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23:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bruce Wayne ~ Batman (CoGM)

Real Name: Bruce Wayne
Current Alias: Batman
Relatives: Martha Wayne (mother deceased), Thomas Wayne (father deceased), Alfred Pennyworth (legal guardian)

Base Of Operations: Batcave, Wayne Manor, Gotham City ยท Hall of Justice, Justice League Watchtower
Faction: Justice League

Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Vigilante, Independently Wealthy, CEO of Wayne Enterprises

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 (95kg)

Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Powers and Abilities:

Indomitable Will: Although he has no superhuman powers, Batman's unstoppable determination and strength of will make him an extremely formidable opponent. This makes him able to function while tolerating massive amounts of physical pain, and also allows him to resist telepathy or mind control.  His willpower is strong enough to operate a Green Lantern Ring when necessary.

Intimidation: It is widely known that Batman has the ability to instill fear in others, to the extent that even the people that know him best are intimidated by him. Batman regularly forces common criminals to flee in terror despite there being no evidence that he would actually kill anyone. Even those who aren't afraid of the likes of Superman fear Batman. His ability to inspire great fear made him eligible for induction into the Sinestro Corps, although he was able to fight off the power ring's control.

Interrogation: Batman is adept in interrogation techniques, often using law enforcement methods as well as torture. Several methods seen include hanging a person over the edge of a building by one leg or chaining a person upside down and beating them. He usually just uses his frightening appearance to get answers. Bruce summarized his methods with the statement: "Fear is an excellent motivator."

Peak Human Condition:

Peak Human Strength: Batman regularly bench-presses at least 1000 lbs. during his exercise routine.  This allows him to be capable of amazing feats such as punching a SWAT officer through a brick wall.  He's able to break thin steel handcuffs with his bare hands.

Peak Human Reflexes: Bruce's reflexes were honed to such a degree that he has caught one of Green Arrow's arrows in mid flight when he tried to shoot him.  He has also been able to dodge point blank gunfire.

Peak Human Speed: He can run at speeds comparable to the finest competing athletes.

Peak Human Endurance: His endurance is comparable to that of the finest Olympic Decathlon participant.  His lung capacity is so great that he could hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes and 15 seconds.  He can survive in the airless vacuum of space for exactly 27 seconds.

Peak Human Stamina: At peak capacity, Batman can physically exert himself for only approximately an hour before the build up of fatigue toxins began to impair him.

Peak Human Agility: His agility is above than that of a Chinese acrobat and an Olympic gold medalist gymnast.  His main phase of movement was Parkour which he learned in France and used to scale the city's rooftops or on widow buildings in an acrobatic manner.

Acrobatics: He is proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics.

Martial Arts: Bruce is well trained in multiple martial arts; he is known as the man who has mastered many forms of martial arts. His primary form of combat is an idiosyncratic admixture of Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Muay Thai, Dragon Style Kung Fu, Boxing, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu and Capoeira.

Weaponry: Through his martial arts training, he has become an expert on all melee weaponry. Wayne has displayed exceptional sword fighting capability and proficiency with knives, sticks and various other weapons. He practices during his combat sessions to keep his skills intact, but he prefers unarmed combat.

Stealth: His Ninjutsu training has made him a master at stealth and capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected.

Marksmanship: Wayne is an expert marksman. He is skilled with throwing projectile weapons, archery and firearms. He has been practicing such skills since the early days of his training and is almost on par with the Green Arrow in terms of accuracy.

Genius Level Intellect: Batman is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander; he is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds on the planet. Given his lack of superpowers, he often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply "out-fighting" them.

Polymath: He has studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography and History.[citation needed] Bruce gained degrees in Criminal Science, Forensic Sciences, Computer Sciences, Chemistry and Engineering by the time he was 21.  He had mastered Diverse Environmental Training, Security Systems, and illusion/sleight of hand by the time he was 23.  He gained even more degrees in Biology, Physics, Advanced Chemistry, and Technology by the time he was 25.  He has also learned Medical Sciences and Expanded Computer and Engineering Sciences.

Photographic Memory: Batman has total recall and can remember anything in great detail.

Investigation: He is widely considered the World's Greatest Detective, capable of observation, forensic investigation, and inductive and deductive reasoning of the highest caliber. Human intuition is an unlearnable trait and one of Batman's most effective tools. Given any mystery, he can arrive at the correct conclusions with a fraction of the data.

Multilingualism: He is able to speak Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese, English, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Thai, Farsi, American Sign Language and possibly more.

Tactical Analysis: He commonly utilizes cunning tactics to outwit his foes, relying on his plans and experience to outmaneuvre many of his superhuman friends and adversaries. Batman is known as one of the greatest strategists and tacticians in the universe.

Leadership: He is known for having great leadership. He is leader of the Outsiders, the Batman Family and Batman Incorporated. He is also in charge of his company, Wayne Enterprises.

