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Welcome to Wytchwood Hollow

11:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Larson Greenwood

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Larson Greenwood
Age: 24
Height: 6'
Virtue: Friendliness
Hair: Shoulder length dirty blonde
Actual Age: 37
Gender: Male
Weight: 160 lbs
Vice: Naivety
Eye Color: Light Blue

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n
In the simplest terms, Larson is a happy man. It is not uncommon to see this man walking around with a big grin on his face. He is as muscular as you'd expect for a man who makes his trade working with metal all day, his toned physiology usually visible through the loose clothing he wears with low cut or open collars. When working though he tends to take himself more seriously, dressing in more reserved leathers to avoid burns that come from working with heated metals.

G i f t s
Combat Training: Traveling with Jerrick has facilitated a way for Larson to learn how to properly fight with a sword. He still has ways that he can improve but he still is someone that shouldn't be taken too lightly in a fight.

Tinkering: While coming to understand the basics when it comes to metal smithing from Jerrick he has come to find that he has a strength in an offshoot of that skill set. He has a more naturally leaning towards intricate designs and artistry in metals, showing itself in his working with small trinkets and keepsakes. Recently this has inspired him to start learn the art of craft jewelry.

Dawnbreaker: An ancient long sword passed down through the Brotherhood of the Dawn. It is believed to have been forged from the heart of a star that crashed to the earth which is what gives the blade its glass-like appearance. According to legend when held in the hands of a warrior pure of spirit and faced with the forces of true evil the blade will burn with the light of the sun itself to drive back the darkness. The blade is passed down to the strongest and most pious warriors in the Brotherhood but so far there are no recorded instances of the legendary ability being used in spite of the blade’s usage in battles with many Vampires, Werewolves, and Sorcerers.

W e a k n e s s e s
Squishy Human: Despite his training he is still only human and thus, in a town filled with the supernatural, he is at a disadvantage.

Ignorance is Bliss: While he is smart when it comes to his work it isn't hard to tell that Larson isn't always that bright. He easily misses certain social cues and, when trying speak eloquently or tactfully, has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth.

P e r s o n a l i t y
Unless in a dangerous or uncomfortable situation Larson is often a very lively man, eager to please and rarely seen in a bad mood. He often tries to see the best in people, actively wanting to believe that everyone has a bit of good in him. He does tend to grow infuriated in the presence of those that enforce the rules of the Church though when asked why he clams up quite quickly. For that matter, most of the time he can be found irritable is when pressed to give information about his past. To a careful observer it would seem that happiness can be a mask in its own right.

H i s t o r y

T r i v i a & F u n S t u f f

♦ Theme Songs - In The Air Tonight (Cover) - The Protomen.
                Not a Saint - Breaking Through.
♦ Larson often wields a short sword that was created by and once carried by Jerrick.