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09:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Silas Mistveil

Silas is little more than an old bookstore owner at first glance. But if you dig deeper you find that he is a very old soul. And that is not just in a figure of speech. He has seen things through the ages that people only talk about as history.

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Silas Mistveil
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 11"
Virtue: Kindness
Hair: Black, wavy Nickname: Shade
Actual Age: 1530
Languages Spoken: All known languages
Weight: 178bs
Vice: Wrath, Volatile
Eye Color: Pale Brown


The first thing that most people notice when they look at Silas is his rugged fit look. Standing over six feet, his muscular frame can be imposing. His chiseled frame is evidence of his daily workout regiment. Still, his face is soft with its pale brown eyes. Yet those eyes show an intelligence that can darken when angered. As if a switch had been flipped. One look into his eyes you would see such pain and longing yet there is a glimmer of hope. And it just lights up his whole face. His wavy brown hair looks to be consistently tussled and out of place. With a dark tan that tells of time spent outside in the sun. And a few scars from his less than savory past as well as growing up.

Silas is a practitioner of shadow magic. Within its confines, he has mastered the darkness that is inherent with death itself. Giving him a prolonged lifespan.

With, his control of the shadows, they are at his beckon call. To be used as he sees fit a weapon one moment or nothing more than a simple rose the next.

Or he can fade away into the shadows themselves becoming one with what he controls.

Photosensitivity: Silas' control of shadows comes at a hefty price. It has given him a sun allergy that causes him to break out in a red itchy rash on any exposed skin. And if he is out in the sun too long the skin starts to dry and crack.

The Beast Within: Although very slow to anger, once he is, Silas has little control of himself and his actions. It is almost like flipping a switch. He is no longer the kind soft-hearted man that he is he is a cold-hearted killer.

Curse of True Hearts: Silas has been cursed to live multiple lifetimes in search of his lost love.

Silas is inherently good, as he tries to help people constantly and always stands up for what he believes in. Always protecting those he cares about fiercely.  Though he is good natured and cares about everyone, he can flip and be as cold-hearted as a demon. If you get on his bad side. And he just does not just let it out at once he lets it fester till it explodes. Then the line from friend to enemy blurs. And those few that call him friend there is nun truer.  As he would walk through the gates of hell if it meant saving your life. Yet he is just as vengeful if you were to ever cross that line from friend to enemy. It would be safer on the other side of hells gate thin to face his wrath. And once there it is almost impossible to regain his full trust in you. For the most part, though he is one of the kindest men you will ever meet. But as bull-headed and stubborn as a mule. Yet he finds that there is just something missing just outside his reach. No matter how hard he tries to reach it, it slips through his fingers.

Let me spin you a tale of two brothers one kind the other cruel. But yet each had one thing that could bring them to their knees. It was but the love of but one woman the sweet and kind princess Tateaona. It was a time of shifting sands and gods and goddess. One house rose to power due to its two sons Silvanus and Alarick.  The wise King decreed the man that could bring him the head of the Sphinx would have his daughters hand. Many men tried and failed at this task until the brothers set forth to slay the beast. Upon completion of the task, it came down to who struck the fatal blow. It had been the elder brother Silvanus so, in turn, he won the hand of the princess. But Alarick's deeds did not go in vain he would be made the King's personal guard.

This arrangement lasted many a moon till Silvanus was called to the frontlines. And that is when Alarick made his move. For in light the brothers were twins and he used that to his gain. And had come to her bedchamber and taken her as his own masquerading as his brother. Silvanus flew into a rage once he learned of his brother's treachery. And sought him out with the intention of ending his life. But the princess Tateaona came between them to try and end the fighting. But in a blind rage, they both struck out knocking her to the ground.

In a moment they saw what they had done and turned to aid her but it was too late. She ran from them into the killer storm it took six long hours to find her and by the time they did. ‘. ‘It was too late the storm had taken the dear Tateaona. She had been struck down by the gods. Slowly the King walked into the clearing seeing his child he screamed in pain. Who amongst you did this? Walking over to his still child he places a hand on her. In a rage, the King was on Alarick gripping his neck. You have taken my child and my grandchild this night. I now curse you both of you. Silvanus oh dear Silvanus always being the humble servant that you have.  You shall walk this land until the day that my blood and true hearts reunite. The King laughed sinisterly and turned to Alarick. Oh, my boy what I have in store for you. The killer the monster pray tell the beast that is what you shall be. For what you have done I will never free you. If my grandchild takes a single breath of air the curse is broken.

T H R E A D S O F F A T E !
Lost Love limited: 0/1 Open Silas is looking for the reicarnated soul of his dearly departed Princess Tateaona.

T R I V I A & F U N S T U F F ! ! !
Silas' real name is Silvanus
Silas has a talking dog for a familiar by the name of Harley.
Silas has a twin brother who is a royal ass. Even for a lycanthrope.
Silas and his brother are cursed.
Theme Song: The Haunting - Kamelot ft Simone Simons

F a m i l i a r
Silas's familiar is a small talking dog by the name of Harley. Harley is the exact opposite of his master in many regards. He tends to be a bit of a troublemaker and a bit of a goof. His fur is a light tan color with black tipping his ears, muzzle, and tail. His dark brown eyes seem to hold a secret only he knows. Like all familiars, Harley can share his senses with Silas, borrow from his magic, and possesses an intellect greater than other members of his species. Which makes him think he is mister know it all sometimes and will get him and Silas in trouble. Harley has a pension for alcohol and lots of it.


AttributePointOther (Racial Mods, Bonus Points)Total
Medical-1Racial Mod. Witch +1+0
Luck+1Racial Mod. Witch +2+3
Health+1 +1
Weapons:Haladie & KhandaWeapon SpecializationHaladie
Name:Silas MistveilAge:1530Race: WitchHP: 17

Many interesting weapons came out of ancient India, but among the most dangerous was the haladie, a weapon of India’s ancient warrior class, the Rajput. The samurai of India, Rajput lived a lifestyle dedicated to fighting and honor, using weapons like the double-bladed haladie knife to cut down their enemies. Haladie had two double-edged blades connected to the ends of a single handle. It was believed to be a thrusting weapon, although the slightly curved blade could just as easily be used for slashes and parries. Some types of haladie had a metal band similar to knuckledusters covering one side of the handle, where yet another spike or blade could be attached. Almost like something out of a fantasy novel, those types of haladie were perhaps the world’s first triple-bladed daggers. An army of ancient Indian warriors would have proven quite intimidating, equipped with both the haladie and their famed double-edged scimitar, the khanda.

The word khanda has its origins in the Sanskrit khaḍga (खड्ग) or khaṅga, from a root khaṇḍ meaning "to break, divide, cut, destroy". The older word for a bladed weapon, as, is used in the Rigveda in reference to either an early form of the sword or with a sacrificial knife or dagger. To be used in war. The khanda's blade broadens from the hilt to the point, which is usually quite blunt. While both edges are sharp, one side usually has a strengthening plate along most of its length, which both adds weight to downward cuts and allows the wielder to place their hand on the plated edge. The hilt has a large plate guard and a wide finger guard connected to the pommel. The pommel is round and flat with a spike projecting from its center. The spike may be used offensively or as a grip when delivering a two-handed stroke.