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20:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Amelia Wrentmore

Name:Amelia Grace Wrentmore

Nickname/Title: Lady Amelia Wrentmore


Birthplace: London UK

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Play-By: MyAnna Buring

Occupation:Lady of Leisure, Herbalist

Physical Description: 5'5", 119 pounds, blue eyes, blond hair

Distinguishing Features: None

Personality Description:

Amelia is quite the Lady when she is with other Ladies and Aristocrats.  She is correct and will gladly play the piano or sing when asked to at functions.  She will discuss the latest new embroidery stitch as she practices it and looks at the others work as well.  There is more to Amelia than what meets the eye.  She doesn't like, for instance,the fact that it is hard for women to have their own money or other privileges that men do.  She isn't brave enough to speak openly about it, but she might protest to people who she feels she can trust.

Characters History:

Amelia doesn't remember too much about her parents.  They were there when she was young but in the background more.  Her father left the house in the morning and did whatever men did.  She was raised by nanny's and tutors while learning to become presentable around people.  Presentable, in her mothers eye, meant that Amelia was to be seen but not heard.  That was fine with Amelia.  She learned a lot just by observing.  She would quietly do her needlework, sing, or play the piano while her mother would talk to the other aristocratic ladies.  That all change on the day her parents were killed in an accident.

Amelia's Uncle Benjamin Horatio Wrentmore thought he would move into the house and take it over.  Unfortunately, he hadn't planned on an iron clad will which put the house at 50 Grosvenor Street into a trust until Amelia married.  Amelia couldn't live there by herself, even though she was surrounded by servants, so her Dowager Aunt Lady Elizabeth Grace Chamberlain, moved in.  Lady Elizabeth was quite adept at keeping Benjamin away from the door and moving in.  His excuse of "having" to move in was voided once Lady Elizabeth moved in to chaperone and help continue the education of Amelia.  The education that she was referring to was to help find Amelia a suitable husband, something Lady Elizabeth did not think Lord Wrentmore was capable of.  She had heard stories about Lord Wrentmore and she didn't like what she had heard.  She was afraid that he would just pick anybody for Amelia to marry and Lady Elizabeth felt she had to look out for her Goddaughter.

That worked out fine for Amelia.  She wasn't in a hurry to marry.  She was getting quite adept at fending off any proposals from her suitors.  She tried to limit how many times she was seen on the arm of the same gentlemen.  She has recently found that she needs to walk more in the park with Lady Elizabeth coming along to keep an eye on the males.  Sometimes it is just her and Lady Elizabeth who takes that opportunity to point out various naer do well's and fill in some of the local gossip to Amelia.


To have a relationship with somebody who will not "rule" her but instead to listen to her ideas and wants.


Even though Amelia predominantly dislikes this new age with all the factories and such, she does like the idea of going into a store and seeing the large displays of goods to choose from.  It is an improvement over only seeing a few items when the merchant would call to the house.  Amelia also loves to spend time in her gardens, particularly her herb gardens.  She has a tendency to use her herbal remedies before consulting a doctor.

Her other likes are music, the needle arts, walking in the park, or riding her horse and/or taking a ride in the countryside.


Amelia dislikes being pegged as "just a woman who needs a man to take care of her" even though she does portray that in public.  She knows that she has a brain and doesn't need a man to take care of her or her finances.  She also dislikes Uncle Benjamin although she tries not to mention it in case it gets back to him.