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12:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Uriele Duskblade

A B B R E V I A T E D   B I O G R A P H Y

Name: Uriele Duskblade

Apparent Age: Early-thirties

Race:  Faerie

Gender:  Male

Height: 5’5”

Virtue:  Diligence

Hair: Pale blonde, nearly silver

Actual Age:  653

Languages Spoken: Common and Fae

Weight:  142lbs

Vice: Wrath

Eye Color: Light Green

T H E   F I N E R   D E T A I L S

D e s c r i p t i o n

Uriele looks like a fairly typical Faerie at first glance: he isn’t the tallest, he doesn’t have the biggest muscles, but he is toned, athletic, and far deadlier than the first glance would imply. His long, blonde hair flows down to his shoulders though he often has it tied back to keep it out of his face. When he is focused on his duties as Poe's bodyguard, he tends to wear blackened leather armor which allows him to move and work comfortably while keeping him fairly safe.

G i f t s

Fortune and Glory: Uriele’s twin magic blades which change their form when drawn from their scabbards. Most often he uses them as a pair of cutlasses though he also has been known to use a rapier or sabre when dueling, and long daggers for darker work.

Two-Weapon Master: From the time that he first discovered Fortune and Glory, Uriele has focused primarily on two-weapon fighting for his fighting style.

W e a k n e s s e s

Faerie: Uriele is a Faerie and has all the associated weaknesses common to his people.

A Shrouded Pasy: Uriele doesn’t really talk about his past but one thing that is well-known about him is that he was a veteran sailor from the war between the Kingdom of the Fae and the Pirate Fleet of the Crimson Corsair nearly three hundred and fifty years earlier, one of the few survivors from the final battle that saw the Crimson Corsair’s flagship sunk and his fleet scattered. It seems that there is more to the tale but he has never revealed it to anyone, almost as though the memory haunts him.

P e r s o n a l i t y

Uriele is a bit of a quiet and dour man, mostly keeping to himself. He has been known to lose his temper a lot easier whenever Poe ditches him to go off on one of her adventures.

H i s t o r y

Uriele has served as the personal bodyguard of Apollaitia for the last two hundred and eighty-seven years and even she doesn’t know all that much about him.

T h r e a d s o f F a t e

Sparring Session open

Looking to train or just want a beating? Uriele is always up to deliver.

TBD open

No limited threads just yet limited 0/?