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09:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Heinrich Krubel

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Heinrich Krubel
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Virtue: Faith
Hair: Chestnut/Grey
Nickname: One-eye
Actual Age: 57
Languages Spoken: English, German, Latin
Weight: 188 lbs
Vice: Prejudice
Eye Color: Blue

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
A man who's various scarring and medications have made him appear much older than he actually is. Disturbingly, his veins are blue-ish from his strange habit of mixing silver into his food. His hair was once Chestnut brown, but has strangely turned silver at his beard, and has began to creep up the side of his face to claim what remains of his hair as well. The right side of his face is disfigured with scars from burns, leaving a bald patch in it's wake. Similarly, there are deep scars across his face where something sharp has raked through at one point, leaving a blackened nail that had been lodged there some time ago to neatly adorn his upper brow. To counter-act this ghastly appearance, Heinrich has a symbol of his faith, a separated red line, running down his blind eye. Should you manage to peel your attention away from the man's face, he is rather well dressed. A leather doublet with a black overcoat that hides away various charms and devices within it's seems. His head is topped with a thick leather hat with gilded iron bits that decorate it, and holds candles in straps for easy access. He carries a gilded sword at his waist, and a brace of pistols across his chest that are lovingly polished, and adorned with wax seals binding religious passages onto their holsters.

G i f t s
Hunter Training: Due in part to excessive exposure to their attacks, Heinrich has plentiful experience in dealing with all facets of supernaturals.
Uncorruptable: A rare example of true faith, Heinrich is protected from lycanthropy and vampiric influence. Moreover, a special blend of silver and toxins are blended into all of his meals to ensure that if the diseases did take hold, they would be extremely short-lived. One way, or another.
Inspiring Presence: A man of action, Heinrich is a natural leader of men, and often rouses a population into action when the need arises.

W e a k n e s s e s
Human: The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Heinrich is only a man at the end of the day.
Obsession: Heinrich pours himself into his work: body, mind, and soul. Everything aside from this is considered beneath his consideration. Meaning he has little use for formalities such as compassion or empathy.
Lawbreaker: There is no line Heinrich wouldn't cross to grow closer to his quarry, a note that often puts him on the wrong side of the law.
Disfigured: With only one working eye, and a maimed face, it'd be easy to see why he might be considered 'off-putting'
Faithful: Heinrich wears his faith openly, even on his face. Any who dislike the church are bound to dislike him with a single glance.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Dour and humorless, Heinrich is extremely slow to trust anything, but quick to extort things into his favor. A workaholic, he pours his entire person into his hunts, and spares no expense in tracking down the quarry. He sees nearly all supernatural beings as a blight, with the exception to magic using humans, who he instead sees as wayward souls below that of pity. They have their uses, but a liability to the betterment of man. He wears his conviction to his faith openly, and even brandishes it to accost the evils so that others might prosper in a world without them.

H i s t o r y

Born as a middle child of three, Heinrich grew up with strong belief in family values. His father, Hans Kruber, was a stern but fair man who worked as a pastor for the town, while his mother, Freida Kruber, tended to the house and sold the quilts she made in her free time. Heinrich grew up working with his family to maintain the church and man the fields when harvest came around. During his adolescence, Heinrich lost his brothers, one from fever, and the other to city life. Being the last remaining man of the house, Hans passed the family tradition down to his son. A new hunter was forged.

The first hunt is always the hardest one, but it also teaches the best lessons quickly. Heinrich was sent to investigate a reported fledgling witch 'hidden' within the town. He was shown what to look for, who to ask, and how to approach the situation. The guidance ended after he put the lines together and uncovered the witch. As tradition states, sink or swim. So it was that when the teenage Heinrich stepped into the lair, he expected something more along the lines of a bedrock cave, or a shack within the woods...not a supply closet within the orphanage. The mission given was simple: Find a way to cleanse the lost soul, or send it screaming to the void. Heinrich's hand were shaking as he held onto his father's pistol with a white-knuckled grip.

