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Welcome to Wytchwood Hollow

10:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Victor Gray

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name:  Victor Gray
Age: 29
Race: Sorcerer
Gender:  Male
Height: 6’2”
Virtue: Diligence
Hair: Black
True Name: Erasmus Arbez
Actual Age: 29
Languages Known: Common, Infernal
Weight: 140lbs
Vice: Greed
Eye Color: Ice Blue

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
Victor is tall and slim, not terribly so but he is definitely thinner than most men his size. He keeps his ebony hair cut short but it stands out in a stark contrast to his pale, white skin (which has led more than a few to assume he was a Vampire). His clothing varies though it is always finely crafted and tends to be the darker shades of any particular color, the only constants in his clothing is that whenever he goes out he wears a cloak of deepest, purest black which seems to absorb the very light that surrounds it.

G i f t s
Master of Illusions: Victor’s greatest magical talent lies in the path of illusion which he uses extensively to further build upon his con that he is, in fact, a master sorcerer, any who can pierce illusions will quickly learn how little there actually is to him.

Lying: Almost anyone can lie convincingly, and there are some who never can, but it takes a true master to take the shakiest foundations of a lie and build an entire life upon them. While the lie Victor lives is not yet shatterproof, it becomes sturdier by the day.

W e a k n e s s e s
Uneducated: Victor was barely literate when he first found himself on the streets but that little bit of knowledge was enough to change his life when he got his hands on a book known as The Shards of the Void. Since then he has been working on educating himself with whatever he can get.

Thievery: After many years spent on the streets taking care of himself by any means necessary, Victor sometimes can find it very hard to resist the old calling to just take things whenever he spots an opening even though he doesn’t necessarily need to do that anymore.

Human: Well Victor might have magic powers but he is still a human with all the good and bad things that entails.

In Debt: Part of the agreement that gained Victor his power also put him in permanent debt to the Lady of Regrets, Lynkhab. To say that he is slowly building his fortune is an understatement as 60% of his accumulated wealth belongs to the demon whenever it is requested.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Victor has spent the better part of his life living on the streets and as such when he is home alone he has a tendency to be brash, crude, and incredibly rude. Around others, he puts on an air of sophistication as he thinks the nobility must be (mostly gained from observances and what he’s managed to read).

H i s t o r y
Victor was born into a very well off family in a large village and had circumstances been different he probably would have had a very uneventful, though comfortable, life. As it was there was a great storm one summer night in his fifth year and a stray bolt of lightning struck his family home, burning it to the ground and killing his family in the process though he emerged with a few minor burns and scrapes.

Victor fell in with a small gang of boys and over the course of the next few years he adjusted to the hard and ever-changing life of the streets.  Around his thirteenth birthday fate decided to throw another change his way when he spotted an inquisitor of the Church walking the streets and carrying a small, sealed chest. Figuring that something locked away by a high ranking member of the Church must be some sort of relic and as such a major score if he could secure it. Unfortunately, the inquisitor wasn’t easily cowed at the prospect of being robbed and decided to fight back which resulted in the man’s death. Secure in the knowledge that he had royally screwed up and that eventually someone would find out that he had killed the inquisitor, he took the chest and ran away from his home.

The same night that Victor fled he managed to open the chest and found that instead of some holy relic it only held a book of demons and monsters: The Shards of the Void. Most of what he read in it made no sense, many of the spells and rituals requiring knowledge he was sure he would never know or components he’d never be able to collect. Near the middle of the book he discovered a ritual to summon and bind a demon though it required the true name of the demon to be bound but as he prepared to pass it by he found that a previous owner of the book had scrawled a word into the page’s margins, Lynkhab, which he could only assume to be a demon’s name.  As he figured that the rest of his life had already gone to hell, he saw no reason not to try and summon a demon into his service. Over the course of the next few weeks he slowly gathered the supplies he needed for the ritual. On a cold autumn night, in a secluded forest glade, Victor enacted the ritual and was able to summon Lynkhab to the earthly plane. Had he managed to find any information on the creature he was attempting to summon, he would likely have stopped before he managed to summon a demonic princess with the title of 'Lady of Regrets'. As it was he had made one major preparation for his own safety and had procured a cold iron dagger which he managed to defend himself with when Lynkhab began to fight against her bindings. The negotiations that followed after she broke free moments later went surprisingly well considering the parties involved: in exchange for magical knowledge and power he would guarantee the lady’s safety and wellbeing whenever she was around, and 60% of his accumulated fortune to keep her from claiming his soul.

Sixteen years have passed since that night and Victor has continued his travels, though now with Lynkhab as his occasional (and generally unwanted) company. Along the way, he has been procuring any books and scrolls that he can to increase his knowledge as he trained his magical prowess. It was during these studies that he first discovered stories of Wytchwood Hollow and after a fair amount of contemplation on the matter he decided that it would be a good place to settle, in spite of the ransom he was consistently paying to keep his skin intact he still had the funds to get a decent sized home and from there he’d figure out something to keep himself alive.

T h r e a d s o f F a t e
Making Money open
Fact aside that Victor would really like to be rich he needs to keep making money so he can continue paying off the demonic loan shark he has gotten himself mixed up with. In spite of the image he’s trying to build up of himself it will quickly become apparent to anyone that there isn’t a job he won’t take if he can do it and the pay is right.

Accumulating Knowledge open
The greatest bulk of Victor’s money goes towards gaining new books and scrolls, anything that help him increase his magical aptitude and generalized knowledge. If anything they’d like to sell to him or knowledge that can point him in the right direction he will gladly pay it.

This space reserved for a big reveal... limited 0/1
Cryptic, am I right? :P

F u n F a c t s

Time zone and general posting: I'm in the CST (-6 hours) where it is just about midnight. Typically I'm free to post from about 4PM to midnight Monday thru Friday (though sometimes I can get posts up while I'm at work), Saturday I'm pretty well open from any point after I wake up, and Sunday I'm free until midnight.