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Welcome to The Mysteries of Magic

01:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Karena Biancamano

GM's Note: This character is no longer active.

Name: Karena Biancamano
Home: Totowa, New Jersey, USA
Age: 15
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: ~125 lbs
Activities: Hanging out with friends and goofing off, exploring derelict buildings and other creepy places, riding her bike way too fast, cooking, going to the shore in the summertime, taking care of stray cats.
Quote: "Shit, that was insane.....wanna do it again?"

Description: At a glance Karena looks like a typical surly teen from a largely blue-collar neighborhood. On the tall side of average, she wears her thick dark hair in long, messy waves, and her blue eyes and full lips are framed by a stubborn jaw. Aside from a fondness for bold lipstick colors and questionable jewelry, she doesn't seem to pay too much attention to her outward appearance, frequently tramping off to school in ill-fitting flannels and torn jeans. She speaks English with a strong northeastern accent common around the New Jersey/New York metropolitan area and her voice has begun to lose its girlish chirp, beginning to take on a smoother, more grownup resonance.

Personality: Irreverent, apathetic, and somewhat easily distracted, Karena is a girl who is seemingly headed nowhere in a hurry. Academically, she is a mediocre student at best, having been in trouble more than once for skipping classes. Outside of school, she has a reputation for running with the wrong crowd and being a bit of a thrill seeker, though other than trespassing, some minor vandalism and a fight or two, she's never been party to any serious crimes.

History: Karena lives with her mom, Paulette, her older brother Mike and her grandma whom she affectionately calls "nonna." Her parents divorced when she was nine and her dad moved out of the house shortly after, but growing up in a small town where everyone sort of knew everyone else, there was never any real shortage of "family."  Thankfully though, they were near enough to other larger cities that she and Mike could always get out of town if they wanted to. Far from the judgemental eyes of adults, she and her brother and some of the older neighborhood kids would embark on all kinds of mischief. As Mike grew older and discovered girls, he was less interested in hanging out with his little sister, but by that time Karena had largely learned to fend for herself. As for her dad, she rarely sees him anymore and maybe talks to him a few times a year, though recently he's been reaching out and making more of an effort to reconnect more closely with her and Mike.

Powers: None.