Escapology: He has been described as second only to Mister Miracle as an escape artist.  He has been seen escaping from a Posey straitjacket in less than 52 seconds, and remarked afterwards that the time was way too slow for his usual standards.

Driving: Bruce is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes and trucks, and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters, auto boats and small ships.

Tracking: Trained in hunting techniques by African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others).

Disguise: Had mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 23.  Had further learned expanded disguise techniques by the time he was 26, through various instructions from Alfred.  Batman has many aliases he uses to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. Among his various aliases are: Matches Malone, Thomas Quigley, Ragman, Detective Hawke, Sir Hemingford Grey, Frank Dixon, Gordon Selkirk, and Mr. Fledermaus.

Mechanical Aptitude: Proficient at combat driving. Has learned improved vehicle designs. Was trained and proficient in basic vehicles operations.

Mechanical Engineering: Capable of designing and creating suits of armor capable of outracing missiles and protecting the wearer from its detonation at point blank range. Also, designed and created a highly powerful suit of armor known as the Hellbat armor, the latest version of which was used by Lois Lane to gain the upper hand in a fight against a powered-up Eradicator, who had just defeated Superman.

Business Management: Bruce Wayne has extensive skills and experience in business management, has thorough understanding of financial marketing and management and is often seen as a example of a successful industrialist and businessman on a par with Lex Luthor.


Batsuit: The costume Batman wears is composed of reinforced Kevlar, Nomax and a small percentage of titanium; it's bullet-proof and resistant to various types of attack (explosions, impacts, falls, etc...). It's also heatproof. The gloves and the boots are reinforced to rebound the impact of punches and kicks. The gloves also have some metallic blades on their sides. The cape is designed to provide the wearer with controlled gliding functionality with the ability to change directions and heights while in mid-air. The mask has a small percentage of lead, which shields the Batman's face from x-ray powers or x-ray technology, and incorporates an infrared and night visor, auditory sensors and a sonar. The mask is accessorized with some security systems (aggravating gas, electric blasts, etc.), like the utility belt, and integrates a transmitter receiver device for voice and video.  The mask also disguises Bruce's voice to keep his identity secure.

Utility Belt: Batman keeps most of his personal field equipment in a signature piece of apparel: a yellow utility belt. The utility belt has a button to call the Batmobile. Over the years it has contained items such as plastic explosives, nerve toxins, batarangs, smoke bombs, a fingerprint kit, a cutting tool, a grappling hook gun, torches, a "re-breather" breathing device, and lockpicks. Superman entrusted Batman with a ring made of kryptonite, to be used should the Man of Steel ever need to be reined in (due to being mind-controlled by a villain, etc.) The Kryptonite Ring is contained in a lead pocket, in order to shield Batman from its radiations. The belt also has its own automatic security systems.





See Utility Belt


The Batman

Batman, in most of his incarnations, is a dark and grim hero with a personal vendetta against criminals. Traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents from him. He is very paranoid and obsessive, which often makes it difficult for him to trust other people that aren't Alfred, the Robins, or the Batgirls.

Despite this, Batman has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his parents. His father was a doctor, while his mother was a crusader against child abuse. Indeed, Batman's oath of vengeance is tempered with the greater ideal of justice. He refrains from killing, as he feels this would not make him any better than the criminals he fights. He is also a very prominent member of the Justice League and the founder of the Outsiders.

To protect his secret identity, Batman has constructed a fake persona he can use in his civilian identity. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is a self-absorbed, superficial, irresponsible playboy and philanthropist. Only his closest allies know that this attitude is just an act.

Who is "The Real Man?"

The Bruce Wayne/playboy aspect of his character is a facade, while the masked and particularly dark, grim vigilante is marked as the "true" man. Usually, Batman is further separated from Bruce Wayne by the raspy and stony bass voice he usually assumes while costumed. However, although even Bruce considers Batman his 'real' identity, when he briefly contemplated abandoning Bruce Wayne to live only as Batman after the murder of Vesper Fairchild, his decision to act to protect a small-time thug from being caught in the crossfire helped him recognize that Bruce Wayne was equally important to him, as that action was based on what his father would have done. When Bruce and Batman were split into separate people by the wish-granting Id, Bruce retained the memory of Thomas and Martha Wayne's deaths, leaving him angry at the world with no way to channel that rage, while Batman began to gradually lose focus, lacking any actual drive to avenge deaths he no longer truly 'remembered' even if he still had his existing skills.

Another identity used by Batman is that of gangster "Matches Malone." Matches was a small-time arsonist who killed his brother and then committed suicide by burning himself to death. Becoming Matches allows Batman to operate within the criminal community as a respected member with pre-established credibility. Matches is often under suspicion of being a snitch to Batman however, and great lengths often have to be gone to maintain his "rep." Matches would later return to Gotham City, and reveal to Batman he had been innocent, and had faked his death. The real Matches was murdered by the Ventriloquist, for Batman's actions in his name, but Batman was able to preserve the identity and even avenge his death.  He has since, when in the Malone persona, pursued it to the point of even being incarcerated as him in Blackgate Penitentiary.

