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Welcome to Wytchwood Hollow

13:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Julius Cronqvist

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name:  Julius Cronqvist
Age: 37
Race: Werewolf Warrior
Gender:  Male
Height: 6’7”
Virtue: Diligence
Hair: Black
Nickname: The Silent Wolf
Actual Age: 37
Languages Spoken: Common, Wolf
Weight: 242lbs
Vice: Wrath
Eye Color: Golden

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
Julius is a mountain of a man, standing just over six and a half feet tall with thickly muscled limbs. His ebony hair is long, reaching past his shoulders, though it sometimes curls a bit and he has the faint hints of a goatee. He wears plates of crimson armor on his torso, embossed with lines of gold that formed the sigil of his pack on his shoulder plates and an iron plated skull in the center of his chest-piece. A long skirt, crimson to match the rest of the armor, is belted at his waist and covers his black trousers to the knees where they are met by his ironclad boots. Sheathed across the skirt are five daggers, balanced for throwing if he requires it, and a longsword inscribed with runes down the center of the blade. On his back he wears a pair of matched battle axes.

Aside from the fact that his war form is covered in pitch-black fur and gains a fang filled maw, there is very little different between his more bestial and human forms.

G i f t s
Master of Arms: Julius training over the years has left him incredibly skilled with many forms of weaponry though his preferred weapons are the daggers, axes, and sword that he always carries with him.

Telepathic Communication: When Julius was in his late teens he discovered how to tap into latent psychic abilities to counteract his own muteness. In the twenty years since he has managed to hone his talent so that he can do the following:

Project his thoughts to up to ten people simultaneously within 100ft of him.

Unleash a psychic ‘shout’ that can be heard by large groups however he is only able to project one word in this way so he typically won’t use it unless he needs to pass a warning immediately.

Most of his communication ability is one sided, he can project to people but if they don’t respond verbally he has no way of knowing what they want to say. He can carry on a full psychic conversation with a single person though they have to be relatively close (within five feet). However, the ability is far more intimate in that it enables both sides to go beyond simple communication to actually peer into the other’s thoughts. So far the only person that Julius ever demonstrated this ability to was his mate.

W e a k n e s s e s
Werewolf: As a Werewolf, Julius is vulnerable to all the dangers that can afflict his kind, silver, aconite, and the like. He is also vulnerable to most of the things that would kill a human, though it would take a great deal more to defeat him than a human.

Mute: Since birth, Julius has never uttered a sound in any of his forms: no barks as a wolf, no words as a human, no roaring howls in his war form. This has earned him the nickname of “The Silent Wolf”, which is only slightly ironic given that outside of verbal forms of communication he isn’t silent at all (seriously, if he goes on the warpath everyone knows he’s coming). He has been able to bypass this handicap to an extent through telepathic communication.

Self Destructive: Ever since the death of his mate and pack Julius has been on a downward spiral, only made worse by his choices to remain a lone wolf. In the years since he has taken up work as a bounty hunter and consistently takes deadlier jobs in the hopes that death will finally take him.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Julius has always been quiet and brooding, though most don’t realize that he’s only so quiet because he was born mute. In spite of growing up surrounded by his pack he was always prone to remain in solitude as his handicap proved to be a great hindrance to the pack in battle and during the hunt. The only one who was able to really get through to him was Lisa, another member of the pack two years his junior, in time they grew closer, fell in love and she became his mate. In the ten years since her death he has fallen back into solitude, doing his utmost to find himself reunited with her at last. His tendency towards violence has grown as well, especially when he drinks (which he spends a great deal of time doing), though he manages to keep just enough of a grasp on himself to not kill unless it is a life or death situation (he may wish for death but he’s not just going to make it easy and fall on your sword).

H i s t o r y
Julius was the firstborn son of Walter and Elizabeth Cronqvist, the Alphas of a rather large pack and distinguished himself as an oddity among the pack early on when it became apparent that he was mute. As the boy grew he took all of his lessons to heart, proving himself a skilled hunter and warrior early on and eventually reached a point where he was able to communicate through writing, for all the good that it did him outside of peaceful situations. Life in a pack inevitably leads to a very tight knit community but kids are still kids and quite often they are little shits and they definitely were the day that he first heard the crying of a young girl in the woods near his home. Following the sound he found a group of the other children bullying a five year old girl, smaller than all of them, and something inside him snapped. By the time he came back to himself the other children had scattered, many of them battered, bruised, and bloodied, the only one left was Lisa who had refused to abandon her protector. From that point on if you saw one of them you could assume the other was somewhere nearby.

