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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

23:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Stephen Mallory

Name: Stephen Mallory
Occupation: Bodyguard/Soldier/Wannabe Gunslinger
Age: 30
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Sexual Style: Dominant
Sexual Likes: Oral, Dirty Talking
Sexual Dislikes: Inactive Partner
Residence: New in Town

Description: Tanned skin with perpetual 5 o' clock shadow. Handsome, rugged features. Tall and lanky, wears a gun on his right hip. Typically wears denim pants and a dark button up shirt. Speaks with a slight Southern drawl, though his speech is not slow.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair: Black (cropped short and usually well-groomed)
Eyes: Green

Personality: Stephen is impulsive, determined to prove himself as a bonafide warrior/hero. He isn't trigger-happy, but he doesn't shy away from a fight, either. He loves attention, and will spin a yarn if needed to keep it. He can be charming, at times, though he has a tendency to brood when things don't go his way. Still, he is determined to make friends in this new setting, starting a new life in a more rugged, untamed land than his native Georgia.


Light Carpentry/Repair
Riding Horses
Military Tactics


Stephen grew up in Georgia, a child during the 1850's, learning how to farm from his father and two older brothers. The family was rather poor, and didn't have any help or slaves to help with the work. Still, they managed along, growing about half of their land with cotton to sell, the other half with corn, soy, and turnips for their own consumption. The young Stephen never really had any patience for it, but he learned to mind his elders and became at least somewhat competent.

In the 1860's The Civil War began. Though the Mallory family did not have slaves, they still were ardent supporters of the Confederacy and the two older Mallory scions went off to fight against the North. Young Stephen wasn't old enough, so he helped to tend the farm with his parents, dreaming of the day when he could march off with his brothers to help bring victory to the South. It was never meant to be, as the South was defeated, Robert E. Lee signing the articles of surrender at Appomattox on Stephen's 15th birthday. One of his brothers came back in a pine box, the other missing half a leg. And still Stephen was only bitter about the glory that could have been.

Still, there was much to do in that time, as the farm had all it could handle in trading at that time. With most of the arable land in the area having been burnt in Sherman's march to the Atlantic, the Mallory family was able to improve their fortunes and buy up some of their neighbors' plots, increasing their lands ten-fold. As his father was able to hire farm help for cheap, Stephen used his increasing spare time to learn to shoot and hunt, helping repair the family home was he wasn't out with a gun in his hands.

In the 1870's Stephen was a young man with visions of heroism in his head. He practiced 'gunslinging', getting to where he could draw with a decent speed. His brother and father admonished him for it, trying to get his head back to ground, so to speak, but the young man wouldn't have it. He hated the idea of a life spent as a farmer. When his father passed away in 1879 (his mother had passed a couple years earlier), Stephen sold his half of the inheritance to his remaining brother for a pittance, used it to buy some provisions, a horse, and have some hard cash in his pocket, and headed West. Where there was still adventure to be had and fame to be earned for those with ambition enough to claim it.