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19:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Victor Evesham Sheffield

Name: Victor Evesham Sheffield VC MCC

Nickname/Title: Lord Victor Sheffield

Age: 28

Birthplace: Sheffield, UK

Sexuality: Hetero

Play-By: Christian Coulson


Occupation: Soldier, Entrepreneur

Physical Description: Victor is 5'6", about 170 lbs., has brown hair and gray eyes. He is solidly built, athletic, and dresses well.

Note: British men who were born in around 1830 had an average height at the age of 21 of 5ft 6in (167cm).

Distinguishing Features: Victor is deeply tanned having been on campaign for a number of years under the Asian Sun. His campaigning in Asia, mostly outdoors, has resulted in a deep tanning of his face. Now that he has returned to England, his skin remains dark, even over the winter in London's often overcast skies. This probably is because of a bad sunburn when he originally went to India, which has permanently turned his face and arms a deep brown.

Personality Description: Victor is invariably polite to strangers and to new acquaintances, but can be boisterous and bawdy among close friends. When in an unfamiliar situation he would try to keep quiet, to observe the people, before determining his options as to how to speak or to act.

General History:

John Sheffield, of the senior branch of the family, had been with the East India Company while a young man, before becoming the Sixth Duke of Rotherham later in life. He returned to England, upon succeeding to the title, a rich man. In addition he brought several Sikh retainers, these having been dispossessed during the First Sikh War.

However, Duke John died without leaving a male child. His cousin Robert, of the junior branch of the family, had entered the Church and was vicar in a nearby parish. Robert's eldest son, James, had also entered the church and likewise was a vicar nearby. Both left their posts upon Robert's succession as Seventh Duke. Robert's wife, Francoise, became duchess. James became Marquess of Sheffield. Twins Victor, born second eldest, and Victoria, born third eldest, were followed by Rose, the youngest. All acquired titles of Lord and Lady. Victor became an officer in the East India Company and served in Asia. Victoria disappeared and is still missing. Rose married the Earl of Derby.

Unknown outside of the family: Victoria became pregnant at 16 without benefit of marriage. James and Victor had a violent disagreement as to what should be done. James wanted her married to an elderly widower with six children. Victor wanted her to have the child, to be brought up by relatives in the north of England, leaving her free to marry someone more her own age. The argument between James and Victor turned ugly, causing an irreparable breach between the two. Victor emigrated to the United States of America. Victoria went to France, telling no-one, to be with some of her mother's relatives.


Victoria rebelled in her early adolescence against the sanctimony of her father and brother James. She grew up in Duke John's household and became the son he never had, learning fencing, shooting, running to hounds, and other male prerogatives. She failed utterly at ladylike skills and pursuits, and unfortunately did not develop caution or learn discretion. However, she did learn spoken and written Punjabi from her Sikh maid, and French from her mother.

While hiding in France, waiting to deliver her child, Victoria did much hard thinking. She concluded that the father of her child was a scoundrel and she did not want him for a husband. She knew that she had to develop caution and learn discretion. She enjoyed most male pursuits... and, despised many typical female ones! What to do!?

Would she ever marry and have children? Most women were objects. Wives were unable to own property in their own right; most women were unable to work at a profession; unmarried women were almost always poor relations dependent upon male relatives. She needed a profession, a way of obtaining money, and a means of supporting herself so that she had choices. Marriage might come, or it might not. She did not want to live dependent upon Papa, James, or even upon brother Victor!

Having communicated with Victor in the States, she learned that he now had a new life of his own, and he was not coming back to England. She decided to become Victor.

Scoundrel Francis, father of her son, was shanghaied aboard a French merchant ship, courtesy of that ship's French captain, a relative.

After a little blackmail and arm twisting, Papa used some clout on her behalf. "Victor" appeared in Addiscombe, Surrey, enrolled in the Honorable East India Company's Military Seminary, learning mathematics, fortification, natural philosophy, chemistry, Hindustani, Latin, drawing and surveying, and photography, and graduated two years later. She applied some light staining to her face to disguise a lack of a beard.

Victor, a French female cousin (Solange) as batman, and a female Sikh servant (Ranjit Kaur), both in male disguise, departed for Crimea. He applied more staining to his face. Victor was a Second Lieutenant in John Company, then became a First Lieutanant upon moving along to India with the Corps of Guides, Punjab Irregular Force. With the onset of the Sepoy Mutiny, he was promoted to Captain. He rallied a Sikh contingent of the Fifth Punjab Cavalry, forming a mixed battalion of infantry with rifles along with horsemen. Under the Sikh Raja Sarup Singh of Jhind, he joined the siege of Delhi, led an assault on the fortifications, and helped the Sikh Raja to regain semi-sovereignty (under the British) over his principality in North India. Victor was awarded the Victoria Cross.

With the British Crown disbanding the East India Company, Victor, became a Major in the British Army, and was assigned as the British attache to the French Admiral de Genouilly during the Opium War in China. In subsequent heroics, at sea and on land, he was awarded the Medaille de la Compagne de Chine. He was successful in each subsequent foreign posting.

Being a pragmatic person, Victor had taken shares of plunder at Lucknow, Lahore, Delhi, in China, and elsewhere. Ranjit, a princess again, stayed in Punjab. Solange, now Sol, returned with now Lt. Colonel Lord Sheffield to England, the latter to sell his commission and become a civilian.

Victor began investing by being conservative with his finances. After getting much advice, however, he has become a partner with his French relatives in shipping, and also an owner of shares in several railroads. In addition, his solicitors, Estes and Tomlinson, acquired the townhouse at 51 Grosvenor Street for him on his behalf.

Goals: Become financially independent. Invest her money. Work at developing a profession. Live as a man... at least until she can determine whether it may be possible for her to live as a woman again. Assist her family, if they should need assistance. Family is family. Clear up loose ends. Was Francis still alive?

Likes: Victoria still likes swordplay, shooting, and hard riding. However, she has developed much sympathy for a woman's predicaments in life: the need to marry, the need for money and/or income other than that bestowed/given by a father, husband, brother, or son, the need for financial independence.

Dislikes: Contemplating being a poor relation; performing typical female tasks such as embroidery, painting watercolors, and sewing monograms upon handkerchiefs.