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11:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Toddy Shelfungus

Toddy stood up his boots laced, Cindell grabbed him and carefully straightened his Scholastic robes of Oaks bridge monistary with the same tenderness that she had jerked on his hide-armor its green and gray waxed and boiled hide plates and quilted undercoat so many decades ago checking the fit with a Wive's worried thoroughness.
  She pulled him turning him around by hand checked his 2’ 6” frame almost inch by inch, the hidden laces, the steel plates, greaves and vambraces, until his face its amber eyes on a background of light blue-green skin, parts darkened and whispers of wrinkles by the sun. His face framed by his piebald hair of green and brown and brown scholars hood hiding a steel cap, with its rust trim, framing the eyes that looked down at her with the same obvious affection as on the beginning of his first walkabout.

  Cindal’s Bright blue eyes again noticed the smirk on his face and with the speed of a confirmed squirrel feeder decades later again socked him in the belly. His smirk growing broader broader at the ring of steel he falls over in mock pain, grabbing her skirt as he “falls”. She comes, down on top of him giggling where she proceeds to pummel the tough field plate.  When the worried look leaves her face they walk to the stairs and look down the stairs at the front parlor Where their D'aughter Sissi skipped around the supplies gathered for a trip.

  Toddy Said “While I have said it before and you know it to be true, Don’t worry My Brother is quite able to take care of the clan he’s done it this long an now and again when I walk about, when the other elders come for parties just read them my letters as you have done so well” Toddy smirks again. "If they get board maybe you could read the Others? This time dodging the swat.

Cindall looks pensive "Must you go to this strange place.. I know they rely on you to judge what luck to bring.. But"

Toddy nods "We knew something was wrong when the Trogs living in Jollies Gullet started their last spate of trouble. It turns out that it was actually worth the blood to drive them away from the ancient lair.  Their nest digging had cut into a cavern lace complex the came out on the surface only 30 feet above.  Their lair is at least a sixth of a league under ground.  It had the same stars same moons, but we knew we had a problem when we saw a frigate fly by in the air."
   It is a mad world, a strangly different Divine Pax, as the other world I went to, my Class changed."
a Wry smile crossed his face.
  "Would you believe it, this place has no forest gnomes, instead I am what they call a Vigilanty, a Class?; I hide in the open and become other when needed. Even more madness the foolish world even has a Big Nose Class.. and low I have that too. That is why I hide this turtleshell of steel under my robe it is often a sign of this 'Aritocrat' class. luckily I am able to bear a 'blank' shield and become faceless in the armor.  It is a place of terrible loss there are blanched gnomes who have lost the ability to build the doors to the faery hedge-walk. They are sickly and desperately troubled, we would bring them here, But.. we don't know if it is a taint in them?!"

    F'ather; it is done and the mules are here for the trip.
    Sissi'voice drifts up the stairs I have the Books and squirrels packed to carry messages
   Toddy continues as he starts down the stairs; "I must go to this place of scholars to understand this new pax, the Oak bridge Monks think it is not just a parallel plain but a parallel continum what ever that is."

 Toddy was a Forest gnome born of the Shelfungus family of the High-trees Clan, he was picked to be his Uncles Jontus, heir and ‘S’on, keeping and reading his correspondence at clan parties.  From a young age Toddy acted as a member of the clans council of elders, in Juntuses place as ‘E’lder.  Toddy and the other elders made sure the clan gnomes, their friends either sibs [animal-friends] or big folk, were happy and well fed.  Toddy threw many hunting parties against the Trogs of “Jollies Gullet” [a legendary gnome who could eat almost anything, in any amount, but what came back up you really didn’t want to.] , Uncle Jontus was a “real” long-nose, he was  “The” Elder of the High Trees Clan, (“The” Councilor of High-tree Broken Hills, “An” Ill Luck of  the Redwing  Dale Forest Gnomes, “a” Speaker to the friends, ‘F’ather of “S”on Toddy Shelfungus;- “The” Heir of the High Trees Clan), “The” Speaker for the Councilor.  Cousin Kallik Waterflower once made the mistake of getting drunk and rattling that all out at a party, luckily it was only gnomes and gnome friends. but Uncle Jontus, got annoyed and for the next three years Kallik kept finding snails and slugs in his socks, even if Uncle Jontus was all the way at a party on the other side of the Redwing Dales, some thought Toddy was helping but it was still happening when Toddy went with him to act as Speaker for the Councilor at parties with big-folk.
   After many a year Uncle Jontus got eaten in a bit of Ill luck with the trogs and a wyrmling, Toddy became ‘E’lder and Toddies brother got the fun job of Heir.  In spite of being away so much Toddy married (Cindell)etannah Mountainpetal, and they had a baby who he named his “D”aughter (Sissi)cilita Shelfungus.  Over time Toddy filled in the shoes as ‘T’he Elder of the clan, and a Councilor “both an Ill luck, and also Speaker to Friends. [during which he learned to speak common]”
During this idyllic state of affairs Toddy and his wolf-friend Steel-fur joined the Wolf-riders at a Forest-moon party, ‘T’he wolf-rider (Vodt)olack with a nose as big as Toddy’s dead uncle, and a wolf friend Bright-beak who was actually a giant eagle, accepted Toddy into the order, saying it is actually more fun than most gnome think.
   Sometimes Tody thought he was right sometime he is sure it is all some convoluted trick beyond the skill of a simple Shelfungus to make out.
   A time came when the Redwing dale gnomes, noticed that some of their ‘F’riends were having problems.
   Unfortunately the council decided once they had gone to enough parties that they needed to send someone out to see what was causing all the ruckus in the forest and to talk not just to the Gnome-friend, but Their-friends, as well. They decided to send Toddy Shelfungus and his Wolfriend Steelfur, this made them feel so bad they immediately gave him a vacation [a Walk-a-Bout] as they call It, so he could go to all the "parties" he needed to and play "Tricks" where ever he needed to. If he had any problems they would be seeing his Wife Cindell and the new baby at the parties his Older brother and Heir would be throwing at the home place, there she could read them the letters until "little Sissi" his ‘D’aughter grew old enough.

And over time She did.

Transformational Character Sheet example:
I edited the Table to fit Toddy Shelfungus as a Character.

Toddy Shelfungus
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Fae Knight
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Shadow Sissi
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