The door opened to reveal a girl curled up in the corner. Her hair was greasy and burnt on it's fringes, but held a particular brilliance with it's firey red red color. She was staring back at Heinrich with sunken greens eyes that held no shimmer of hope in their dull green depths. She was about the same size as he was, age was irrelevant, 'too hard to tell with magic types' as his father told him, but everything about her screamed 'frail'. She had been starved. Beaten. There were some scorch marks on the walls, but also pictures. Black pictograms written in black, charcoal if he had to guess, of simplistic things like cats and suns and...people. Any of Heinrichs words fell upon deaf ears as he spoke to the girl. He response stayed the same despite any of his protests; a silent, lifeless stare. Heinrich's response was to approach the kid.

Never in his life, did he ever feel a pain as intense as that moment. He could hear screaming, it sounded a lot like his own, though the sound of sizzling flesh made it hard to be sure. When he finally came to his senses, he awoke in his bed with his father waiting patiently beside him. After a brief scolding, he reminded his son that his job wasn't done, and that if the headmaster of the orphanage hadn't been so good as to deliver him to his bed, he might not have woken up at all. Thoroughly shamed, Heinrich set out again to face his quarry. Re-opening the closet door, he found the same girl more crumpled than last time, bloodied. Her eyes were red with tears and resembled runny eggs. She was nursing her left arm where a streak of crimson stained her filthy dress. Heinrich must've shot her during the confusion. The two stared at each other for a time, each one staring at the other's wounds. Heinrich could feel the heat radiating off of the side of his, no doubt scarred, face, but the girl before him looked as though she were at death's door. Heinrich stepped into the closet and shut the door behind him. He sat beside the girl and began to talk.

Though it was a one-sided conversation, the two talked for almost an hour about many things. Forgiveness was a hot-topic specifically. When the closet door opened for the final time, Heinrich reemerged with a delicate frame in his arms. Declaring his intention to redeem the girl, Heinrich was met with harsh criticism, and told he would receive no help in taking care of his little 'pet project'. Undeterred, Heinrich spent much of his waking hours working several jobs to sustain both himself and the silent witch-girl who was bed-ridden. He received the brunt of the hate, probably only a fraction of what the girl had suffered, and found his situation hopelessly soul-crushing. His only freind, another hunter-in-training by the name of Azada, helped him maintain his sanity, and created a brother-like bond between the twoo of them.

Years passed, Azada moved away to finish his training, and the girl had finally gotten around to walking. Not talking, and barely literate, Heinrich eventually discovered the woman's name; Swertia. Heinrich delegated to call her sweets, despite her silent protests. The two worked against a constant struggle to stay afloat, as Heinrich balanced his training at the church with other jobs for income, and Swertia washing clothes and other errands.

So it was, at the age of twenty-three, six years since they had first met, Sweets spoke her first words.

"I love you."

Through their marriage, and devotion to their craft, Heinrich had earned a pardon, and official absolvement for his wife. His first ever hunt was a smashing success, despite the large burn scars it had left on his face. But we all had our scars. Having finally joined the official ranks of the clergy, life became relatively easier for the two, as far as monetary concern went anyway. People held grudges from their fears, and even if Swertia swore off her magic ages ago, people never forgot that little girl who nearly burnt down the school.

Despite some... 'difficulties', the two managed to have a child. A beautiful baby girl they named Alyssa. Much like her mother, she sported fiery red hair and a love for sweets.

The three lived happily for eight years without inccident before the tradgey struck.

There was no time to react, the town was overwhelmed before the churched bells could even ring out. Wolves, dozens of them. They tore through the town in a messy slaughter. The details are unclear to anyone but Heinrich, but something is certain; Heinrich changed that night. He set down the slayer's path and never looked back. He gained a bloody reputation for his brutal methods, and became known as the hunter who regarded pity and mercy as a weakness. Cruel, efficient, and methodical. Some rumors even say he's lead kill squads to wipe out entire infected towns without a trace...

T h r e a d s o f F a t e

T r i v i a & F u n S t u f f

♦ Heinrich is ordained by his church, and can legally bind two in holy matrimony
♦ He wears silver trinket around his neck that secretly contains a mixture of holy water, quicksilver, and hemlock. A contingency plan should he be captured.
♦ Is a trained exorcist, despite never having to use this skill as of yet.
♦ Heinrich's Theme