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Welcome to Sanctuary Cove:An Adult Furry Game

12:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Connor, though this is a name chosen for him by Sanctuary staff as his fighting name, Killer, isn't very suited for polite society

Race: Splice

Collar: Back and yellow (dangerous)

Classification/DNA source: Type Gamma, Gray Wolf

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye color: Amber with streaks of green

Hair Color: Gray shifting into black as it grows further from his fur

Physical Description:

Connor is all wiry muscle, his body lithe but shot through with hard, corded muscle from both his genetic disposition and a life of fighting and training to fight. He is not overly tall, standing only an inch over six feet tall, but he holds his fighter's body with the sort of predatory readiness one would expect from the wolf his DNA is derived from and the fighter he'd been forced to be from a young age. Add to this the scars on his body that cut ugly lines in the expanse of his dark gray furred form, his usually stoic and pensive expression and the way he fixes everybody intensely with his golden gaze as though taking their measure before deciding whether to speak or interact with them and he can come off as quite intimidating and off putting.

His head is that of a wolf, with cold wet nose tipping a muzzle that conceals pointed fangs and slightly pointed ears that stick up through dark locks of hair atop his head. His hands possess fingers as a humans would, but are padded at the tips and palms and end in short, but hard and sharp black claws rather than nails. His feet are more animal than human, his heels raised and his four toes close together in usual lupine digitigrade fashion, which makes traditional footwear impossible for him, but he makes do. A lupine tail, a foot and a half long and with bristly gray fur radiating out from it, grows from the base of his spine and most often times is held up or straight out and only rarely wags or is relaxed as he is rarely relaxed himself.

Connor wears clothes that are comfortable and loose, t-shirts and loose cargo pants cinched tightly at the waist usually his picks. He honestly isn't a hundred percent used to wearing more than rags so he finds clothing to be a novelty at the moment and doesn't have much use for fashion. He dresses because he must and for utility.


Connor is hard to read, to say the least. He tends to keep to himself, if he can help it, as he has trust issues that stem from his upbringing and the violent purpose he'd been raised for. He is watchful and intense, his body language often speaking of alertness and caution and his gaze and expression showing his pensiveness and uneasiness with the new situation he finds himself in.

When he does bring himself to speak or interact with people (splices or humans), his manner of speech is brash or curt. He does not believe in wasting words or speaking in half-truths so he can come off a bit rude, actually, and is blunt to  an extreme degree. Some would say his unerring honesty is refreshing, but it also makes it difficult to get along with him when tact is thrown out the window along with lying, sarcasm and flowery language.

But, beneath this social awkwardness and uneasiness, there is a young splice that wants to learn how to get along with others of his kind and even humans, if he can. He has lived a hard life, a life where violence was all he knew and all he was praised for, so it is difficult for him to try and learn to live otherwise. But he is not stupid or set in his ways. He is simply inexperienced in any other way of living and is trying his best to cope.


Connor was created illegally for illegal purposes. He was created to take part in the illegal prize-fighting scene that many predatory and black market created splices were. Unlike many others, though, he was allowed to grow into that life instead of having his growth accelerated so he could fight sooner rather than later. His owner, a small time conman and thief who had spent his nest egg in having Connor made, had decided that the best fighters were those that were raised into it from a young age. "Get 'em while they're young and they'll do whatever ya say!", he would say and, for a time, it seemed like that was correct.

Connor, then called "Killer", (his owner was not a creative man), raised him from a pup and raised him into a fighter. Training to fight and to be loyal to his owner were what he was taught and, for a time, was all he knew. In fact, it would be all he knew for much of his life as he didn't actually fight until he was 12, which many thought was too young as he was still an immature synth. But perhaps his owner's philosophy was right for Connor won his first fight. And his next, and his next and his next. His training did its work as he fought and won against forcefully grown splices larger and more mature than he. Never did he win unscathed, though, and his body was soon a road map of scars, but he was told each one was a trophy in itself. A badge of honor, his owner told him and Connor, knowing nothing else, accepted it.

It was a...strange life. He fought hard, always gaining injuries in each one. Sometimes he lost and, when he did, his owner would punish him harshly. When he won, though, his owner would reward him. Sometimes it was with food or a toy and, when he was older and won an especially hard fight, with an illegal splice prostitute that Connor could take his pleasure from. Which he did because, again, he didn't know any better. How could he? What else could he know?

It wasn't until he was 19 that he knew anything else as, during a fight, the underground fight club his owner had brought him to was raided by authorities. After all, prize fighting and prostitution was technically illegal, even if many people thought it a less extreme crime than the actual crafting of black market splices. But the end result was the same as Connor's owner was taken into custody and Connor ended up being shuffled into the Sanctuary program.

It's been two years since then and Connor, as is his name now, is still getting used to a life outside of fighting and following directions from a human owner. He is still trying to find a place of comfort now that he is somewhat on his own, even if he is on his own inside of a corporation's facility where he is under constant supervision. It is still more freedom and independence than he has ever been afforded before and it at once frightens and exhilarates him. Hopefully, though, it will not overwhelm him and he will be able to find a measure of peace with himself and his still relatively new life within the Sanctuary.

How does this splice react to other Splices?: Connor reacts to other splices, initially, with caution and predatory wariness. After all, having been raised to see other splices as opponents to be fought, it is hard for him not to first try to take their measure and decide whether they were threats or not. After that initial tension, however, he takes each encounter with splices on a case by case basis, deciding how to feel about them after actually getting a measure of them.

How does this splice react to humans?: Connor's relationship with humanity is difficult to define. On the one hand, there is a part of him that recognizes he was used and abused by human and feels a measure of distrust and anger at them about it. But, on the other hand, there is a part of him that was raised and owned by a human his whole life and, even if that owner was flawed and often treated Connor poorly or like a commodity rather than an individual, Connor was raised to be loyal so it is hard not to feel submissiveness to humans in general. As such, he is often conflicted when faced with humans and ends up in wary and watchful silence when faced with one until he is sure of their intentions.

Anything else we should know about your character?: One of the only pastimes that Connor was allowed outside of training and fighting was, oddly enough, drawing. His owner threw a sketchpad and a box of crayons into the bare concrete room that Connor grew up in on a whim and the young lupine splice found in them a measure of self-expression and peace. It was a retreat from the violence and loneliness he generally knew and, as such, he has grown passing talented in such artistic endeavors and still finds an escape to peace in drawing and painting.