As the years passed, Julius and Lisa became closer and in time even reached a point where she always seemed to know what he would want to say and would speak on his behalf before the pack, which initially drew some jokes that he was simply deferring to her choices until it quickly became apparent that her words were 100% his choices. Shortly before his seventeenth birthday he was out in the woods, hunting by himself, when his life took an unexpected turn. He had been following the trail of a large stag and had paused to have some dried meat when he saw a bush nearby bearing blood red berries he had never seen before. As he watched, various creatures came and ate some of the berries before going their own way again and after a brief contemplation he decided to try a few and quickly found them to be delicious. A few hours later he had finally found his elusive target and had one of his daggers primed to throw when he thought Come on, turn just a little further towards me so I can take the shot…, immediately the stag’s head turned and stared right at him, almost as if he’d spoken aloud to it, before it turned and bolted into the overgrowth. He was so shocked by the sudden departure of his prey that he couldn’t bring himself to hunt it as he tried to figure out what had happened. He hadn’t taken a step, he wasn’t standing in brush, the deer had been facing away from him and the wind was in his favor, there should have been no reason whatsoever for it to suddenly notice him. Unsure, but curious, he glanced around the trees until he spotted a bird on a nearby branch. Feeling rather foolish for even considering what he was about to do, he stared at the bird and thought Hey, YOU! causing it to burst into flight, as if startled by a sudden sound. When he returned home that night he was able to surprise Lisa when he woke her up by whispering her name. Over the next year, they told no one of his new ability while he honed the skill, though he did try to retrace his trip back to the mysterious berries to try and procure more for the rest of the pack but he was never able to find it again, and it was no surprise to anyone when Lisa became his mate.

Things changed again shortly after Julius nineteenth birthday when Walter was mortally wounded in battle against hunters and declared that he would witness the Fray and pass on the title of Alpha before he perished. Knowing that this was not a case where Lisa could speak for him, it came as a great surprise to all those gathered when a new voice rang out speaking a single word Challenge…, as he joined the others. When it was all over, Julius stood alone before his pack as his father declared him the new Alpha and, in a surprising move, Elizabeth stepped down for Lisa to take her place. Before Walter died his son told him everything about that day in the forest, the power he had gained and how Lisa had been helping him learn to better control it. By the time his father died they had an idea in place to better the pack even though he had been unable to get more of the berries. For the next seven years Julius led his pack well, the ability to pass along orders without sound proving to be a major boon in battles and hunts and the pack grew strong as a result. It was in the first year of his leadership that Lisa gave birth to their son, named Walter after his late grandfather. It was in the seventh years of his rule that disaster struck.

It was a seemingly normal day; some of the children were being taken out to experience their first hunt and Lisa had decided to accompany the group with Walter coming to protect the younger children directly if something were to happen. They were supposed to have returned by sunset but when they did not Julius left his betas in control and departed into the night to find them. He searched through the night with no sign until he caught the familiar scent of smoke as dawn began to break. With new power in his body he surged forward and emerged from the forest into a field where fifteen blazing stakes held fifteen familiar bodies. As he buried the remains of his friends and loved ones, a thought managed to penetrate the grief and rage he felt at the loss he saw: there was no way that someone randomly happened upon fifteen Werewolves, nine of which were adults, and managed to kill them all. With sudden recognition of the threat to the remainder of his pack he turned and raced back to his home. He returned to find his home turned into a massive killing field: Werewolves lying dead next to the church’s Hunters. After investigating to see if any of his pack mates still lived and finding none, he built a great pyre and burned them all before collecting his few belongings of worth and departing.

Ten years had passed since the slaughter and Julius has spent the time doing his utmost to simultaneously forget his failure to defend his people, drink himself into a stupor, and finally join them all in the afterlife. His travels have led him to serve as a bounty hunter and mercenary and on rare occasions he’s managed to find some of the church’s dogs to tear apart. In recent months he has heard of a community of humans and various supernatural beings trying to live their lives in peace far from the church’s grasp. He didn’t know if this Wytchwood Hollow truly existed, and if it did how long it could continue to stand, but it seemed like a good place to wait out death…

And maybe the church would make the mistake of attacking the village while he was there so he could teach them to fear The Silent Wolf…

T h r e a d s o f F a t e
Bounty Hunter open
Got someone you want captured? He’ll do it if the price is right. Pay careful attention to the captured part of that, Julius is not a killer for hire and anyone who insinuates as such is likely to receive a serious beating.

Bodyguard open
Need a little extra protection for a meeting with someone shady? Same rules as above apply.

No limited threads just yet limited 0/?

T r i v i a & F u n S t u f f
I love the irony of my using Gabriel Belmont as the appearance for a Werewolf (if you’ve played the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow series you know exactly what I mean)

He hates the church with all of his being for what they did to his pack. If he is given the opportunity he will kill anyone from their ranks that he encounters.

The way I'm going to handle Victor's telepathy in writing is going to be broken up into two ways. If he does the psychic shout it will be open and very noticeable to everyone. His actual individual and group messages are going to be solely sent through private lines just in case someone (either a new player or someone just forgetting) doesn't realize that he is only speaking telepathically.