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Welcome to Sanctuary Cove:An Adult Furry Game

11:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Indigo Howl

Name: Indigo Howl

Race: Splice (Human or Splice)

If a Splice, what kind (what animal/creature are you based on)?: Arctic Wolf Splice

Age:  28

Gender: Male

Sexuality (if a virgin, put Unknown): Hetero

Eye color: Blue

Hair Color (if applicable):  White with blue highlights

Physical Description:  Indigo has a slender build with a bushy tail along with bright blue eyes.   His fur is white with blue highlights and is almost sinfully soft and luxurious.   He is known on occasion to require glasses, primary for reading or fine detail work, though only after many hours of either reading or computer use.

Indigo has two basic styles of dress; he's either in formal-wear or running around with a t-shirt and shorts.   While working, he usually tosses a white lab coat over top of what he's wearing but even then he seems more suited to the beach than the office.  He prefers wearing sandals when shoes are necessary as they don't interfere with his toenails but otherwise prefers simply running around barefoot.

Personality: Indigo possesses an unusually gentle natured personality, the result of his intended purpose.  He's also quite loyal and honest.  He's considered absent-minded and often resorts to making notes to keep track of what he should be doing.   He's also an obsessive neat freak, and likes to look his best (in particular taking care of his appearance rather than his wardrobe).

Bio/History: Indigo was originally created to serve as a laboratory assistant, primarily to handle the small and mundane tasks that needed accomplishing but were often considered "beneath" them by the human researchers.    Unfortunately, he ended up with a bit too much intelligence and not enough docility for a proper assistant; something that he has come to suspect was deliberately done rather than accidental.

Indigo possesses a genius level IQ but with nearly human levels of physical ability.    He has always been a quick learner and possesses the equivalent of at least one doctorate in genetics.   If he'd been human, he'd probably have become a fully qualified Medical Doctor (M.D.).   Like many who end up at the Cove, Indigo was eventually discarded and wound up there.

Upon arriving at the Sanctuary, Indigo has become a proper medical doctor.  As far as he knows, he's the first of splice to be a board certified medical practitioner.  He's currently working as the only splice doctor, seeking to further improve the quality of care that the other splices receive.

Indigo is currently sharing a Life-Mate bond with Neera.

If a Splice, how does this character react to other Splices?  Indigo regards other Splices as members of an extended pack, often ignoring bad behavior with the understanding of one who's been treated badly himself.

If a Splice, how does this character react to humans?  Indigo tends to treat humans as members of a different pack, cautious and respectful.

Anything else we should know about your character?  Indigo often served as a medic for other splices before coming to the Cove.