Service's records before turning him over to the Phoenix Corportation's Splice Sanctuary program, where he is intended to live out the remainder of his life.

In the beginning, Xavier was placed at one of Phoenix's facilities located on an undisclosed island, but in the end he had to be transferred away due to nearly constant clashes with the staff and having a very difficult time adjusting to his new circumstances. In the end, it was decided to give Xavier a second chance at the new Seahaven Sanctuary, where he resides today.