Secret Identity

Wayne guards his secret identity well, but several individuals know of his superhero alter-ego, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Lois Lane, The Flash (Jay Garrick, Barry Allen & Wally West), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner & Alan Scott), Aquaman (Arthur Curry), The Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz), Plastic Man (Patrick "Eel" O'Brien), Starman (Thom Kallor), Vixen (Mari McCabe), Zatanna Zatara, Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce), Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance), Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), Arsenal (Roy Harper), Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Catwoman (Selina Kyle), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Oracle (Barbara Gordon), Black Bat (Cassandra Cain), Robin IV (Damian Wayne), his butler Alfred Pennyworth, and the kindly doctor Leslie Thompkins.

Several villains have discovered his true identity over the years, most notably Ra's al Ghul, Hugo Strange, the Riddler, the Scarecrow, and Bane.

The villain Hush has attempted to take revenge on both sides of the Batman/Bruce Wayne persona, and he is noted throughout his run as a villain who has personal ties to Bruce Wayne and/or Batman; Hush is later revealed to be Thomas Elliot, a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. Fortunately, most of Batman's enemies have dismissed the notion of Bruce Wayne as Batman because of Wayne's apparent dim-wittedness and self-absorption while the ones who do know prefer to keep the information to themselves for their own reasons. The Joker has had opportunities to learn himself, but he has always refused them, since it would personally rob the mystique of his enemy.
Relationships with allies

Batman is a normal human being who does not possess any superhuman abilities, but has character flaws that can be exploited by enemies.

As a young child, Bruce tended to be solitary and withdrawn, a condition only exacerbated by the murder of his parents. This led to his current state as a loner who would prefer to be on his own rather than rely on others. His difficulty in trusting others is a constant issue for him to overcome, and perhaps his only weakness.

His longest and closest relationship is with Alfred Pennyworth, who represents a father figure, confessor, and advisor. Alfred and he have clashed in the past, but share a deep and unbreakable bond. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne looks like a rich, good looking, dim-witted playboy. But there are times when Bruce has found love -- the beautiful Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Vicki Vale, Sasha Bordeaux, Zatanna, and others, have all fallen in love with him. Bruce can love, it's just more difficult for him to after his parents' deaths.

Next to Alfred, his closest relationships are with his partners and students, the Robins and the Batgirls. Although they have not always been harmonious due to his nature as an often harsh, strict and emotionally withdrawn mentor, it is clear that he views the Robins as his sons, although he views Jason Todd as the son he failed.

James Gordon remains a close friend and staunch ally, although their relationship has also been challenged by Batman's secretive nature. Still, Gordon remains arguably Batman's best friend.

His relationship with other superheroes and metahumans has been complex. Though a long time member of both the Justice League and the Outsiders, and a close associate of the Justice Society and the Teen Titans, he also does not fully trust them. This (warranted or not) has led to his keeping files on how to defeat allies and friends in case they ever cross the line. This stems from events revealed in the Identity Crisis incident where his memory was erased by other members of the Justice League to cover up their roles in the mindwiping of Doctor Light, who had raped Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man)'s wife Sue. In the past, this information has been used against him and his allies, first by Ra's al Ghul, and then later by the OMAC Project.

Among the superhero community outside the Robins and Batgirls, he is closest to Superman and Wonder Woman, having a long established partnership with both heroes, as well as a romantic relationship with Wonder Woman. These relationships have never been smooth. Superman and Batman have often disagreed with each other over methods and trust. A particularly sour point was the arrival of Kara Zor-El; Superman believed Batman was being unnecessarily cautious about a potentially dangerous Kara, and Batman was shocked at Superman's willingness to reveal his secret identity to a girl with little actual memory of Krypton. Despite their disagreements, the two hold a deep respect for each other, to the extent that Superman has trusted Batman with a Kryptonite Ring to use against him in the event that the Man of Steel should fall under another's control, or simply turn against the world on his own.

Batman has occasionally been arrogant, treating many of his allies with various degrees of disrespect. He often imposes his exacting standards on others as he does himself. He also sometimes overestimates his own abilities, allowing foes to take advantage of that.

Batman is the super-hero protector of Gotham City, a man dressed like a bat who fights against evil and strikes terror into the hearts of criminals everywhere. In his secret identity, he assumes the alias of Bruce Wayne, billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy; though "Bruce Wayne" is technically his real name, this Bruce Wayne is a disguise--that of the man he would have been had his parents not been murdered before his eyes when he was no more than a mere boy.

Although Batman possesses no super-human powers, he is one of the world's smartest men and greatest fighters. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. He is also a founding member of the Justice League and the Outsiders.